mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 04:05:49 +03:00
Various cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from django.template import RequestContext, loader
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import STATUS_CODE_TEXT
import json
from utils import dict2xml
@ -22,14 +21,6 @@ class TemplatedEmitter(BaseEmitter):
template = loader.get_template(self.template)
context = RequestContext(self.resource.request, {
'content': content,
'status': self.resource.resp_status,
'reason': STATUS_CODE_TEXT.get(self.resource.resp_status, ''),
'headers': self.resource.resp_headers,
'resource_name': self.resource.__class__.__name__,
'resource_doc': self.resource.__doc__,
'create_form': self.resource.form,
'update_form': self.resource.form,
'request': self.resource.request,
'resource': self.resource,
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import STATUS_CODE_TEXT
from rest import emitters, parsers
from decimal import Decimal
import re
@ -22,6 +24,10 @@ class ResourceException(Exception):
class Resource(object):
# List of RESTful operations which may be performed on this resource.
allowed_operations = ('read',)
anon_allowed_operations = ()
# Optional form for input validation and presentation of HTML formatted responses.
form = None
# List of content-types the resource can respond with, ordered by preference
emitters = ( ('application/json', emitters.JSONEmitter),
@ -36,9 +42,6 @@ class Resource(object):
'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': parsers.FormParser,
'multipart/form-data': parsers.FormParser }
# Optional form for input validation and presentation of HTML formatted responses.
form = None
# Map standard HTTP methods to RESTful operations
CALLMAP = { 'GET': 'read', 'POST': 'create',
'PUT': 'update', 'DELETE': 'delete' }
@ -57,20 +60,34 @@ class Resource(object):
"""Make the class callable so it can be used as a Django view."""
self = object.__new__(cls)
self.request = request
return self._handle_request(request, *args, **kwargs)
import traceback
return self._handle_request(request, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self):
def name(self):
"""Provide a name for the resource.
By default this is the class name, with 'CamelCaseNames' converted to 'Camel Case Names',
although this behaviour may be overridden."""
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
return re.sub('(((?<=[a-z])[A-Z])|([A-Z](?![A-Z]|$)))', ' \\1', class_name).strip()
def description(self):
"""Provide a description for the resource.
By default this is the class's docstring,
although this behaviour may be overridden."""
return "%s" % self.__doc__
def resp_status_text(self):
"""Return reason text corrosponding to our HTTP response status code.
Provided for convienience."""
return STATUS_CODE_TEXT.get(self.resp_status, '')
def reverse(self, view, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a fully qualified URI for a given view or resource, using the current request as the base URI.
TODO: Add SITEMAP option.
@ -125,8 +142,14 @@ class Resource(object):
return method
def authenticate(self):
# user = ...
# if anon_user and not anon_allowed_operations raise PermissionDenied
# return
def check_method_allowed(self, method):
"""Ensure the request method is acceptable fot this resource."""
"""Ensure the request method is acceptable for this resource."""
if not method in self.CALLMAP.keys():
raise ResourceException(STATUS_501_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
{'detail': 'Unknown or unsupported method \'%s\'' % method})
@ -137,13 +160,12 @@ class Resource(object):
def determine_form(self, data=None, is_response=False):
def get_bound_form(self, data=None, is_response=False):
"""Optionally return a Django Form instance, which may be used for validation
and/or rendered by an HTML/XHTML emitter.
If data is not None the form will be bound to data. is_response indicates if data should be
treated as the input data (bind to client input) or the response data (bind to an existing object).
treated as the input data (bind to client input) or the response data (bind to an existing object)."""
if self.form:
if data:
return self.form(data)
@ -156,15 +178,25 @@ class Resource(object):
"""Perform any resource-specific data deserialization and/or validation
after the initial HTTP content-type deserialization has taken place.
Returns a tuple containing the cleaned up data, and optionally a form bound to that data.
By default this uses form validation to filter the basic input into the required types."""
if self.form is None:
return data
return (data, None)
form_instance = self.get_bound_form(data)
if not form_instance.is_valid():
if not form_instance.errors:
details = 'No content was supplied'
details = dict((key, map(unicode, val)) for (key, val) in form_instance.errors.iteritems())
if form_instance.non_field_errors():
details['_extra'] = self.form.non_field_errors()
if not self.form.is_valid():
details = dict((key, map(unicode, val)) for (key, val) in self.form.errors.iteritems())
raise ResourceException(STATUS_400_BAD_REQUEST, {'detail': details})
return self.form.cleaned_data
return (form_instance.cleaned_data, form_instance)
def cleanup_response(self, data):
@ -188,7 +220,7 @@ class Resource(object):
return self.parsers[content_type]
except KeyError:
raise ResourceException(STATUS_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE,
{'detail': 'Unsupported content type \'%s\'' % content_type})
{'detail': 'Unsupported media type \'%s\'' % content_type})
def determine_emitter(self, request):
@ -253,13 +285,13 @@ class Resource(object):
5. serialize response data into response content, using standard HTTP content negotiation
emitter = None
method = self.determine_method(request)
# We make these attributes to allow for a certain amount of munging,
# eg The HTML emitter needs to render this information
self.method = self.determine_method(request)
self.form = None
self.request = request
self.form_instance = None
self.resp_status = None
self.resp_content = None
self.resp_headers = {}
@ -267,32 +299,31 @@ class Resource(object):
mimetype, emitter = self.determine_emitter(request)
# Ensure the requested operation is permitted on this resource
# Get the appropriate create/read/update/delete function
func = getattr(self, self.CALLMAP.get(self.method, ''))
func = getattr(self, self.CALLMAP.get(method, ''))
# Either generate the response data, deserializing and validating any request data
if self.method in ('PUT', 'POST'):
if method in ('PUT', 'POST'):
parser = self.determine_parser(request)
data = parser(self).parse(request.raw_post_data)
self.form = self.determine_form(data)
data = self.cleanup_request(data)
(data, self.form_instance) = self.cleanup_request(data)
(self.resp_status, ret, self.resp_headers) = func(data, request.META, *args, **kwargs)
(self.resp_status, ret, self.resp_headers) = func(request.META, *args, **kwargs)
self.form = self.determine_form(ret, is_response=True)
self.form_instance = self.get_bound_form(ret, is_response=True)
except ResourceException, exc:
(self.resp_status, ret, self.resp_headers) = (exc.status, exc.content, exc.headers)
if emitter is None:
mimetype, emitter = self.emitters[0]
if self.form is None:
self.form = self.determine_form()
if self.form_instance is None:
self.form_instance = self.get_bound_form()
# Always add the allow header
self.resp_headers['Allow'] = ', '.join([self.REVERSE_CALLMAP[operation] for operation in self.allowed_operations])
@ -315,17 +346,16 @@ from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.models import Model
import decimal
import inspect
import re
class ModelResource(Resource):
model = None
fields = None
form_fields = None
def determine_form(self, data=None, is_response=False):
def get_bound_form(self, data=None, is_response=False):
"""Return a form that may be used in validation and/or rendering an html emitter"""
if self.form:
return super(self.__class__, self).determine_form(data, is_response=is_response)
return super(self.__class__, self).get_bound_form(data, is_response=is_response)
elif self.model:
class NewModelForm(ModelForm):
@ -640,7 +670,7 @@ class ModelResource(Resource):
class QueryModelResource(ModelResource):
allowed_methods = ('read',)
def determine_form(self, data=None, is_response=False):
def get_bound_form(self, data=None, is_response=False):
return None
def read(self, headers={}, *args, **kwargs):
@ -7,26 +7,27 @@
pre {border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em; background: #ffd}
div.action {padding: 0.5em 1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; background: #ddf}
<title>API - {{ resource.name }}</title>
<h1>{{ resource_name }}</h1>
<p>{{ resource_doc }}</p>
<pre><b>{{ status }} {{ reason }}</b>{% autoescape off %}
{% for key, val in headers.items %}<b>{{ key }}:</b> {{ val|urlize_quoted_links }}
<h1>{{ resource.name }}</h1>
<p>{{ resource.description }}</p>
<pre><b>{{ resource.resp_status }} {{ resource.resp_status_text }}</b>{% autoescape off %}
{% for key, val in resource.resp_headers.items %}<b>{{ key }}:</b> {{ val|urlize_quoted_links }}
{% endfor %}
{{ content|urlize_quoted_links }} </pre>{% endautoescape %}
{% if 'read' in resource.allowed_operations %}
<div class='action'>
<a href='{{ request.path }}'>Read</a>
<a href='{{ resource.request.path }}'>Read</a>
{% endif %}
{% if 'create' in resource.allowed_operations %}
<div class='action'>
<form action="{{ request.path }}" method="POST">
<form action="{{ resource.request.path }}" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ create_form.as_p }}
{{ resource.form_instance.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
@ -34,10 +35,10 @@
{% if 'update' in resource.allowed_operations %}
<div class='action'>
<form action="{{ request.path }}" method="POST">
<form action="{{ resource.request.path }}" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="{{ resource.METHOD_PARAM}}" value="PUT" />
{% csrf_token %}
{{ create_form.as_p }}
{{ resource.form_instance.as_p }}
<input type="submit" value="Update" />
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@
{% if 'delete' in resource.allowed_operations %}
<div class='action'>
<form action="{{ request.path }}" method="POST">
<form action="{{ resource.request.path }}" method="POST">
{% csrf_token %}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ resource.METHOD_PARAM}}" value="DELETE" />
<input type="submit" value="Delete" />
@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
{% autoescape off %}HTTP Status {{ status }}
{% for key, val in headers.items %}{{ key }}: {{ val }}
{{ resource.name }}
{{ resource.description }}
{% autoescape off %}HTTP/1.0 {{ resource.resp_status }} {{ resource.resp_status_text }}
{% for key, val in resource.resp_headers.items %}{{ key }}: {{ val }}
{% endfor %}
{{ content }}{% endautoescape %}
{{ content }}{% endautoescape %}
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
from rest.resource import Resource, ModelResource, QueryModelResource
from testapp.models import BlogPost, Comment
##### Root Resource #####
class RootResource(Resource):
"""This is the top level resource for the API.
All the sub-resources are discoverable from here."""
@ -11,49 +13,53 @@ class RootResource(Resource):
'blog-post': self.reverse(BlogPostCreator)}, {})
# Blog Post Resources
##### Blog Post Resources #####
BLOG_POST_FIELDS = ('created', 'title', 'slug', 'content', 'absolute_url', 'comment_url', 'comments_url')
class BlogPostList(QueryModelResource):
"""A resource which lists all existing blog posts."""
allowed_operations = ('read', )
model = BlogPost
class BlogPostCreator(ModelResource):
"""A resource with which blog posts may be created."""
allowed_operations = ('create',)
model = BlogPost
fields = ('created', 'title', 'slug', 'content', 'absolute_url', 'comment_url', 'comments_url')
class BlogPostInstance(ModelResource):
"""A resource which represents a single blog post."""
allowed_operations = ('read', 'update', 'delete')
model = BlogPost
fields = ('created', 'title', 'slug', 'content', 'absolute_url', 'comment_url', 'comments_url')
# Comment Resources
##### Comment Resources #####
COMMENT_FIELDS = ('username', 'comment', 'created', 'rating', 'absolute_url', 'blogpost_url')
class CommentList(QueryModelResource):
"""A resource which lists all existing comments for a given blog post."""
allowed_operations = ('read', )
model = Comment
class CommentCreator(ModelResource):
"""A resource with which blog comments may be created for a given blog post."""
allowed_operations = ('create',)
model = Comment
fields = ('username', 'comment', 'created', 'rating', 'absolute_url', 'blogpost_url')
class CommentInstance(ModelResource):
"""A resource which represents a single comment."""
allowed_operations = ('read', 'update', 'delete')
model = Comment
fields = ('username', 'comment', 'created', 'rating', 'absolute_url', 'blogpost_url')
#'read-only-api': self.reverse(ReadOnlyResource),
# 'write-only-api': self.reverse(WriteOnlyResource),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user