* Bump Django version to 3.0.x to see what breaks
* Update places where Django 2.2 is mentioned to 3.0
* Update to latest Django 3.0 version
* Bump version in setup.py
* Changed Vanilla/Plain Django-Anymail to Other SMTP
* Made Mailgun default again
* config/production.py adjusted if conditions according to @browniebroke
> If those conditions are met, Django will email the users listed in the
> MANAGERS setting whenever your code raises a 404 and the request has a
> referer. It doesn’t bother to email for 404s that don’t have a referer –
> those are usually just people typing in broken URLs or broken Web bots.
> It also ignores 404s when the referer is equal to the requested URL,
> since this behavior is from broken Web bots too.
If `COLLECTFAST_STRATEGY` is not provided in `settings`, `collectfast` has to guess a "strategy". For the case with AWS, it guesses `BotoStrategy` in stead of `S3Boto3Storage`, which is a wrong decision as we `pip install django-storages[boto3]` (`boto3` in favor of `boto`).
Setting `COLLECTFAST_STRATEGY` is also encouraged as `collectfast` is not going to guess the strategy in the future.
* f37dd1faa2/collectfast/management/commands/collectstatic.py (L33)
* f37dd1faa2/collectfast/strategies/base.py (L170)
This allows for usage of settings variables in templates, e.g
{% if settings.USE_ANALYTICS %}
<!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
<noscript><iframe src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/ns.html?id={{ settings.GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID }}" style="display:none;visibility:hidden"></iframe></noscript>
<!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) -->
{% endif %}
> 'debug': a boolean that turns on/off template debug mode. If it is
> True, the fancy error page will display a detailed report for any
> exception raised during template rendering. This report contains the
> relevant snippet of the template with the appropriate line highlighted.
> It defaults to the value of the DEBUG setting.
I could be wrong about this, but it seems like setting the template
DEBUG setting is redundant, since it should follow whatever the DEBUG
variable is set to.
The settings which are normally prefixed `CELERYD_` are for worker-related config, but since we instantiate the Celery app with a namespace, the prefix for these config should actually be `CELERY_`.
- Change celery app to not be a Django app, more like a WSGI app
- Define a Celery task in the Django users app
- Write a test to execute the task
- Update scripts to use the new app to start workers
- Update documentation
## Description
## Rationale
We are currently not testing many combinations, we run Flake8 on the generated project with default options, but that rarely catch any issues.
## Use case(s) / visualization(s)
Catch problems with invalid combinations, for instance, it fails due to Whitenoise breaking flake8 with `django-compressor` because `STATIC_URL` was undefined here:
b91c70d755/%7B%7Bcookiecutter.project_slug%7D%7D/config/settings/production.py (L185)
* Create a test matrix on Travis CI to help testing multiple options
* Change test_docker.sh to fail if any command in it fails
* Run black on the CI with --check option
* Fix formatting of project files using black
* Install black in the docker container
* Exclude migrations in black checks
* Fix Black formatting violations
* Run black on the whole generated project & fix issues
[//]: # (Thank you for helping us out: your efforts mean great deal to the project and the community as a whole!)
[//]: # (Before you proceed:)
[//]: # (1. Make sure to add yourself to `CONTRIBUTORS.rst` through this PR provided you're contributing here for the first time)
[//]: # (2. Don't forget to update the `docs/` presuming others would benefit from a concise description of whatever that you're proposing)
## Description
[//]: # (What's it you're proposing?)
Added a note around CELERY_TASK_ALWAYS_EAGER = True in docker config for local development. This causes tasks to be executed on the 'main' thread rather than by the workers. I understand why that might be desirable, but thought it worth calling out incase (like me) it makes people think something is broken.
## Rationale
[//]: # (Why does the project need that?)
Ease of use/troubleshooting
## Use case(s) / visualization(s)
[//]: # ("Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.")
sorl-thumbnail serialized and deserializes the storage class and during this
process location parameter is lost if factory is used. Using a full-fledge
storage class fixes this issue.
See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18046120/104731
* Add all internal IPs for multiple docker networks
When developing with modified docker-compose.yml that contains multiple
network definitions, all networks gateways of the created container
should be added to INTERNAL_IPS, otherwise Django-Debug-Toolbar will not
* Add @flyudvik to contributors
* Convert old-styled string formatting to f-string
* Update flake8 explicit version to 3.5.0
* Make tox.ini in sync with requirements.txt
* Fix annoying flake8 F405
* Prettify and re-order settings entries
* Use old-style .format() for the time being
* Remove redundant linebreaks at the settings files' beginning
* Fix E303 too many blank lines
* Remove a redundant linebreak from requirements.txt
* Some linebreake juggling in config.settings.base
When creating a Mailgun add-on on Heroku, the app gets some environment
variables by default:
However, the cookiecutter names do not match and requires a manual step
from the user deploying. It's used elsewhere but shouldn't harm the
other deployment methods to rename these variables.
While updating the docs I noticed a variable that appear unused
DJANGO_MAILGUN_SERVER_NAME so this removes it from the documentation.
Since config/production.py sets a new value for `DATABASES['default']`, the `DATABASES['default']['ATOMIC_REQUESTS'] = True` setting from base gets overridden. So it's probably a good idea to add it back.
* Fix ./hooks/pre_gen_project.py asking user to select an option once only
+ prettify output
* Fix pre_gen hook not really exiting when it should
* Refactor & prettify ./hooks/post_gen_project.py
* Ensure same POSTGRES_USER is set across environments
+ get rid of env.example in favor of pre-generated .env.
* Set CONN_MAX_AGE to 60 seconds -- fixes#710
Setting the value in the production config.
* Get CONN_MAX_AGE from the environment, default to 60 in .env
* Add test for CONN_MAX_AGE setting
* Remove duplication in default value & test cleanup
* Remove test for CONN_MAX_AGE value in settings
* More inline docs for DATABASES variable
Use of database url is not part of Django, but comes from django-environ. Was initially confusing where feature came from, as link points to offical django docs.
* Contributors update
As per the discussion in #869, WhiteNoise is for serving static files
not for media files (files uploaded from the app by users).
For such thing, we still need `DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE` to be set and
we use django-storages for that.
- Boto3 is the replacement of boto, switch to the latest version
- Switch django-storages class to the one based on Boto3
- AWS_S3_CALLING_FORMAT isn't relevant anymore
* add mailhog container for local development
* update local settings to use mailhog container for docker
* remove whitespace
* remove whitespace
* fix whitespace formatting
* another try to fix whitespace
* fix block error due to whitespace
* only use mailhog in docker if docker and mailhog is chosen in setup wizard
* Remove warning at end if using docker and mailhog
* mailhog should work locally without docker
* remove unnecessary check for docker in dev docker-compose file
* Remove section within local development docs referencing docker
As this document is meant as a how to for developing locally, I removed the section which was added for using mailhog in docker. I will add that section to the developing-locally-docker.rst file. Also removed jinja template as it does not work in docs.
* Added a comment on mailhog for local docker development
* fix hyperlink to #smtp-backend
* Added a comment on mailhog for local docker development
* pull docs/developing-locally-docker.rst from upstream
* remove changes from dev.yml and add comment for local.py
* Sync with pydanny:master
* Introduce static asset build infrastructure
* Enhance gulpfile.js
* Introduce node service
* BrowserSync debug-only support
* Remove newline before BrowserSync debug-only support section
* FIx node Dockerfile package.json COPY
* Try fiixing node Dockerfile package.json COPY ones again
* Switch to `node:7-slim`
* Try switching to node:6
To account for possible node:7 docker-compose incompatibiltiy
* Revert "Try switching to node:6"
This reverts commit 62cc02df1a.
* Try switcging workdir to /app
* Try utilizing relative package.json path
* Resetting to the last version working locally with docker-compose 1.11.x
* Build upon the latest node:7.9-slim
* Stop dockerignoring package.json
* Fix typo
* Try a different package.json path
* Revert "Try a different package.json path"
This reverts commit f29f8500b8.
* Revert "Fix typo"
This reverts commit 02033729b5.
* Revert "Stop dockerignoring package.json"
This reverts commit 63c5491546.
* Upgrade docker-engine and docker-compose used by Travis CI
* Fix .travis.yml comments
* Inline docker-engine and docker-compose versions
* DEBUG: pwd
* Revert "DEBUG: pwd "
This reverts commit 6c2ed4321a.
* Try copying package.json to the same dir as node Dockerfile's
* Revert "Try copying package.json to the same dir as node Dockerfile's"
This reverts commit 24340a0783.
* Try out node:7.9
* Revert "Try out node:7.9"
This reverts commit 32286d33c2.
* Revert "Upgrade docker-engine and docker-compose used by Travis CI"
* Get rid of npm-check-updates
Reason: Reserved for the upcoming PR
* Get rid of npm-check
Reason: Reserved for the upcoming PR
* Get rid of 'standard' npm package
Reason: Reserved for the upcoming PR
* Clean up package.json
* Preserve package.json uncoditionally
Since we now have *unconditional* node.js integration, `package.json` must be out there whenever `node` service gets built
* Upgrade node service image to 7.10
* Document Node.js-Docker integration
* Fix gulpfile.js images region name
* Get rid of Gulp migrate task
* Document Gulp-Docker integration
* Introduce static asset build infrastructure
* Enhance gulpfile.js
* Introduce node service
* BrowserSync debug-only support
* Remove newline before BrowserSync debug-only support section
* FIx node Dockerfile package.json COPY
* Try fiixing node Dockerfile package.json COPY ones again
* Switch to `node:7-slim`
* Try switching to node:6
To account for possible node:7 docker-compose incompatibiltiy
* Revert "Try switching to node:6"
This reverts commit 62cc02df1a.
* Try switcging workdir to /app
* Try utilizing relative package.json path
* Resetting to the last version working locally with docker-compose 1.11.x
* Build upon the latest node:7.9-slim
* Stop dockerignoring package.json
* Revert "Stop dockerignoring package.json"
This reverts commit 63c5491546.
* Fix typo
* Revert "Fix typo"
This reverts commit 02033729b5.
* Try a different package.json path
* Revert "Try a different package.json path"
This reverts commit f29f8500b8.
* Upgrade docker-engine and docker-compose used by Travis CI
* Fix .travis.yml comments
* Inline docker-engine and docker-compose versions
* DEBUG: pwd
* Revert "DEBUG: pwd "
This reverts commit 6c2ed4321a.
* Try copying package.json to the same dir as node Dockerfile's
* Revert "Try copying package.json to the same dir as node Dockerfile's"
This reverts commit 24340a0783.
* Try out node:7.9
* Revert "Try out node:7.9"
This reverts commit 32286d33c2.
* Revert "Upgrade docker-engine and docker-compose used by Travis CI"
* Get rid of npm-check-updates
Reason: Reserved for the upcoming PR
* Get rid of npm-check
Reason: Reserved for the upcoming PR
* Get rid of 'standard' npm package
Reason: Reserved for the upcoming PR
* Clean up package.json
* Preserve package.json uncoditionally
Since we now have *unconditional* node.js integration, `package.json` must be out there whenever `node` service gets built
* Upgrade node service image to 7.10
* Document Node.js-Docker integration
* Fix gulpfile.js images region name
* Get rid of Gulp migrate task
* Document Gulp-Docker integration
* Remove Gulp-Docker integraton not supported initialization message
ADDED: HTTPS is on by default. This will give a new user an
understanding of why Cookie Django is set up securely for deployment in
a production environment.
* Updated settings to only include lists and '
Substituted " with ' in files
Migrated tuples to lists
* Added trailing slashes
- trailing slashes
- minor cleanups