# Bleeding edge Django django==1.8.3 # Configuration django-environ==0.3.0 django-secure==1.0.1 {% if cookiecutter.use_whitenoise == 'y' -%} whitenoise==2.0.2 {%- endif %} # Forms django-braces==1.8.0 django-crispy-forms==1.4.0 django-floppyforms==1.4.1 # Models django-model-utils==2.2 # Images Pillow==2.9.0 # For user registration, either via email or social # Well-built with regular release cycles! django-allauth==0.21.0 # For the persistence stores psycopg2==2.6.1 # Unicode slugification unicode-slugify==0.1.3 django-autoslug==1.8.0 # Time zones support pytz==2015.4 {% if cookiecutter.use_celery == "y" %} celery==3.1.18 {% endif %} # Your custom requirements go here