# Bleeding edge Django https://github.com/django/django/archive/1.6b1.tar.gz # Views, models, forms, and images fundamentals django-braces==1.2.2 django-model-utils==1.4.0 django-floppyforms==1.1 Pillow==2.1.0 dj-database-url==0.2.2 django-secure==1.0 # For user registration, either via email or social # Well-built with regular release cycles! django-allauth==0.12.0 # For the persistance stores psycopg2==2.5 # Unicode slugification unicode-slugify==0.1.1 django-autoslug==1.7.1 # There are edge cases for South with Django 1.5+ that haven't been addressed yet. # South==0.8.1 https://bitbucket.org/andrewgodwin/south/get/59f6bae8b1a501ca14a5f23f8b11c44c42f33147.zip # Useful things # django-avatar that work with Django 1.5+ git+git://github.com/jezdez/django-avatar@6393d25166a6c2d2df0bd28e19f161fac2bb1166 # django-crispy-forms with support for Bootstrap 3 django-crispy-forms==1.4.0 # Your custom requirements go here