Project Generation Options ========================== project_name [project_name]: Your human-readable project name, including any capitalization or spaces. repo_name [project_name]: The slug of your project, without dashes or spaces. Used to name your repo and in other places where a Python-importable version of your project name is needed. author_name [Your Name]: You! This goes into places like the LICENSE file. email [Your email]: Your email address. description [A short description of the project.] Used in the generated README.rst and other places. domain_name [] Whatever domain name you plan to use for your project when it goes live. version [0.1.0] The starting version number for your project. timezone [UTC] Used in the common settings file for the `TIME_ZONE` value. use_whitenoise [y] Whether to use WhiteNoise_ for static file serving. use_celery [n] Whether to use Celery_. This gives you the ability to use distributed task queues in your project. use_maildump [n] Whether to use Maildump_. Maildump is a tool that simulates email receiving for development purposes. It runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it. Then messages are displayed in a web interface. use_sentry [n] Whether to use Sentry_ to log errors from your project. windows [n] Whether you'll be developing on Windows. use_python2 [n] By default, the Python code generated will be for Python 3.x. But if you answer `y` here, it will be legacy Python 2.7 code. .. _WhiteNoise: .. _Celery: .. _Maildump: .. _Sentry: