- Send emails via [Anymail](https://github.com/anymail/django-anymail) (using [Mailgun](http://www.mailgun.com/) by default or Amazon SES if AWS is selected cloud provider, but switchable)
- Docker support using [docker-compose](https://github.com/docker/compose) for development and production (using [Traefik](https://traefik.io/) with [LetsEncrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) support)
- [Procfile](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile) for deploying to Heroku
- Instructions for deploying to [PythonAnywhere](https://www.pythonanywhere.com/)
- Run tests with unittest or pytest
- Customizable PostgreSQL version
- Default integration with [pre-commit](https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit) for identifying simple issues before submission to code review
## Optional Integrations
*These features can be enabled during initial project setup.*
- Environment variables for configuration (This won't work with Apache/mod_wsgi).
## Support this Project!
This project is run by volunteers. Please support them in their efforts to maintain and improve Cookiecutter Django:
- Daniel Roy Greenfeld, Project Lead ([GitHub](https://github.com/pydanny), [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/danielroygreenfeld)): expertise in Django and AWS ELB.
- Nikita Shupeyko, Core Developer ([GitHub](https://github.com/webyneter)): expertise in Python/Django, hands-on DevOps and frontend experience.
Projects that provide financial support to the maintainers:
PyUp brings you automated security and dependency updates used by Google and other organizations. Free for open source projects!
## Usage
Let's pretend you want to create a Django project called "redditclone". Rather than using `startproject`
and then editing the results to include your name, email, and various configuration issues that always get forgotten until the worst possible moment, get [cookiecutter](https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter) to do all the work.
- [Developing locally using docker](http://cookiecutter-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developing-locally-docker.html)
## Community
- Have questions? **Before you ask questions anywhere else**, please post your question on [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cookiecutter-django) under the *cookiecutter-django* tag. We check there periodically for questions.
- If you think you found a bug or want to request a feature, please open an [issue](https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django/issues).
You may notice that some elements of this project do not exactly match what we describe in chapter 3. The reason for that is this project, amongst other things, serves as a test bed for trying out new ideas and concepts. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't, but the end result is that it won't necessarily match precisely what is described in the book I co-authored.
## For PyUp Users
If you are using [PyUp](https://pyup.io) to keep your dependencies updated and secure, use the code *cookiecutter* during checkout to get 15% off every month.
## "Your Stuff"
Scattered throughout the Python and HTML of this project are places marked with "your stuff". This is where third-party libraries are to be integrated with your project.
- [Using cookiecutter-django with Google Cloud Storage](https://ahhda.github.io/cloud/gce/django/2019/03/12/using-django-cookiecutter-cloud-storage.html) - Mar. 12, 2019
- [cookiecutter-django with Nginx, Route 53 and ELB](https://msaizar.com/blog/cookiecutter-django-nginx-route-53-and-elb/) - Feb. 12, 2018
- [cookiecutter-django and Amazon RDS](https://msaizar.com/blog/cookiecutter-django-and-amazon-rds/) - Feb. 7, 2018
- [Using Cookiecutter to Jumpstart a Django Project on Windows with PyCharm](https://joshuahunter.com/posts/using-cookiecutter-to-jumpstart-a-django-project-on-windows-with-pycharm/) - May 19, 2017
- [Exploring with Cookiecutter](http://www.snowboardingcoder.com/django/2016/12/03/exploring-with-cookiecutter/) - Dec. 3, 2016
- [Introduction to Cookiecutter-Django](http://krzysztofzuraw.com/blog/2016/django-cookiecutter.html) - Feb. 19, 2016
- [Django and GitLab - Running Continuous Integration and tests with your FREE account](http://dezoito.github.io/2016/05/11/django-gitlab-continuous-integration-phantomjs.html) - May. 11, 2016
- [Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django on Fedora](https://realpython.com/blog/python/development-and-deployment-of-cookiecutter-django-on-fedora/) - Jan. 18, 2016
- [Development and Deployment of Cookiecutter-Django via Docker](https://realpython.com/blog/python/development-and-deployment-of-cookiecutter-django-via-docker/) - Dec. 29, 2015
- [How to create a Django Application using Cookiecutter and Django 1.8](https://www.swapps.io/blog/how-to-create-a-django-application-using-cookiecutter-and-django-1-8/) - Sept. 12, 2015
Have a blog or online publication? Write about your cookiecutter-django tips and tricks, then send us a pull request with the link.