mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 21:14:17 +03:00
Merge pull request #2734 from pydanny/auto-generate-contributors
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Contributors
## Core Developers
These contributors have commit flags for the repository, and are able to
accept and merge pull requests.
{%- for contributor in core_contributors %}
<td>{{ contributor.name }}</td>
<a href="https://github.com/{{ contributor.github_login }}">{{ contributor.github_login }}</a>
<td>{{ contributor.twitter_username }}</td>
{%- endfor %}
*Audrey is also the creator of Cookiecutter. Audrey and Daniel are on
the Cookiecutter core team.*
## Other Contributors
Listed in alphabetical order.
{%- for contributor in other_contributors %}
<td>{{ contributor.name }}</td>
<a href="https://github.com/{{ contributor.github_login }}">{{ contributor.github_login }}</a>
<td>{{ contributor.twitter_username }}</td>
{%- endfor %}
### Special Thanks
The following haven't provided code directly, but have provided
guidance and advice.
- Jannis Leidel
- Nate Aune
- Barry Morrison
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
[//]: # (Before you proceed:)
[//]: # (1. Make sure to add yourself to `CONTRIBUTORS.rst` through this PR provided you're contributing here for the first time)
[//]: # (2. Don't forget to update the `docs/` presuming others would benefit from a concise description of whatever that you're proposing)
[//]: # (- Don't forget to update the `docs/` presuming others would benefit from a concise description of whatever that you're proposing)
[//]: # (- If you're adding a new option, please make sure that tests/test_cookiecutter_generation.py is updated accordingly)
## Description
@ -11,15 +11,11 @@
[//]: # (What's it you're proposing?)
## Rationale
[//]: # (Why does the project need that?)
## Use case(s) / visualization(s)
[//]: # ("Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.")
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
name: Update Contributors
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: "3.8"
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: Update list
run: python scripts/update_contributors.py
- name: Commit changes
uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
commit_message: Update Contributors
file_pattern: CONTRIBUTORS.md .github/contributors.json
@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ tags
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Getting your pull request merged in
#. Keep it small. The smaller the pull request the more likely I'll pull it in.
#. Pull requests that fix a current issue get priority for review.
#. If you're not already in the `CONTRIBUTORS.rst` file, add yourself!
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
Core Developers
These contributors have commit flags for the repository,
and are able to accept and merge pull requests.
=========================== ================= ===========
Name Github Twitter
=========================== ================= ===========
Daniel Roy Greenfeld `@pydanny`_ @pydanny
Audrey Roy Greenfeld* `@audreyr`_ @audreyr
Fábio C. Barrionuevo da Luz `@luzfcb`_ @luzfcb
Saurabh Kumar `@theskumar`_ @_theskumar
Jannis Gebauer `@jayfk`_
Burhan Khalid `@burhan`_ @burhan
Nikita Shupeyko `@webyneter`_ @webyneter
Bruno Alla `@browniebroke`_ @_BrunoAlla
Wan Liuyang `@sfdye`_ @sfdye
=========================== ================= ===========
*Audrey is also the creator of Cookiecutter. Audrey and
Daniel are on the Cookiecutter core team.*
.. _@pydanny: https://github.com/pydanny
.. _@luzfcb: https://github.com/luzfcb
.. _@theskumar: https://github.com/theskumar
.. _@audreyr: https://github.com/audreyr
.. _@jayfk: https://github.com/jayfk
.. _@webyneter: https://github.com/webyneter
.. _@browniebroke: https://github.com/browniebroke
.. _@sfdye: https://github.com/sfdye
Other Contributors
Listed in alphabetical order.
========================== ============================ ==============
Name Github Twitter
========================== ============================ ==============
18 `@dezoito`_
2O4 `@2O4`_
a7p `@a7p`_
Aadith PM `@aadithpm`_
Aaron Eikenberry `@aeikenberry`_
Adam Bogdał `@bogdal`_
Adam Dobrawy `@ad-m`_
Adam Steele `@adammsteele`_
Agam Dua
Agustín Scaramuzza `@scaramagus`_ @scaramagus
Alberto Sanchez `@alb3rto`_
Alex Tsai `@caffodian`_
Alvaro [Andor] `@andor-pierdelacabeza`_
Amjith Ramanujam `@amjith`_
Andreas Meistad `@ameistad`_
Andres Gonzalez `@andresgz`_
Andrew Mikhnevich `@zcho`_
Andrew Chen Wang `@Andrew-Chen-Wang`_
Andy Rose
Anna Callahan `@jazztpt`_
Anna Sidwell `@takkaria`_
Antonia Blair `@antoniablair`_ @antoniablairart
Anuj Bansal `@ahhda`_
Arcuri Davide `@dadokkio`_
Areski Belaid `@areski`_
AsheKR `@ashekr`_
Ashley Camba
Barclay Gauld `@yunti`_
Bartek `@btknu`_
Ben Lopatin
Ben Warren `@bwarren2`_
Benjamin Abel
Bert de Miranda `@bertdemiranda`_
Bo Lopker `@blopker`_
Bo Peng `@BoPeng`_
Bouke Haarsma
Brent Payne `@brentpayne`_ @brentpayne
Bruce Olivier `@bolivierjr`_
Burhan Khalid `@burhan`_ @burhan
Caio Ariede `@caioariede`_ @caioariede
Carl Johnson `@carlmjohnson`_ @carlmjohnson
Catherine Devlin `@catherinedevlin`_
Cédric Gaspoz `@cgaspoz`_
Charlie Smith `@chuckus`_
Chris Curvey `@ccurvey`_
Chris Franklin
Chris Franklin `@hairychris`_
Chris Pappalardo `@ChrisPappalardo`_
Christopher Clarke `@chrisdev`_
Cole Mackenzie `@cmackenzie1`_
Cole Maclean `@cole`_ @cole
Collederas `@Collederas`_
Corey Garvey `@coreygarvey`_
Craig Margieson `@cmargieson`_
Cristian Vargas `@cdvv7788`_
Cullen Rhodes `@c-rhodes`_
Curtis St Pierre `@curtisstpierre`_ @cstpierre1388
Dan Shultz `@shultz`_
Dani Hodovic `@danihodovic`_
Daniel Hepper `@dhepper`_ @danielhepper
Daniel Hillier `@danifus`_
Daniel Sears `@highpost`_ @highpost
Daniele Tricoli `@eriol`_
David Díaz `@ddiazpinto`_ @DavidDiazPinto
Davit Tovmasyan `@davitovmasyan`_
Davur Clementsen `@dsclementsen`_ @davur
Delio Castillo `@jangeador`_ @jangeador
Demetris Stavrou `@demestav`_
Denis Bobrov `@delneg`_
Denis Orehovsky `@apirobot`_
Denis Savran `@blaxpy`_
Diane Chen `@purplediane`_ @purplediane88
Dónal Adams `@epileptic-fish`_
Dong Huynh `@trungdong`_
Duda Nogueira `@dudanogueira`_ @dudanogueira
Emanuel Calso `@bloodpet`_ @bloodpet
Eraldo Energy `@eraldo`_
Eric Groom `@ericgroom`_
Ernesto Cedeno `@codnee`_
Eyad Al Sibai `@eyadsibai`_
Felipe Arruda `@arruda`_
Florian Idelberger `@step21`_ @windrush
Gabriel Mejia `@elgartoinf`_ @elgartoinf
Garry Cairns `@garry-cairns`_
Garry Polley `@garrypolley`_
Gilbishkosma `@Gilbishkosma`_
Glenn Wiskur `@gwiskur`_
Guilherme Guy `@guilherme1guy`_
Hamish Durkin `@durkode`_
Hana Quadara `@hanaquadara`_
Hannah Lazarus `@hanhanhan`_
Harry Moreno `@morenoh149`_ @morenoh149
Harry Percival `@hjwp`_
Hendrik Schneider `@hendrikschneider`_
Henrique G. G. Pereira `@ikkebr`_
Howie Zhao `@howiezhao`_
Ian Lee `@IanLee1521`_
Irfan Ahmad `@erfaan`_ @erfaan
Isaac12x `@Isaac12x`_
Ivan Khomutov `@ikhomutov`_
James Williams `@jameswilliams1`_
Jan Fabry `@janfabry`_
Jan Van Bruggen `@jvanbrug`_
Jelmer Draaijer `@foarsitter`_
Jerome Caisip `@jeromecaisip`_
Jens Nilsson `@phiberjenz`_
Jerome Leclanche `@jleclanche`_ @Adys
Jimmy Gitonga `@afrowave`_ @afrowave
John Cass `@jcass77`_ @cass_john
Jonathan Thompson `@nojanath`_
Jules Cheron `@jules-ch`_
Julien Almarcha `@sladinji`_
Julio Castillo `@juliocc`_
Kaido Kert `@kaidokert`_
kappataumu `@kappataumu`_ @kappataumu
Kaveh `@ka7eh`_
Keith Bailey `@keithjeb`_
Keith Webber `@townie`_
Kevin A. Stone
Kevin Ndung'u `@kevgathuku`_
Keyvan Mosharraf `@keyvanm`_
Krzysztof Szumny `@noisy`_
Krzysztof Żuraw `@krzysztofzuraw`_
Leo won `@leollon`_
Leo Zhou `@glasslion`_
Leon Kim `@PilhwanKim`_
Leonardo Jimenez `@xpostudio4`_
Lin Xianyi `@iynaix`_
Luis Nell `@originell`_
Lukas Klein
Lyla Fischer
Malik Sulaimanov `@flyudvik`_ @flyudvik
Martin Blech
Martin Saizar `@msaizar`_
Mateusz Ostaszewski `@mostaszewski`_
Mathijs Hoogland `@MathijsHoogland`_
Matt Braymer-Hayes `@mattayes`_ @mattayes
Matt Knapper `@mknapper1`_
Matt Linares
Matt Menzenski `@menzenski`_
Matt Warren `@mfwarren`_
Matthew Sisley `@mjsisley`_
Matthias Sieber `@manonthemat`_ @MatzeOne
Meghan Heintz `@dot2dotseurat`_
Mesut Yılmaz `@myilmaz`_
Michael Gecht `@mimischi`_ @_mischi
Michael Samoylov `@msamoylov`_
Min ho Kim `@minho42`_
mozillazg `@mozillazg`_
Nico Stefani `@nicolas471`_ @moby_dick91
Oleg Russkin `@rolep`_
Pablo `@oubiga`_
Parbhat Puri `@parbhat`_
Pawan Chaurasia `@rjsnh1522`_
Peter Bittner `@bittner`_
Peter Coles `@mrcoles`_
Philipp Matthies `@canonnervio`_
Pierre Chiquet `@pchiquet`_
Raony Guimarães Corrêa `@raonyguimaraes`_
Raphael Pierzina `@hackebrot`_
Reggie Riser `@reggieriser`_
René Muhl `@rm--`_
Richard Hajdu `@Tusky`_
Roman Afanaskin `@siauPatrick`_
Roman Osipenko `@romanosipenko`_
Russell Davies
Sam Collins `@MightySCollins`_
Sascha `@saschalalala`_ @saschalalala
Shupeyko Nikita `@webyneter`_
Sławek Ehlert `@slafs`_
Sorasful `@sorasful`_
Srinivas Nyayapati `@shireenrao`_
stepmr `@stepmr`_
Steve Steiner `@ssteinerX`_
Sudarshan Wadkar `@wadkar`_
Sule Marshall `@suledev`_
Tano Abeleyra `@tanoabeleyra`_
Taylor Baldwin
Théo Segonds `@show0k`_
Tim Claessens `@timclaessens`_
Tim Freund `@timfreund`_
Tom Atkins `@knitatoms`_
Tom Offermann
Travis McNeill `@Travistock`_ @tavistock_esq
Tubo Shi `@Tubo`_
Umair Ashraf `@umrashrf`_ @fabumair
Vadim Iskuchekov `@Egregors`_ @egregors
Vicente G. Reyes `@reyesvicente`_ @highcenburg
Vitaly Babiy
Vivian Guillen `@viviangb`_
Vlad Doster `@vladdoster`_
Will Farley `@goldhand`_ @g01dhand
William Archinal `@archinal`_
Xaver Y.R. Chen `@yrchen`_ @yrchen
Yaroslav Halchenko
Yuchen Xie `@mapx`_
========================== ============================ ==============
.. _@aadithpm: https://github.com/aadithpm
.. _@a7p: https://github.com/a7p
.. _@2O4: https://github.com/2O4
.. _@ad-m: https://github.com/ad-m
.. _@adammsteele: https://github.com/adammsteele
.. _@aeikenberry: https://github.com/aeikenberry
.. _@afrowave: https://github.com/afrowave
.. _@ahhda: https://github.com/ahhda
.. _@alb3rto: https://github.com/alb3rto
.. _@ameistad: https://github.com/ameistad
.. _@amjith: https://github.com/amjith
.. _@andor-pierdelacabeza: https://github.com/andor-pierdelacabeza
.. _@andresgz: https://github.com/andresgz
.. _@antoniablair: https://github.com/antoniablair
.. _@Andrew-Chen-Wang: https://github.com/Andrew-Chen-Wang
.. _@apirobot: https://github.com/apirobot
.. _@archinal: https://github.com/archinal
.. _@areski: https://github.com/areski
.. _@arruda: https://github.com/arruda
.. _@ashekr: https://github.com/ashekr
.. _@bertdemiranda: https://github.com/bertdemiranda
.. _@bittner: https://github.com/bittner
.. _@blaxpy: https://github.com/blaxpy
.. _@bloodpet: https://github.com/bloodpet
.. _@blopker: https://github.com/blopker
.. _@bogdal: https://github.com/bogdal
.. _@bolivierjr: https://github.com/bolivierjr
.. _@BoPeng: https://github.com/BoPeng
.. _@brentpayne: https://github.com/brentpayne
.. _@btknu: https://github.com/btknu
.. _@burhan: https://github.com/burhan
.. _@bwarren2: https://github.com/bwarren2
.. _@c-rhodes: https://github.com/c-rhodes
.. _@caffodian: https://github.com/caffodian
.. _@canonnervio: https://github.com/canonnervio
.. _@caioariede: https://github.com/caioariede
.. _@carlmjohnson: https://github.com/carlmjohnson
.. _@catherinedevlin: https://github.com/catherinedevlin
.. _@ccurvey: https://github.com/ccurvey
.. _@cdvv7788: https://github.com/cdvv7788
.. _@cgaspoz: https://github.com/cgaspoz
.. _@chrisdev: https://github.com/chrisdev
.. _@ChrisPappalardo: https://github.com/ChrisPappalardo
.. _@chuckus: https://github.com/chuckus
.. _@cmackenzie1: https://github.com/cmackenzie1
.. _@cmargieson: https://github.com/cmargieson
.. _@codnee: https://github.com/codnee
.. _@cole: https://github.com/cole
.. _@Collederas: https://github.com/Collederas
.. _@curtisstpierre: https://github.com/curtisstpierre
.. _@dadokkio: https://github.com/dadokkio
.. _@danihodovic: https://github.com/danihodovic
.. _@danifus: https://github.com/danifus
.. _@davitovmasyan: https://github.com/davitovmasyan
.. _@ddiazpinto: https://github.com/ddiazpinto
.. _@delneg: https://github.com/delneg
.. _@demestav: https://github.com/demestav
.. _@dezoito: https://github.com/dezoito
.. _@dhepper: https://github.com/dhepper
.. _@dot2dotseurat: https://github.com/dot2dotseurat
.. _@dudanogueira: https://github.com/dudanogueira
.. _@dsclementsen: https://github.com/dsclementsen
.. _@guilherme1guy: https://github.com/guilherme1guy
.. _@durkode: https://github.com/durkode
.. _@Egregors: https://github.com/Egregors
.. _@elgartoinf: https://gihub.com/elgartoinf
.. _@epileptic-fish: https://gihub.com/epileptic-fish
.. _@eraldo: https://github.com/eraldo
.. _@erfaan: https://github.com/erfaan
.. _@ericgroom: https://github.com/ericgroom
.. _@eriol: https://github.com/eriol
.. _@eyadsibai: https://github.com/eyadsibai
.. _@flyudvik: https://github.com/flyudvik
.. _@foarsitter: https://github.com/foarsitter
.. _@garry-cairns: https://github.com/garry-cairns
.. _@garrypolley: https://github.com/garrypolley
.. _@Gilbishkosma: https://github.com/Gilbishkosma
.. _@gwiskur: https://github.com/gwiskur
.. _@glasslion: https://github.com/glasslion
.. _@goldhand: https://github.com/goldhand
.. _@hackebrot: https://github.com/hackebrot
.. _@hairychris: https://github.com/hairychris
.. _@hanaquadara: https://github.com/hanaquadara
.. _@hanhanhan: https://github.com/hanhanhan
.. _@hendrikschneider: https://github.com/hendrikschneider
.. _@highpost: https://github.com/highpost
.. _@hjwp: https://github.com/hjwp
.. _@howiezhao: https://github.com/howiezhao
.. _@IanLee1521: https://github.com/IanLee1521
.. _@ikhomutov: https://github.com/ikhomutov
.. _@jameswilliams1: https://github.com/jameswilliams1
.. _@ikkebr: https://github.com/ikkebr
.. _@Isaac12x: https://github.com/Isaac12x
.. _@iynaix: https://github.com/iynaix
.. _@janfabry: https://github.com/janfabry
.. _@jangeador: https://github.com/jangeador
.. _@jazztpt: https://github.com/jazztpt
.. _@jcass77: https://github.com/jcass77
.. _@jeromecaisip: https://github.com/jeromecaisip
.. _@jleclanche: https://github.com/jleclanche
.. _@jules-ch: https://github.com/jules-ch
.. _@juliocc: https://github.com/juliocc
.. _@jvanbrug: https://github.com/jvanbrug
.. _@ka7eh: https://github.com/ka7eh
.. _@kaidokert: https://github.com/kaidokert
.. _@kappataumu: https://github.com/kappataumu
.. _@keithjeb: https://github.com/keithjeb
.. _@kevgathuku: https://github.com/kevgathuku
.. _@keyvanm: https://github.com/keyvanm
.. _@knitatoms: https://github.com/knitatoms
.. _@krzysztofzuraw: https://github.com/krzysztofzuraw
.. _@leollon: https://github.com/leollon
.. _@MathijsHoogland: https://github.com/MathijsHoogland
.. _@mapx: https://github.com/mapx
.. _@manonthemat: https://github.com/manonthemat
.. _@mattayes: https://github.com/mattayes
.. _@menzenski: https://github.com/menzenski
.. _@mfwarren: https://github.com/mfwarren
.. _@MightySCollins: https://github.com/MightySCollins
.. _@mimischi: https://github.com/mimischi
.. _@minho42: https://github.com/minho42
.. _@mjsisley: https://github.com/mjsisley
.. _@mknapper1: https://github.com/mknapper1
.. _@morenoh149: https://github.com/morenoh149
.. _@mostaszewski: https://github.com/mostaszewski
.. _@mozillazg: https://github.com/mozillazg
.. _@mrcoles: https://github.com/mrcoles
.. _@msaizar: https://github.com/msaizar
.. _@msamoylov: https://github.com/msamoylov
.. _@myilmaz: https://github.com/myilmaz
.. _@nicolas471: https://github.com/nicolas471
.. _@noisy: https://github.com/noisy
.. _@nojanath: https://github.com/nojanath
.. _@originell: https://github.com/originell
.. _@oubiga: https://github.com/oubiga
.. _@parbhat: https://github.com/parbhat
.. _@rjsnh1522: https://github.com/rjsnh1522
.. _@pchiquet: https://github.com/pchiquet
.. _@phiberjenz: https://github.com/phiberjenz
.. _@PilhwanKim: https://github.com/PilhwanKim
.. _@purplediane: https://github.com/purplediane
.. _@raonyguimaraes: https://github.com/raonyguimaraes
.. _@reggieriser: https://github.com/reggieriser
.. _@reyesvicente: https://github.com/reyesvicente
.. _@rm--: https://github.com/rm--
.. _@Tusky: https://github.com/Tusky
.. _@rolep: https://github.com/rolep
.. _@romanosipenko: https://github.com/romanosipenko
.. _@saschalalala: https://github.com/saschalalala
.. _@scaramagus: https://github.com/scaramagus
.. _@shireenrao: https://github.com/shireenrao
.. _@show0k: https://github.com/show0k
.. _@shultz: https://github.com/shultz
.. _@siauPatrick: https://github.com/siauPatrick
.. _@sladinji: https://github.com/sladinji
.. _@slafs: https://github.com/slafs
.. _@sorasful: https://github.com/sorasful
.. _@ssteinerX: https://github.com/ssteinerx
.. _@step21: https://github.com/step21
.. _@stepmr: https://github.com/stepmr
.. _@suledev: https://github.com/suledev
.. _@takkaria: https://github.com/takkaria
.. _@tanoabeleyra: https://github.com/tanoabeleyra
.. _@timclaessens: https://github.com/timclaessens
.. _@timfreund: https://github.com/timfreund
.. _@townie: https://github.com/townie
.. _@Travistock: https://github.com/Tavistock
.. _@trungdong: https://github.com/trungdong
.. _@Tubo: https://github.com/tubo
.. _@umrashrf: https://github.com/umrashrf
.. _@viviangb: https://github.com/viviangb
.. _@vladdoster: https://github.com/vladdoster
.. _@wadkar: https://github.com/wadkar
.. _@xpostudio4: https://github.com/xpostudio4
.. _@yrchen: https://github.com/yrchen
.. _@yunti: https://github.com/yunti
.. _@zcho: https://github.com/zcho
Special Thanks
The following haven't provided code directly, but have provided guidance and advice.
* Jannis Leidel
* Nate Aune
* Barry Morrison
@ -16,3 +16,8 @@ pytest==6.0.1
# Scripting
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
import json
from pathlib import Path
from github import Github
from github.NamedUser import NamedUser
from jinja2 import Template
CURRENT_FILE = Path(__file__)
ROOT = CURRENT_FILE.parents[1]
BOT_LOGINS = ["pyup-bot"]
def main() -> None:
Script entry point.
1. Fetch recent contribtors from the Github API
2. Add missing ones to the JSON file
3. Generate Markdown from JSON file
recent_authors = set(iter_recent_authors())
# Add missing users to the JSON file
contrib_file = ContributorsJSONFile()
for author in recent_authors:
print(f"Checking if {author.login} should be added")
if author.login not in contrib_file:
print(f"Added {author.login} to contributors")
# Generate MD file from JSON file
def iter_recent_authors():
Fetch users who opened recently merged pull requests.
Use Github API to fetch recent authors rather than
git CLI to work with Github usernames.
repo = Github(per_page=5).get_repo("pydanny/cookiecutter-django")
recent_pulls = repo.get_pulls(
state="closed", sort="updated", direction="desc"
for pull in recent_pulls:
if (
and pull.user.type == "User"
and pull.user.login not in BOT_LOGINS
yield pull.user
class ContributorsJSONFile:
"""Helper to interact with the JSON file."""
file_path = ROOT / ".github" / "contributors.json"
content = None
def __init__(self) -> None:
"""Read initial content."""
self.content = json.loads(self.file_path.read_text())
def __contains__(self, github_login: str):
"""Provide a nice API to do: `username in file`."""
return any(
# Github usernames are case insensitive
github_login.lower() == contrib["github_login"].lower()
for contrib in self.content
def add_contributor(self, user: NamedUser):
"""Append the contributor data we care about at the end."""
contributor_data = {
"name": user.name or user.login,
"github_login": user.login,
"twitter_username": user.twitter_username or "",
def save(self):
"""Write the file to disk with indentation."""
text_content = json.dumps(self.content, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
def write_md_file(contributors):
"""Generate markdown file from Jinja template."""
contributors_template = ROOT / ".github" / "CONTRIBUTORS-template.md"
template = Template(contributors_template.read_text(), autoescape=True)
core_contributors = [c for c in contributors if c.get("is_core", False)]
other_contributors = (c for c in contributors if not c.get("is_core", False))
other_contributors = sorted(other_contributors, key=lambda c: c["name"].lower())
content = template.render(
core_contributors=core_contributors, other_contributors=other_contributors
file_path = ROOT / "CONTRIBUTORS.md"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user