
This commit is contained in:
David Díaz 2016-06-21 23:44:20 +02:00
parent 308141d5b9
commit 1aa7bfcf98

View File

@ -2,34 +2,43 @@
WORK_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"
DISTRO_NAME=$(lsb_release -sc)
if [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "xenial" ] && [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "trusty" ] && [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "jessie" ]; then
echo "Only the Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty), 16.04 (Xenial) and Debian 8.x (Jessie) is supported by this script";
echo "You can see requirements-trusty.apt, requirements-xenial.apt or requirements-jessie.apt file to help search the equivalent package in your system";
# Check if a requirements file exist for the current distribution.
if [ ! -r "$OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME" ]; then
cat <<-EOF >&2
There is no requirements file for your distribution.
You can see one of the files listed below to help search the equivalent package in your system:
`find ./ -name "requirements-*.apt" -printf " - %f\n"`
exit 1;
# Handle call with wrong command
function wrong_command()
echo "${0##*/} - unknown command: '${1}'"
echo "${0##*/} - unknown command: '${1}'" >&2
# Print help / script usage
function usage_message()
echo "usage: ./${0##*/} <command>"
echo "available commands are:"
echo -e "\tlist\t\tPrint a list of all packages defined on ${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME} file"
echo -e "\thelp\t\tPrint this help"
echo -e "\n\tCommands that require superuser permission:"
echo -e "\tinstall\t\tInstall packages defined on ${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME} file. Note: This\n\t\t\t does not upgrade the packages already installed for new\n\t\t\t versions, even if new version is available in the repository."
echo -e "\tupgrade\t\tSame that install, but upgrate the already installed packages,\n\t\t\t if new version is available."
cat <<-EOF
Usage: $WORK_DIR/${0##*/} <command>
Available commands are:
list Print a list of all packages defined on ${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME} file
help Print this help
Commands that require superuser permission:
install Install packages defined on ${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME} file. Note: This
does not upgrade the packages already installed for new versions, even if
new version is available in the repository.
upgrade Same that install, but upgrade the already installed packages, if new
version is available.
# Read the requirements.apt file, and remove comments and blank lines
@ -47,18 +56,17 @@ function upgrade_packages()
list_packages | xargs apt-get install -y;
function install_or_upgrade()
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\nYou must run this with root privilege" 2>&1
echo -e "Please do:\n" 2>&1
echo "sudo ./$WORK_DIR/${0##*/} $PARAN" 2>&1
echo -e "\n" 2>&1
cat <<-EOF >&2
You must run this script with root privilege
Please do:
sudo $WORK_DIR/${0##*/} $PARAN
exit 1
@ -76,16 +84,13 @@ function install_or_upgrade()
exit 0
# Handle command argument
case "$1" in
install) install_or_upgrade;;
upgrade) install_or_upgrade "upgrade";;
list) list_packages;;
help) usage_message;;
help|"") usage_message;;
*) wrong_command "$1";;