import os import re import pytest from pytest_cases import pytest_fixture_plus import sh import yaml from binaryornot.check import is_binary PATTERN = "{{(\s?cookiecutter)[.](.*?)}}" RE_OBJ = re.compile(PATTERN) YN_CHOICES = ["y", "n"] CLOUD_CHOICES = ["AWS", "GCE"] @pytest.fixture def context(): return { "project_name": "My Test Project", "project_slug": "my_test_project", "author_name": "Test Author", "email": "", "description": "A short description of the project.", "domain_name": "", "version": "0.1.0", "timezone": "UTC", } @pytest_fixture_plus @pytest.mark.parametrize("windows", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"win:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_docker", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"docker:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_celery", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"celery:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_mailhog", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"mailhog:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_sentry", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"sentry:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_compressor", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"cmpr:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("use_whitenoise", YN_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"wnoise:{yn}") @pytest.mark.parametrize("cloud_provider", CLOUD_CHOICES, ids=lambda yn: f"cloud:{yn}") def context_combination( windows, use_docker, use_celery, use_mailhog, use_sentry, use_compressor, use_whitenoise, cloud_provider, ): """Fixture that parametrize the function where it's used.""" return { "windows": windows, "use_docker": use_docker, "use_compressor": use_compressor, "use_celery": use_celery, "use_mailhog": use_mailhog, "use_sentry": use_sentry, "use_whitenoise": use_whitenoise, "cloud_provider": cloud_provider, } def build_files_list(root_dir): """Build a list containing absolute paths to the generated files.""" return [ os.path.join(dirpath, file_path) for dirpath, subdirs, files in os.walk(root_dir) for file_path in files ] def check_paths(paths): """Method to check all paths have correct substitutions, used by other tests cases """ # Assert that no match is found in any of the files for path in paths: if is_binary(path): continue for line in open(path, "r"): match = msg = "cookiecutter variable not replaced in {}" assert match is None, msg.format(path) def test_project_generation(cookies, context, context_combination): """ Test that project is generated and fully rendered. This is parametrized for each combination from ``context_combination`` fixture """ result = cookies.bake(extra_context={**context, **context_combination}) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.exception is None assert result.project.basename == context["project_slug"] assert result.project.isdir() paths = build_files_list(str(result.project)) assert paths check_paths(paths) def test_linting_passes(cookies, context_combination): """ Generated project should pass flake8 & black. This is parametrized for each combination from ``context_combination`` fixture """ result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context_combination) try: sh.flake8(str(result.project)) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: try:"--check", "--diff", "--exclude", "migrations", f"{result.project}/") except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: def test_travis_invokes_pytest(cookies, context): context.update({"use_travisci": "y"}) result = cookies.bake(extra_context=context) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert result.exception is None assert result.project.basename == context["project_slug"] assert result.project.isdir() with open(f"{result.project}/.travis.yml", "r") as travis_yml: try: assert yaml.load(travis_yml)["script"] == ["pytest"] except yaml.YAMLError as e: