mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 02:14:19 +03:00
Support for nesting resources etc...
--HG-- rename : djangorestframework/tests/resources.py => djangorestframework/tests/serializer.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -582,7 +582,12 @@ class ListModelMixin(object):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
queryset = self.queryset if self.queryset else self.resource.model.objects.all()
ordering = getattr(self.resource, 'ordering', None)
if hasattr(self, 'resource'):
ordering = getattr(self.resource.Meta, 'ordering', None)
ordering = None
if ordering:
args = as_tuple(ordering)
queryset = queryset.order_by(*args)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
from djangorestframework.response import ErrorResponse
from djangorestframework.serializer import Serializer
from djangorestframework.utils import as_tuple
import decimal
@ -13,130 +14,19 @@ import inspect
import re
# TODO: _IgnoreFieldException
# Map model classes to resource classes
#_model_to_resource = {}
def _model_to_dict(instance, resource=None):
Given a model instance, return a ``dict`` representing the model.
The implementation is similar to Django's ``django.forms.model_to_dict``, except:
* It doesn't coerce related objects into primary keys.
* It doesn't drop ``editable=False`` fields.
* It also supports attribute or method fields on the instance or resource.
opts = instance._meta
data = {}
#print [rel.name for rel in opts.get_all_related_objects()]
#related = [rel.get_accessor_name() for rel in opts.get_all_related_objects()]
#print [getattr(instance, rel) for rel in related]
#if resource.fields:
# fields = resource.fields
# fields = set(opts.fields + opts.many_to_many)
fields = resource and resource.fields or ()
include = resource and resource.include or ()
exclude = resource and resource.exclude or ()
extra_fields = fields and list(fields) or list(include)
# Model fields
for f in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many:
if fields and not f.name in fields:
if exclude and f.name in exclude:
if isinstance(f, models.ForeignKey):
data[f.name] = getattr(instance, f.name)
data[f.name] = f.value_from_object(instance)
if extra_fields and f.name in extra_fields:
# Method fields
for fname in extra_fields:
if isinstance(fname, (tuple, list)):
fname, fields = fname
fname, fields = fname, False
if hasattr(resource, fname):
# check the resource first, to allow it to override fields
obj = getattr(resource, fname)
# if it's a method like foo(self, instance), then call it
if inspect.ismethod(obj) and len(inspect.getargspec(obj)[0]) == 2:
obj = obj(instance)
elif hasattr(instance, fname):
# now check the object instance
obj = getattr(instance, fname)
# TODO: It would be nicer if this didn't recurse here.
# Let's keep _model_to_dict flat, and _object_to_data recursive.
if fields:
Resource = type('Resource', (object,), {'fields': fields,
'include': (),
'exclude': ()})
data[fname] = _object_to_data(obj, Resource())
data[fname] = _object_to_data(obj)
except NoReverseMatch:
# Ug, bit of a hack for now
return data
def _object_to_data(obj, resource=None):
Convert an object into a serializable representation.
if isinstance(obj, dict):
# dictionaries
# TODO: apply same _model_to_dict logic fields/exclude here
return dict([ (key, _object_to_data(val)) for key, val in obj.iteritems() ])
if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, set, QuerySet)):
# basic iterables
return [_object_to_data(item, resource) for item in obj]
if isinstance(obj, models.Manager):
# Manager objects
return [_object_to_data(item, resource) for item in obj.all()]
if isinstance(obj, models.Model):
# Model instances
return _object_to_data(_model_to_dict(obj, resource))
if isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
# Decimals (force to string representation)
return str(obj)
if inspect.isfunction(obj) and not inspect.getargspec(obj)[0]:
# function with no args
return _object_to_data(obj(), resource)
if inspect.ismethod(obj) and len(inspect.getargspec(obj)[0]) <= 1:
# bound method
return _object_to_data(obj(), resource)
return smart_unicode(obj, strings_only=True)
class BaseResource(object):
class BaseResource(Serializer):
Base class for all Resource classes, which simply defines the interface they provide.
fields = None
include = None
exclude = None
class Meta:
fields = None
include = None
exclude = None
def __init__(self, view):
def __init__(self, view, depth=None, stack=[], **kwargs):
super(BaseResource, self).__init__(depth, stack, **kwargs)
self.view = view
def validate_request(self, data, files=None):
@ -150,7 +40,7 @@ class BaseResource(object):
Given the response content, filter it into a serializable object.
return _object_to_data(obj, self)
return self.serialize(obj)
class Resource(BaseResource):
@ -159,19 +49,20 @@ class Resource(BaseResource):
Objects that a resource can act on include plain Python object instances, Django Models, and Django QuerySets.
# The model attribute refers to the Django Model which this Resource maps to.
# (The Model's class, rather than an instance of the Model)
model = None
# By default the set of returned fields will be the set of:
# 0. All the fields on the model, excluding 'id'.
# 1. All the properties on the model.
# 2. The absolute_url of the model, if a get_absolute_url method exists for the model.
# If you wish to override this behaviour,
# you should explicitly set the fields attribute on your class.
fields = None
class Meta:
# The model attribute refers to the Django Model which this Resource maps to.
# (The Model's class, rather than an instance of the Model)
model = None
# By default the set of returned fields will be the set of:
# 0. All the fields on the model, excluding 'id'.
# 1. All the properties on the model.
# 2. The absolute_url of the model, if a get_absolute_url method exists for the model.
# If you wish to override this behaviour,
# you should explicitly set the fields attribute on your class.
fields = None
class FormResource(Resource):
@ -183,11 +74,12 @@ class FormResource(Resource):
view, which may be used by some renderers.
The :class:`Form` class that should be used for request validation.
This can be overridden by a :attr:`form` attribute on the :class:`views.View`.
form = None
class Meta:
The :class:`Form` class that should be used for request validation.
This can be overridden by a :attr:`form` attribute on the :class:`views.View`.
form = None
def validate_request(self, data, files=None):
@ -297,7 +189,7 @@ class FormResource(Resource):
# A form on the view overrides a form on the resource.
form = getattr(self.view, 'form', self.form)
form = getattr(self.view, 'form', None) or self.Meta.form
# Use the requested method or determine the request method
if method is None and hasattr(self.view, 'request') and hasattr(self.view, 'method'):
@ -343,43 +235,44 @@ class ModelResource(FormResource):
# Auto-register new ModelResource classes into _model_to_resource
#__metaclass__ = _RegisterModelResource
The form class that should be used for request validation.
If set to :const:`None` then the default model form validation will be used.
This can be overridden by a :attr:`form` attribute on the :class:`views.View`.
form = None
The model class which this resource maps to.
This can be overridden by a :attr:`model` attribute on the :class:`views.View`.
model = None
The list of fields to use on the output.
class Meta:
The form class that should be used for request validation.
If set to :const:`None` then the default model form validation will be used.
May be any of:
This can be overridden by a :attr:`form` attribute on the :class:`views.View`.
form = None
The name of a model field.
The name of an attribute on the model.
The name of an attribute on the resource.
The name of a method on the model, with a signature like ``func(self)``.
The name of a method on the resource, with a signature like ``func(self, instance)``.
fields = None
The model class which this resource maps to.
The list of fields to exclude. This is only used if :attr:`fields` is not set.
exclude = ('id', 'pk')
This can be overridden by a :attr:`model` attribute on the :class:`views.View`.
model = None
The list of extra fields to include. This is only used if :attr:`fields` is not set.
include = ('url',)
The list of fields to use on the output.
May be any of:
The name of a model field.
The name of an attribute on the model.
The name of an attribute on the resource.
The name of a method on the model, with a signature like ``func(self)``.
The name of a method on the resource, with a signature like ``func(self, instance)``.
fields = None
The list of fields to exclude. This is only used if :attr:`fields` is not set.
exclude = ('id', 'pk')
The list of extra fields to include. This is only used if :attr:`fields` is not set.
include = ('url',)
def __init__(self, view):
@ -390,8 +283,8 @@ class ModelResource(FormResource):
super(ModelResource, self).__init__(view)
if getattr(view, 'model', None):
self.model = view.model
self.model = getattr(view, 'model', None) or self.Meta.model
def validate_request(self, data, files=None):
@ -506,7 +399,7 @@ class ModelResource(FormResource):
isinstance(getattr(self.model, attr, None), property)
and not attr.startswith('_'))
if self.fields:
return property_fields & set(as_tuple(self.fields))
if self.Meta.fields:
return property_fields & set(as_tuple(self.Meta.fields))
return property_fields.union(set(as_tuple(self.include))) - set(as_tuple(self.exclude))
return property_fields.union(set(as_tuple(self.Meta.include))) - set(as_tuple(self.Meta.exclude))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
Customizable serialization.
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.models.fields.related import RelatedField
from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode
import decimal
import inspect
import types
# We register serializer classes, so that we can refer to them by their
# class names, if there are cyclical serialization heirachys.
_serializers = {}
def _field_to_tuple(field):
Convert an item in the `fields` attribute into a 2-tuple.
if isinstance(field, (tuple, list)):
return (field[0], field[1])
return (field, None)
def _fields_to_list(fields):
Return a list of field names.
return [_field_to_tuple(field)[0] for field in fields or ()]
def _fields_to_dict(fields):
Return a `dict` of field name -> None, or tuple of fields, or Serializer class
return dict([_field_to_tuple(field) for field in fields or ()])
class _SkipField(Exception):
Signals that a serialized field should be ignored.
We use this mechanism as the default behavior for ensuring
that we don't infinitely recurse when dealing with nested data.
class _BuildInnerMeta(type):
Some magic so that an inner Meta class gets inheriting behavior.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
# Get a list of all the inner Metas, from the bases upwards.
inner_metas = [getattr(base, 'Meta', object) for base in bases]
inner_metas.append(attrs.get('Meta', object))
# Build up the attributes on the inner Meta.
meta_attrs = {}
[meta_attrs.update(inner_meta.__dict__) for inner_meta in inner_metas]
# Drop private attributes.
meta_attrs = dict([ (key, val) for (key, val) in meta_attrs.items()
if not key.startswith('_') ])
# Lovely, now we can create our inner Meta class.
attrs['Meta'] = type('Meta', (object,), meta_attrs)
# Build the class and register it.
ret = super(_BuildInnerMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
_serializers[name] = ret
return ret
class Serializer(object):
Converts python objects into plain old native types suitable for
serialization. In particular it handles models and querysets.
The output format is specified by setting a number of attributes on the
inner `Meta` class.
You may also override any of the serialization methods, to provide
for more flexible behavior.
Valid output types include anything that may be directly rendered into
json, xml etc...
__metaclass__ = _BuildInnerMeta
class Meta:
Information on how to serialize the data.
fields = ()
Specify the fields to be serialized on a model or dict.
Overrides `include` and `exclude`.
include = ()
Fields to add to the default set to be serialized on a model/dict.
exclude = ()
Fields to remove from the default set to be serialized on a model/dict.
rename = {}
A dict of key->name to use for the field keys.
related_serializer = None
The default serializer class to use for any related models.
depth = None
The maximum depth to serialize to, or `None`.
def __init__(self, depth=None, stack=[], **kwargs):
Allow `Meta` items to be set on init.
self.depth = depth
self.stack = stack
if self.depth is None:
self.depth = self.Meta.depth
for (key, val) in kwargs.items():
setattr(self.Meta, key, val)
def get_fields(self, obj):
Return the set of field names/keys to use for a model instance/dict.
fields = self.Meta.fields
# If Meta.fields is not set, we use the default fields and modify
# them with Meta.include and Meta.exclude
if not fields:
default = self.get_default_fields(obj)
include = self.Meta.include or ()
exclude = self.Meta.exclude or ()
fields = set(default + list(include)) - set(exclude)
fields = _fields_to_list(self.Meta.fields)
return fields
def get_default_fields(self, obj):
Return the default list of field names/keys for a model instance/dict.
These are used if `Meta.fields` is not given.
if isinstance(obj, models.Model):
opts = obj._meta
return [field.name for field in opts.fields + opts.many_to_many]
return obj.keys()
def get_related_serializer(self, key):
info = _fields_to_dict(self.Meta.fields).get(key, None)
# If an element in `fields` is a 2-tuple of (str, tuple)
# then the second element of the tuple is the fields to
# set on the related serializer
if isinstance(info, (list, tuple)):
class OnTheFlySerializer(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = info
return OnTheFlySerializer
# If an element in `fields` is a 2-tuple of (str, Serializer)
# then the second element of the tuple is the Serializer
# class to use for that field.
elif isinstance(info, type) and issubclass(info, Serializer):
return info
# If an element in `fields` is a 2-tuple of (str, str)
# then the second element of the tuple is the name of the Serializer
# class to use for that field.
# Black magic to deal with cyclical Serializer dependancies.
# Similar to what Django does for cyclically related models.
elif isinstance(info, str) and info in _serializers:
return _serializers[info]
# Otherwise use `related_serializer` or fall back to `Serializer`
return getattr(self.Meta, 'related_serializer') or Serializer
def serialize_key(self, key):
Keys serialize to their string value,
unless they exist in the `Meta.rename` dict.
return getattr(self.Meta.rename, key, key)
def serialize_val(self, key, obj):
Convert a model field or dict value into a serializable representation.
related_serializer = self.get_related_serializer(key)
if self.depth is None:
depth = None
elif self.depth <= 0:
return self.serialize_max_depth(obj)
depth = self.depth - 1
if any([obj is elem for elem in self.stack]):
return self.serialize_recursion(obj)
stack = self.stack[:]
return related_serializer(depth=depth, stack=stack).serialize(obj)
def serialize_max_depth(self, obj):
Determine how objects should be serialized once `depth` is exceeded.
The default behavior is to ignore the field.
raise _SkipField
def serialize_recursion(self, obj):
Determine how objects should be serialized if recursion occurs.
The default behavior is to ignore the field.
raise _SkipField
def serialize_model(self, instance):
Given a model instance or dict, serialize it to a dict, using
the given behavior given on Meta.
data = {}
fields = self.get_fields(instance)
# serialize each required field
for fname in fields:
if hasattr(self, fname):
# check for a method 'fname' on self first
meth = getattr(self, fname)
if inspect.ismethod(meth) and len(inspect.getargspec(meth)[0]) == 2:
obj = meth(instance)
elif hasattr(instance, fname):
# now check for an attribute 'fname' on the instance
obj = getattr(instance, fname)
elif fname in instance:
# finally check for a key 'fname' on the instance
obj = instance[fname]
key = self.serialize_key(fname)
val = self.serialize_val(fname, obj)
data[key] = val
except _SkipField:
return data
def serialize_iter(self, obj):
Convert iterables into a serializable representation.
return [self.serialize(item) for item in obj]
def serialize_func(self, obj):
Convert no-arg methods and functions into a serializable representation.
return self.serialize(obj())
def serialize_manager(self, obj):
Convert a model manager into a serializable representation.
return self.serialize_iter(obj.all())
def serialize_decimal(self, obj):
Convert a Decimal instance into a serializable representation.
return str(obj)
def serialize_fallback(self, obj):
Convert any unhandled object into a serializable representation.
return smart_unicode(obj, strings_only=True)
def serialize(self, obj):
Convert any object into a serializable representation.
if isinstance(obj, (dict, models.Model)):
# Model instances & dictionaries
return self.serialize_model(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, (tuple, list, set, QuerySet, types.GeneratorType)):
# basic iterables
return self.serialize_iter(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, models.Manager):
# Manager objects
return self.serialize_manager(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
# Decimals (force to string representation)
return self.serialize_decimal(obj)
elif inspect.isfunction(obj) and not inspect.getargspec(obj)[0]:
# function with no args
return self.serialize_func(obj)
elif inspect.ismethod(obj) and len(inspect.getargspec(obj)[0]) <= 1:
# bound method
return self.serialize_func(obj)
# fall back to smart unicode
return self.serialize_fallback(obj)
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
"""Tests for the resource module"""
from django.test import TestCase
from djangorestframework.resources import _object_to_data
from django.db import models
import datetime
import decimal
class TestObjectToData(TestCase):
"""Tests for the _object_to_data function"""
def test_decimal(self):
"""Decimals need to be converted to a string representation."""
self.assertEquals(_object_to_data(decimal.Decimal('1.5')), '1.5')
def test_function(self):
"""Functions with no arguments should be called."""
def foo():
return 1
self.assertEquals(_object_to_data(foo), 1)
def test_method(self):
"""Methods with only a ``self`` argument should be called."""
class Foo(object):
def foo(self):
return 1
self.assertEquals(_object_to_data(Foo().foo), 1)
def test_datetime(self):
"""datetime objects are left as-is."""
now = datetime.datetime.now()
self.assertEquals(_object_to_data(now), now)
def test_tuples(self):
""" Test tuple serialisation """
class M1(models.Model):
field1 = models.CharField()
field2 = models.CharField()
class M2(models.Model):
field = models.OneToOneField(M1)
class M3(models.Model):
field = models.ForeignKey(M1)
m1 = M1(field1='foo', field2='bar')
m2 = M2(field=m1)
m3 = M3(field=m1)
Resource = type('Resource', (object,), {'fields':(), 'include':(), 'exclude':()})
r = Resource()
r.fields = (('field', ('field1')),)
self.assertEqual(_object_to_data(m2, r), dict(field=dict(field1=u'foo')))
r.fields = (('field', ('field2')),)
self.assertEqual(_object_to_data(m3, r), dict(field=dict(field2=u'bar')))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"""Tests for the resource module"""
from django.test import TestCase
from djangorestframework.serializer import Serializer
from django.db import models
import datetime
import decimal
class TestObjectToData(TestCase):
Tests for the Serializer class.
def setUp(self):
self.serializer = Serializer()
self.serialize = self.serializer.serialize
def test_decimal(self):
"""Decimals need to be converted to a string representation."""
self.assertEquals(self.serialize(decimal.Decimal('1.5')), '1.5')
def test_function(self):
"""Functions with no arguments should be called."""
def foo():
return 1
self.assertEquals(self.serialize(foo), 1)
def test_method(self):
"""Methods with only a ``self`` argument should be called."""
class Foo(object):
def foo(self):
return 1
self.assertEquals(self.serialize(Foo().foo), 1)
def test_datetime(self):
datetime objects are left as-is.
now = datetime.datetime.now()
self.assertEquals(self.serialize(now), now)
class TestFieldNesting(TestCase):
Test nesting the fields in the Serializer class
def setUp(self):
self.serializer = Serializer()
self.serialize = self.serializer.serialize
class M1(models.Model):
field1 = models.CharField()
field2 = models.CharField()
class M2(models.Model):
field = models.OneToOneField(M1)
class M3(models.Model):
field = models.ForeignKey(M1)
self.m1 = M1(field1='foo', field2='bar')
self.m2 = M2(field=self.m1)
self.m3 = M3(field=self.m1)
def test_tuple_nesting(self):
Test tuple nesting on `fields` attr
class SerializerM2(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = (('field', ('field1',)),)
class SerializerM3(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = (('field', ('field2',)),)
self.assertEqual(SerializerM2().serialize(self.m2), {'field': {'field1': u'foo'}})
self.assertEqual(SerializerM3().serialize(self.m3), {'field': {'field2': u'bar'}})
def test_serializer_class_nesting(self):
Test related model serialization
class NestedM2(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = ('field1', )
class NestedM3(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = ('field2', )
class SerializerM2(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = [('field', NestedM2)]
class SerializerM3(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = [('field', NestedM3)]
self.assertEqual(SerializerM2().serialize(self.m2), {'field': {'field1': u'foo'}})
self.assertEqual(SerializerM3().serialize(self.m3), {'field': {'field2': u'bar'}})
def test_serializer_classname_nesting(self):
Test related model serialization
class SerializerM2(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = [('field', 'NestedM2')]
class SerializerM3(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = [('field', 'NestedM3')]
class NestedM2(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = ('field1', )
class NestedM3(Serializer):
class Meta:
fields = ('field2', )
self.assertEqual(SerializerM2().serialize(self.m2), {'field': {'field1': u'foo'}})
self.assertEqual(SerializerM3().serialize(self.m3), {'field': {'field2': u'bar'}})
@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ class TestNonFieldErrors(TestCase):
return self.cleaned_data #pragma: no cover
class MockResource(FormResource):
form = MockForm
class Meta:
form = MockForm
class MockView(View):
@ -99,10 +100,12 @@ class TestFormValidation(TestCase):
qwerty = forms.CharField(required=True)
class MockFormResource(FormResource):
form = MockForm
class Meta:
form = MockForm
class MockModelResource(ModelResource):
form = MockForm
class Meta:
form = MockForm
class MockFormView(View):
resource = MockFormResource
@ -275,7 +278,8 @@ class TestModelFormValidator(TestCase):
return 'read only'
class MockResource(ModelResource):
model = MockModel
class Meta:
model = MockModel
class MockView(View):
resource = MockResource
@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ class View(ResourceMixin, RequestMixin, ResponseMixin, AuthMixin, DjangoView):
response.headers['Allow'] = ', '.join(self.allowed_methods)
response.headers['Vary'] = 'Authenticate, Accept'
return self.render(response)
return self.render(response)
class ModelView(View):
"""A RESTful view that maps to a model in the database."""
@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ Using Django REST framework can be as simple as adding a few lines to your urlco
from myapp.models import MyModel
class MyResource(ModelResource):
model = MyModel
class Meta:
model = MyModel
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', ListOrCreateModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
@ -134,6 +135,7 @@ Library Reference
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
.. module:: serializer
.. autoclass:: serializer::Serializer.Meta
.. autoclass:: serializer::Serializer
@ -11,9 +11,10 @@ class BlogPostResource(ModelResource):
A Blog Post has a *title* and *content*, and can be associated with zero or more comments.
model = BlogPost
fields = ('created', 'title', 'slug', 'content', 'url', 'comments')
ordering = ('-created',)
class Meta:
model = BlogPost
fields = ('created', 'title', 'slug', 'content', 'url', 'comments')
ordering = ('-created',)
def comments(self, instance):
return reverse('comments', kwargs={'blogpost': instance.key})
@ -23,9 +24,10 @@ class CommentResource(ModelResource):
A Comment is associated with a given Blog Post and has a *username* and *comment*, and optionally a *rating*.
model = Comment
fields = ('username', 'comment', 'created', 'rating', 'url', 'blogpost')
ordering = ('-created',)
class Meta:
model = Comment
fields = ('username', 'comment', 'created', 'rating', 'url', 'blogpost')
ordering = ('-created',)
urlpatterns = patterns('',
@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ from djangorestframework.resources import ModelResource
from modelresourceexample.models import MyModel
class MyModelResource(ModelResource):
model = MyModel
fields = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'url')
ordering = ('created',)
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'url')
ordering = ('created',)
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', ListOrCreateModelView.as_view(resource=MyModelResource), name='model-resource-root'),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user