#!/bin/bash WORK_DIR="$(dirname "$0")" DISTRO_NAME=$(lsb_release -sc) OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME="$WORK_DIR/requirements-$DISTRO_NAME.apt" if [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "xenial" ] && [ "$DISTRO_NAME" != "trusty" ]; then echo "Only the Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) and 16.04 (Xenial) is supported by this script"; echo "You can see requirements-trusty.apt or requirements-xenial.apt file to help search the equivalent package in your system"; exit 1; fi # Handle call with wrong command function wrong_command() { echo "${0##*/} - unknown command: '${1}'" usage_message } # Print help / script usage function usage_message() { echo "usage: ./${0##*/} " echo "available commands are:" echo -e "\tlist\t\tPrint a list of all packages defined on ${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME} file" echo -e "\thelp\t\tPrint this help" echo -e "\n\tCommands that require superuser permission:" echo -e "\tinstall\t\tInstall packages defined on ${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME} file. Note: This\n\t\t\t does not upgrade the packages already installed for new\n\t\t\t versions, even if new version is available in the repository." echo -e "\tupgrade\t\tSame that install, but upgrate the already installed packages,\n\t\t\t if new version is available." } # Read the requirements.apt file, and remove comments and blank lines function list_packages(){ grep -v "#" "${OS_REQUIREMENTS_FILENAME}" | grep -v "^$"; } function install_packages() { list_packages | xargs apt-get --no-upgrade install -y; } function upgrade_packages() { list_packages | xargs apt-get install -y; } function install_or_upgrade() { P=${1} PARAN=${P:-"install"} if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nYou must run this with root privilege" 2>&1 echo -e "Please do:\n" 2>&1 echo "sudo ./$WORK_DIR/${0##*/} $PARAN" 2>&1 echo -e "\n" 2>&1 exit 1 else apt-get update # Install the basic compilation dependencies and other required libraries of this project if [ "$PARAN" == "install" ]; then install_packages; else upgrade_packages; fi # cleaning downloaded packages from apt-get cache apt-get clean exit 0 fi } # Handle command argument case "$1" in install) install_or_upgrade;; upgrade) install_or_upgrade "upgrade";; list) list_packages;; help) usage_message;; *) wrong_command "$1";; esac