# Configuration Library configuration is made in settings.py. All parameters start with `CLICKHOUSE_` prefix. Prefix can be changed using `CLICKHOUSE_SETTINGS_PREFIX` parameter. ### <a name="databases">CLICKHOUSE_SETTINGS_PREFIX</a> Defaults to: `'CLICKHOUSE_'` You can change `CLICKHOUSE_` prefix in settings using this parameter to anything your like. ### <a name="databases">CLICKHOUSE_DATABASES</a> Defaults to: `{}` A dictionary, defining databases in django-like style. <!--- TODO Add link ---> Key is an alias to communicate with this database in [connections]() and [using](). Value is a configuration dict with parameters: * [infi.clickhouse_orm database parameters](https://github.com/Infinidat/infi.clickhouse_orm/blob/develop/docs/class_reference.md#database) <!--- TODO Add link ---> * `migrate: bool` - indicates if this database should be migrated. See [migrations](). Example: ```python CLICKHOUSE_DATABASES = { 'default': { 'db_name': 'test', 'username': 'default', 'password': '' } } ``` ### <a name="default_db_alias">CLICKHOUSE_DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS</a> Defaults to: `'default'` <!--- TODO Add link ---> A database alias to use in [QuerySets]() if direct [using]() is not specified. ### <a name="sync_storage">CLICKHOUSE_SYNC_STORAGE</a> Defaults to: `'django_clickhouse.storages.RedisStorage'` An intermediate storage class to use. Can be a string or class. [More info about storages](storages.md). ### <a name="redis_config">CLICKHOUSE_REDIS_CONFIG</a> Default to: `None` Redis configuration for [RedisStorage](storages.md#redis_storage). If given, should be a dictionary of parameters to pass to [redis-py](https://redis-py.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#redis.Redis). Example: ```python CLICKHOUSE_REDIS_CONFIG = { 'host': '', 'port': 6379, 'db': 8, 'socket_timeout': 10 } ``` ### <a name="sync_batch_size">CLICKHOUSE_SYNC_BATCH_SIZE</a> Defaults to: `10000` Maximum number of operations, fetched by sync process from intermediate storage per sync round. ### <a name="sync_delay">CLICKHOUSE_SYNC_DELAY</a> Defaults to: `5` A delay in seconds between two sync rounds start. ### <a name="models_module">CLICKHOUSE_MODELS_MODULE</a> Defaults to: `'clickhouse_models'` <!--- TODO Add link ---> Module name inside [django app](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/), where [ClickHouseModel]() classes are search during migrations. ### <a name="database_router">CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE_ROUTER</a> Defaults to: `'django_clickhouse.routers.DefaultRouter'` <!--- TODO Add link ---> A dotted path to class, representing [database router](). ### <a name="migrations_package">CLICKHOUSE_MIGRATIONS_PACKAGE</a> Defaults to: `'clickhouse_migrations'` A python package name inside [django app](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/intro/tutorial01/), where migration files are searched. ### <a name="migration_history_model">CLICKHOUSE_MIGRATION_HISTORY_MODEL</a> Defaults to: `'django_clickhouse.migrations.MigrationHistory'` <!--- TODO Add link ---> A dotted name of a ClickHouseModel subclass (including module path), representing [MigrationHistory]() model. ### <a name="migrate_with_default_db">CLICKHOUSE_MIGRATE_WITH_DEFAULT_DB</a> Defaults to: `True` A boolean flag enabling automatic ClickHouse migration, when you call [`migrate`](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/django-admin/#django-admin-migrate) on default database. ### <a name="statd_prefix">CLICKHOUSE_STATSD_PREFIX</a> Defaults to: `clickhouse` <!--- TODO Add link ---> A prefix in [statsd](https://pythonhosted.org/python-statsd/) added to each library metric. See [metrics]() ### <a name="celery_queue">CLICKHOUSE_CELERY_QUEUE</a> Defaults to: `'celery'` A name of a queue, used by celery to plan library sync tasks.