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import warnings
from django.db import models
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
from rest_framework import exceptions, serializers
from rest_framework.compat import uritemplate
from .generators import BaseSchemaGenerator
from .inspectors import ViewInspector
from .utils import get_pk_description, is_list_view
# Generator
class SchemaGenerator(BaseSchemaGenerator):
def get_info(self):
info = {
'title': self.title,
'version': 'TODO',
if self.description is not None:
info['description'] = self.description
return info
def get_paths(self, request=None):
result = {}
paths, view_endpoints = self._get_paths_and_endpoints(request)
# Only generate the path prefix for paths that will be included
if not paths:
return None
prefix = self.determine_path_prefix(paths)
for path, method, view in view_endpoints:
if not self.has_view_permissions(path, method, view):
operation = view.schema.get_operation(path, method)
subpath = '/' + path[len(prefix):]
result.setdefault(subpath, {})
result[subpath][method.lower()] = operation
return result
def get_schema(self, request=None, public=False):
Generate a OpenAPI schema.
paths = self.get_paths(None if public else request)
if not paths:
return None
schema = {
'openapi': '3.0.2',
'info': self.get_info(),
'paths': paths,
return schema
# View Inspectors
class AutoSchema(ViewInspector):
content_types = ['application/json']
method_mapping = {
'get': 'Retrieve',
'post': 'Create',
'put': 'Update',
'patch': 'PartialUpdate',
'delete': 'Destroy',
def get_operation(self, path, method):
operation = {}
operation['operationId'] = self._get_operation_id(path, method)
parameters = []
parameters += self._get_path_parameters(path, method)
parameters += self._get_pagination_parameters(path, method)
parameters += self._get_filter_parameters(path, method)
operation['parameters'] = parameters
request_body = self._get_request_body(path, method)
if request_body:
operation['requestBody'] = request_body
operation['responses'] = self._get_responses(path, method)
return operation
def _get_operation_id(self, path, method):
Compute an operation ID from the model, serializer or view name.
method_name = getattr(self.view, 'action', method.lower())
if is_list_view(path, method, self.view):
action = 'List'
elif method_name not in self.method_mapping:
action = method_name
action = self.method_mapping[method.lower()]
# Try to deduce the ID from the view's model
model = getattr(getattr(self.view, 'queryset', None), 'model', None)
if model is not None:
name = model.__name__
# Try with the serializer class name
elif hasattr(self.view, 'get_serializer_class'):
name = self.view.get_serializer_class().__name__
if name.endswith('Serializer'):
name = name[:-10]
# Fallback to the view name
name = self.view.__class__.__name__
if name.endswith('APIView'):
name = name[:-7]
elif name.endswith('View'):
name = name[:-4]
if name.endswith(action): # ListView, UpdateAPIView, ThingDelete ...
name = name[:-len(action)]
if action == 'List' and not name.endswith('s'): # ListThings instead of ListThing
name += 's'
return action + name
def _get_path_parameters(self, path, method):
Return a list of parameters from templated path variables.
assert uritemplate, '`uritemplate` must be installed for OpenAPI schema support.'
model = getattr(getattr(self.view, 'queryset', None), 'model', None)
parameters = []
for variable in uritemplate.variables(path):
description = ''
if model is not None: # TODO: test this.
# Attempt to infer a field description if possible.
model_field = model._meta.get_field(variable)
except Exception:
model_field = None
if model_field is not None and model_field.help_text:
description = force_text(model_field.help_text)
elif model_field is not None and model_field.primary_key:
description = get_pk_description(model, model_field)
parameter = {
"name": variable,
"in": "path",
"required": True,
"description": description,
'schema': {
'type': 'string', # TODO: integer, pattern, ...
return parameters
def _get_filter_parameters(self, path, method):
if not self._allows_filters(path, method):
return []
parameters = []
for filter_backend in self.view.filter_backends:
parameters += filter_backend().get_schema_operation_parameters(self.view)
return parameters
def _allows_filters(self, path, method):
Determine whether to include filter Fields in schema.
Default implementation looks for ModelViewSet or GenericAPIView
actions/methods that cause filtering on the default implementation.
if getattr(self.view, 'filter_backends', None) is None:
return False
if hasattr(self.view, 'action'):
return self.view.action in ["list", "retrieve", "update", "partial_update", "destroy"]
return method.lower() in ["get", "put", "patch", "delete"]
def _get_pagination_parameters(self, path, method):
view = self.view
if not is_list_view(path, method, view):
return []
pagination = getattr(view, 'pagination_class', None)
if not pagination:
return []
paginator = view.pagination_class()
return paginator.get_schema_operation_parameters(view)
def _map_field(self, field):
# Nested Serializers, `many` or not.
if isinstance(field, serializers.ListSerializer):
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': self._map_serializer(field.child)
if isinstance(field, serializers.Serializer):
data = self._map_serializer(field)
data['type'] = 'object'
return data
# Related fields.
if isinstance(field, serializers.ManyRelatedField):
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': self._map_field(field.child_relation)
if isinstance(field, serializers.PrimaryKeyRelatedField):
model = getattr(field.queryset, 'model', None)
if model is not None:
model_field = model._meta.pk
if isinstance(model_field, models.AutoField):
return {'type': 'integer'}
# ChoiceFields (single and multiple).
# Q:
# - Is 'type' required?
# - can we determine the TYPE of a choicefield?
if isinstance(field, serializers.MultipleChoiceField):
return {
'type': 'array',
'items': {
'enum': list(field.choices)
if isinstance(field, serializers.ChoiceField):
return {
'enum': list(field.choices),
# ListField.
if isinstance(field, serializers.ListField):
return {
'type': 'array',
# DateField and DateTimeField type is string
if isinstance(field, serializers.DateField):
return {
'type': 'string',
'format': 'date',
if isinstance(field, serializers.DateTimeField):
return {
'type': 'string',
'format': 'date-time',
# Simplest cases, default to 'string' type:
serializers.BooleanField: 'boolean',
serializers.DecimalField: 'number',
serializers.FloatField: 'number',
serializers.IntegerField: 'integer',
serializers.JSONField: 'object',
serializers.DictField: 'object',
return {'type': FIELD_CLASS_SCHEMA_TYPE.get(field.__class__, 'string')}
def _map_serializer(self, serializer):
# Assuming we have a valid serializer instance.
# - field is Nested or List serializer.
# - Handle read_only/write_only for request/response differences.
# - could do this with readOnly/writeOnly and then filter dict.
required = []
properties = {}
for field in serializer.fields.values():
if isinstance(field, serializers.HiddenField):
if field.required:
schema = self._map_field(field)
if field.read_only:
schema['readOnly'] = True
if field.write_only:
schema['writeOnly'] = True
if field.allow_null:
schema['nullable'] = True
properties[field.field_name] = schema
return {
'required': required,
'properties': properties,
def _get_request_body(self, path, method):
view = self.view
if method not in ('PUT', 'PATCH', 'POST'):
return {}
if not hasattr(view, 'get_serializer'):
return {}
serializer = view.get_serializer()
except exceptions.APIException:
serializer = None
warnings.warn('{}.get_serializer() raised an exception during '
'schema generation. Serializer fields will not be '
'generated for {} {}.'
.format(view.__class__.__name__, method, path))
if not isinstance(serializer, serializers.Serializer):
return {}
content = self._map_serializer(serializer)
# No required fields for PATCH
if method == 'PATCH':
del content['required']
# No read_only fields for request.
for name, schema in content['properties'].copy().items():
if 'readOnly' in schema:
del content['properties'][name]
return {
'content': {
ct: {'schema': content}
for ct in self.content_types
def _get_responses(self, path, method):
# TODO: Handle multiple codes.
content = {}
view = self.view
if hasattr(view, 'get_serializer'):
serializer = view.get_serializer()
except exceptions.APIException:
serializer = None
warnings.warn('{}.get_serializer() raised an exception during '
'schema generation. Serializer fields will not be '
'generated for {} {}.'
.format(view.__class__.__name__, method, path))
if isinstance(serializer, serializers.Serializer):
content = self._map_serializer(serializer)
# No write_only fields for response.
for name, schema in content['properties'].copy().items():
if 'writeOnly' in schema:
del content['properties'][name]
content['required'] = [f for f in content['required'] if f != name]
return {
'200': {
'content': {
ct: {'schema': content}
for ct in self.content_types