{% raw %}{% load static i18n {% endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}compress{% endif %}{% raw %}%} {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %} {% block title %}{% endraw %}{{ cookiecutter.project_name }}{% raw %}{% endblock title %} {% block css %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.custom_bootstrap_compilation == "n" %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}{% raw %}{% compress css %}{% endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.js_task_runner == "Gulp" and cookiecutter.use_compressor == "n" %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% else %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}{% raw %}{% endcompress %}{% endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {% endblock %} {# Placed at the top of the document so pages load faster with defer #} {% block javascript %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.custom_bootstrap_compilation == "y" and cookiecutter.js_task_runner == "Gulp" %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}{% raw %}{% compress js %}{% endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}{% raw %}{% endcompress %}{% endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% else %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}{% raw %}{% compress js %}{% endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {%- endraw %}{% if cookiecutter.use_compressor == "y" %}{% raw %}{% endcompress %}{% endraw %}{% endif %}{% raw %} {% endblock javascript %}
{% if messages %} {% for message in messages %}
{{ message }}
{% endfor %} {% endif %} {% block content %}

Use this document as a way to quick start any new project.

{% endblock content %}
{% block modal %}{% endblock modal %} {% block inline_javascript %} {% comment %} Script tags with only code, no src (defer by default). To run with a "defer" so that you run inline code: {% endcomment %} {% endblock inline_javascript %} {%- endraw %}