# Config for Dependabot updates. See Documentation here: # https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/dependabot/dependabot-version-updates/configuration-options-for-the-dependabot.yml-file version: 2 updates: # Update GitHub actions in workflows - package-ecosystem: 'github-actions' directory: '/' # Every weekday schedule: interval: 'daily' {%- if cookiecutter.use_docker == 'y' %} # Enable version updates for Docker - package-ecosystem: 'docker' # Look for a `Dockerfile` in the `compose/local/django` directory directories: - 'compose/local/django/' - 'compose/local/docs/' - 'compose/production/django/' # Every weekday schedule: interval: 'daily' # Ignore minor version updates (3.10 -> 3.11) but update patch versions ignore: - dependency-name: '*' update-types: - 'version-update:semver-major' - 'version-update:semver-minor' - package-ecosystem: 'docker' # Look for a `Dockerfile` in the `compose/local/node` directory directories: - 'compose/local/node/' - 'compose/production/aws/' - 'compose/production/postgres/' - 'compose/production/traefik/' {%- if cookiecutter.cloud_provider == 'None' %} - 'compose/production/nginx/' {%- endif %} # Every weekday schedule: interval: 'daily' {%- endif %} # Enable version updates for Python/Pip - Production - package-ecosystem: 'pip' # Look for a `requirements.txt` in the `root` directory # also 'setup.cfg', '.python-version' and 'requirements/*.txt' directory: '/' # Every weekday schedule: interval: 'daily' {%- if cookiecutter.frontend_pipeline == 'Gulp' %} # Enable version updates for javascript/npm - package-ecosystem: 'npm' # Look for a `packages.json` in the `root` directory directory: '/' # Every weekday schedule: interval: 'daily' {%- endif %}