services: docs: image: {{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}_local_docs container_name: {{ cookiecutter.project_slug }}_local_docs build: context: . dockerfile: ./compose/local/docs/Dockerfile env_file: - ./.envs/.local/.django volumes: - ./docs:/docs:z develop: # Create a `watch` configuration to update the appl # watch: # Sync the working directory with the `/app` directory in the container - action: sync path: {{ cookiecutter.project_slug }} target: /app/{{ cookiecutter.project_slug }} # Exclude the project virtual environment — it could be for a # different platform in the container ignore: - .venv/ # Rebuild the image on changes to the `pyproject.toml` - action: rebuild path: ./pyproject.toml ports: - '9000:9000' command: /start-docs