2024-02-13 11:59:54 +01:00

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.. index:: linters
Ruff is a Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
It is a aggregation of flake8, pylint, pyupgrade and many more.
Ruff comes with a linter (``ruff check``) and a formatter (``ruff format``).
The linter is a wrapper around flake8, pylint, and other linters,
and the formatter is a wrapper around black, isort, and other formatters.
To run ruff without modifying your files: ::
$ ruff format --diff .
$ ruff check .
Ruff is capable of fixing most of the problems it encounters.
Be sure you commit first before running `ruff` so you can restore to a savepoint (and amend afterwards to prevent a double commit. : ::
$ ruff format .
$ ruff check --fix .
# be careful with the --unsafe-fixes option, it can break your code
$ ruff check --fix --unsafe-fixes .
The config for ruff is located in pyproject.toml.
On of the most important option is ``.
`select` determines which linters are run. In example, `DJ <>`_ refers to flake8-django.
For a full list of available linters, see ` <>`_