import json import os import random import shutil import string try: # Inspired by # random = random.SystemRandom() using_sysrandom = True except NotImplementedError: using_sysrandom = False TERMINATOR = "\x1b[0m" WARNING = "\x1b[1;33m [WARNING]: " INFO = "\x1b[1;33m [INFO]: " HINT = "\x1b[3;33m" SUCCESS = "\x1b[1;32m [SUCCESS]: " DEBUG_VALUE = "debug" def remove_open_source_files(): file_names = ["CONTRIBUTORS.txt", "LICENSE"] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 def remove_gplv3_files(): file_names = ["COPYING"] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 def remove_custom_user_manager_files(): os.remove( # noqa: PTH107 os.path.join( # noqa: PTH118 "{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "users", "", ), ) os.remove( # noqa: PTH107 os.path.join( # noqa: PTH118 "{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "users", "tests", "", ), ) def remove_pycharm_files(): idea_dir_path = ".idea" if os.path.exists(idea_dir_path): # noqa: PTH110 shutil.rmtree(idea_dir_path) docs_dir_path = os.path.join("docs", "pycharm") # noqa: PTH118 if os.path.exists(docs_dir_path): # noqa: PTH110 shutil.rmtree(docs_dir_path) def remove_docker_files(): shutil.rmtree(".devcontainer") shutil.rmtree("compose") file_names = [ "docker-compose.local.yml", "docker-compose.production.yml", ".dockerignore", ] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 if "{{ cookiecutter.editor }}" == "PyCharm": # noqa: PLR0133 file_names = ["docker_compose_up_django.xml", "docker_compose_up_docs.xml"] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(os.path.join(".idea", "runConfigurations", file_name)) # noqa: PTH107, PTH118 def remove_nginx_docker_files(): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("compose", "production", "nginx")) # noqa: PTH118 def remove_utility_files(): shutil.rmtree("utility") def remove_heroku_files(): file_names = ["Procfile", "runtime.txt", "requirements.txt"] for file_name in file_names: if file_name == "requirements.txt" and "{{ cookiecutter.ci_tool }}".lower() == "travis": # don't remove the file if we are using travisci but not using heroku continue os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 shutil.rmtree("bin") def remove_sass_files(): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "static", "sass")) # noqa: PTH118 def remove_gulp_files(): file_names = ["gulpfile.mjs"] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 def remove_webpack_files(): shutil.rmtree("webpack") remove_vendors_js() def remove_vendors_js(): vendors_js_path = os.path.join( # noqa: PTH118 "{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}", "static", "js", "vendors.js", ) if os.path.exists(vendors_js_path): # noqa: PTH110 os.remove(vendors_js_path) # noqa: PTH107 def remove_packagejson_file(): file_names = ["package.json"] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 def update_package_json(remove_dev_deps=None, remove_keys=None, scripts=None): remove_dev_deps = remove_dev_deps or [] remove_keys = remove_keys or [] scripts = scripts or {} with open("package.json") as fd: # noqa: PTH123 content = json.load(fd) for package_name in remove_dev_deps: content["devDependencies"].pop(package_name) for key in remove_keys: content.pop(key) content["scripts"].update(scripts) with open("package.json", mode="w") as fd: # noqa: PTH123 json.dump(content, fd, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) fd.write("\n") def handle_js_runner(choice, use_docker, use_async): if choice == "Gulp": update_package_json( remove_dev_deps=[ "@babel/core", "@babel/preset-env", "babel-loader", "concurrently", "css-loader", "mini-css-extract-plugin", "postcss-loader", "postcss-preset-env", "sass-loader", "webpack", "webpack-bundle-tracker", "webpack-cli", "webpack-dev-server", "webpack-merge", ], remove_keys=["babel"], scripts={ "dev": "gulp", "build": "gulp build", }, ) remove_webpack_files() elif choice == "Webpack": scripts = { "dev": "webpack serve --config webpack/dev.config.js", "build": "webpack --config webpack/prod.config.js", } remove_dev_deps = [ "browser-sync", "cssnano", "gulp", "gulp-concat", "gulp-imagemin", "gulp-plumber", "gulp-postcss", "gulp-rename", "gulp-sass", "gulp-uglify-es", ] if not use_docker: dev_django_cmd = ( "uvicorn config.asgi:application --reload" if use_async else "python runserver_plus" ) scripts.update( { "dev": "concurrently npm:dev:*", "dev:webpack": "webpack serve --config webpack/dev.config.js", "dev:django": dev_django_cmd, }, ) else: remove_dev_deps.append("concurrently") update_package_json(remove_dev_deps=remove_dev_deps, scripts=scripts) remove_gulp_files() def remove_prettier_pre_commit(): with open(".pre-commit-config.yaml") as fd: # noqa: PTH123 content = fd.readlines() removing = False new_lines = [] for line in content: if removing and "- repo:" in line: removing = False if "mirrors-prettier" in line: removing = True if not removing: new_lines.append(line) with open(".pre-commit-config.yaml", "w") as fd: # noqa: PTH123 fd.writelines(new_lines) def remove_celery_files(): file_names = [ os.path.join("config", ""), # noqa: PTH118 os.path.join("{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}", "users", ""), # noqa: PTH118 os.path.join("{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}", "users", "tests", ""), # noqa: PTH118 ] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 def remove_async_files(): file_names = [ os.path.join("config", ""), # noqa: PTH118 os.path.join("config", ""), # noqa: PTH118 ] for file_name in file_names: os.remove(file_name) # noqa: PTH107 def remove_dottravisyml_file(): os.remove(".travis.yml") # noqa: PTH107 def remove_dotgitlabciyml_file(): os.remove(".gitlab-ci.yml") # noqa: PTH107 def remove_dotgithub_folder(): shutil.rmtree(".github") def remove_dotdrone_file(): os.remove(".drone.yml") # noqa: PTH107 def generate_random_string(length, using_digits=False, using_ascii_letters=False, using_punctuation=False): # noqa: FBT002 """ Example: opting out for 50 symbol-long, [a-z][A-Z][0-9] string would yield log_2((26+26+50)^50) ~= 334 bit strength. """ if not using_sysrandom: return None symbols = [] if using_digits: symbols += string.digits if using_ascii_letters: symbols += string.ascii_letters if using_punctuation: all_punctuation = set(string.punctuation) # These symbols can cause issues in environment variables unsuitable = {"'", '"', "\\", "$"} suitable = all_punctuation.difference(unsuitable) symbols += "".join(suitable) return "".join([random.choice(symbols) for _ in range(length)]) def set_flag(file_path, flag, value=None, formatted=None, *args, **kwargs): if value is None: random_string = generate_random_string(*args, **kwargs) if random_string is None: print( "We couldn't find a secure pseudo-random number generator on your " f"system. Please, make sure to manually {flag} later.", ) random_string = flag if formatted is not None: random_string = formatted.format(random_string) value = random_string with open(file_path, "r+") as f: # noqa: PTH123 file_contents =, value) f.write(file_contents) f.truncate() return value def set_django_secret_key(file_path): return set_flag( file_path, "!!!SET DJANGO_SECRET_KEY!!!", length=64, using_digits=True, using_ascii_letters=True, ) def set_django_admin_url(file_path): return set_flag( file_path, "!!!SET DJANGO_ADMIN_URL!!!", formatted="{}/", length=32, using_digits=True, using_ascii_letters=True, ) def generate_random_user(): return generate_random_string(length=32, using_ascii_letters=True) def generate_postgres_user(debug=False): # noqa: FBT002 return DEBUG_VALUE if debug else generate_random_user() def set_postgres_user(file_path, value): return set_flag(file_path, "!!!SET POSTGRES_USER!!!", value=value) def set_postgres_password(file_path, value=None): return set_flag( file_path, "!!!SET POSTGRES_PASSWORD!!!", value=value, length=64, using_digits=True, using_ascii_letters=True, ) def set_celery_flower_user(file_path, value): return set_flag(file_path, "!!!SET CELERY_FLOWER_USER!!!", value=value) def set_celery_flower_password(file_path, value=None): return set_flag( file_path, "!!!SET CELERY_FLOWER_PASSWORD!!!", value=value, length=64, using_digits=True, using_ascii_letters=True, ) def append_to_gitignore_file(ignored_line): with open(".gitignore", "a") as gitignore_file: # noqa: PTH123 gitignore_file.write(ignored_line) gitignore_file.write("\n") def set_flags_in_envs(postgres_user, celery_flower_user, debug=False): # noqa: FBT002 local_django_envs_path = os.path.join(".envs", ".local", ".django") # noqa: PTH118 production_django_envs_path = os.path.join(".envs", ".production", ".django") # noqa: PTH118 local_postgres_envs_path = os.path.join(".envs", ".local", ".postgres") # noqa: PTH118 production_postgres_envs_path = os.path.join(".envs", ".production", ".postgres") # noqa: PTH118 set_django_secret_key(production_django_envs_path) set_django_admin_url(production_django_envs_path) set_postgres_user(local_postgres_envs_path, value=postgres_user) set_postgres_password(local_postgres_envs_path, value=DEBUG_VALUE if debug else None) set_postgres_user(production_postgres_envs_path, value=postgres_user) set_postgres_password(production_postgres_envs_path, value=DEBUG_VALUE if debug else None) set_celery_flower_user(local_django_envs_path, value=celery_flower_user) set_celery_flower_password(local_django_envs_path, value=DEBUG_VALUE if debug else None) set_celery_flower_user(production_django_envs_path, value=celery_flower_user) set_celery_flower_password(production_django_envs_path, value=DEBUG_VALUE if debug else None) def set_flags_in_settings_files(): set_django_secret_key(os.path.join("config", "settings", "")) # noqa: PTH118 set_django_secret_key(os.path.join("config", "settings", "")) # noqa: PTH118 def remove_envs_and_associated_files(): shutil.rmtree(".envs") os.remove("") # noqa: PTH107 shutil.rmtree("tests") def remove_celery_compose_dirs(): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("compose", "local", "django", "celery")) # noqa: PTH118 shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("compose", "production", "django", "celery")) # noqa: PTH118 def remove_node_dockerfile(): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("compose", "local", "node")) # noqa: PTH118 def remove_aws_dockerfile(): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("compose", "production", "aws")) # noqa: PTH118 def remove_drf_starter_files(): os.remove(os.path.join("config", "")) # noqa: PTH107, PTH118 shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "users", "api")) # noqa: PTH118 os.remove(os.path.join("{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "users", "tests", "")) # noqa: PTH107, PTH118 os.remove(os.path.join("{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "users", "tests", "")) # noqa: PTH107, PTH118 os.remove(os.path.join("{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}", "users", "tests", "")) # noqa: PTH107, PTH118 def main(): # noqa: C901, PLR0912, PLR0915 debug = "{{ cookiecutter.debug }}".lower() == "y" set_flags_in_envs( DEBUG_VALUE if debug else generate_random_user(), DEBUG_VALUE if debug else generate_random_user(), debug=debug, ) set_flags_in_settings_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.open_source_license }}" == "Not open source": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_open_source_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.open_source_license}}" != "GPLv3": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_gplv3_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.username_type }}" == "username": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_custom_user_manager_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.editor }}" != "PyCharm": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_pycharm_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "y": remove_utility_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.cloud_provider }}".lower() != "none": remove_nginx_docker_files() else: remove_docker_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "y" and "{{ cookiecutter.cloud_provider}}" != "AWS": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_aws_dockerfile() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_heroku }}".lower() == "n": remove_heroku_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "n" and "{{ cookiecutter.use_heroku }}".lower() == "n": if "{{ cookiecutter.keep_local_envs_in_vcs }}".lower() == "y": print( INFO + ".env(s) are only utilized when Docker Compose and/or " "Heroku support is enabled so keeping them does not make sense " "given your current setup." + TERMINATOR, ) remove_envs_and_associated_files() else: append_to_gitignore_file(".env") append_to_gitignore_file(".envs/*") if "{{ cookiecutter.keep_local_envs_in_vcs }}".lower() == "y": append_to_gitignore_file("!.envs/.local/") if "{{ cookiecutter.frontend_pipeline }}" in ["None", "Django Compressor"]: remove_gulp_files() remove_webpack_files() remove_sass_files() remove_packagejson_file() remove_prettier_pre_commit() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "y": remove_node_dockerfile() else: handle_js_runner( "{{ cookiecutter.frontend_pipeline }}", use_docker=("{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "y"), use_async=("{{ cookiecutter.use_async }}".lower() == "y"), ) if "{{ cookiecutter.cloud_provider }}" == "None" and "{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "n": # noqa: PLR0133 print( WARNING + "You chose to not use any cloud providers nor Docker, " "media files won't be served in production." + TERMINATOR, ) if "{{ cookiecutter.use_celery }}".lower() == "n": remove_celery_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_docker }}".lower() == "y": remove_celery_compose_dirs() if "{{ cookiecutter.ci_tool }}" != "Travis": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_dottravisyml_file() if "{{ cookiecutter.ci_tool }}" != "Gitlab": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_dotgitlabciyml_file() if "{{ cookiecutter.ci_tool }}" != "Github": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_dotgithub_folder() if "{{ cookiecutter.ci_tool }}" != "Drone": # noqa: PLR0133 remove_dotdrone_file() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_drf }}".lower() == "n": remove_drf_starter_files() if "{{ cookiecutter.use_async }}".lower() == "n": remove_async_files() print(SUCCESS + "Project initialized, keep up the good work!" + TERMINATOR) if __name__ == "__main__": main()