""" NOTE: the below code is to be maintained Python 2.x-compatible as the whole Cookiecutter Django project initialization can potentially be run in Python 2.x environment. TODO: ? restrict Cookiecutter Django project initialization to Python 3.x environments only """ project_slug = '{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}' if hasattr(project_slug, 'isidentifier'): assert project_slug.isidentifier(), "'{}' project slug is not a valid Python identifier.".format(project_slug) using_docker = '{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}'.lower() if using_docker == 'n': TERMINATOR = "\x1b[0m" WARNING = "\x1b[1;33m [WARNING]: " INFO = "\x1b[1;33m [INFO]: " HINT = "\x1b[3;33m" SUCCESS = "\x1b[1;32m [SUCCESS]: " import sys python_major_version = sys.version_info[0] if python_major_version == 2: sys.stdout.write( WARNING + "Cookiecutter Django does not support Python 2. " "Stability is guaranteed with Python 3.6+ only, " "are you sure you want to proceed (y/n)? " + TERMINATOR ) yes_options, no_options = frozenset(['y']), frozenset(['n']) while True: choice = raw_input().lower() if choice in yes_options: break elif choice in no_options: sys.stdout.write( INFO + "Generation process stopped as requested." + TERMINATOR ) sys.exit(1) else: sys.stdout.write( HINT + "Please respond with {} or {}: ".format( ', '.join(["'{}'".format(o) for o in yes_options if not o == '']), ', '.join(["'{}'".format(o) for o in no_options if not o == '']) ) + TERMINATOR ) sys.stdout.write( SUCCESS + "Project initialized, keep up the good work!" + TERMINATOR )