Generally, if you want to emulate production environment use ``docker-compose.production.yml`` instead. And this is true for any other actions you might need to perform: whenever a switch is required, just do it!
The site should start and be accessible at http://localhost:3000 if you selected Webpack or Gulp as frontend pipeline and http://localhost:8000 otherwise.
As with any shell command that we wish to run in our container, this is done using the ``docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml run --rm`` command: ::
When ``DEBUG`` is set to ``True``, the host is validated against ``['localhost', '', '[::1]']``. This is adequate when running a ``virtualenv``. For Docker, in the ``config.settings.local``, add your host development server IP to ``INTERNAL_IPS`` or ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` if the variable exists.
The most important thing for us here now is ``env_file`` section enlisting ``./.envs/.local/.postgres``. Generally, the stack's behavior is governed by a number of environment variables (`env(s)`, for short) residing in ``envs/``, for instance, this is what we generate for you: ::
By convention, for any service ``sI`` in environment ``e`` (you know ``someenv`` is an environment when there is a ``someenv.yml`` file in the project root), given ``sI`` requires configuration, a ``.envs/.e/.sI```service configuration` file exists.
The three envs we are presented with here are ``POSTGRES_DB``, ``POSTGRES_USER``, and ``POSTGRES_PASSWORD`` (by the way, their values have also been generated for you). You might have figured out already where these definitions will end up; it's all the same with ``django`` service container envs.
To install a new 3rd party python package, you cannot use ``pip install <package_name>``, that would only add the package to the container. The container is ephemeral, so that new library won't be persisted if you run another container. Instead, you should modify the Docker image:
You have to modify the relevant requirement file: base, local or production by adding: ::
To get this change picked up, you'll need to rebuild the image(s) and restart the running container: ::
When not using docker Celery tasks are set to run in Eager mode, so that a full stack is not needed. When using docker the task scheduler will be used by default.
By default, it's enabled both in local and production environments (``docker-compose.local.yml`` and ``docker-compose.production.yml`` Docker Compose configs, respectively) through a ``flower`` service. For added security, ``flower`` requires its clients to provide authentication credentials specified as the corresponding environments' ``.envs/.local/.django`` and ``.envs/.production/.django````CELERY_FLOWER_USER`` and ``CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD`` environment variables. Check out ``localhost:5555`` and see for yourself.
If you've opted for Gulp or Webpack as front-end pipeline, the project comes configured with `Sass`_ compilation and `live reloading`_. As you change your Sass/JS source files, the task runner will automatically rebuild the corresponding CSS and JS assets and reload them in your browser without refreshing the page.
The stack comes with a dedicated node service to build the static assets, watch for changes and proxy requests to the Django app with live reloading scripts injected in the response. For everything to work smoothly, you need to access the application at the port served by the node service, which is http://localhost:3000 by default.
Increasingly it is becoming necessary to develop software in a secure environment in order that there are very few changes when deploying to production. Recently Facebook changed their policies for apps/sites that use Facebook login which requires the use of an HTTPS URL for the OAuth redirect URL. So if you want to use the ``users`` application with a OAuth provider such as Facebook, securing your communication to the local development environment will be necessary.
[For local development section] ... The best option: Generate your own certificate, either self-signed or signed by a local root, and trust it in your operating system’s trust store. Then use that certificate in your local web server. See below for details.
`mkcert`_ is a simple by design tool that hides all the arcane knowledge required to generate valid TLS certificates. It works for any hostname or IP, including localhost. It supports macOS, Linux, and Windows, and Firefox, Chrome and Java. It even works on mobile devices with a couple manual steps.
After installing a trusted TLS certificate, configure your docker installation. We are going to configure an ``nginx`` reverse-proxy server. This makes sure that it does not interfere with our ``traefik`` configuration that is reserved for production environments.
Take the certificates that you generated and place them in a folder called ``certs`` in the project's root folder. Assuming that you registered your local hostname as ``my-dev-env.local``, the certificates you will put in the folder should have the names ``my-dev-env.local.crt`` and ``my-dev-env.local.key``.
``django`` already has an ``.env`` file connected to it. Add the following variables. You should do this especially if you are working with a team and you want to keep your local environment details to yourself.