# Wheel 0.25+ needed to install certain packages on CPython 3.5+ # like Pillow and psycopg2 # See http://bitly.com/wheel-building-fails-CPython-35 # Verified bug on Python 3.5.1 wheel==0.30.0 # Bleeding edge Django django==1.10.8 # pyup: >=1.10,<1.11 # Configuration django-environ==0.4.4 {% if cookiecutter.use_whitenoise == 'y' -%} whitenoise==3.3.1 {%- endif %} # Forms django-crispy-forms==1.7.0 # Models django-model-utils==3.0.0 # Images Pillow==4.3.0 # Password storage argon2-cffi==16.3.0 # For user registration, either via email or social # Well-built with regular release cycles! django-allauth==0.33.0 {% if cookiecutter.windows == 'y' -%} # On Windows, you must download/install psycopg2 manually # from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#psycopg {% else %} # Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter psycopg2== {%- endif %} # Unicode slugification awesome-slugify==1.6.5 # Time zones support pytz==2017.2 # Redis support django-redis==4.8.0 redis>=2.10.5 {% if cookiecutter.use_celery == "y" %} celery==3.1.25 {% endif %} {% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %} rcssmin==1.0.6 {% if cookiecutter.windows == 'y' %}--install-option="--without-c-extensions"{% endif %} django-compressor==2.2 {% endif %} # Your custom requirements go here