Serializer fields handle converting between primative values and internal datatypes. They also deal with validating input values, as well as retrieving and setting the values from their parent objects.
**Note:** The serializer fields are declared in, but by convention you should import them using `from rest_framework import serializers` and refer to fields as `serializers.<FieldName>`.
Each serializer field class constructor takes at least these arguments. Some Field classes take additional, field-specific arguments, but the following should always be accepted:
### `source`
The name of the attribute that will be used to populate the field. May be a method that only takes a `self` argument, such as `Field(source='get_absolute_url')`, or may use dotted notation to traverse attributes, such as `Field(source='')`.
The value `source='*'` has a special meaning, and is used to indicate that the entire object should be passed through to the field. This can be useful for creating nested representations. (See the implementation of the `PaginationSerializer` class for an example.)
Set this to `True` to ensure that the field is used when serializing a representation, but is not used when updating an instance dureing deserialization.
Defaults to `False`
### `required`
Normally an error will be raised if a field is not supplied during deserialization.
Set to false if this field is not required to be present during deserialization.
Defaults to `True`.
### `default`
If set, this gives the default value that will be used for the field if none is supplied. If not set the default behaviour is to not populate the attribute at all.
### `validators`
A list of Django validators that should be used to validate deserialized values.
### `error_messages`
A dictionary of error codes to error messages.
### `widget`
Used only if rendering the field to HTML.
This argument sets the widget that should be used to render the field.
By default, the `Field` class will perform a basic translation of the source value into primative datatypes, falling back to unicode representations of complex datatypes when necessary.
A field that supports both read and write operations. By itself `WriteableField` does not perform any translation of input values into a given type. You won't typically use this field directly, but you may want to override it and implement the `.to_native(self, value)` and `.from_native(self, value)` methods.
A generic field that can be tied to any arbitrary model field. The `ModelField` class delegates the task of serialization/deserialization to it's associated model field. This field can be used to create serializer fields for custom model fields, without having to create a new custom serializer field.
Corresponds to `django.db.models.fields.IntegerField`, `django.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField`, `django.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField` and `django.db.models.fields.PositiveSmallIntegerField`
Relational fields are used to represent model relationships. They can be applied to `ForeignKey`, `ManyToManyField` and `OneToOneField` relationships, as well as to reverse relationships, and custom relationships such as `GenericForeignKey`.
*`queryset` - By default `ModelSerializer` classes will use the default queryset for the relationship. `Serializer` classes must either set a queryset explicitly, or set `read_only=True`.
*`slug_field` - The field on the target that should be used to represent it. This should be a field that uniquely identifies any given instance. For example, `username`.
*`queryset` - By default `ModelSerializer` classes will use the default queryset for the relationship. `Serializer` classes must either set a queryset explicitly, or set `read_only=True`.
*`view_name` - The view name that should be used as the target of the relationship. **required**.
*`format` - If using format suffixes, hyperlinked fields will use the same format suffix for the target unless overridden by using the `format` argument.
*`queryset` - By default `ModelSerializer` classes will use the default queryset for the relationship. `Serializer` classes must either set a queryset explicitly, or set `read_only=True`.
*`slug_field` - The field on the target that should be used for the lookup. Default is `'slug'`.
*`slug_url_kwarg` - The named url parameter for the slug field lookup. Default is to use the same value as given for `slug_field`.
*`view_name` - The view name that should be used as the target of the relationship. **required**.
*`format` - If using format suffixes, hyperlinked fields will use the same format suffix for the target unless overridden by using the `format` argument.