Make sure your project is fully committed and pushed up to Bitbucket or Github or wherever it may be. Then, log into your PythonAnywhere account, open up a **Bash** console, clone your repo, and create a virtualenv:
..note:: We're creating the virtualenv using Python 3.10 (``--python=/usr/bin/python3.10```), although Cookiecutter Django generates a project for Python 3.11. This is because, at time of writing, PythonAnywhere only supports Python 3.10. It shouldn't be a problem, but if is, you may try changing the Python version to 3.11 and see if it works. If it does, please let us know, or even better, submit a pull request to update this section.
..note:: The AWS details are not required if you're using whitenoise or the built-in pythonanywhere static files service, but you do need to set them to blank, as above.
* For Postgres, setup your superuser password, then open a Postgres console and run a ``CREATE DATABASE my-db-name``. You should probably also set up a specific role and permissions for your app, rather than using the superuser credentials. Make a note of the address and port of your postgres server.
PythonAnywhere does NOT `offer a built-in solution <>`_ for Redis, however the production setup from Cookiecutter Django uses Redis as cache and requires one.
We recommend to signup to a separate service offering hosted Redis (e.g. `Redislab <>`_) and use the URL they provide.
Go to the PythonAnywhere **Web tab**, hit **Add new web app**, and choose **Manual Config**, and then the version of Python you used for your virtualenv.
When you're redirected back to the web app config screen, set the **path to your virtualenv**. If you used virtualenvwrapper as above, you can just enter its name.
Click through to the **WSGI configuration file** link (near the top) and edit the wsgi file. Make it look something like this, repeating the environment variables you used earlier:
..note:: You may see security warnings until you set up your SSL certificates. If you want to suppress them temporarily, set ``DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT`` to blank. Follow `these instructions <>`_ to get SSL set up.
If you want to use the PythonAnywhere static files service instead of using whitenoise or S3, you'll find its configuration section on the Web tab. Essentially you'll need an entry to match your ``STATIC_URL`` and ``STATIC_ROOT`` settings. There's more info `in this article <>`_.