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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -534,20 +534,18 @@ REST framework commercially we strongly encourage you to invest in its
continued development by signing up for a paid plan.
Every single sign-up helps us make REST framework long-term financially sustainable.
-Many thanks to all our wonderful sponsors, and in particular to our premium backers, Rover, Sentry, Stream, Auklet, Rollbar, Cadre, Load Impact, Kloudless, and Lights On Software.
+Many thanks to all our wonderful sponsors, and in particular to our premium backers, Sentry, Stream, Release History, Rollbar, Cadre, Kloudless, and Lights On Software.
REST framework requires the following:
diff --git a/mkdocs/search_index.json b/mkdocs/search_index.json
index 257b4e1e8..55cc65e28 100644
--- a/mkdocs/search_index.json
+++ b/mkdocs/search_index.json
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"docs": [
"location": "/",
- "text": ".promo li a {\n float: left;\n width: 130px;\n height: 20px;\n text-align: center;\n margin: 10px 30px;\n padding: 150px 0 0 0;\n background-position: 0 50%;\n background-size: 130px auto;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n font-size: 120%;\n color: black;\n}\n.promo li {\n list-style: none;\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDjango REST Framework\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDjango REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.\n\n\nSome reasons you might want to use REST framework:\n\n\n\n\nThe \nWeb browsable API\n is a huge usability win for your developers.\n\n\nAuthentication policies\n including packages for \nOAuth1a\n and \nOAuth2\n.\n\n\nSerialization\n that supports both \nORM\n and \nnon-ORM\n data sources.\n\n\nCustomizable all the way down - just use \nregular function-based views\n if you don't need the \nmore\n \npowerful\n \nfeatures\n.\n\n\nExtensive documentation\n, and \ngreat community support\n.\n\n\nUsed and trusted by internationally recognised companies including \nMozilla\n, \nRed Hat\n, \nHeroku\n, and \nEventbrite\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFunding\n\n\nREST framework is a \ncollaboratively funded project\n. If you use\nREST framework commercially we strongly encourage you to invest in its\ncontinued development by \nsigning up for a paid plan\n.\n\n\nEvery single sign-up helps us make REST framework long-term financially sustainable.\n\n\n\n \nRover.com\n\n \nSentry\n\n \nStream\n\n \nAuklet\n\n \nRollbar\n\n \nCadre\n\n \nLoad Impact\n\n \nKloudless\n\n \nLights On Software\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMany thanks to all our \nwonderful sponsors\n, and in particular to our premium backers, \nRover\n, \nSentry\n, \nStream\n, \nAuklet\n, \nRollbar\n, \nCadre\n, \nLoad Impact\n, \nKloudless\n, and \nLights On Software\n.\n\n\n\n\nRequirements\n\n\nREST framework requires the following:\n\n\n\n\nPython (2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7)\n\n\nDjango (1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2)\n\n\n\n\nWe \nhighly recommend\n and only officially support the latest patch release of\neach Python and Django series.\n\n\nThe following packages are optional:\n\n\n\n\ncoreapi\n (1.32.0+) - Schema generation support.\n\n\nMarkdown\n (2.1.0+) - Markdown support for the browsable API.\n\n\ndjango-filter\n (1.0.1+) - Filtering support.\n\n\ndjango-crispy-forms\n - Improved HTML display for filtering.\n\n\ndjango-guardian\n (1.1.1+) - Object level permissions support.\n\n\n\n\nInstallation\n\n\nInstall using \npip\n, including any optional packages you want...\n\n\npip install djangorestframework\npip install markdown # Markdown support for the browsable API.\npip install django-filter # Filtering support\n\n\n\n...or clone the project from github.\n\n\ngit clone https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework\n\n\n\nAdd \n'rest_framework'\n to your \nINSTALLED_APPS\n setting.\n\n\nINSTALLED_APPS = (\n ...\n 'rest_framework',\n)\n\n\n\nIf you're intending to use the browsable API you'll probably also want to add REST framework's login and logout views. Add the following to your root \nurls.py\n file.\n\n\nurlpatterns = [\n ...\n url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls'))\n]\n\n\n\nNote that the URL path can be whatever you want.\n\n\nExample\n\n\nLet's take a look at a quick example of using REST framework to build a simple model-backed API.\n\n\nWe'll create a read-write API for accessing information on the users of our project.\n\n\nAny global settings for a REST framework API are kept in a single configuration dictionary named \nREST_FRAMEWORK\n. Start off by adding the following to your \nsettings.py\n module:\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n # Use Django's standard `django.contrib.auth` permissions,\n # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users.\n 'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': [\n 'rest_framework.permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly'\n ]\n}\n\n\n\nDon't forget to make sure you've also added \nrest_framework\n to your \nINSTALLED_APPS\n.\n\n\nWe're ready to create our API now.\nHere's our project's root \nurls.py\n module:\n\n\nfrom django.conf.urls import url, include\nfrom django.contrib.auth.models import User\nfrom rest_framework import routers, serializers, viewsets\n\n# Serializers define the API representation.\nclass UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):\n class Meta:\n model = User\n fields = ('url', 'username', 'email', 'is_staff')\n\n# ViewSets define the view behavior.\nclass UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):\n queryset = User.objects.all()\n serializer_class = UserSerializer\n\n# Routers provide an easy way of automatically determining the URL conf.\nrouter = routers.DefaultRouter()\nrouter.register(r'users', UserViewSet)\n\n# Wire up our API using automatic URL routing.\n# Additionally, we include login URLs for the browsable API.\nurlpatterns = [\n url(r'^', include(router.urls)),\n url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))\n]\n\n\n\nYou can now open the API in your browser at \nhttp://\n, and view your new 'users' API. If you use the login control in the top right corner you'll also be able to add, create and delete users from the system.\n\n\nQuickstart\n\n\nCan't wait to get started? The \nquickstart guide\n is the fastest way to get up and running, and building APIs with REST framework.\n\n\nDevelopment\n\n\nSee the \nContribution guidelines\n for information on how to clone\nthe repository, run the test suite and contribute changes back to REST\nFramework.\n\n\nSupport\n\n\nFor support please see the \nREST framework discussion group\n, try the \n#restframework\n channel on \nirc.freenode.net\n, search \nthe IRC archives\n, or raise a question on \nStack Overflow\n, making sure to include the \n'django-rest-framework'\n tag.\n\n\nFor priority support please sign up for a \nprofessional or premium sponsorship plan\n.\n\n\nFor updates on REST framework development, you may also want to follow \nthe author\n on Twitter.\n\n\nFollow @_tomchristie\n\n\n!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=\"//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js\";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,\"script\",\"twitter-wjs\");\n\n\nSecurity\n\n\nIf you believe you\u2019ve found something in Django REST framework which has security implications, please \ndo not raise the issue in a public forum\n.\n\n\nSend a description of the issue via email to \nrest-framework-security@googlegroups.com\n. The project maintainers will then work with you to resolve any issues where required, prior to any public disclosure.\n\n\nLicense\n\n\nCopyright \u00a9 2011-present, \nEncode OSS Ltd\n.\nAll rights reserved.\n\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRedistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRedistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNeither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND\nANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\nWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\nFOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\nDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\nSERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\nCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\nOR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\nOF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.",
+ "text": ".promo li a {\n float: left;\n width: 130px;\n height: 20px;\n text-align: center;\n margin: 10px 30px;\n padding: 150px 0 0 0;\n background-position: 0 50%;\n background-size: 130px auto;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n font-size: 120%;\n color: black;\n}\n.promo li {\n list-style: none;\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDjango REST Framework\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nDjango REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.\n\n\nSome reasons you might want to use REST framework:\n\n\n\n\nThe \nWeb browsable API\n is a huge usability win for your developers.\n\n\nAuthentication policies\n including packages for \nOAuth1a\n and \nOAuth2\n.\n\n\nSerialization\n that supports both \nORM\n and \nnon-ORM\n data sources.\n\n\nCustomizable all the way down - just use \nregular function-based views\n if you don't need the \nmore\n \npowerful\n \nfeatures\n.\n\n\nExtensive documentation\n, and \ngreat community support\n.\n\n\nUsed and trusted by internationally recognised companies including \nMozilla\n, \nRed Hat\n, \nHeroku\n, and \nEventbrite\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFunding\n\n\nREST framework is a \ncollaboratively funded project\n. If you use\nREST framework commercially we strongly encourage you to invest in its\ncontinued development by \nsigning up for a paid plan\n.\n\n\nEvery single sign-up helps us make REST framework long-term financially sustainable.\n\n\n\n \nSentry\n\n \nStream\n\n \nRelease History\n\n \nRollbar\n\n \nCadre\n\n \nKloudless\n\n \nLights On Software\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMany thanks to all our \nwonderful sponsors\n, and in particular to our premium backers, \nSentry\n, \nStream\n, \nRelease History\n, \nRollbar\n, \nCadre\n, \nKloudless\n, and \nLights On Software\n.\n\n\n\n\nRequirements\n\n\nREST framework requires the following:\n\n\n\n\nPython (2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7)\n\n\nDjango (1.11, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2)\n\n\n\n\nWe \nhighly recommend\n and only officially support the latest patch release of\neach Python and Django series.\n\n\nThe following packages are optional:\n\n\n\n\ncoreapi\n (1.32.0+) - Schema generation support.\n\n\nMarkdown\n (2.1.0+) - Markdown support for the browsable API.\n\n\ndjango-filter\n (1.0.1+) - Filtering support.\n\n\ndjango-crispy-forms\n - Improved HTML display for filtering.\n\n\ndjango-guardian\n (1.1.1+) - Object level permissions support.\n\n\n\n\nInstallation\n\n\nInstall using \npip\n, including any optional packages you want...\n\n\npip install djangorestframework\npip install markdown # Markdown support for the browsable API.\npip install django-filter # Filtering support\n\n\n\n...or clone the project from github.\n\n\ngit clone https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework\n\n\n\nAdd \n'rest_framework'\n to your \nINSTALLED_APPS\n setting.\n\n\nINSTALLED_APPS = (\n ...\n 'rest_framework',\n)\n\n\n\nIf you're intending to use the browsable API you'll probably also want to add REST framework's login and logout views. Add the following to your root \nurls.py\n file.\n\n\nurlpatterns = [\n ...\n url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls'))\n]\n\n\n\nNote that the URL path can be whatever you want.\n\n\nExample\n\n\nLet's take a look at a quick example of using REST framework to build a simple model-backed API.\n\n\nWe'll create a read-write API for accessing information on the users of our project.\n\n\nAny global settings for a REST framework API are kept in a single configuration dictionary named \nREST_FRAMEWORK\n. Start off by adding the following to your \nsettings.py\n module:\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n # Use Django's standard `django.contrib.auth` permissions,\n # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users.\n 'DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES': [\n 'rest_framework.permissions.DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly'\n ]\n}\n\n\n\nDon't forget to make sure you've also added \nrest_framework\n to your \nINSTALLED_APPS\n.\n\n\nWe're ready to create our API now.\nHere's our project's root \nurls.py\n module:\n\n\nfrom django.conf.urls import url, include\nfrom django.contrib.auth.models import User\nfrom rest_framework import routers, serializers, viewsets\n\n# Serializers define the API representation.\nclass UserSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):\n class Meta:\n model = User\n fields = ('url', 'username', 'email', 'is_staff')\n\n# ViewSets define the view behavior.\nclass UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):\n queryset = User.objects.all()\n serializer_class = UserSerializer\n\n# Routers provide an easy way of automatically determining the URL conf.\nrouter = routers.DefaultRouter()\nrouter.register(r'users', UserViewSet)\n\n# Wire up our API using automatic URL routing.\n# Additionally, we include login URLs for the browsable API.\nurlpatterns = [\n url(r'^', include(router.urls)),\n url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))\n]\n\n\n\nYou can now open the API in your browser at \nhttp://\n, and view your new 'users' API. If you use the login control in the top right corner you'll also be able to add, create and delete users from the system.\n\n\nQuickstart\n\n\nCan't wait to get started? The \nquickstart guide\n is the fastest way to get up and running, and building APIs with REST framework.\n\n\nDevelopment\n\n\nSee the \nContribution guidelines\n for information on how to clone\nthe repository, run the test suite and contribute changes back to REST\nFramework.\n\n\nSupport\n\n\nFor support please see the \nREST framework discussion group\n, try the \n#restframework\n channel on \nirc.freenode.net\n, search \nthe IRC archives\n, or raise a question on \nStack Overflow\n, making sure to include the \n'django-rest-framework'\n tag.\n\n\nFor priority support please sign up for a \nprofessional or premium sponsorship plan\n.\n\n\nFor updates on REST framework development, you may also want to follow \nthe author\n on Twitter.\n\n\nFollow @_tomchristie\n\n\n!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=\"//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js\";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,\"script\",\"twitter-wjs\");\n\n\nSecurity\n\n\nIf you believe you\u2019ve found something in Django REST framework which has security implications, please \ndo not raise the issue in a public forum\n.\n\n\nSend a description of the issue via email to \nrest-framework-security@googlegroups.com\n. The project maintainers will then work with you to resolve any issues where required, prior to any public disclosure.\n\n\nLicense\n\n\nCopyright \u00a9 2011-present, \nEncode OSS Ltd\n.\nAll rights reserved.\n\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRedistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRedistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNeither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS IS\" AND\nANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\nWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\nFOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\nDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\nSERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\nCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\nOR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\nOF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.",
"title": "Home"
"location": "/#funding",
- "text": "REST framework is a collaboratively funded project . If you use\nREST framework commercially we strongly encourage you to invest in its\ncontinued development by signing up for a paid plan . Every single sign-up helps us make REST framework long-term financially sustainable. \n Rover.com \n Sentry \n Stream \n Auklet \n Rollbar \n Cadre \n Load Impact \n Kloudless \n Lights On Software Many thanks to all our wonderful sponsors , and in particular to our premium backers, Rover , Sentry , Stream , Auklet , Rollbar , Cadre , Load Impact , Kloudless , and Lights On Software .",
+ "text": "REST framework is a collaboratively funded project . If you use\nREST framework commercially we strongly encourage you to invest in its\ncontinued development by signing up for a paid plan . Every single sign-up helps us make REST framework long-term financially sustainable. \n Sentry \n Stream \n Release History \n Rollbar \n Cadre \n Kloudless \n Lights On Software Many thanks to all our wonderful sponsors , and in particular to our premium backers, Sentry , Stream , Release History , Rollbar , Cadre , Kloudless , and Lights On Software .",
"title": "Funding"
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
"location": "/tutorial/1-serialization/",
- "text": "Tutorial 1: Serialization\n\n\nIntroduction\n\n\nThis tutorial will cover creating a simple pastebin code highlighting Web API. Along the way it will introduce the various components that make up REST framework, and give you a comprehensive understanding of how everything fits together.\n\n\nThe tutorial is fairly in-depth, so you should probably get a cookie and a cup of your favorite brew before getting started. If you just want a quick overview, you should head over to the \nquickstart\n documentation instead.\n\n\n\n\nNote\n: The code for this tutorial is available in the \ntomchristie/rest-framework-tutorial\n repository on GitHub. The completed implementation is also online as a sandbox version for testing, \navailable here\n.\n\n\n\n\nSetting up a new environment\n\n\nBefore we do anything else we'll create a new virtual environment, using \nvirtualenv\n. This will make sure our package configuration is kept nicely isolated from any other projects we're working on.\n\n\nvirtualenv env\nsource env/bin/activate\n\n\n\nNow that we're inside a virtualenv environment, we can install our package requirements.\n\n\npip install django\npip install djangorestframework\npip install pygments # We'll be using this for the code highlighting\n\n\n\nNote:\n To exit the virtualenv environment at any time, just type \ndeactivate\n. For more information see the \nvirtualenv documentation\n.\n\n\nGetting started\n\n\nOkay, we're ready to get coding.\nTo get started, let's create a new project to work with.\n\n\ncd ~\ndjango-admin startproject tutorial\ncd tutorial\n\n\n\nOnce that's done we can create an app that we'll use to create a simple Web API.\n\n\npython manage.py startapp snippets\n\n\n\nWe'll need to add our new \nsnippets\n app and the \nrest_framework\n app to \nINSTALLED_APPS\n. Let's edit the \ntutorial/settings.py\n file:\n\n\nINSTALLED_APPS = (\n ...\n 'rest_framework',\n 'snippets.apps.SnippetsConfig',\n)\n\n\n\nOkay, we're ready to roll.\n\n\nCreating a model to work with\n\n\nFor the purposes of this tutorial we're going to start by creating a simple \nSnippet\n model that is used to store code snippets. Go ahead and edit the \nsnippets/models.py\n file. Note: Good programming practices include comments. Although you will find them in our repository version of this tutorial code, we have omitted them here to focus on the code itself.\n\n\nfrom django.db import models\nfrom pygments.lexers import get_all_lexers\nfrom pygments.styles import get_all_styles\n\nLEXERS = [item for item in get_all_lexers() if item[1]]\nLANGUAGE_CHOICES = sorted([(item[1][0], item[0]) for item in LEXERS])\nSTYLE_CHOICES = sorted((item, item) for item in get_all_styles())\n\n\nclass Snippet(models.Model):\n created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)\n title = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='')\n code = models.TextField()\n linenos = models.BooleanField(default=False)\n language = models.CharField(choices=LANGUAGE_CHOICES, default='python', max_length=100)\n style = models.CharField(choices=STYLE_CHOICES, default='friendly', max_length=100)\n\n class Meta:\n ordering = ('created',)\n\n\n\nWe'll also need to create an initial migration for our snippet model, and sync the database for the first time.\n\n\npython manage.py makemigrations snippets\npython manage.py migrate\n\n\n\nCreating a Serializer class\n\n\nThe first thing we need to get started on our Web API is to provide a way of serializing and deserializing the snippet instances into representations such as \njson\n. We can do this by declaring serializers that work very similar to Django's forms. Create a file in the \nsnippets\n directory named \nserializers.py\n and add the following.\n\n\nfrom rest_framework import serializers\nfrom snippets.models import Snippet, LANGUAGE_CHOICES, STYLE_CHOICES\n\n\nclass SnippetSerializer(serializers.Serializer):\n id = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)\n title = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_blank=True, max_length=100)\n code = serializers.CharField(style={'base_template': 'textarea.html'})\n linenos = serializers.BooleanField(required=False)\n language = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=LANGUAGE_CHOICES, default='python')\n style = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=STYLE_CHOICES, default='friendly')\n\n def create(self, validated_data):\n \"\"\"\n Create and return a new `Snippet` instance, given the validated data.\n \"\"\"\n return Snippet.objects.create(**validated_data)\n\n def update(self, instance, validated_data):\n \"\"\"\n Update and return an existing `Snippet` instance, given the validated data.\n \"\"\"\n instance.title = validated_data.get('title', instance.title)\n instance.code = validated_data.get('code', instance.code)\n instance.linenos = validated_data.get('linenos', instance.linenos)\n instance.language = validated_data.get('language', instance.language)\n instance.style = validated_data.get('style', instance.style)\n instance.save()\n return instance\n\n\n\nThe first part of the serializer class defines the fields that get serialized/deserialized. The \ncreate()\n and \nupdate()\n methods define how fully fledged instances are created or modified when calling \nserializer.save()\n\n\nA serializer class is very similar to a Django \nForm\n class, and includes similar validation flags on the various fields, such as \nrequired\n, \nmax_length\n and \ndefault\n.\n\n\nThe field flags can also control how the serializer should be displayed in certain circumstances, such as when rendering to HTML. The \n{'base_template': 'textarea.html'}\n flag above is equivalent to using \nwidget=widgets.Textarea\n on a Django \nForm\n class. This is particularly useful for controlling how the browsable API should be displayed, as we'll see later in the tutorial.\n\n\nWe can actually also save ourselves some time by using the \nModelSerializer\n class, as we'll see later, but for now we'll keep our serializer definition explicit.\n\n\nWorking with Serializers\n\n\nBefore we go any further we'll familiarize ourselves with using our new Serializer class. Let's drop into the Django shell.\n\n\npython manage.py shell\n\n\n\nOkay, once we've got a few imports out of the way, let's create a couple of code snippets to work with.\n\n\nfrom snippets.models import Snippet\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\nfrom rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='foo = \"bar\"\\n')\nsnippet.save()\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='print(\"hello, world\")\\n')\nsnippet.save()\n\n\n\nWe've now got a few snippet instances to play with. Let's take a look at serializing one of those instances.\n\n\nserializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet)\nserializer.data\n# {'id': 2, 'title': '', 'code': 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n', 'linenos': False, 'language': 'python', 'style': 'friendly'}\n\n\n\nAt this point we've translated the model instance into Python native datatypes. To finalize the serialization process we render the data into \njson\n.\n\n\ncontent = JSONRenderer().render(serializer.data)\ncontent\n# '{\"id\": 2, \"title\": \"\", \"code\": \"print(\\\\\"hello, world\\\\\")\\\\n\", \"linenos\": false, \"language\": \"python\", \"style\": \"friendly\"}'\n\n\n\nDeserialization is similar. First we parse a stream into Python native datatypes...\n\n\nimport io\n\nstream = io.BytesIO(content)\ndata = JSONParser().parse(stream)\n\n\n\n...then we restore those native datatypes into a fully populated object instance.\n\n\nserializer = SnippetSerializer(data=data)\nserializer.is_valid()\n# True\nserializer.validated_data\n# OrderedDict([('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])\nserializer.save()\n# \n\n\n\nNotice how similar the API is to working with forms. The similarity should become even more apparent when we start writing views that use our serializer.\n\n\nWe can also serialize querysets instead of model instances. To do so we simply add a \nmany=True\n flag to the serializer arguments.\n\n\nserializer = SnippetSerializer(Snippet.objects.all(), many=True)\nserializer.data\n# [OrderedDict([('id', 1), ('title', ''), ('code', 'foo = \"bar\"\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 2), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 3), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])]\n\n\n\nUsing ModelSerializers\n\n\nOur \nSnippetSerializer\n class is replicating a lot of information that's also contained in the \nSnippet\n model. It would be nice if we could keep our code a bit more concise.\n\n\nIn the same way that Django provides both \nForm\n classes and \nModelForm\n classes, REST framework includes both \nSerializer\n classes, and \nModelSerializer\n classes.\n\n\nLet's look at refactoring our serializer using the \nModelSerializer\n class.\nOpen the file \nsnippets/serializers.py\n again, and replace the \nSnippetSerializer\n class with the following.\n\n\nclass SnippetSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n class Meta:\n model = Snippet\n fields = ('id', 'title', 'code', 'linenos', 'language', 'style')\n\n\n\nOne nice property that serializers have is that you can inspect all the fields in a serializer instance, by printing its representation. Open the Django shell with \npython manage.py shell\n, then try the following:\n\n\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\nserializer = SnippetSerializer()\nprint(repr(serializer))\n# SnippetSerializer():\n# id = IntegerField(label='ID', read_only=True)\n# title = CharField(allow_blank=True, max_length=100, required=False)\n# code = CharField(style={'base_template': 'textarea.html'})\n# linenos = BooleanField(required=False)\n# language = ChoiceField(choices=[('Clipper', 'FoxPro'), ('Cucumber', 'Gherkin'), ('RobotFramework', 'RobotFramework'), ('abap', 'ABAP'), ('ada', 'Ada')...\n# style = ChoiceField(choices=[('autumn', 'autumn'), ('borland', 'borland'), ('bw', 'bw'), ('colorful', 'colorful')...\n\n\n\nIt's important to remember that \nModelSerializer\n classes don't do anything particularly magical, they are simply a shortcut for creating serializer classes:\n\n\n\n\nAn automatically determined set of fields.\n\n\nSimple default implementations for the \ncreate()\n and \nupdate()\n methods.\n\n\n\n\nWriting regular Django views using our Serializer\n\n\nLet's see how we can write some API views using our new Serializer class.\nFor the moment we won't use any of REST framework's other features, we'll just write the views as regular Django views.\n\n\nEdit the \nsnippets/views.py\n file, and add the following.\n\n\nfrom django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse\nfrom django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt\nfrom rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\nfrom snippets.models import Snippet\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\n\n\n\nThe root of our API is going to be a view that supports listing all the existing snippets, or creating a new snippet.\n\n\n@csrf_exempt\ndef snippet_list(request):\n \"\"\"\n List all code snippets, or create a new snippet.\n \"\"\"\n if request.method == 'GET':\n snippets = Snippet.objects.all()\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippets, many=True)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data, safe=False)\n\n elif request.method == 'POST':\n data = JSONParser().parse(request)\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(data=data)\n if serializer.is_valid():\n serializer.save()\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data, status=201)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.errors, status=400)\n\n\n\nNote that because we want to be able to POST to this view from clients that won't have a CSRF token we need to mark the view as \ncsrf_exempt\n. This isn't something that you'd normally want to do, and REST framework views actually use more sensible behavior than this, but it'll do for our purposes right now.\n\n\nWe'll also need a view which corresponds to an individual snippet, and can be used to retrieve, update or delete the snippet.\n\n\n@csrf_exempt\ndef snippet_detail(request, pk):\n \"\"\"\n Retrieve, update or delete a code snippet.\n \"\"\"\n try:\n snippet = Snippet.objects.get(pk=pk)\n except Snippet.DoesNotExist:\n return HttpResponse(status=404)\n\n if request.method == 'GET':\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data)\n\n elif request.method == 'PUT':\n data = JSONParser().parse(request)\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet, data=data)\n if serializer.is_valid():\n serializer.save()\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.errors, status=400)\n\n elif request.method == 'DELETE':\n snippet.delete()\n return HttpResponse(status=204)\n\n\n\nFinally we need to wire these views up. Create the \nsnippets/urls.py\n file:\n\n\nfrom django.urls import path\nfrom snippets import views\n\nurlpatterns = [\n path('snippets/', views.snippet_list),\n path('snippets//', views.snippet_detail),\n]\n\n\n\nWe also need to wire up the root urlconf, in the \ntutorial/urls.py\n file, to include our snippet app's URLs.\n\n\nfrom django.urls import path, include\n\nurlpatterns = [\n path('', include('snippets.urls')),\n]\n\n\n\nIt's worth noting that there are a couple of edge cases we're not dealing with properly at the moment. If we send malformed \njson\n, or if a request is made with a method that the view doesn't handle, then we'll end up with a 500 \"server error\" response. Still, this'll do for now.\n\n\nTesting our first attempt at a Web API\n\n\nNow we can start up a sample server that serves our snippets.\n\n\nQuit out of the shell...\n\n\nquit()\n\n\n\n...and start up Django's development server.\n\n\npython manage.py runserver\n\nValidating models...\n\n0 errors found\nDjango version 1.11, using settings 'tutorial.settings'\nDevelopment server is running at\nQuit the server with CONTROL-C.\n\n\n\nIn another terminal window, we can test the server.\n\n\nWe can test our API using \ncurl\n or \nhttpie\n. Httpie is a user friendly http client that's written in Python. Let's install that.\n\n\nYou can install httpie using pip:\n\n\npip install httpie\n\n\n\nFinally, we can get a list of all of the snippets:\n\n\nhttp\n\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n...\n[\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"\",\n \"code\": \"foo = \\\"bar\\\"\\n\",\n \"linenos\": false,\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"style\": \"friendly\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"title\": \"\",\n \"code\": \"print(\\\"hello, world\\\")\\n\",\n \"linenos\": false,\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"style\": \"friendly\"\n }\n]\n\n\n\nOr we can get a particular snippet by referencing its id:\n\n\nhttp\n\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n...\n{\n \"id\": 2,\n \"title\": \"\",\n \"code\": \"print(\\\"hello, world\\\")\\n\",\n \"linenos\": false,\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"style\": \"friendly\"\n}\n\n\n\nSimilarly, you can have the same json displayed by visiting these URLs in a web browser.\n\n\nWhere are we now\n\n\nWe're doing okay so far, we've got a serialization API that feels pretty similar to Django's Forms API, and some regular Django views.\n\n\nOur API views don't do anything particularly special at the moment, beyond serving \njson\n responses, and there are some error handling edge cases we'd still like to clean up, but it's a functioning Web API.\n\n\nWe'll see how we can start to improve things in \npart 2 of the tutorial\n.",
+ "text": "Tutorial 1: Serialization\n\n\nIntroduction\n\n\nThis tutorial will cover creating a simple pastebin code highlighting Web API. Along the way it will introduce the various components that make up REST framework, and give you a comprehensive understanding of how everything fits together.\n\n\nThe tutorial is fairly in-depth, so you should probably get a cookie and a cup of your favorite brew before getting started. If you just want a quick overview, you should head over to the \nquickstart\n documentation instead.\n\n\n\n\nNote\n: The code for this tutorial is available in the \ntomchristie/rest-framework-tutorial\n repository on GitHub. The completed implementation is also online as a sandbox version for testing, \navailable here\n.\n\n\n\n\nSetting up a new environment\n\n\nBefore we do anything else we'll create a new virtual environment, using \nvirtualenv\n. This will make sure our package configuration is kept nicely isolated from any other projects we're working on.\n\n\nvirtualenv env\nsource env/bin/activate\n\n\n\nNow that we're inside a virtualenv environment, we can install our package requirements.\n\n\npip install django\npip install djangorestframework\npip install pygments # We'll be using this for the code highlighting\n\n\n\nNote:\n To exit the virtualenv environment at any time, just type \ndeactivate\n. For more information see the \nvirtualenv documentation\n.\n\n\nGetting started\n\n\nOkay, we're ready to get coding.\nTo get started, let's create a new project to work with.\n\n\ncd ~\ndjango-admin startproject tutorial\ncd tutorial\n\n\n\nOnce that's done we can create an app that we'll use to create a simple Web API.\n\n\npython manage.py startapp snippets\n\n\n\nWe'll need to add our new \nsnippets\n app and the \nrest_framework\n app to \nINSTALLED_APPS\n. Let's edit the \ntutorial/settings.py\n file:\n\n\nINSTALLED_APPS = (\n ...\n 'rest_framework',\n 'snippets.apps.SnippetsConfig',\n)\n\n\n\nOkay, we're ready to roll.\n\n\nCreating a model to work with\n\n\nFor the purposes of this tutorial we're going to start by creating a simple \nSnippet\n model that is used to store code snippets. Go ahead and edit the \nsnippets/models.py\n file. Note: Good programming practices include comments. Although you will find them in our repository version of this tutorial code, we have omitted them here to focus on the code itself.\n\n\nfrom django.db import models\nfrom pygments.lexers import get_all_lexers\nfrom pygments.styles import get_all_styles\n\nLEXERS = [item for item in get_all_lexers() if item[1]]\nLANGUAGE_CHOICES = sorted([(item[1][0], item[0]) for item in LEXERS])\nSTYLE_CHOICES = sorted((item, item) for item in get_all_styles())\n\n\nclass Snippet(models.Model):\n created = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)\n title = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, default='')\n code = models.TextField()\n linenos = models.BooleanField(default=False)\n language = models.CharField(choices=LANGUAGE_CHOICES, default='python', max_length=100)\n style = models.CharField(choices=STYLE_CHOICES, default='friendly', max_length=100)\n\n class Meta:\n ordering = ('created',)\n\n\n\nWe'll also need to create an initial migration for our snippet model, and sync the database for the first time.\n\n\npython manage.py makemigrations snippets\npython manage.py migrate\n\n\n\nCreating a Serializer class\n\n\nThe first thing we need to get started on our Web API is to provide a way of serializing and deserializing the snippet instances into representations such as \njson\n. We can do this by declaring serializers that work very similar to Django's forms. Create a file in the \nsnippets\n directory named \nserializers.py\n and add the following.\n\n\nfrom rest_framework import serializers\nfrom snippets.models import Snippet, LANGUAGE_CHOICES, STYLE_CHOICES\n\n\nclass SnippetSerializer(serializers.Serializer):\n id = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)\n title = serializers.CharField(required=False, allow_blank=True, max_length=100)\n code = serializers.CharField(style={'base_template': 'textarea.html'})\n linenos = serializers.BooleanField(required=False)\n language = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=LANGUAGE_CHOICES, default='python')\n style = serializers.ChoiceField(choices=STYLE_CHOICES, default='friendly')\n\n def create(self, validated_data):\n \"\"\"\n Create and return a new `Snippet` instance, given the validated data.\n \"\"\"\n return Snippet.objects.create(**validated_data)\n\n def update(self, instance, validated_data):\n \"\"\"\n Update and return an existing `Snippet` instance, given the validated data.\n \"\"\"\n instance.title = validated_data.get('title', instance.title)\n instance.code = validated_data.get('code', instance.code)\n instance.linenos = validated_data.get('linenos', instance.linenos)\n instance.language = validated_data.get('language', instance.language)\n instance.style = validated_data.get('style', instance.style)\n instance.save()\n return instance\n\n\n\nThe first part of the serializer class defines the fields that get serialized/deserialized. The \ncreate()\n and \nupdate()\n methods define how fully fledged instances are created or modified when calling \nserializer.save()\n\n\nA serializer class is very similar to a Django \nForm\n class, and includes similar validation flags on the various fields, such as \nrequired\n, \nmax_length\n and \ndefault\n.\n\n\nThe field flags can also control how the serializer should be displayed in certain circumstances, such as when rendering to HTML. The \n{'base_template': 'textarea.html'}\n flag above is equivalent to using \nwidget=widgets.Textarea\n on a Django \nForm\n class. This is particularly useful for controlling how the browsable API should be displayed, as we'll see later in the tutorial.\n\n\nWe can actually also save ourselves some time by using the \nModelSerializer\n class, as we'll see later, but for now we'll keep our serializer definition explicit.\n\n\nWorking with Serializers\n\n\nBefore we go any further we'll familiarize ourselves with using our new Serializer class. Let's drop into the Django shell.\n\n\npython manage.py shell\n\n\n\nOkay, once we've got a few imports out of the way, let's create a couple of code snippets to work with.\n\n\nfrom snippets.models import Snippet\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\nfrom rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='foo = \"bar\"\\n')\nsnippet.save()\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='print(\"hello, world\")\\n')\nsnippet.save()\n\n\n\nWe've now got a few snippet instances to play with. Let's take a look at serializing one of those instances.\n\n\nserializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet)\nserializer.data\n# {'id': 2, 'title': '', 'code': 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n', 'linenos': False, 'language': 'python', 'style': 'friendly'}\n\n\n\nAt this point we've translated the model instance into Python native datatypes. To finalize the serialization process we render the data into \njson\n.\n\n\ncontent = JSONRenderer().render(serializer.data)\ncontent\n# b'{\"id\": 2, \"title\": \"\", \"code\": \"print(\\\\\"hello, world\\\\\")\\\\n\", \"linenos\": false, \"language\": \"python\", \"style\": \"friendly\"}'\n\n\n\nDeserialization is similar. First we parse a stream into Python native datatypes...\n\n\nimport io\n\nstream = io.BytesIO(content)\ndata = JSONParser().parse(stream)\n\n\n\n...then we restore those native datatypes into a fully populated object instance.\n\n\nserializer = SnippetSerializer(data=data)\nserializer.is_valid()\n# True\nserializer.validated_data\n# OrderedDict([('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])\nserializer.save()\n# \n\n\n\nNotice how similar the API is to working with forms. The similarity should become even more apparent when we start writing views that use our serializer.\n\n\nWe can also serialize querysets instead of model instances. To do so we simply add a \nmany=True\n flag to the serializer arguments.\n\n\nserializer = SnippetSerializer(Snippet.objects.all(), many=True)\nserializer.data\n# [OrderedDict([('id', 1), ('title', ''), ('code', 'foo = \"bar\"\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 2), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 3), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])]\n\n\n\nUsing ModelSerializers\n\n\nOur \nSnippetSerializer\n class is replicating a lot of information that's also contained in the \nSnippet\n model. It would be nice if we could keep our code a bit more concise.\n\n\nIn the same way that Django provides both \nForm\n classes and \nModelForm\n classes, REST framework includes both \nSerializer\n classes, and \nModelSerializer\n classes.\n\n\nLet's look at refactoring our serializer using the \nModelSerializer\n class.\nOpen the file \nsnippets/serializers.py\n again, and replace the \nSnippetSerializer\n class with the following.\n\n\nclass SnippetSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n class Meta:\n model = Snippet\n fields = ('id', 'title', 'code', 'linenos', 'language', 'style')\n\n\n\nOne nice property that serializers have is that you can inspect all the fields in a serializer instance, by printing its representation. Open the Django shell with \npython manage.py shell\n, then try the following:\n\n\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\nserializer = SnippetSerializer()\nprint(repr(serializer))\n# SnippetSerializer():\n# id = IntegerField(label='ID', read_only=True)\n# title = CharField(allow_blank=True, max_length=100, required=False)\n# code = CharField(style={'base_template': 'textarea.html'})\n# linenos = BooleanField(required=False)\n# language = ChoiceField(choices=[('Clipper', 'FoxPro'), ('Cucumber', 'Gherkin'), ('RobotFramework', 'RobotFramework'), ('abap', 'ABAP'), ('ada', 'Ada')...\n# style = ChoiceField(choices=[('autumn', 'autumn'), ('borland', 'borland'), ('bw', 'bw'), ('colorful', 'colorful')...\n\n\n\nIt's important to remember that \nModelSerializer\n classes don't do anything particularly magical, they are simply a shortcut for creating serializer classes:\n\n\n\n\nAn automatically determined set of fields.\n\n\nSimple default implementations for the \ncreate()\n and \nupdate()\n methods.\n\n\n\n\nWriting regular Django views using our Serializer\n\n\nLet's see how we can write some API views using our new Serializer class.\nFor the moment we won't use any of REST framework's other features, we'll just write the views as regular Django views.\n\n\nEdit the \nsnippets/views.py\n file, and add the following.\n\n\nfrom django.http import HttpResponse, JsonResponse\nfrom django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt\nfrom rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\nfrom snippets.models import Snippet\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\n\n\n\nThe root of our API is going to be a view that supports listing all the existing snippets, or creating a new snippet.\n\n\n@csrf_exempt\ndef snippet_list(request):\n \"\"\"\n List all code snippets, or create a new snippet.\n \"\"\"\n if request.method == 'GET':\n snippets = Snippet.objects.all()\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippets, many=True)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data, safe=False)\n\n elif request.method == 'POST':\n data = JSONParser().parse(request)\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(data=data)\n if serializer.is_valid():\n serializer.save()\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data, status=201)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.errors, status=400)\n\n\n\nNote that because we want to be able to POST to this view from clients that won't have a CSRF token we need to mark the view as \ncsrf_exempt\n. This isn't something that you'd normally want to do, and REST framework views actually use more sensible behavior than this, but it'll do for our purposes right now.\n\n\nWe'll also need a view which corresponds to an individual snippet, and can be used to retrieve, update or delete the snippet.\n\n\n@csrf_exempt\ndef snippet_detail(request, pk):\n \"\"\"\n Retrieve, update or delete a code snippet.\n \"\"\"\n try:\n snippet = Snippet.objects.get(pk=pk)\n except Snippet.DoesNotExist:\n return HttpResponse(status=404)\n\n if request.method == 'GET':\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data)\n\n elif request.method == 'PUT':\n data = JSONParser().parse(request)\n serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet, data=data)\n if serializer.is_valid():\n serializer.save()\n return JsonResponse(serializer.data)\n return JsonResponse(serializer.errors, status=400)\n\n elif request.method == 'DELETE':\n snippet.delete()\n return HttpResponse(status=204)\n\n\n\nFinally we need to wire these views up. Create the \nsnippets/urls.py\n file:\n\n\nfrom django.urls import path\nfrom snippets import views\n\nurlpatterns = [\n path('snippets/', views.snippet_list),\n path('snippets//', views.snippet_detail),\n]\n\n\n\nWe also need to wire up the root urlconf, in the \ntutorial/urls.py\n file, to include our snippet app's URLs.\n\n\nfrom django.urls import path, include\n\nurlpatterns = [\n path('', include('snippets.urls')),\n]\n\n\n\nIt's worth noting that there are a couple of edge cases we're not dealing with properly at the moment. If we send malformed \njson\n, or if a request is made with a method that the view doesn't handle, then we'll end up with a 500 \"server error\" response. Still, this'll do for now.\n\n\nTesting our first attempt at a Web API\n\n\nNow we can start up a sample server that serves our snippets.\n\n\nQuit out of the shell...\n\n\nquit()\n\n\n\n...and start up Django's development server.\n\n\npython manage.py runserver\n\nValidating models...\n\n0 errors found\nDjango version 1.11, using settings 'tutorial.settings'\nDevelopment server is running at\nQuit the server with CONTROL-C.\n\n\n\nIn another terminal window, we can test the server.\n\n\nWe can test our API using \ncurl\n or \nhttpie\n. Httpie is a user friendly http client that's written in Python. Let's install that.\n\n\nYou can install httpie using pip:\n\n\npip install httpie\n\n\n\nFinally, we can get a list of all of the snippets:\n\n\nhttp\n\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n...\n[\n {\n \"id\": 1,\n \"title\": \"\",\n \"code\": \"foo = \\\"bar\\\"\\n\",\n \"linenos\": false,\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"style\": \"friendly\"\n },\n {\n \"id\": 2,\n \"title\": \"\",\n \"code\": \"print(\\\"hello, world\\\")\\n\",\n \"linenos\": false,\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"style\": \"friendly\"\n }\n]\n\n\n\nOr we can get a particular snippet by referencing its id:\n\n\nhttp\n\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\n...\n{\n \"id\": 2,\n \"title\": \"\",\n \"code\": \"print(\\\"hello, world\\\")\\n\",\n \"linenos\": false,\n \"language\": \"python\",\n \"style\": \"friendly\"\n}\n\n\n\nSimilarly, you can have the same json displayed by visiting these URLs in a web browser.\n\n\nWhere are we now\n\n\nWe're doing okay so far, we've got a serialization API that feels pretty similar to Django's Forms API, and some regular Django views.\n\n\nOur API views don't do anything particularly special at the moment, beyond serving \njson\n responses, and there are some error handling edge cases we'd still like to clean up, but it's a functioning Web API.\n\n\nWe'll see how we can start to improve things in \npart 2 of the tutorial\n.",
"title": "1 - Serialization"
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"location": "/tutorial/1-serialization/#working-with-serializers",
- "text": "Before we go any further we'll familiarize ourselves with using our new Serializer class. Let's drop into the Django shell. python manage.py shell Okay, once we've got a few imports out of the way, let's create a couple of code snippets to work with. from snippets.models import Snippet\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\nfrom rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='foo = \"bar\"\\n')\nsnippet.save()\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='print(\"hello, world\")\\n')\nsnippet.save() We've now got a few snippet instances to play with. Let's take a look at serializing one of those instances. serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet)\nserializer.data\n# {'id': 2, 'title': '', 'code': 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n', 'linenos': False, 'language': 'python', 'style': 'friendly'} At this point we've translated the model instance into Python native datatypes. To finalize the serialization process we render the data into json . content = JSONRenderer().render(serializer.data)\ncontent\n# '{\"id\": 2, \"title\": \"\", \"code\": \"print(\\\\\"hello, world\\\\\")\\\\n\", \"linenos\": false, \"language\": \"python\", \"style\": \"friendly\"}' Deserialization is similar. First we parse a stream into Python native datatypes... import io\n\nstream = io.BytesIO(content)\ndata = JSONParser().parse(stream) ...then we restore those native datatypes into a fully populated object instance. serializer = SnippetSerializer(data=data)\nserializer.is_valid()\n# True\nserializer.validated_data\n# OrderedDict([('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])\nserializer.save()\n# Notice how similar the API is to working with forms. The similarity should become even more apparent when we start writing views that use our serializer. We can also serialize querysets instead of model instances. To do so we simply add a many=True flag to the serializer arguments. serializer = SnippetSerializer(Snippet.objects.all(), many=True)\nserializer.data\n# [OrderedDict([('id', 1), ('title', ''), ('code', 'foo = \"bar\"\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 2), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 3), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])]",
+ "text": "Before we go any further we'll familiarize ourselves with using our new Serializer class. Let's drop into the Django shell. python manage.py shell Okay, once we've got a few imports out of the way, let's create a couple of code snippets to work with. from snippets.models import Snippet\nfrom snippets.serializers import SnippetSerializer\nfrom rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='foo = \"bar\"\\n')\nsnippet.save()\n\nsnippet = Snippet(code='print(\"hello, world\")\\n')\nsnippet.save() We've now got a few snippet instances to play with. Let's take a look at serializing one of those instances. serializer = SnippetSerializer(snippet)\nserializer.data\n# {'id': 2, 'title': '', 'code': 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n', 'linenos': False, 'language': 'python', 'style': 'friendly'} At this point we've translated the model instance into Python native datatypes. To finalize the serialization process we render the data into json . content = JSONRenderer().render(serializer.data)\ncontent\n# b'{\"id\": 2, \"title\": \"\", \"code\": \"print(\\\\\"hello, world\\\\\")\\\\n\", \"linenos\": false, \"language\": \"python\", \"style\": \"friendly\"}' Deserialization is similar. First we parse a stream into Python native datatypes... import io\n\nstream = io.BytesIO(content)\ndata = JSONParser().parse(stream) ...then we restore those native datatypes into a fully populated object instance. serializer = SnippetSerializer(data=data)\nserializer.is_valid()\n# True\nserializer.validated_data\n# OrderedDict([('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])\nserializer.save()\n# Notice how similar the API is to working with forms. The similarity should become even more apparent when we start writing views that use our serializer. We can also serialize querysets instead of model instances. To do so we simply add a many=True flag to the serializer arguments. serializer = SnippetSerializer(Snippet.objects.all(), many=True)\nserializer.data\n# [OrderedDict([('id', 1), ('title', ''), ('code', 'foo = \"bar\"\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 2), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")\\n'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')]), OrderedDict([('id', 3), ('title', ''), ('code', 'print(\"hello, world\")'), ('linenos', False), ('language', 'python'), ('style', 'friendly')])]",
"title": "Working with Serializers"
diff --git a/sitemap.xml b/sitemap.xml
index 654bd1f9b..2d37ab2dd 100644
--- a/sitemap.xml
+++ b/sitemap.xml
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diff --git a/tutorial/1-serialization/index.html b/tutorial/1-serialization/index.html
index c0d6e4700..46bff1069 100644
--- a/tutorial/1-serialization/index.html
+++ b/tutorial/1-serialization/index.html
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ serializer.data
At this point we've translated the model instance into Python native datatypes. To finalize the serialization process we render the data into json
content = JSONRenderer().render(serializer.data)
-# '{"id": 2, "title": "", "code": "print(\\"hello, world\\")\\n", "linenos": false, "language": "python", "style": "friendly"}'
+# b'{"id": 2, "title": "", "code": "print(\\"hello, world\\")\\n", "linenos": false, "language": "python", "style": "friendly"}'
Deserialization is similar. First we parse a stream into Python native datatypes...
import io