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# Django REST framework 3.9
The 3.9 release gives access to _extra actions_ in the Browsable API, introduces composable permissions and built-in [OpenAPI][openapi] schema support. (Formerly known as Swagger)
## Funding
If you use REST framework commercially and would like to see this work continue, we strongly encourage you to invest in its continued development by
**[signing up for a paid plan][funding]**.
< ul class = "premium-promo promo" >
2019-01-08 14:15:53 +03:00
< li > < a href = "https://www.rover.com/careers/" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/rover_130x130.png)" > Rover.com< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://sentry.io/welcome/" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/sentry130.png)" > Sentry< / a > < / li >
2018-10-18 12:38:46 +03:00
< li > < a href = "https://getstream.io/try-the-api/?utm_source=drf&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=drf" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/stream-130.png)" > Stream< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://auklet.io" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/auklet-new.png)" > Auklet< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://rollbar.com" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/rollbar2.png)" > Rollbar< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://cadre.com" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/cadre.png)" > Cadre< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://loadimpact.com/?utm_campaign=Sponsorship%20links&utm_source=drf&utm_medium=drf" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/load-impact.png)" > Load Impact< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "https://hubs.ly/H0f30Lf0" style = "background-image: url(https://fund-rest-framework.s3.amazonaws.com/kloudless.png)" > Kloudless< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< div style = "clear: both; padding-bottom: 20px;" > < / div >
2019-01-08 14:15:53 +03:00
*Many thanks to all our [wonderful sponsors][sponsors], and in particular to our premium backers, [Rover ](https://www.rover.com/careers/ ), [Sentry ](https://sentry.io/welcome/ ), [Stream ](https://getstream.io/?utm_source=drf&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=drf ), [Auklet ](https://auklet.io/ ), [Rollbar ](https://rollbar.com ), [Cadre ](https://cadre.com ), [Load Impact ](https://loadimpact.com/?utm_campaign=Sponsorship%20links&utm_source=drf&utm_medium=drf ), and [Kloudless ](https://hubs.ly/H0f30Lf0 ).*
2018-10-18 12:38:46 +03:00
## Built-in OpenAPI schema support
REST framework now has a first-pass at directly including OpenAPI schema support. (Formerly known as Swagger)
* There are now `OpenAPIRenderer` , and `JSONOpenAPIRenderer` classes that deal with encoding `coreapi.Document` instances into OpenAPI YAML or OpenAPI JSON.
* The `get_schema_view(...)` method now defaults to OpenAPI YAML, with CoreJSON as a secondary
option if it is selected via HTTP content negotiation.
* There is a new management command `generateschema` , which you can use to dump
the schema into your repository.
Here's an example of adding an OpenAPI schema to the URL conf:
from rest_framework.schemas import get_schema_view
from rest_framework.renderers import JSONOpenAPIRenderer
2020-09-08 17:32:27 +03:00
from django.urls import path
2018-10-18 12:38:46 +03:00
schema_view = get_schema_view(
2023-10-13 14:44:45 +03:00
title="Server Monitoring API",
2018-10-18 12:38:46 +03:00
2023-10-13 14:44:45 +03:00
urlpatterns = [path("schema.json", schema_view), ...]
2018-10-18 12:38:46 +03:00
And here's how you can use the `generateschema` management command:
$ python manage.py generateschema --format openapi > schema.yml
There's lots of different tooling that you can use for working with OpenAPI
schemas. One option that we're working on is the [API Star ](https://docs.apistar.com/ )
command line tool.
You can use `apistar` to validate your API schema:
$ apistar validate --path schema.json --format openapi
✓ Valid OpenAPI schema.
Or to build API documentation:
$ apistar docs --path schema.json --format openapi
✓ Documentation built at "build/index.html".
API Star also includes a [dynamic client library ](https://docs.apistar.com/client-library/ )
that uses an API schema to automatically provide a client library interface for making requests.
## Composable permission classes
You can now compose permission classes using the and/or operators, `&` and `|` .
For example...
2021-12-08 17:33:41 +03:00
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated & (ReadOnly | IsAdminUser)]
2018-10-18 12:38:46 +03:00
If you're using custom permission classes then make sure that you are subclassing
from `BasePermission` in order to enable this support.
## ViewSet _Extra Actions_ available in the Browsable API
Following the introduction of the `action` decorator in v3.8, _extra actions_ defined on a ViewSet are now available
from the Browsable API.

When defined, a dropdown of "Extra Actions", appropriately filtered to detail/non-detail actions, is displayed.
## Supported Versions
REST framework 3.9 supports Django versions 1.11, 2.0, and 2.1.
## Deprecations
### `DjangoObjectPermissionsFilter` moved to third-party package.
The `DjangoObjectPermissionsFilter` class is pending deprecation, will be deprecated in 3.10 and removed entirely in 3.11.
It has been moved to the third-party [`djangorestframework-guardian` ](https://github.com/rpkilby/django-rest-framework-guardian )
package. Please use this instead.
### Router argument/method renamed to use `basename` for consistency.
* The `Router.register` `base_name` argument has been renamed in favor of `basename` .
* The `Router.get_default_base_name` method has been renamed in favor of `Router.get_default_basename` . [#5990][gh5990]
See [#5990][gh5990].
[gh5990]: https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/pull/5990
`base_name` and `get_default_base_name()` are pending deprecation. They will be deprecated in 3.10 and removed entirely in 3.11.
### `action` decorator replaces `list_route` and `detail_route`
Both `list_route` and `detail_route` are now deprecated in favour of the single `action` decorator.
They will be removed entirely in 3.10.
The `action` decorator takes a boolean `detail` argument.
* Replace `detail_route` uses with `@action(detail=True)` .
* Replace `list_route` uses with `@action(detail=False)` .
### `exclude_from_schema`
Both `APIView.exclude_from_schema` and the `exclude_from_schema` argument to the `@api_view` have now been removed.
For `APIView` you should instead set a `schema = None` attribute on the view class.
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For function-based views the `@schema` decorator can be used to exclude the view from the schema, by using `@schema(None)` .
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## Minor fixes and improvements
There are a large number of minor fixes and improvements in this release. See the [release notes ](release-notes.md ) page for a complete listing.
## What's next
2018-11-14 09:50:28 +03:00
We're planning to iteratively work towards OpenAPI becoming the standard schema
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representation. This will mean that the `coreapi` dependency will gradually become
removed, and we'll instead generate the schema directly, rather than building
a CoreAPI `Document` object.
OpenAPI has clearly become the standard for specifying Web APIs, so there's not
much value any more in our schema-agnostic document model. Making this change
will mean that we'll more easily be able to take advantage of the full set of
OpenAPI functionality.
This will also make a wider range of tooling available.
We'll focus on continuing to develop the [API Star ](https://docs.apistar.com/ )
library and client tool into a recommended option for generating API docs,
validating API schemas, and providing a dynamic client library.
There's also a huge amount of ongoing work on maturing the ASGI landscape,
with the possibility that some of this work will eventually [feed back into
There will be further work on the [Uvicorn ](https://www.uvicorn.org/ )
2018-11-14 09:50:28 +03:00
web server, as well as lots of functionality planned for the [Starlette ](https://www.starlette.io/ )
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web framework, which is building a foundational set of tooling for working with
[funding]: funding.md
[gh5886]: https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/issues/5886
[gh5705]: https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/issues/5705
[openapi]: https://www.openapis.org/
[sponsors]: https://fund.django-rest-framework.org/topics/funding/#our-sponsors