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{{cookiecutter.project_name}} ============================== {{cookiecutter.description}} LICENSE: BSD Settings ------------ {{cookiecutter.project_name}} relies extensively on environment settings which **will not work with Apache/mod_wsgi setups**. It has been deployed successfully with both Gunicorn/Nginx and even uWSGI/Nginx. For configuration purposes, the following table maps the '{{cookiecutter.project_name}}' environment variables to their Django setting: ======================================= =========================== ============================================== =========================================== Environment Variable Django Setting Development Default Production Default ======================================= =========================== ============================================== =========================================== DJANGO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID n/a raises error DJANGO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY n/a raises error DJANGO_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME n/a raises error DJANGO_CACHES CACHES locmem memcached DJANGO_DATABASES DATABASES See code See code DJANGO_DEBUG DEBUG True False DJANGO_EMAIL_BACKEND EMAIL_BACKEND django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend DJANGO_SECRET_KEY SECRET_KEY CHANGEME!!! raises error DJANGO_SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER n/a True DJANGO_SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT n/a True DJANGO_SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF n/a True DJANGO_SECURE_FRAME_DENY SECURE_FRAME_DENY n/a True DJANGO_SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS n/a True DJANGO_SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY n/a True DJANGO_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE n/a False ======================================= =========================== ============================================== =========================================== * TODO: Add vendor-added settings in another table Getting up and running ---------------------- The steps below will get you up and running with a local development environment. We assume you have the following installed: * pip * virtualenv * PostgreSQL First make sure to create and activate a virtualenv_, then open a terminal at the project root and install the requirements for local development:: $ pip install -r requirements/local.txt .. _virtualenv: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/ You can now run the ``runserver_plus`` command:: $ python {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/manage.py runserver_plus The base app will run but you'll need to carry out a few steps to make the sign-up and login forms work. These are currently detailed in `issue #39`_. .. _issue #39: https://github.com/pydanny/cookiecutter-django/issues/39 **Live reloading and Sass CSS compilation** If you'd like to take advantage of live reloading and Sass / Compass CSS compilation you can do so with the included Grunt task. Make sure that nodejs_ is installed. Then in the project root run:: $ npm install grunt .. _nodejs: http://nodejs.org/download/ Now you just need:: $ grunt serve The base app will now run as it would with the usual ``manage.py runserver`` but with live reloading and Sass compilation enabled. To get live reloading to work you'll probably need to install an `appropriate browser extension`_ .. _appropriate browser extension: http://feedback.livereload.com/knowledgebase/articles/86242-how-do-i-install-and-use-the-browser-extensions- It's time to write the code!!! Deployment ------------ It is possible to deploy to Heroku or to your own server by using Dokku, an open source Heroku clone. Heroku ^^^^^^ Run these commands to deploy the project to Heroku: .. code-block:: bash heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-python heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:dev heroku addons:add pgbackups:auto-month heroku addons:add sendgrid:starter heroku addons:add memcachier:dev heroku pg:promote DATABASE_URL heroku config:set DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=Production heroku config:set DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=RANDOM_SECRET_KEY_HERE heroku config:set DJANGO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR_AWS_ID_HERE heroku config:set DJANGO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_HERE heroku config:set DJANGO_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME=YOUR_AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME_HERE git push heroku master heroku run python {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/manage.py migrate heroku run python {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/manage.py createsuperuser heroku open Dokku ^^^^^ You need to make sure you have a server running Dokku with at least 1GB of RAM. Backing services are added just like in Heroku however you must ensure you have the relevant Dokku plugins installed. .. code-block:: bash cd /var/lib/dokku/plugins git clone https://github.com/rlaneve/dokku-link.git link git clone https://github.com/jezdez/dokku-memcached-plugin memcached git clone https://github.com/jezdez/dokku-postgres-plugin postgres dokku plugins-install You can specify the buildpack you wish to use by creating a file name .env containing the following. .. code-block:: bash export BUILDPACK_URL=<repository> You can then deploy by running the following commands. .. code-block:: bash git remote add dokku dokku@yourservername.com:{{cookiecutter.repo_name}} git push dokku master ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku memcached:create {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-memcached ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku memcached:link {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-memcached {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku postgres:create {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-postgres ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku postgres:link {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}-postgres {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=Production ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=RANDOM_SECRET_KEY_HERE ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} DJANGO_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=YOUR_AWS_ID_HERE ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} DJANGO_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_HERE ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} DJANGO_AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME=YOUR_AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME_HERE ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} SENDGRID_USERNAME=YOUR_SENDGRID_USERNAME ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku config:set {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} SENDGRID_PASSWORD=YOUR_SENDGRID_PASSWORD ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku run {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} python {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/manage.py migrate ssh -t dokku@yourservername.com dokku run {{cookiecutter.repo_name}} python {{cookiecutter.repo_name}}/manage.py createsuperuser When deploying via Dokku make sure you backup your database in some fashion as it is NOT done automatically.