# Pro-tip: Try not to put anything here. Avoid dependencies in # production that aren't in development. -r base.txt {% if cookiecutter.windows == 'y' -%} # Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter # Assuming Windows is used locally, and *nix -- in production. # ------------------------------------------------------------ psycopg2== {%- endif %} # WSGI Handler # ------------------------------------------------ gevent==1.2.2 gunicorn==19.7.1 # Static and Media Storage # ------------------------------------------------ boto3==1.5.24 django-storages==1.6.5 {% if cookiecutter.use_whitenoise != 'y' -%} Collectfast==0.6.0 {%- endif %} # Email backends for Mailgun, Postmark, SendGrid and more # ------------------------------------------------------- django-anymail==1.3 {% if cookiecutter.use_sentry_for_error_reporting == "y" -%} # Raven is the Sentry client # -------------------------- raven==6.5.0 {%- endif %} {% if cookiecutter.use_opbeat == "y" -%} # Opbeat agent for performance monitoring # ----------------------------------------- opbeat==3.6.1 {%- endif %}