> A machine-readable [schema] describes what resources are available via the API, what their URLs are, how they are represented and what operations they support.
> — Heroku, [JSON Schema for the Heroku Platform API][cite]
API schemas are a useful tool that allow for a range of use cases, including
generating reference documentation, or driving dynamic client libraries that
can interact with your API.
## Representing schemas internally
REST framework uses [Core API][coreapi] in order to model schema information in
a format-independent representation. This information can then be rendered
into various different schema formats, or used to generate API documentation.
When using Core API, a schema is represented as a `Document` which is the
top-level container object for information about the API. Available API
interactions are represented using `Link` objects. Each link includes a URL,
HTTP method, and may include a list of `Field` instances, which describe any
parameters that may be accepted by the API endpoint. The `Link` and `Field`
instances may also include descriptions, that allow an API schema to be
rendered into user documentation.
Here's an example of an API description that includes a single `search`
title='Flight Search API',
'search': coreapi.Link(
description='City name or airport code.'
description='City name or airport code.'
description='Flight date in "YYYY-MM-DD" format.'
description='Return flight availability and prices.'
## Schema output formats
In order to be presented in an HTTP response, the internal representation
has to be rendered into the actual bytes that are used in the response.
[Core JSON][corejson] is designed as a canonical format for use with Core API.
REST framework includes a renderer class for handling this media type, which
*`patterns` - A list of URLs to inspect when generating the schema. Defaults to the project's URL conf.
*`urlconf` - A URL conf module name to use when generating the schema. Defaults to `settings.ROOT_URLCONF`.
### get_schema()
Returns a `coreapi.Document` instance that represents the API schema.
def schema_view(request):
return generator.get_schema()
*`request` - The incoming request. Optionally used if you want to apply per-user permissions to the schema-generation.
## Core API
This documentation gives a brief overview of the components within the `coreapi`
package that are used to represent an API schema.
Note that these classes are imported from the `coreapi` package, rather than
from the `rest_framework` package.
### Document
Represents a container for the API schema.
#### `title`
A name for the API.
#### `url`
A canonical URL for the API.
#### `content`
A dictionary, containing the `Link` objects that the schema contains.
In order to provide more structure to the schema, the `content` dictionary
may be nested, typically to a second level. For example:
"bookings": {
"list": Link(...),
"create": Link(...),
"venues": {
"list": Link(...),
### Link
Represents an individual API endpoint.
#### `url`
The URL of the endpoint. May be a URI template, such as `/users/{username}/`.
#### `action`
The HTTP method associated with the endpoint. Note that URLs that support
more than one HTTP method, should correspond to a single `Link` for each.
#### `fields`
A list of `Field` instances, describing the available parameters on the input.
#### `description`
A short description of the meaning and intended usage of the endpoint.
### Field
Represents a single input parameter on a given API endpoint.
#### `name`
A descriptive name for the input.
#### `required`
A boolean, indicated if the client is required to included a value, or if
the parameter can be omitted.
#### `location`
Determines how the information is encoded into the request. Should be one of
the following strings:
Included in a templated URI. For example a `url` value of `/products/{product_code}/` could be used together with a `"path"` field, to handle API inputs in a URL path such as `/products/slim-fit-jeans/`.
These fields will normally correspond with [named arguments in the project URL conf][named-arguments].
Included as a URL query parameter. For example `?search=sale`. Typically for `GET` requests.
These fields will normally correspond with pagination and filtering controls on a view.
Included in the request body, as a single item of a JSON object or HTML form. For example `{"colour": "blue", ...}`. Typically for `POST`, `PUT` and `PATCH` requests. Multiple `"form"` fields may be included on a single link.
These fields will normally correspond with serializer fields on a view.
Included as the complete request body. Typically for `POST`, `PUT` and `PATCH` requests. No more than one `"body"` field may exist on a link. May not be used together with `"form"` fields.
These fields will normally correspond with views that use `ListSerializer` to validate the request input, or with file upload views.
#### `encoding`
JSON encoded request content. Corresponds to views using `JSONParser`.
Valid only if either one or more `location="form"` fields, or a single
`location="body"` field is included on the `Link`.
Multipart encoded request content. Corresponds to views using `MultiPartParser`.
Valid only if one or more `location="form"` fields is included on the `Link`.
URL encoded request content. Corresponds to views using `FormParser`. Valid
only if one or more `location="form"` fields is included on the `Link`.
Binary upload request content. Corresponds to views using `FileUploadParser`.
Valid only if a `location="body"` field is included on the `Link`.
#### `description`
A short description of the meaning and intended usage of the input field.