Improve error reporting by pytest inside of Tox

This commit is contained in:
Bruno Alla 2019-05-31 10:02:42 +01:00
parent d04b128e0f
commit f8d2eb11a9
2 changed files with 4 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
addopts = -x --tb=short
python_paths = .
norecursedirs = .tox .git */migrations/* */static/* docs venv */{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/*
markers =

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@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ envlist = py36,flake8,black,black-template
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = pytest -n 3 -m "not flake8" -m "not black" {posargs:./tests}
commands = pytest -m "not flake8" -m "not black" {posargs:./tests}
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = pytest -n 3 -m flake8 {posargs:./tests}
commands = pytest -m flake8 {posargs:./tests}
deps = -rrequirements.txt
commands = pytest -n 3 -m black {posargs:./tests}
commands = pytest -m black {posargs:./tests}
deps = black