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Getting Up and Running Locally
.. index:: pip, virtualenv, PostgreSQL
Setting Up Development Environment
Make sure to have the following on your host:
* Python 3.9
* PostgreSQL_.
* Redis_, if using Celery
* Cookiecutter_
First things first.
#. Create a virtualenv: ::
$ python3.9 -m venv <virtual env path>
#. Activate the virtualenv you have just created: ::
$ source <virtual env path>/bin/activate
#. Install cookiecutter-django: ::
$ cookiecutter gh:cookiecutter/cookiecutter-django
#. Install development requirements: ::
$ cd <what you have entered as the project_slug at setup stage>
$ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
$ git init # A git repo is required for pre-commit to install
$ pre-commit install
.. note::
the `pre-commit` hook exists in the generated project as default.
For the details of `pre-commit`, follow the `pre-commit`_ site.
#. Create a new PostgreSQL database using createdb_: ::
$ createdb --username=postgres <project_slug>
``project_slug`` is what you have entered as the project_slug at the setup stage.
.. note::
if this is the first time a database is created on your machine you might need an
`initial PostgreSQL set up`_ to allow local connections & set a password for
the ``postgres`` user. The `postgres documentation`_ explains the syntax of the config file
that you need to change.
#. Set the environment variables for your database(s): ::
$ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:<password>@<DB name given to createdb>
# Optional: set broker URL if using Celery
$ export CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://localhost:6379/0
.. note::
Check out the :ref:`settings` page for a comprehensive list of the environments variables.
.. seealso::
To help setting up your environment variables, you have a few options:
* create an ``.env`` file in the root of your project and define all the variables you need in it.
Then you just need to have ``DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV_FILE=True`` in your machine and all the variables
will be read.
* Use a local environment manager like `direnv`_
#. Apply migrations: ::
$ python manage.py migrate
#. If you're running synchronously, see the application being served through Django development server: ::
$ python manage.py runserver
or if you're running asynchronously: ::
$ uvicorn config.asgi:application --host --reload
.. _PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org/download/
.. _Redis: https://redis.io/download
.. _CookieCutter: https://github.com/cookiecutter/cookiecutter
.. _createdb: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/app-createdb.html
.. _initial PostgreSQL set up: https://web.archive.org/web/20190303010033/http://suite.opengeo.org/docs/latest/dataadmin/pgGettingStarted/firstconnect.html
.. _postgres documentation: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/auth-pg-hba-conf.html
.. _pre-commit: https://pre-commit.com/
.. _direnv: https://direnv.net/
Setup Email Backend
.. note:: In order for the project to support MailHog_ it must have been bootstrapped with ``use_mailhog`` set to ``y``.
MailHog is used to receive emails during development, it is written in Go and has no external dependencies.
For instance, one of the packages we depend upon, ``django-allauth`` sends verification emails to new users signing up as well as to the existing ones who have not yet verified themselves.
#. `Download the latest MailHog release`_ for your OS.
#. Rename the build to ``MailHog``.
#. Copy the file to the project root.
#. Make it executable: ::
$ chmod +x MailHog
#. Spin up another terminal window and start it there: ::
#. Check out `<>`_ to see how it goes.
Now you have your own mail server running locally, ready to receive whatever you send it.
.. _`Download the latest MailHog release`: https://github.com/mailhog/MailHog
.. note:: If you have generated your project with ``use_mailhog`` set to ``n`` this will be a default setup.
Alternatively, deliver emails over console via ``EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'``.
In production, we have Mailgun_ configured to have your back!
.. _Mailgun: https://www.mailgun.com/
If the project is configured to use Celery as a task scheduler then by default tasks are set to run on the main thread
when developing locally. If you have the appropriate setup on your local machine then set the following
in ``config/settings/local.py``::
To run Celery locally, make sure redis-server is installed (instructions are available at https://redis.io/topics/quickstart), run the server in one terminal with `redis-server`, and then start celery in another terminal with the following command::
celery -A config.celery_app worker --loglevel=info
Sass Compilation & Live Reloading
If you've opted for Gulp as front-end pipeline, the project comes configured with `Sass`_ compilation and `live reloading`_. As you change you Sass/JS source files, the task runner will automatically rebuild the corresponding CSS and JS assets and reload them in your browser without refreshing the page.
#. Make sure that `Node.js`_ v16 is installed on your machine.
#. In the project root, install the JS dependencies with::
$ npm install
#. Now - with your virtualenv activated - start the application by running::
$ npm run dev
The app will now run with live reloading enabled, applying front-end changes dynamically.
.. note:: The task will start 2 processes in parallel: the static assets build loop on one side, and the Django server on the other. You do NOT need to run Django as your would normally with ``manage.py runserver``.
.. _Node.js: http://nodejs.org/download/
.. _Sass: https://sass-lang.com/
.. _live reloading: https://browsersync.io
Congratulations, you have made it! Keep on reading to unleash full potential of Cookiecutter Django.