Currently PostgreSQL (``psycopg2`` python package) is not installed inside Docker containers for Windows users, while it is required by the generated Django project. To fix this, add ``psycopg2`` to the list of requirements inside ``requirements/base.txt``::
# Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter
Doing this will prevent the project from being installed in an Windows-only environment (thus without usage of Docker). If you want to use this project without Docker, make sure to remove ``psycopg2`` from the requirements again.
Generally, if you want to emulate production environment use ``production.yml`` instead. And this is true for any other actions you might need to perform: whenever a switch is required, just do it!
When ``DEBUG`` is set to ``True``, the host is validated against ``['localhost', '', '[::1]']``. This is adequate when running a ``virtualenv``. For Docker, in the ``config.settings.local``, add your host development server IP to ``INTERNAL_IPS`` or ``ALLOWED_HOSTS`` if the variable exists.
The most important thing for us here now is ``env_file`` section enlisting ``./.envs/.local/.postgres``. Generally, the stack's behavior is governed by a number of environment variables (`env(s)`, for short) residing in ``envs/``, for instance, this is what we generate for you: ::
By convention, for any service ``sI`` in environment ``e`` (you know ``someenv`` is an environment when there is a ``someenv.yml`` file in the project root), given ``sI`` requires configuration, a ``.envs/.e/.sI```service configuration` file exists.
The three envs we are presented with here are ``POSTGRES_DB``, ``POSTGRES_USER``, and ``POSTGRES_PASSWORD`` (by the way, their values have also been generated for you). You might have figured out already where these definitions will end up; it's all the same with ``django`` and ``caddy`` service container envs.
`Flower`_ is a "real-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue".
*``use_docker`` was set to ``y`` on project initialization;
*``use_celery`` was set to ``y`` on project initialization.
By default, it's enabled both in local and production environments (``local.yml`` and ``production.yml`` Docker Compose configs, respectively) through a ``flower`` service. For added security, ``flower`` requires its clients to provide authentication credentials specified as the corresponding environments' ``.envs/.local/.django`` and ``.envs/.production/.django````CELERY_FLOWER_USER`` and ``CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD`` environment variables. Check out ``localhost:5555`` and see for yourself.