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synced 2025-03-03 10:45:51 +03:00
Funding announcement (#4147)
This commit is contained in:
@ -204,6 +204,8 @@ General guides to using REST framework.
* [3.2 Announcement][3.2-announcement]
* [3.3 Announcement][3.3-announcement]
* [Kickstarter Announcement][kickstarter-announcement]
* [Mozilla Grant][mozilla-grant]
* [Funding][funding]
* [Release Notes][release-notes]
## Development
[3.2-announcement]: topics/3.2-announcement.md
[3.3-announcement]: topics/3.3-announcement.md
[kickstarter-announcement]: topics/kickstarter-announcement.md
[mozilla-grant]: topics/mozilla-grant.md
[funding]: topics/funding.md
[release-notes]: topics/release-notes.md
@ -8,6 +8,22 @@ if (window.location.hostname == "www.django-rest-framework.org") {
.promo li a {
float: left;
width: 130px;
height: 20px;
text-align: center;
margin: 10px 30px;
padding: 150px 0 0 0;
background-position: 0 50%;
background-size: 130px auto;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-size: 120%;
color: black;
.promo li {
list-style: none;
.chart {
background-color: #e3e3e3;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #fff 0, #e3e3e3 100%);
@ -37,7 +53,7 @@ if (window.location.hostname == "www.django-rest-framework.org") {
top: -8px;
margin-left: 4px;
.plan-name {
text-align: center;
text-align: center;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: 400;
color: #777;
@ -47,9 +63,11 @@ if (window.location.hostname == "www.django-rest-framework.org") {
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 8px;
.specs {
margin-top: 20px;
.specs.startup {
margin-bottom: 93px
margin-top: 20px;
min-height: 130px;
.specs.freelancer {
min-height: 0px;
.spec {
font-size: 15px;
color: #474747;
@ -79,27 +97,32 @@ form.signup {
# Funding
> As a direct result of [a successful Mozilla grant application](mozilla-grant.md), I will be leaving my current role at [DabApps](http://www.dabapps.com), and attempting to secure a sustainable business model for REST framework development. I need your help in order to make this work.
> — Tom Christie
If you use REST framework commercially we strongly encourage you to invest in its continued development by signing up for a paid plan.
**We believe that collaboratively funded software can offer outstanding returns on investment, by allowing users and clients to collectively share the cost of development.**
**We believe that collaboratively funded software can offer outstanding returns on investment, by encouraging our users to collectively share the cost of development.**
Signing up for a paid plan will:
* Directly contribute to faster releases, more features and higher quality software.
* Allow more time to be invested in documentation, issue triage and community support.
* Directly contribute to faster releases, more features, and higher quality software.
* Allow more time to be invested in documentation, issue triage, and community support.
* Safeguard the future development of REST framework.
REST framework will always be open source and permissively licensed, but we firmly believe it is in the commercial best-interest for users of the project to fund its ongoing development.
REST framework continues to be open-source and permissively licensed, but we firmly believe it is in the commercial best-interest for users of the project to invest in its ongoing development.
## Making the business case
Our successful Kickstarter campaign demonstrates the cost-reward ratio of shared development funding.
Our [successful Kickstarter campaign](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tomchristie/django-rest-framework-3) demonstrates the impressive cost-reward ratio of shared funding of open-source software.
With *typical corporate fundings of just £100-£1000 per organization* we successfully delivered:
* The comprehensive 3.0 serializer redesign.
* The comprehensive serializer redesign, and **version 3.0 release**.
* Ongoing triage and community support, **closing over 1600 tickets**.
* Substantial improvements to the Browsable API.
* The admin interface.
* A new pagination API including offset/limit and cursor pagination implementations, plus on-page controls.
@ -110,13 +133,14 @@ With *typical corporate fundings of just £100-£1000 per organization* we succe
* Internationalization support for API responses, currently with 27 languages.
* The metadata APIs for handling `OPTIONS` requests and schema endpoints.
* Numerous minor improvements and better quality throughout the codebase.
* Ongoing triage and community support, closing over 1600 tickets.
This incredible level of return on investment is *only possible through collaboratively funded models*, which is why we believe that supporting our paid plans is in everyone's best interest.
Sign up for a paid plan today, and help ensure that REST framework becomes a sustainable, full-time funded project.
## Individual plan
## Freelancer plan
This subscription is recommended for freelancers and other individuals with an interest in seeing REST framework continue to improve.
@ -126,12 +150,12 @@ If you are using REST framework as an full-time employee, consider recommending
<div class="span4">
<div class="chart first">
<div class="quantity">
<span class="dollar">$</span>
<span class="price">15</span>
<span class="period">/month</span>
<span class="dollar">{{ symbol }}</span>
<span class="price">{{ rates.personal1 }}</span>
<span class="period">/month{% if vat %} +VAT{% endif %}</span>
<div class="plan-name">Individual</div>
<div class="specs">
<div class="plan-name">Freelancer</div>
<div class="specs freelancer">
<div class="spec">
Support ongoing development
@ -143,10 +167,10 @@ If you are using REST framework as an full-time employee, consider recommending
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-key="{{ stripe_public }}"
data-amount="{{ stripe_amounts.personal1 }}"
data-name="Django REST framework"
data-currency="{{ currency }}"
data-label='Sign up'
@ -174,9 +198,9 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
<div class="span4">
<div class="chart first">
<div class="quantity">
<span class="dollar">$</span>
<span class="price">50</span>
<span class="period">/month</span>
<span class="dollar">{{ symbol }}</span>
<span class="price">{{ rates.corporate1 }}</span>
<span class="period">/month{% if vat %} +VAT{% endif %}</span>
<div class="plan-name">Basic</div>
<div class="specs startup">
@ -191,10 +215,10 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-key="{{ stripe_public }}"
data-amount="{{ stripe_amounts.corporate1 }}"
data-name="Django REST framework"
data-currency="{{ currency }}"
data-label='Sign up'
@ -206,17 +230,17 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
<div class="span4">
<div class="chart">
<div class="quantity">
<span class="dollar">$</span>
<span class="price">250</span>
<span class="period">/month</span>
<span class="dollar">{{ symbol }}</span>
<span class="price">{{ rates.corporate2 }}</span>
<span class="period">/month{% if vat %} +VAT{% endif %}</span>
<div class="plan-name">Professional</div>
<div class="specs">
<div class="spec">
Support ongoing development
<div class="spec">
Add a <span class="variable">half day per month</span> development time to the project
<div class="spec">
<span class="variable">Homepage</span> ad placement
<span class="variable">Sidebar</span> ad placement
<div class="spec">
<span class="variable">Priority support</span> for your engineers
@ -226,10 +250,10 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-key="{{ stripe_public }}"
data-amount="{{ stripe_amounts.corporate2 }}"
data-name="Django REST framework"
data-currency="{{ currency }}"
data-label='Sign up'
@ -241,17 +265,20 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
<div class="span4">
<div class="chart last">
<div class="quantity">
<span class="dollar">$</span>
<span class="price">500</span>
<span class="period">/month</span>
<span class="dollar">{{ symbol }}</span>
<span class="price">{{ rates.corporate3 }}</span>
<span class="period">/month{% if vat %} +VAT{% endif %}</span>
<div class="plan-name">Premium</div>
<div class="specs">
<div class="spec">
Support ongoing development
<div class="spec">
Add <span class="variable">one full day per month</span> development time to the project
<span class="variable">Homepage</span> ad placement
<div class="spec">
<span class="variable">Full site</span> ad placement
<span class="variable">Sidebar</span> ad placement
<div class="spec">
<span class="variable">Priority support</span> for your engineers
@ -261,10 +288,10 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
data-key="{{ stripe_public }}"
data-amount="{{ stripe_amounts.corporate3 }}"
data-name="Django REST framework"
data-currency="{{ currency }}"
data-label='Sign up'
@ -279,36 +306,54 @@ Our professional and premium plans also include **priority support**. At any tim
*Billing is monthly and you can cancel at any time.*
Once you've signed up we'll contact you via email and arrange your ad placements on the site.
Once you've signed up I'll contact you via email and arrange your ad placements on the site.
For further enquires please contact <a href=mailto:tom@tomchristie.com>tom@tomchristie.com</a>.
## Roadmap
## Accountability
Although we're incredibly proud of REST framework in its current state we believe there is still huge scope for improvement. What we're aiming for here is a *highly polished, rock solid product*. This needs to backed up with impeccable documentation and a great third party ecosystem.
In order to ensure that I can be fully focused on trying to secure a sustainable
& well-funded open source business I will be leaving my current role at [DabApps](http://www.dabapps.com)
at the end of May 2016.
The roadmap below is a broad indication of just some of the ongoing and future work we believe is important to REST framework.
I have formed a UK limited company, [Encode](http://www.encode.io), which will
act as the business entity behind REST framework. I will be issuing monthly reports
from Encode on progress both towards the [Mozilla grant](mozilla-grant.md), and for development time
funded via the REST framework paid plans.
* Increasing our "bus factor" through documented organizational process & safeguards.
* More time towards testing and hardening releases, with only gradual, well-documented deprecations.
* A formal policy on security backports for non-current releases.
* Continuing triage & community support.
* Improved project documentation, including versioned & internationalized docs.
* Improved third party package visibility.
* Refining the admin interface, ensuring it has a fully customizable API and making it suitable as end-user facing application.
* Cleaning up internal complexities including the `BrowsableAPIRenderer` and `Request` object.
* Support for alternative backends such as SQLAlchemy.
* Support for non-database backed services.
* HTTP Caching API & support for conditional database lookups.
* Benchmarking and performance improvements.
* In depth documentation on advanced usage and best practices.
* Documentation & support for integration with realtime systems.
* Hypermedia support and client libraries.
* Support for JSON schema as endpoints or `OPTIONS` responses.
* API metric tools.
* Debug & logging tools.
* Third party GraphQL support.
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By taking out a paid plan you'll be directly contributing towards making these features happen.
## Our sponsors
<div id="fundingInclude"></div>
<script src="https://fund.django-rest-framework.org/funding_include.js"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
# Mozilla Grant
We have recently been [awarded a Mozilla grant](https://blog.mozilla.org/blog/2016/04/13/mozilla-open-source-support-moss-update-q1-2016/), in order to fund the next major releases of REST framework. This work will focus on seamless client-side integration by introducing supporting client libraries that are able to dynamically interact with REST framework APIs. The framework will provide for either hypermedia or schema endpoints, which will expose the available interface for the client libraries to interact with.
Additionally, we will be building on the realtime support that Django Channels provides, supporting and documenting how to build realtime APIs with REST framework. Again, this will include supporting work in the associated client libraries, making it easier to build richly interactive applications.
The [Core API](www.coreapi.org) project will provide the foundations for our client library support, and will allow us to support interaction using a wide range of schemas and hypermedia formats. It's worth noting that these client libraries won't be tightly coupled to solely REST framework APIs either, and will be able to interact with *any* API that exposes a supported schema or hypermedia format.
Specifically, the work includes:
## Client libraries
This work will include built-in schema and hypermedia support, allowing dynamic client libraries to interact with the API. I'll also be releasing both Python and Javascript client libraries, plus a command-line client, a new tutorial section, and further documentation.
* Client library support in REST framework.
* Schema & hypermedia support for REST framework APIs.
* A test client, allowing you to write tests that emulate a client library interacting with your API.
* New tutorial sections on using client libraries to interact with REST framework APIs.
* Python client library.
* JavaScript client library.
* Command line client.
## Realtime APIs
The next goal is to build on the realtime support offered by Django Channels, adding support & documentation for building realtime API endpoints.
* Support for API subscription endpoints, using REST framework and Django Channels.
* New tutorial section on building realtime API endpoints with REST framework.
* Realtime support in the Python & Javascript client libraries.
## Accountability
In order to ensure that I can be fully focused on trying to secure a sustainable
& well-funded open source business I will be leaving my current role at [DabApps](http://www.dabapps.com)
at the end of May 2016.
I have formed a UK limited company, [Encode](http://www.encode.io), which will
act as the business entity behind REST framework. I will be issuing monthly reports
from Encode on progress both towards the Mozilla grant, and for development time
funded via the [REST framework paid plans](funding.md).
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<h2>Stay up to date, with our monthly progress reports...</h2>
<div class="mc-field-group">
<label for="mce-EMAIL">Email Address </label>
<input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="required email" id="mce-EMAIL">
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<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_b6b66bb5e4c7cb484a85c8dd7_e382ef68ef" tabindex="-1" value=""></div>
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<!--End mc_embed_signup-->
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ We have a quarterly maintenance cycle where new members may join the maintenance
#### Current team
The [maintenance team for Q1 2015](https://github.com/tomchristie/django-rest-framework/issues/2190):
The [maintenance team for Q4 2015](https://github.com/tomchristie/django-rest-framework/issues/2190):
* [@tomchristie](https://github.com/tomchristie/)
* [@xordoquy](https://github.com/xordoquy/) (Release manager.)
@ -38,15 +38,12 @@
span.fusion-wrap a {
display: block;
margin-top: 10px;
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margin-bottom: 10px;
#sidebarInclude a.promo {
color: black;
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display: block;
margin-top: 10px;
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display: none;
@ -104,12 +101,10 @@
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@ -146,6 +141,7 @@
<script src="{{ base_url }}/js/jquery-1.8.1-min.js"></script>
<script src="{{ base_url }}/js/prettify-1.0.js"></script>
<script src="{{ base_url }}/js/bootstrap-2.1.1-min.js"></script>
<script src="https://fund.django-rest-framework.org/sidebar_include.js"></script>
<script>var base_url = '{{ base_url }}';</script>
<script src="{{ base_url }}/mkdocs/js/require.js"></script>
<script src="{{ base_url }}/js/theme.js"></script>
@ -63,4 +63,6 @@ pages:
- '3.2 Announcement': 'topics/3.2-announcement.md'
- '3.3 Announcement': 'topics/3.3-announcement.md'
- 'Kickstarter Announcement': 'topics/kickstarter-announcement.md'
- 'Mozilla Grant': 'topics/mozilla-grant.md'
- 'Funding': 'topics/funding.md'
- 'Release Notes': 'topics/release-notes.md'
Reference in New Issue
Block a user