mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 09:54:15 +03:00
build_*_field methods
This commit is contained in:
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ class ModelSerializer(Serializer):
you need you should either declare the extra/differing fields explicitly on
the serializer class, or simply use a `Serializer` class.
_field_mapping = ClassLookupDict({
serializer_field_mapping = {
models.AutoField: IntegerField,
models.BigIntegerField: IntegerField,
models.BooleanField: BooleanField,
@ -719,8 +719,8 @@ class ModelSerializer(Serializer):
models.TextField: CharField,
models.TimeField: TimeField,
models.URLField: URLField,
_related_class = PrimaryKeyRelatedField
serializer_related_class = PrimaryKeyRelatedField
# Default `create` and `update` behavior...
@ -793,6 +793,417 @@ class ModelSerializer(Serializer):
return instance
# Determine the fields to apply...
def get_fields(self):
Return the dict of field names -> field instances that should be
used for `self.fields` when instantiating the serializer.
declared_fields = copy.deepcopy(self._declared_fields)
model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
depth = getattr(self.Meta, 'depth', 0)
# Retrieve metadata about fields & relationships on the model class.
info = model_meta.get_field_info(model)
field_names = self.get_field_names(declared_fields, info)
# Determine any extra field arguments and hidden fields that
# should be included
extra_kwargs = self.get_extra_kwargs()
extra_kwargs, hidden_fields = self.get_uniqueness_extra_kwargs(
field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs
# Now determine the fields that should be included on the serializer.
ret = OrderedDict()
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name in declared_fields:
# Field is explicitly declared on the class, use that.
ret[field_name] = declared_fields[field_name]
# Determine the serializer field class and keyword arguments.
field_cls, kwargs = self.build_field(field_name, info, model, depth)
# Populate any kwargs defined in `Meta.extra_kwargs`
kwargs = self.build_field_kwargs(kwargs, extra_kwargs, field_name)
# Create the serializer field.
ret[field_name] = field_cls(**kwargs)
# Add in any hidden fields.
return ret
# Methods for determining the set of field names to include...
def get_field_names(self, declared_fields, info):
Returns the list of all field names that should be created when
instantiating this serializer class. This is based on the default
set of fields, but also takes into account the `Meta.fields` or
`Meta.exclude` options if they have been specified.
fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'fields', None)
exclude = getattr(self.Meta, 'exclude', None)
if fields and not isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(
'The `fields` option must be a list or tuple. Got %s.' %
if exclude and not isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(
'The `exclude` option must be a list or tuple. Got %s.' %
assert not (fields and exclude), (
"Cannot set both 'fields' and 'exclude' options on "
"serializer {serializer_class}.".format(
if fields is not None:
# Ensure that all declared fields have also been included in the
# `Meta.fields` option.
for field_name in declared_fields:
assert field_name in fields, (
"The field '{field_name}' was declared on serializer "
"{serializer_class}, but has not been included in the "
"'fields' option.".format(
return fields
# Use the default set of field names if `Meta.fields` is not specified.
fields = self.get_default_field_names(declared_fields, info)
if exclude is not None:
# If `Meta.exclude` is included, then remove those fields.
for field_name in exclude:
assert field_name in fields, (
"The field '{field_name}' was include on serializer "
"{serializer_class} in the 'exclude' option, but does "
"not match any model field.".format(
return fields
def get_default_field_names(self, declared_fields, model_info):
Return the default list of field names that will be used if the
`Meta.fields` option is not specified.
return (
[model_info.pk.name] +
list(declared_fields.keys()) +
list(model_info.fields.keys()) +
# Methods for constructing serializer fields...
def build_field(self, field_name, info, model, nested_depth):
Return a two tuple of (cls, kwargs) to build a serializer field with.
if field_name in info.fields_and_pk:
return self.build_standard_field(field_name, info, model)
elif field_name in info.relations:
if not nested_depth:
return self.build_relational_field(field_name, info, model)
return self.build_nested_field(field_name, info, model, nested_depth)
elif hasattr(model, field_name):
return self.build_property_field(field_name, info, model)
elif field_name == api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME:
return self.build_url_field(field_name, info, model)
return self.build_unknown_field(field_name, info, model)
def build_standard_field(self, field_name, info, model):
Create regular model fields.
field_mapping = ClassLookupDict(self.serializer_field_mapping)
model_field = info.fields_and_pk[field_name]
field_cls = field_mapping[model_field]
kwargs = get_field_kwargs(field_name, model_field)
if 'choices' in kwargs:
# Fields with choices get coerced into `ChoiceField`
# instead of using their regular typed field.
field_cls = ChoiceField
if not issubclass(field_cls, ModelField):
# `model_field` is only valid for the fallback case of
# `ModelField`, which is used when no other typed field
# matched to the model field.
kwargs.pop('model_field', None)
if not issubclass(field_cls, CharField) and not issubclass(field_cls, ChoiceField):
# `allow_blank` is only valid for textual fields.
kwargs.pop('allow_blank', None)
return field_cls, kwargs
def build_relational_field(self, field_name, info, model):
Create fields for forward and reverse relationships.
relation_info = info.relations[field_name]
field_cls = self.serializer_related_class
kwargs = get_relation_kwargs(field_name, relation_info)
# `view_name` is only valid for hyperlinked relationships.
if not issubclass(field_cls, HyperlinkedRelatedField):
kwargs.pop('view_name', None)
return field_cls, kwargs
def build_nested_field(self, field_name, info, model, nested_depth):
Create nested fields for forward and reverse relationships.
relation_info = info.relations[field_name]
class NestedSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = relation_info.related
depth = nested_depth - 1
field_cls = NestedSerializer
kwargs = get_nested_relation_kwargs(relation_info)
return field_cls, kwargs
def build_property_field(self, field_name, info, model):
Create a read only field for model methods and properties.
field_cls = ReadOnlyField
kwargs = {}
return field_cls, kwargs
def build_url_field(self, field_name, info, model):
Create a field representing the object's own URL.
field_cls = HyperlinkedIdentityField
kwargs = get_url_kwargs(model)
return field_cls, kwargs
def build_unknown_field(self, field_name, info, model):
Raise an error on any unknown fields.
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
'Field name `%s` is not valid for model `%s`.' %
(field_name, model.__class__.__name__)
def build_field_kwargs(self, kwargs, extra_kwargs, field_name):
Include an 'extra_kwargs' that have been included for this field,
possibly removing any incompatible existing keyword arguments.
extras = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
if extras.get('read_only', False):
for attr in [
'required', 'default', 'allow_blank', 'allow_null',
'min_length', 'max_length', 'min_value', 'max_value',
'validators', 'queryset'
kwargs.pop(attr, None)
if extras.get('default') and kwargs.get('required') is False:
return kwargs
# Methods for determining additional keyword arguments to apply...
def get_extra_kwargs(self):
Return a dictionary mapping field names to a dictionary of
additional keyword arguments.
extra_kwargs = getattr(self.Meta, 'extra_kwargs', {})
read_only_fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'read_only_fields', None)
if read_only_fields is not None:
for field_name in read_only_fields:
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
kwargs['read_only'] = True
extra_kwargs[field_name] = kwargs
# These are all pending deprecation.
write_only_fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'write_only_fields', None)
if write_only_fields is not None:
"The `Meta.write_only_fields` option is pending deprecation. "
"Use `Meta.extra_kwargs={<field_name>: {'write_only': True}}` instead.",
for field_name in write_only_fields:
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
kwargs['write_only'] = True
extra_kwargs[field_name] = kwargs
view_name = getattr(self.Meta, 'view_name', None)
if view_name is not None:
"The `Meta.view_name` option is pending deprecation. "
"Use `Meta.extra_kwargs={'url': {'view_name': ...}}` instead.",
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME, {})
kwargs['view_name'] = view_name
extra_kwargs[api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME] = kwargs
lookup_field = getattr(self.Meta, 'lookup_field', None)
if lookup_field is not None:
"The `Meta.lookup_field` option is pending deprecation. "
"Use `Meta.extra_kwargs={'url': {'lookup_field': ...}}` instead.",
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME, {})
kwargs['lookup_field'] = lookup_field
extra_kwargs[api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME] = kwargs
return extra_kwargs
def get_uniqueness_extra_kwargs(self, field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs):
Return any additional field options that need to be included as a
result of uniqueness constraints on the model. This is returned as
a two-tuple of:
('dict of updated extra kwargs', 'mapping of hidden fields')
model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
model_fields = self._get_model_fields(
field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs
# Determine if we need any additional `HiddenField` or extra keyword
# arguments to deal with `unique_for` dates that are required to
# be in the input data in order to validate it.
unique_constraint_names = set()
for model_field in model_fields.values():
# Include each of the `unique_for_*` field names.
unique_constraint_names |= set([
unique_constraint_names -= set([None])
# Include each of the `unique_together` field names,
# so long as all the field names are included on the serializer.
for parent_class in [model] + list(model._meta.parents.keys()):
for unique_together_list in parent_class._meta.unique_together:
if set(field_names).issuperset(set(unique_together_list)):
unique_constraint_names |= set(unique_together_list)
# Now we have all the field names that have uniqueness constraints
# applied, we can add the extra 'required=...' or 'default=...'
# arguments that are appropriate to these fields, or add a `HiddenField` for it.
hidden_fields = {}
uniqueness_extra_kwargs = {}
for unique_constraint_name in unique_constraint_names:
# Get the model field that is referred too.
unique_constraint_field = model._meta.get_field(unique_constraint_name)
if getattr(unique_constraint_field, 'auto_now_add', None):
default = CreateOnlyDefault(timezone.now)
elif getattr(unique_constraint_field, 'auto_now', None):
default = timezone.now
elif unique_constraint_field.has_default():
default = unique_constraint_field.default
default = empty
if unique_constraint_name in model_fields:
# The corresponding field is present in the serializer
if default is empty:
uniqueness_extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name] = {'required': True}
uniqueness_extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name] = {'default': default}
elif default is not empty:
# The corresponding field is not present in the,
# serializer. We have a default to use for it, so
# add in a hidden field that populates it.
hidden_fields[unique_constraint_name] = HiddenField(default=default)
# Update `extra_kwargs` with any new options.
for key, value in uniqueness_extra_kwargs.items():
if key in extra_kwargs:
extra_kwargs[key] = value
return extra_kwargs, hidden_fields
def _get_model_fields(self, field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs):
Returns all the model fields that are being mapped to by fields
on the serializer class.
Returned as a dict of 'model field name' -> 'model field'.
Used internally by `get_uniqueness_field_options`.
model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
model_fields = {}
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name in declared_fields:
# If the field is declared on the serializer
field = declared_fields[field_name]
source = field.source or field_name
source = extra_kwargs[field_name]['source']
except KeyError:
source = field_name
if '.' in source or source == '*':
# Model fields will always have a simple source mapping,
# they can't be nested attribute lookups.
model_fields[source] = model._meta.get_field(source)
except FieldDoesNotExist:
return model_fields
# Determine the validators to apply...
def get_validators(self):
@ -882,361 +1293,6 @@ class ModelSerializer(Serializer):
return validators
# Determine the fields to apply...
def get_fields(self):
declared_fields = copy.deepcopy(self._declared_fields)
model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
depth = getattr(self.Meta, 'depth', 0)
# Retrieve metadata about fields & relationships on the model class.
info = model_meta.get_field_info(model)
field_names = self.get_field_names(declared_fields, info)
# Determine any extra field arguments and hidden fields that
# should be included
extra_kwargs = self.get_extra_kwargs()
extra_kwargs, hidden_fields = self.get_uniqueness_extra_kwargs(
field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs
# Now determine the fields that should be included on the serializer.
ret = OrderedDict()
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name in declared_fields:
# Field is explicitly declared on the class, use that.
ret[field_name] = declared_fields[field_name]
# Determine the serializer field class and keyword arguments.
field_cls, kwargs = self.build_field(field_name, info, model, depth)
# Populate any kwargs defined in `Meta.extra_kwargs`
kwargs = self.build_final_kwargs(kwargs, extra_kwargs, field_name)
# Create the serializer field.
ret[field_name] = field_cls(**kwargs)
# Add in any hidden fields.
return ret
def build_field(self, field_name, info, model, depth):
if field_name in info.fields_and_pk:
# Create regular model fields.
model_field = info.fields_and_pk[field_name]
field_cls = self._field_mapping[model_field]
kwargs = get_field_kwargs(field_name, model_field)
if 'choices' in kwargs:
# Fields with choices get coerced into `ChoiceField`
# instead of using their regular typed field.
field_cls = ChoiceField
if not issubclass(field_cls, ModelField):
# `model_field` is only valid for the fallback case of
# `ModelField`, which is used when no other typed field
# matched to the model field.
kwargs.pop('model_field', None)
if not issubclass(field_cls, CharField) and not issubclass(field_cls, ChoiceField):
# `allow_blank` is only valid for textual fields.
kwargs.pop('allow_blank', None)
elif field_name in info.relations:
# Create forward and reverse relationships.
relation_info = info.relations[field_name]
if depth:
field_cls = self._get_nested_class(depth, relation_info)
kwargs = get_nested_relation_kwargs(relation_info)
field_cls = self._related_class
kwargs = get_relation_kwargs(field_name, relation_info)
# `view_name` is only valid for hyperlinked relationships.
if not issubclass(field_cls, HyperlinkedRelatedField):
kwargs.pop('view_name', None)
elif hasattr(model, field_name):
# Create a read only field for model methods and properties.
field_cls = ReadOnlyField
kwargs = {}
elif field_name == api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME:
# Create the URL field.
field_cls = HyperlinkedIdentityField
kwargs = get_url_kwargs(model)
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
'Field name `%s` is not valid for model `%s`.' %
(field_name, model.__class__.__name__)
return field_cls, kwargs
def build_final_kwargs(self, kwargs, extra_kwargs, field_name):
Include an 'extra_kwargs' that have been included for this field,
possibly removing any incompatible existing keyword arguments.
extras = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
if extras.get('read_only', False):
for attr in [
'required', 'default', 'allow_blank', 'allow_null',
'min_length', 'max_length', 'min_value', 'max_value',
'validators', 'queryset'
kwargs.pop(attr, None)
if extras.get('default') and kwargs.get('required') is False:
return kwargs
def _get_model_fields(self, field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs):
Returns all the model fields that are being mapped to by fields
on the serializer class.
Returned as a dict of 'model field name' -> 'model field'.
Used internally by `get_uniqueness_field_options`.
model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
model_fields = {}
for field_name in field_names:
if field_name in declared_fields:
# If the field is declared on the serializer
field = declared_fields[field_name]
source = field.source or field_name
source = extra_kwargs[field_name]['source']
except KeyError:
source = field_name
if '.' in source or source == '*':
# Model fields will always have a simple source mapping,
# they can't be nested attribute lookups.
model_fields[source] = model._meta.get_field(source)
except FieldDoesNotExist:
return model_fields
def get_uniqueness_extra_kwargs(self, field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs):
Return any additional field options that need to be included as a
result of uniqueness constraints on the model. This is returned as
a two-tuple of:
('dict of updated extra kwargs', 'mapping of hidden fields')
model = getattr(self.Meta, 'model')
model_fields = self._get_model_fields(
field_names, declared_fields, extra_kwargs
# Determine if we need any additional `HiddenField` or extra keyword
# arguments to deal with `unique_for` dates that are required to
# be in the input data in order to validate it.
unique_constraint_names = set()
for model_field in model_fields.values():
# Include each of the `unique_for_*` field names.
unique_constraint_names |= set([
unique_constraint_names -= set([None])
# Include each of the `unique_together` field names,
# so long as all the field names are included on the serializer.
for parent_class in [model] + list(model._meta.parents.keys()):
for unique_together_list in parent_class._meta.unique_together:
if set(field_names).issuperset(set(unique_together_list)):
unique_constraint_names |= set(unique_together_list)
# Now we have all the field names that have uniqueness constraints
# applied, we can add the extra 'required=...' or 'default=...'
# arguments that are appropriate to these fields, or add a `HiddenField` for it.
hidden_fields = {}
uniqueness_extra_kwargs = {}
for unique_constraint_name in unique_constraint_names:
# Get the model field that is referred too.
unique_constraint_field = model._meta.get_field(unique_constraint_name)
if getattr(unique_constraint_field, 'auto_now_add', None):
default = CreateOnlyDefault(timezone.now)
elif getattr(unique_constraint_field, 'auto_now', None):
default = timezone.now
elif unique_constraint_field.has_default():
default = unique_constraint_field.default
default = empty
if unique_constraint_name in model_fields:
# The corresponding field is present in the serializer
if default is empty:
uniqueness_extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name] = {'required': True}
uniqueness_extra_kwargs[unique_constraint_name] = {'default': default}
elif default is not empty:
# The corresponding field is not present in the,
# serializer. We have a default to use for it, so
# add in a hidden field that populates it.
hidden_fields[unique_constraint_name] = HiddenField(default=default)
# Update `extra_kwargs` with any new options.
for key, value in uniqueness_extra_kwargs.items():
if key in extra_kwargs:
extra_kwargs[key] = value
return extra_kwargs, hidden_fields
def get_extra_kwargs(self):
Return a dictionary mapping field names to a dictionary of
additional keyword arguments.
extra_kwargs = getattr(self.Meta, 'extra_kwargs', {})
read_only_fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'read_only_fields', None)
if read_only_fields is not None:
for field_name in read_only_fields:
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
kwargs['read_only'] = True
extra_kwargs[field_name] = kwargs
# These are all pending deprecation.
write_only_fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'write_only_fields', None)
if write_only_fields is not None:
"The `Meta.write_only_fields` option is pending deprecation. "
"Use `Meta.extra_kwargs={<field_name>: {'write_only': True}}` instead.",
for field_name in write_only_fields:
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(field_name, {})
kwargs['write_only'] = True
extra_kwargs[field_name] = kwargs
view_name = getattr(self.Meta, 'view_name', None)
if view_name is not None:
"The `Meta.view_name` option is pending deprecation. "
"Use `Meta.extra_kwargs={'url': {'view_name': ...}}` instead.",
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME, {})
kwargs['view_name'] = view_name
extra_kwargs[api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME] = kwargs
lookup_field = getattr(self.Meta, 'lookup_field', None)
if lookup_field is not None:
"The `Meta.lookup_field` option is pending deprecation. "
"Use `Meta.extra_kwargs={'url': {'lookup_field': ...}}` instead.",
kwargs = extra_kwargs.get(api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME, {})
kwargs['lookup_field'] = lookup_field
extra_kwargs[api_settings.URL_FIELD_NAME] = kwargs
return extra_kwargs
def get_field_names(self, declared_fields, info):
Returns the list of all field names that should be created when
instantiating this serializer class. This is based on the default
set of fields, but also takes into account the `Meta.fields` or
`Meta.exclude` options if they have been specified.
fields = getattr(self.Meta, 'fields', None)
exclude = getattr(self.Meta, 'exclude', None)
if fields and not isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(
'The `fields` option must be a list or tuple. Got %s.' %
if exclude and not isinstance(exclude, (list, tuple)):
raise TypeError(
'The `exclude` option must be a list or tuple. Got %s.' %
assert not (fields and exclude), (
"Cannot set both 'fields' and 'exclude' options on "
"serializer {serializer_class}.".format(
if fields is not None:
# Ensure that all declared fields have also been included in the
# `Meta.fields` option.
for field_name in declared_fields:
assert field_name in fields, (
"The field '{field_name}' was declared on serializer "
"{serializer_class}, but has not been included in the "
"'fields' option.".format(
return fields
# Use the default set of field names if `Meta.fields` is not specified.
fields = self.get_default_field_names(declared_fields, info)
if exclude is not None:
# If `Meta.exclude` is included, then remove those fields.
for field_name in exclude:
assert field_name in fields, (
"The field '{field_name}' was include on serializer "
"{serializer_class} in the 'exclude' option, but does "
"not match any model field.".format(
return fields
def get_default_field_names(self, declared_fields, model_info):
Return the default list of field names that will be used if the
`Meta.fields` option is not specified.
return (
[model_info.pk.name] +
list(declared_fields.keys()) +
list(model_info.fields.keys()) +
def _get_nested_class(self, nested_depth, relation_info):
class NestedSerializer(ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = relation_info.related
depth = nested_depth - 1
return NestedSerializer
class HyperlinkedModelSerializer(ModelSerializer):
@ -1246,7 +1302,7 @@ class HyperlinkedModelSerializer(ModelSerializer):
* A 'url' field is included instead of the 'id' field.
* Relationships to other instances are hyperlinks, instead of primary keys.
_related_class = HyperlinkedRelatedField
serializer_related_class = HyperlinkedRelatedField
def get_default_field_names(self, declared_fields, model_info):
@ -1260,10 +1316,17 @@ class HyperlinkedModelSerializer(ModelSerializer):
def _get_nested_class(self, nested_depth, relation_info):
def build_nested_field(self, field_name, info, model, nested_depth):
Create nested fields for forward and reverse relationships.
relation_info = info.relations[field_name]
class NestedSerializer(HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = relation_info.related
depth = nested_depth - 1
return NestedSerializer
field_cls = NestedSerializer
kwargs = get_nested_relation_kwargs(relation_info)
return field_cls, kwargs
Reference in New Issue
Block a user