From 76a3ee50541a88e1b50cdbc74f83a7b7886f9122 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Carlton Gibson Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 12:07:26 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Deployed 3dc40f95 with MkDocs version: 0.16.3 --- api-guide/fields/index.html | 1 + api-guide/filtering/index.html | 2 +- api-guide/parsers/index.html | 1 + mkdocs/search_index.json | 19 ++-- sitemap.xml | 122 ++++++++++++------------- topics/release-notes/index.html | 33 +++++++ topics/third-party-packages/index.html | 1 + 7 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/api-guide/fields/index.html b/api-guide/fields/index.html index 4ac5be3a7..b3cd3f124 100644 --- a/api-guide/fields/index.html +++ b/api-guide/fields/index.html @@ -783,6 +783,7 @@ color_channel = serializers.ChoiceField(
  • max_value Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.
  • min_value Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.
  • localize Set to True to enable localization of input and output based on the current locale. This will also force coerce_to_string to True. Defaults to False. Note that data formatting is enabled if you have set USE_L10N=True in your settings file.
  • +
  • rounding Sets the rounding mode used when quantising to the configured precision. Valid values are decimal module rounding modes. Defaults to None.
  • Example usage

    To validate numbers up to 999 with a resolution of 2 decimal places, you would use:

    diff --git a/api-guide/filtering/index.html b/api-guide/filtering/index.html index ebe82b146..75f585860 100644 --- a/api-guide/filtering/index.html +++ b/api-guide/filtering/index.html @@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ class UserListView(generics.ListAPIView):

    For more advanced filtering requirements you can specify a FilterSet class that should be used by the view. You can read more about FilterSets in the django-filter documentation. -It's also recommended that you read the section on DRF integration.

    +It's also recommended that you read the section on DRF integration.


    The SearchFilter class supports simple single query parameter based searching, and is based on the Django admin's search functionality.

    When in use, the browsable API will include a SearchFilter control:

    diff --git a/api-guide/parsers/index.html b/api-guide/parsers/index.html index 166da0fd9..8360c6438 100644 --- a/api-guide/parsers/index.html +++ b/api-guide/parsers/index.html @@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ class ExampleView(APIView):

    Or, if you're using the @api_view decorator with function based views.

    from rest_framework.decorators import api_view
     from rest_framework.decorators import parser_classes
    +from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser
    diff --git a/mkdocs/search_index.json b/mkdocs/search_index.json
    index 243111081..c0f6406c6 100644
    --- a/mkdocs/search_index.json
    +++ b/mkdocs/search_index.json
    @@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@
                 "location": "/api-guide/parsers/",
    -            "text": "Parsers\n\n\n\n\nMachine interacting web services tend to use more\nstructured formats for sending data than form-encoded, since they're\nsending more complex data than simple forms\n\n\n\u2014 Malcom Tredinnick, \nDjango developers group\n\n\n\n\nREST framework includes a number of built in Parser classes, that allow you to accept requests with various media types.  There is also support for defining your own custom parsers, which gives you the flexibility to design the media types that your API accepts.\n\n\nHow the parser is determined\n\n\nThe set of valid parsers for a view is always defined as a list of classes.  When  \\n is accessed, REST framework will examine the \nContent-Type\n header on the incoming request, and determine which parser to use to parse the request content.\n\n\n\n\nNote\n: When developing client applications always remember to make sure you're setting the \nContent-Type\n header when sending data in an HTTP request.\n\n\nIf you don't set the content type, most clients will default to using \n'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n, which may not be what you wanted.\n\n\nAs an example, if you are sending \njson\n encoded data using jQuery with the \n.ajax() method\n, you should make sure to include the \ncontentType: 'application/json'\n setting.\n\n\n\n\nSetting the parsers\n\n\nThe default set of parsers may be set globally, using the \nDEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES\n setting. For example, the following settings would allow only requests with \nJSON\n content, instead of the default of JSON or form data.\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser',\n    )\n}\n\n\n\nYou can also set the parsers used for an individual view, or viewset,\nusing the \nAPIView\n class-based views.\n\n\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\nfrom rest_framework.response import Response\nfrom rest_framework.views import APIView\n\nclass ExampleView(APIView):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    parser_classes = (JSONParser,)\n\n    def post(self, request, format=None):\n        return Response({'received data':})\n\n\n\nOr, if you're using the \n@api_view\n decorator with function based views.\n\n\nfrom rest_framework.decorators import api_view\nfrom rest_framework.decorators import parser_classes\n\n@api_view(['POST'])\n@parser_classes((JSONParser,))\ndef example_view(request, format=None):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    return Response({'received data':})\n\n\n\n\n\nAPI Reference\n\n\nJSONParser\n\n\nParses \nJSON\n request content.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \napplication/json\n\n\nFormParser\n\n\nParses HTML form content.  \\n will be populated with a \nQueryDict\n of data.\n\n\nYou will typically want to use both \nFormParser\n and \nMultiPartParser\n together in order to fully support HTML form data.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \napplication/x-www-form-urlencoded\n\n\nMultiPartParser\n\n\nParses multipart HTML form content, which supports file uploads.  Both \\n will be populated with a \nQueryDict\n.\n\n\nYou will typically want to use both \nFormParser\n and \nMultiPartParser\n together in order to fully support HTML form data.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \nmultipart/form-data\n\n\nFileUploadParser\n\n\nParses raw file upload content.  The \\n property will be a dictionary with a single key \n'file'\n containing the uploaded file.\n\n\nIf the view used with \nFileUploadParser\n is called with a \nfilename\n URL keyword argument, then that argument will be used as the filename.\n\n\nIf it is called without a \nfilename\n URL keyword argument, then the client must set the filename in the \nContent-Disposition\n HTTP header.  For example \nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=upload.jpg\n.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \n*/*\n\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\n\nThe \nFileUploadParser\n is for usage with native clients that can upload the file as a raw data request.  For web-based uploads, or for native clients with multipart upload support, you should use the \nMultiPartParser\n parser instead.\n\n\nSince this parser's \nmedia_type\n matches any content type, \nFileUploadParser\n should generally be the only parser set on an API view.\n\n\nFileUploadParser\n respects Django's standard \nFILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS\n setting, and the \nrequest.upload_handlers\n attribute.  See the \nDjango documentation\n for more details.\n\n\n\n\nBasic usage example:\n\n\n#\nclass FileUploadView(views.APIView):\n    parser_classes = (FileUploadParser,)\n\n    def put(self, request, filename, format=None):\n        file_obj =['file']\n        # ...\n        # do some stuff with uploaded file\n        # ...\n        return Response(status=204)\n\n#\nurlpatterns = [\n    # ...\n    url(r'^upload/(?P[^/]+)$', FileUploadView.as_view())\n]\n\n\n\n\n\nCustom parsers\n\n\nTo implement a custom parser, you should override \nBaseParser\n, set the \n.media_type\n property, and implement the \n.parse(self, stream, media_type, parser_context)\n method.\n\n\nThe method should return the data that will be used to populate the \\n property.\n\n\nThe arguments passed to \n.parse()\n are:\n\n\nstream\n\n\nA stream-like object representing the body of the request.\n\n\nmedia_type\n\n\nOptional.  If provided, this is the media type of the incoming request content.\n\n\nDepending on the request's \nContent-Type:\n header, this may be more specific than the renderer's \nmedia_type\n attribute, and may include media type parameters.  For example \n\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"\n.\n\n\nparser_context\n\n\nOptional.  If supplied, this argument will be a dictionary containing any additional context that may be required to parse the request content.\n\n\nBy default this will include the following keys: \nview\n, \nrequest\n, \nargs\n, \nkwargs\n.\n\n\nExample\n\n\nThe following is an example plaintext parser that will populate the \\n property with a string representing the body of the request.\n\n\nclass PlainTextParser(BaseParser):\n    \"\"\"\n    Plain text parser.\n    \"\"\"\n    media_type = 'text/plain'\n\n    def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None):\n        \"\"\"\n        Simply return a string representing the body of the request.\n        \"\"\"\n        return\n\n\n\n\n\nThird party packages\n\n\nThe following third party packages are also available.\n\n\nYAML\n\n\nREST framework YAML\n provides \nYAML\n parsing and rendering support. It was previously included directly in the REST framework package, and is now instead supported as a third-party package.\n\n\nInstallation & configuration\n\n\nInstall using pip.\n\n\n$ pip install djangorestframework-yaml\n\n\n\nModify your REST framework settings.\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_yaml.parsers.YAMLParser',\n    ),\n    'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_yaml.renderers.YAMLRenderer',\n    ),\n}\n\n\n\nXML\n\n\nREST Framework XML\n provides a simple informal XML format. It was previously included directly in the REST framework package, and is now instead supported as a third-party package.\n\n\nInstallation & configuration\n\n\nInstall using pip.\n\n\n$ pip install djangorestframework-xml\n\n\n\nModify your REST framework settings.\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_xml.parsers.XMLParser',\n    ),\n    'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_xml.renderers.XMLRenderer',\n    ),\n}\n\n\n\nMessagePack\n\n\nMessagePack\n is a fast, efficient binary serialization format.  \nJuan Riaza\n maintains the \ndjangorestframework-msgpack\n package which provides MessagePack renderer and parser support for REST framework.\n\n\nCamelCase JSON\n\n\ndjangorestframework-camel-case\n provides camel case JSON renderers and parsers for REST framework.  This allows serializers to use Python-style underscored field names, but be exposed in the API as Javascript-style camel case field names.  It is maintained by \nVitaly Babiy\n.",
    +            "text": "Parsers\n\n\n\n\nMachine interacting web services tend to use more\nstructured formats for sending data than form-encoded, since they're\nsending more complex data than simple forms\n\n\n\u2014 Malcom Tredinnick, \nDjango developers group\n\n\n\n\nREST framework includes a number of built in Parser classes, that allow you to accept requests with various media types.  There is also support for defining your own custom parsers, which gives you the flexibility to design the media types that your API accepts.\n\n\nHow the parser is determined\n\n\nThe set of valid parsers for a view is always defined as a list of classes.  When  \\n is accessed, REST framework will examine the \nContent-Type\n header on the incoming request, and determine which parser to use to parse the request content.\n\n\n\n\nNote\n: When developing client applications always remember to make sure you're setting the \nContent-Type\n header when sending data in an HTTP request.\n\n\nIf you don't set the content type, most clients will default to using \n'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n, which may not be what you wanted.\n\n\nAs an example, if you are sending \njson\n encoded data using jQuery with the \n.ajax() method\n, you should make sure to include the \ncontentType: 'application/json'\n setting.\n\n\n\n\nSetting the parsers\n\n\nThe default set of parsers may be set globally, using the \nDEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES\n setting. For example, the following settings would allow only requests with \nJSON\n content, instead of the default of JSON or form data.\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser',\n    )\n}\n\n\n\nYou can also set the parsers used for an individual view, or viewset,\nusing the \nAPIView\n class-based views.\n\n\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\nfrom rest_framework.response import Response\nfrom rest_framework.views import APIView\n\nclass ExampleView(APIView):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    parser_classes = (JSONParser,)\n\n    def post(self, request, format=None):\n        return Response({'received data':})\n\n\n\nOr, if you're using the \n@api_view\n decorator with function based views.\n\n\nfrom rest_framework.decorators import api_view\nfrom rest_framework.decorators import parser_classes\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\n\n@api_view(['POST'])\n@parser_classes((JSONParser,))\ndef example_view(request, format=None):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    return Response({'received data':})\n\n\n\n\n\nAPI Reference\n\n\nJSONParser\n\n\nParses \nJSON\n request content.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \napplication/json\n\n\nFormParser\n\n\nParses HTML form content.  \\n will be populated with a \nQueryDict\n of data.\n\n\nYou will typically want to use both \nFormParser\n and \nMultiPartParser\n together in order to fully support HTML form data.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \napplication/x-www-form-urlencoded\n\n\nMultiPartParser\n\n\nParses multipart HTML form content, which supports file uploads.  Both \\n will be populated with a \nQueryDict\n.\n\n\nYou will typically want to use both \nFormParser\n and \nMultiPartParser\n together in order to fully support HTML form data.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \nmultipart/form-data\n\n\nFileUploadParser\n\n\nParses raw file upload content.  The \\n property will be a dictionary with a single key \n'file'\n containing the uploaded file.\n\n\nIf the view used with \nFileUploadParser\n is called with a \nfilename\n URL keyword argument, then that argument will be used as the filename.\n\n\nIf it is called without a \nfilename\n URL keyword argument, then the client must set the filename in the \nContent-Disposition\n HTTP header.  For example \nContent-Disposition: attachment; filename=upload.jpg\n.\n\n\n.media_type\n: \n*/*\n\n\nNotes:\n\n\n\n\nThe \nFileUploadParser\n is for usage with native clients that can upload the file as a raw data request.  For web-based uploads, or for native clients with multipart upload support, you should use the \nMultiPartParser\n parser instead.\n\n\nSince this parser's \nmedia_type\n matches any content type, \nFileUploadParser\n should generally be the only parser set on an API view.\n\n\nFileUploadParser\n respects Django's standard \nFILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS\n setting, and the \nrequest.upload_handlers\n attribute.  See the \nDjango documentation\n for more details.\n\n\n\n\nBasic usage example:\n\n\n#\nclass FileUploadView(views.APIView):\n    parser_classes = (FileUploadParser,)\n\n    def put(self, request, filename, format=None):\n        file_obj =['file']\n        # ...\n        # do some stuff with uploaded file\n        # ...\n        return Response(status=204)\n\n#\nurlpatterns = [\n    # ...\n    url(r'^upload/(?P[^/]+)$', FileUploadView.as_view())\n]\n\n\n\n\n\nCustom parsers\n\n\nTo implement a custom parser, you should override \nBaseParser\n, set the \n.media_type\n property, and implement the \n.parse(self, stream, media_type, parser_context)\n method.\n\n\nThe method should return the data that will be used to populate the \\n property.\n\n\nThe arguments passed to \n.parse()\n are:\n\n\nstream\n\n\nA stream-like object representing the body of the request.\n\n\nmedia_type\n\n\nOptional.  If provided, this is the media type of the incoming request content.\n\n\nDepending on the request's \nContent-Type:\n header, this may be more specific than the renderer's \nmedia_type\n attribute, and may include media type parameters.  For example \n\"text/plain; charset=utf-8\"\n.\n\n\nparser_context\n\n\nOptional.  If supplied, this argument will be a dictionary containing any additional context that may be required to parse the request content.\n\n\nBy default this will include the following keys: \nview\n, \nrequest\n, \nargs\n, \nkwargs\n.\n\n\nExample\n\n\nThe following is an example plaintext parser that will populate the \\n property with a string representing the body of the request.\n\n\nclass PlainTextParser(BaseParser):\n    \"\"\"\n    Plain text parser.\n    \"\"\"\n    media_type = 'text/plain'\n\n    def parse(self, stream, media_type=None, parser_context=None):\n        \"\"\"\n        Simply return a string representing the body of the request.\n        \"\"\"\n        return\n\n\n\n\n\nThird party packages\n\n\nThe following third party packages are also available.\n\n\nYAML\n\n\nREST framework YAML\n provides \nYAML\n parsing and rendering support. It was previously included directly in the REST framework package, and is now instead supported as a third-party package.\n\n\nInstallation & configuration\n\n\nInstall using pip.\n\n\n$ pip install djangorestframework-yaml\n\n\n\nModify your REST framework settings.\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_yaml.parsers.YAMLParser',\n    ),\n    'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_yaml.renderers.YAMLRenderer',\n    ),\n}\n\n\n\nXML\n\n\nREST Framework XML\n provides a simple informal XML format. It was previously included directly in the REST framework package, and is now instead supported as a third-party package.\n\n\nInstallation & configuration\n\n\nInstall using pip.\n\n\n$ pip install djangorestframework-xml\n\n\n\nModify your REST framework settings.\n\n\nREST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_xml.parsers.XMLParser',\n    ),\n    'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework_xml.renderers.XMLRenderer',\n    ),\n}\n\n\n\nMessagePack\n\n\nMessagePack\n is a fast, efficient binary serialization format.  \nJuan Riaza\n maintains the \ndjangorestframework-msgpack\n package which provides MessagePack renderer and parser support for REST framework.\n\n\nCamelCase JSON\n\n\ndjangorestframework-camel-case\n provides camel case JSON renderers and parsers for REST framework.  This allows serializers to use Python-style underscored field names, but be exposed in the API as Javascript-style camel case field names.  It is maintained by \nVitaly Babiy\n.",
                 "title": "Parsers"
    @@ -1052,7 +1052,7 @@
                 "location": "/api-guide/parsers/#setting-the-parsers",
    -            "text": "The default set of parsers may be set globally, using the  DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES  setting. For example, the following settings would allow only requests with  JSON  content, instead of the default of JSON or form data.  REST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser',\n    )\n}  You can also set the parsers used for an individual view, or viewset,\nusing the  APIView  class-based views.  from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\nfrom rest_framework.response import Response\nfrom rest_framework.views import APIView\n\nclass ExampleView(APIView):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    parser_classes = (JSONParser,)\n\n    def post(self, request, format=None):\n        return Response({'received data':})  Or, if you're using the  @api_view  decorator with function based views.  from rest_framework.decorators import api_view\nfrom rest_framework.decorators import parser_classes\n\n@api_view(['POST'])\n@parser_classes((JSONParser,))\ndef example_view(request, format=None):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    return Response({'received data':})",
    +            "text": "The default set of parsers may be set globally, using the  DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES  setting. For example, the following settings would allow only requests with  JSON  content, instead of the default of JSON or form data.  REST_FRAMEWORK = {\n    'DEFAULT_PARSER_CLASSES': (\n        'rest_framework.parsers.JSONParser',\n    )\n}  You can also set the parsers used for an individual view, or viewset,\nusing the  APIView  class-based views.  from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\nfrom rest_framework.response import Response\nfrom rest_framework.views import APIView\n\nclass ExampleView(APIView):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    parser_classes = (JSONParser,)\n\n    def post(self, request, format=None):\n        return Response({'received data':})  Or, if you're using the  @api_view  decorator with function based views.  from rest_framework.decorators import api_view\nfrom rest_framework.decorators import parser_classes\nfrom rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser\n\n@api_view(['POST'])\n@parser_classes((JSONParser,))\ndef example_view(request, format=None):\n    \"\"\"\n    A view that can accept POST requests with JSON content.\n    \"\"\"\n    return Response({'received data':})",
                 "title": "Setting the parsers"
    @@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@
                 "location": "/api-guide/fields/",
    -            "text": "Serializer fields\n\n\n\n\nEach field in a Form class is responsible not only for validating data, but also for \"cleaning\" it \u2014 normalizing it to a consistent format.\n\n\n\u2014 \nDjango documentation\n\n\n\n\nSerializer fields handle converting between primitive values and internal datatypes.  They also deal with validating input values, as well as retrieving and setting the values from their parent objects.\n\n\n\n\nNote:\n The serializer fields are declared in \\n, but by convention you should import them using \nfrom rest_framework import serializers\n and refer to fields as \nserializers.\n.\n\n\n\n\nCore arguments\n\n\nEach serializer field class constructor takes at least these arguments.  Some Field classes take additional, field-specific arguments, but the following should always be accepted:\n\n\nread_only\n\n\nRead-only fields are included in the API output, but should not be included in the input during create or update operations. Any 'read_only' fields that are incorrectly included in the serializer input will be ignored.\n\n\nSet this to \nTrue\n to ensure that the field is used when serializing a representation, but is not used when creating or updating an instance during deserialization.\n\n\nDefaults to \nFalse\n\n\nwrite_only\n\n\nSet this to \nTrue\n to ensure that the field may be used when updating or creating an instance, but is not included when serializing the representation.\n\n\nDefaults to \nFalse\n\n\nrequired\n\n\nNormally an error will be raised if a field is not supplied during deserialization.\nSet to false if this field is not required to be present during deserialization.\n\n\nSetting this to \nFalse\n also allows the object attribute or dictionary key to be omitted from output when serializing the instance. If the key is not present it will simply not be included in the output representation.\n\n\nDefaults to \nTrue\n.\n\n\nallow_null\n\n\nNormally an error will be raised if \nNone\n is passed to a serializer field. Set this keyword argument to \nTrue\n if \nNone\n should be considered a valid value.\n\n\nDefaults to \nFalse\n\n\ndefault\n\n\nIf set, this gives the default value that will be used for the field if no input value is supplied. If not set the default behaviour is to not populate the attribute at all.\n\n\nThe \ndefault\n is not applied during partial update operations. In the partial update case only fields that are provided in the incoming data will have a validated value returned.\n\n\nMay be set to a function or other callable, in which case the value will be evaluated each time it is used. When called, it will receive no arguments. If the callable has a \nset_context\n method, that will be called each time before getting the value with the field instance as only argument. This works the same way as for \nvalidators\n.\n\n\nWhen serializing the instance, default will be used if the the object attribute or dictionary key is not present in the instance.\n\n\nNote that setting a \ndefault\n value implies that the field is not required. Including both the \ndefault\n and \nrequired\n keyword arguments is invalid and will raise an error.\n\n\nsource\n\n\nThe name of the attribute that will be used to populate the field.  May be a method that only takes a \nself\n argument, such as \nURLField(source='get_absolute_url')\n, or may use dotted notation to traverse attributes, such as \nEmailField(source='')\n. When serializing fields with dotted notation, it may be necessary to provide a \ndefault\n value if any object is not present or is empty during attribute traversal.\n\n\nThe value \nsource='*'\n has a special meaning, and is used to indicate that the entire object should be passed through to the field.  This can be useful for creating nested representations, or for fields which require access to the complete object in order to determine the output representation.\n\n\nDefaults to the name of the field.\n\n\nvalidators\n\n\nA list of validator functions which should be applied to the incoming field input, and which either raise a validation error or simply return. Validator functions should typically raise \nserializers.ValidationError\n, but Django's built-in \nValidationError\n is also supported for compatibility with validators defined in the Django codebase or third party Django packages.\n\n\nerror_messages\n\n\nA dictionary of error codes to error messages.\n\n\nlabel\n\n\nA short text string that may be used as the name of the field in HTML form fields or other descriptive elements.\n\n\nhelp_text\n\n\nA text string that may be used as a description of the field in HTML form fields or other descriptive elements.\n\n\ninitial\n\n\nA value that should be used for pre-populating the value of HTML form fields. You may pass a callable to it, just as\nyou may do with any regular Django \nField\n:\n\n\nimport datetime\nfrom rest_framework import serializers\nclass ExampleSerializer(serializers.Serializer):\n    day = serializers.DateField(\n\n\n\nstyle\n\n\nA dictionary of key-value pairs that can be used to control how renderers should render the field.\n\n\nTwo examples here are \n'input_type'\n and \n'base_template'\n:\n\n\n# Use  for the input.\npassword = serializers.CharField(\n    style={'input_type': 'password'}\n)\n\n# Use a radio input instead of a select input.\ncolor_channel = serializers.ChoiceField(\n    choices=['red', 'green', 'blue'],\n    style={'base_template': 'radio.html'}\n)\n\n\n\nFor more details see the \nHTML & Forms\n documentation.\n\n\n\n\nBoolean fields\n\n\nBooleanField\n\n\nA boolean representation.\n\n\nWhen using HTML encoded form input be aware that omitting a value will always be treated as setting a field to \nFalse\n, even if it has a \ndefault=True\n option specified. This is because HTML checkbox inputs represent the unchecked state by omitting the value, so REST framework treats omission as if it is an empty checkbox input.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.BooleanField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nBooleanField()\n\n\nNullBooleanField\n\n\nA boolean representation that also accepts \nNone\n as a valid value.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nNullBooleanField()\n\n\n\n\nString fields\n\n\nCharField\n\n\nA text representation. Optionally validates the text to be shorter than \nmax_length\n and longer than \nmin_length\n.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.CharField\n or \ndjango.db.models.fields.TextField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nCharField(max_length=None, min_length=None, allow_blank=False, trim_whitespace=True)\n\n\n\n\nmax_length\n - Validates that the input contains no more than this number of characters.\n\n\nmin_length\n - Validates that the input contains no fewer than this number of characters.\n\n\nallow_blank\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the empty string should be considered a valid value. If set to \nFalse\n then the empty string is considered invalid and will raise a validation error. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\ntrim_whitespace\n - If set to \nTrue\n then leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed. Defaults to \nTrue\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe \nallow_null\n option is also available for string fields, although its usage is discouraged in favor of \nallow_blank\n. It is valid to set both \nallow_blank=True\n and \nallow_null=True\n, but doing so means that there will be two differing types of empty value permissible for string representations, which can lead to data inconsistencies and subtle application bugs.\n\n\nEmailField\n\n\nA text representation, validates the text to be a valid e-mail address.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.EmailField\n\n\nSignature:\n \nEmailField(max_length=None, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nRegexField\n\n\nA text representation, that validates the given value matches against a certain regular expression.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.RegexField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nRegexField(regex, max_length=None, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nThe mandatory \nregex\n argument may either be a string, or a compiled python regular expression object.\n\n\nUses Django's \ndjango.core.validators.RegexValidator\n for validation.\n\n\nSlugField\n\n\nA \nRegexField\n that validates the input against the pattern \n[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\n.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.SlugField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nSlugField(max_length=50, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nURLField\n\n\nA \nRegexField\n that validates the input against a URL matching pattern. Expects fully qualified URLs of the form \nhttp:///\n.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.URLField\n.  Uses Django's \ndjango.core.validators.URLValidator\n for validation.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nURLField(max_length=200, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nUUIDField\n\n\nA field that ensures the input is a valid UUID string. The \nto_internal_value\n method will return a \nuuid.UUID\n instance. On output the field will return a string in the canonical hyphenated format, for example:\n\n\n\"de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013\"\n\n\n\nSignature:\n \nUUIDField(format='hex_verbose')\n\n\n\n\nformat\n: Determines the representation format of the uuid value\n\n\n'hex_verbose'\n - The cannoncical hex representation, including hyphens: \n\"5ce0e9a5-5ffa-654b-cee0-1238041fb31a\"\n\n\n'hex'\n - The compact hex representation of the UUID, not including hyphens: \n\"5ce0e9a55ffa654bcee01238041fb31a\"\n\n\n'int'\n - A 128 bit integer representation of the UUID: \n\"123456789012312313134124512351145145114\"\n\n\n'urn'\n - RFC 4122 URN representation of the UUID: \n\"urn:uuid:5ce0e9a5-5ffa-654b-cee0-1238041fb31a\"\n\n  Changing the \nformat\n parameters only affects representation values. All formats are accepted by \nto_internal_value\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFilePathField\n\n\nA field whose choices are limited to the filenames in a certain directory on the filesystem\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.FilePathField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nFilePathField(path, match=None, recursive=False, allow_files=True, allow_folders=False, required=None, **kwargs)\n\n\n\n\npath\n - The absolute filesystem path to a directory from which this FilePathField should get its choice.\n\n\nmatch\n - A regular expression, as a string, that FilePathField will use to filter filenames.\n\n\nrecursive\n - Specifies whether all subdirectories of path should be included.  Default is \nFalse\n.\n\n\nallow_files\n - Specifies whether files in the specified location should be included. Default is \nTrue\n. Either this or \nallow_folders\n must be \nTrue\n.\n\n\nallow_folders\n - Specifies whether folders in the specified location should be included. Default is \nFalse\n. Either this or \nallow_files\n must be \nTrue\n.\n\n\n\n\nIPAddressField\n\n\nA field that ensures the input is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 string.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.IPAddressField\n and \ndjango.forms.fields.GenericIPAddressField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nIPAddressField(protocol='both', unpack_ipv4=False, **options)\n\n\n\n\nprotocol\n Limits valid inputs to the specified protocol. Accepted values are 'both' (default), 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'. Matching is case insensitive.\n\n\nunpack_ipv4\n Unpacks IPv4 mapped addresses like ::ffff: If this option is enabled that address would be unpacked to Default is disabled. Can only be used when protocol is set to 'both'.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNumeric fields\n\n\nIntegerField\n\n\nAn integer representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.IntegerField\n, \ndjango.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField\n, \ndjango.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField\n and \ndjango.db.models.fields.PositiveSmallIntegerField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nIntegerField(max_value=None, min_value=None)\n\n\n\n\nmax_value\n Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.\n\n\nmin_value\n Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.\n\n\n\n\nFloatField\n\n\nA floating point representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.FloatField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nFloatField(max_value=None, min_value=None)\n\n\n\n\nmax_value\n Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.\n\n\nmin_value\n Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.\n\n\n\n\nDecimalField\n\n\nA decimal representation, represented in Python by a \nDecimal\n instance.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DecimalField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nDecimalField(max_digits, decimal_places, coerce_to_string=None, max_value=None, min_value=None)\n\n\n\n\nmax_digits\n The maximum number of digits allowed in the number. It must be either \nNone\n or an integer greater than or equal to \ndecimal_places\n.\n\n\ndecimal_places\n The number of decimal places to store with the number.\n\n\ncoerce_to_string\n Set to \nTrue\n if string values should be returned for the representation, or \nFalse\n if \nDecimal\n objects should be returned. Defaults to the same value as the \nCOERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING\n settings key, which will be \nTrue\n unless overridden. If \nDecimal\n objects are returned by the serializer, then the final output format will be determined by the renderer. Note that setting \nlocalize\n will force the value to \nTrue\n.\n\n\nmax_value\n Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.\n\n\nmin_value\n Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.\n\n\nlocalize\n Set to \nTrue\n to enable localization of input and output based on the current locale. This will also force \ncoerce_to_string\n to \nTrue\n. Defaults to \nFalse\n. Note that data formatting is enabled if you have set \nUSE_L10N=True\n in your settings file.\n\n\n\n\nExample usage\n\n\nTo validate numbers up to 999 with a resolution of 2 decimal places, you would use:\n\n\nserializers.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)\n\n\n\nAnd to validate numbers up to anything less than one billion with a resolution of 10 decimal places:\n\n\nserializers.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=10)\n\n\n\nThis field also takes an optional argument, \ncoerce_to_string\n. If set to \nTrue\n the representation will be output as a string. If set to \nFalse\n the representation will be left as a \nDecimal\n instance and the final representation will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\nIf unset, this will default to the same value as the \nCOERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING\n setting, which is \nTrue\n unless set otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nDate and time fields\n\n\nDateTimeField\n\n\nA date and time representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DateTimeField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nDateTimeField(format=api_settings.DATETIME_FORMAT, input_formats=None)\n\n\n\n\nformat\n - A string representing the output format. If not specified, this defaults to the same value as the \nDATETIME_FORMAT\n settings key, which will be \n'iso-8601'\n unless set. Setting to a format string indicates that \nto_representation\n return values should be coerced to string output. Format strings are described below. Setting this value to \nNone\n indicates that Python \ndatetime\n objects should be returned by \nto_representation\n. In this case the datetime encoding will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\ninput_formats\n - A list of strings representing the input formats which may be used to parse the date.  If not specified, the \nDATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS\n setting will be used, which defaults to \n['iso-8601']\n.\n\n\n\n\nDateTimeField\n format strings.\n\n\nFormat strings may either be \nPython strftime formats\n which explicitly specify the format, or the special string \n'iso-8601'\n, which indicates that \nISO 8601\n style datetimes should be used. (eg \n'2013-01-29T12:34:56.000000Z'\n)\n\n\nWhen a value of \nNone\n is used for the format \ndatetime\n objects will be returned by \nto_representation\n and the final output representation will determined by the renderer class.\n\n\nauto_now_add\n model fields.\nauto_now\n and \n\n\nWhen using \nModelSerializer\n or \nHyperlinkedModelSerializer\n, note that any model fields with \nauto_now=True\n or \nauto_now_add=True\n will use serializer fields that are \nread_only=True\n by default.\n\n\nIf you want to override this behavior, you'll need to declare the \nDateTimeField\n explicitly on the serializer.  For example:\n\n\nclass CommentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n    created = serializers.DateTimeField()\n\n    class Meta:\n        model = Comment\n\n\n\nDateField\n\n\nA date representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DateField\n\n\nSignature:\n \nDateField(format=api_settings.DATE_FORMAT, input_formats=None)\n\n\n\n\nformat\n - A string representing the output format.  If not specified, this defaults to the same value as the \nDATE_FORMAT\n settings key, which will be \n'iso-8601'\n unless set. Setting to a format string indicates that \nto_representation\n return values should be coerced to string output. Format strings are described below. Setting this value to \nNone\n indicates that Python \ndate\n objects should be returned by \nto_representation\n. In this case the date encoding will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\ninput_formats\n - A list of strings representing the input formats which may be used to parse the date.  If not specified, the \nDATE_INPUT_FORMATS\n setting will be used, which defaults to \n['iso-8601']\n.\n\n\n\n\nDateField\n format strings\n\n\nFormat strings may either be \nPython strftime formats\n which explicitly specify the format, or the special string \n'iso-8601'\n, which indicates that \nISO 8601\n style dates should be used. (eg \n'2013-01-29'\n)\n\n\nTimeField\n\n\nA time representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.TimeField\n\n\nSignature:\n \nTimeField(format=api_settings.TIME_FORMAT, input_formats=None)\n\n\n\n\nformat\n - A string representing the output format.  If not specified, this defaults to the same value as the \nTIME_FORMAT\n settings key, which will be \n'iso-8601'\n unless set. Setting to a format string indicates that \nto_representation\n return values should be coerced to string output. Format strings are described below. Setting this value to \nNone\n indicates that Python \ntime\n objects should be returned by \nto_representation\n. In this case the time encoding will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\ninput_formats\n - A list of strings representing the input formats which may be used to parse the date.  If not specified, the \nTIME_INPUT_FORMATS\n setting will be used, which defaults to \n['iso-8601']\n.\n\n\n\n\nTimeField\n format strings\n\n\nFormat strings may either be \nPython strftime formats\n which explicitly specify the format, or the special string \n'iso-8601'\n, which indicates that \nISO 8601\n style times should be used. (eg \n'12:34:56.000000'\n)\n\n\nDurationField\n\n\nA Duration representation.\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DurationField\n\n\nThe \nvalidated_data\n for these fields will contain a \ndatetime.timedelta\n instance.\nThe representation is a string following this format \n'[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu]'\n.\n\n\nNote:\n This field is only available with Django versions >= 1.8.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nDurationField()\n\n\n\n\nChoice selection fields\n\n\nChoiceField\n\n\nA field that can accept a value out of a limited set of choices.\n\n\nUsed by \nModelSerializer\n to automatically generate fields if the corresponding model field includes a \nchoices=\u2026\n argument.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nChoiceField(choices)\n\n\n\n\nchoices\n - A list of valid values, or a list of \n(key, display_name)\n tuples.\n\n\nallow_blank\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the empty string should be considered a valid value. If set to \nFalse\n then the empty string is considered invalid and will raise a validation error. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff\n - If set this will be the maximum number of choices that will be displayed by a HTML select drop down. Can be used to ensure that automatically generated ChoiceFields with very large possible selections do not prevent a template from rendering. Defaults to \nNone\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff_text\n - If set this will display a textual indicator if the maximum number of items have been cutoff in an HTML select drop down. Defaults to \n\"More than {count} items\u2026\"\n\n\n\n\nBoth the \nallow_blank\n and \nallow_null\n are valid options on \nChoiceField\n, although it is highly recommended that you only use one and not both. \nallow_blank\n should be preferred for textual choices, and \nallow_null\n should be preferred for numeric or other non-textual choices.\n\n\nMultipleChoiceField\n\n\nA field that can accept a set of zero, one or many values, chosen from a limited set of choices. Takes a single mandatory argument. \nto_internal_value\n returns a \nset\n containing the selected values.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nMultipleChoiceField(choices)\n\n\n\n\nchoices\n - A list of valid values, or a list of \n(key, display_name)\n tuples.\n\n\nallow_blank\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the empty string should be considered a valid value. If set to \nFalse\n then the empty string is considered invalid and will raise a validation error. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff\n - If set this will be the maximum number of choices that will be displayed by a HTML select drop down. Can be used to ensure that automatically generated ChoiceFields with very large possible selections do not prevent a template from rendering. Defaults to \nNone\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff_text\n - If set this will display a textual indicator if the maximum number of items have been cutoff in an HTML select drop down. Defaults to \n\"More than {count} items\u2026\"\n\n\n\n\nAs with \nChoiceField\n, both the \nallow_blank\n and \nallow_null\n options are valid, although it is highly recommended that you only use one and not both. \nallow_blank\n should be preferred for textual choices, and \nallow_null\n should be preferred for numeric or other non-textual choices.\n\n\n\n\nFile upload fields\n\n\nParsers and file uploads.\n\n\nThe \nFileField\n and \nImageField\n classes are only suitable for use with \nMultiPartParser\n or \nFileUploadParser\n. Most parsers, such as e.g. JSON don't support file uploads.\nDjango's regular \nFILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS\n are used for handling uploaded files.\n\n\nFileField\n\n\nA file representation.  Performs Django's standard FileField validation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.FileField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nFileField(max_length=None, allow_empty_file=False, use_url=UPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL)\n\n\n\n\nmax_length\n - Designates the maximum length for the file name.\n\n\nallow_empty_file\n - Designates if empty files are allowed.\n\n\nuse_url\n - If set to \nTrue\n then URL string values will be used for the output representation. If set to \nFalse\n then filename string values will be used for the output representation. Defaults to the value of the \nUPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL\n settings key, which is \nTrue\n unless set otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nImageField\n\n\nAn image representation. Validates the uploaded file content as matching a known image format.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.ImageField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nImageField(max_length=None, allow_empty_file=False, use_url=UPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL)\n\n\n\n\nmax_length\n - Designates the maximum length for the file name.\n\n\nallow_empty_file\n - Designates if empty files are allowed.\n\n\nuse_url\n - If set to \nTrue\n then URL string values will be used for the output representation. If set to \nFalse\n then filename string values will be used for the output representation. Defaults to the value of the \nUPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL\n settings key, which is \nTrue\n unless set otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nRequires either the \nPillow\n package or \nPIL\n package.  The \nPillow\n package is recommended, as \nPIL\n is no longer actively maintained.\n\n\n\n\nComposite fields\n\n\nListField\n\n\nA field class that validates a list of objects.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nListField(child=, min_length=None, max_length=None)\n\n\n\n\nchild\n - A field instance that should be used for validating the objects in the list. If this argument is not provided then objects in the list will not be validated.\n\n\nmin_length\n - Validates that the list contains no fewer than this number of elements.\n\n\nmax_length\n - Validates that the list contains no more than this number of elements.\n\n\n\n\nFor example, to validate a list of integers you might use something like the following:\n\n\nscores = serializers.ListField(\n   child=serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=100)\n)\n\n\n\nThe \nListField\n class also supports a declarative style that allows you to write reusable list field classes.\n\n\nclass StringListField(serializers.ListField):\n    child = serializers.CharField()\n\n\n\nWe can now reuse our custom \nStringListField\n class throughout our application, without having to provide a \nchild\n argument to it.\n\n\nDictField\n\n\nA field class that validates a dictionary of objects. The keys in \nDictField\n are always assumed to be string values.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nDictField(child=)\n\n\n\n\nchild\n - A field instance that should be used for validating the values in the dictionary. If this argument is not provided then values in the mapping will not be validated.\n\n\n\n\nFor example, to create a field that validates a mapping of strings to strings, you would write something like this:\n\n\ndocument = DictField(child=CharField())\n\n\n\nYou can also use the declarative style, as with \nListField\n. For example:\n\n\nclass DocumentField(DictField):\n    child = CharField()\n\n\n\nJSONField\n\n\nA field class that validates that the incoming data structure consists of valid JSON primitives. In its alternate binary mode, it will represent and validate JSON-encoded binary strings.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nJSONField(binary)\n\n\n\n\nbinary\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the field will output and validate a JSON encoded string, rather than a primitive data structure. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMiscellaneous fields\n\n\nReadOnlyField\n\n\nA field class that simply returns the value of the field without modification.\n\n\nThis field is used by default with \nModelSerializer\n when including field names that relate to an attribute rather than a model field.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nReadOnlyField()\n\n\nFor example, if \nhas_expired\n was a property on the \nAccount\n model, then the following serializer would automatically generate it as a \nReadOnlyField\n:\n\n\nclass AccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n    class Meta:\n        model = Account\n        fields = ('id', 'account_name', 'has_expired')\n\n\n\nHiddenField\n\n\nA field class that does not take a value based on user input, but instead takes its value from a default value or callable.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nHiddenField()\n\n\nFor example, to include a field that always provides the current time as part of the serializer validated data, you would use the following:\n\n\nmodified = serializers.HiddenField(\n\n\n\nThe \nHiddenField\n class is usually only needed if you have some validation that needs to run based on some pre-provided field values, but you do not want to expose all of those fields to the end user.\n\n\nFor further examples on \nHiddenField\n see the \nvalidators\n documentation.\n\n\nModelField\n\n\nA generic field that can be tied to any arbitrary model field. The \nModelField\n class delegates the task of serialization/deserialization to its associated model field.  This field can be used to create serializer fields for custom model fields, without having to create a new custom serializer field.\n\n\nThis field is used by \nModelSerializer\n to correspond to custom model field classes.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nModelField(model_field=)\n\n\nThe \nModelField\n class is generally intended for internal use, but can be used by your API if needed.  In order to properly instantiate a \nModelField\n, it must be passed a field that is attached to an instantiated model.  For example: \nModelField(model_field=MyModel()._meta.get_field('custom_field'))\n\n\nSerializerMethodField\n\n\nThis is a read-only field. It gets its value by calling a method on the serializer class it is attached to. It can be used to add any sort of data to the serialized representation of your object.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nSerializerMethodField(method_name=None)\n\n\n\n\nmethod_name\n - The name of the method on the serializer to be called. If not included this defaults to \nget_\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe serializer method referred to by the \nmethod_name\n argument should accept a single argument (in addition to \nself\n), which is the object being serialized. It should return whatever you want to be included in the serialized representation of the object. For example:\n\n\nfrom django.contrib.auth.models import User\nfrom django.utils.timezone import now\nfrom rest_framework import serializers\n\nclass UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n    days_since_joined = serializers.SerializerMethodField()\n\n    class Meta:\n        model = User\n\n    def get_days_since_joined(self, obj):\n        return (now() - obj.date_joined).days\n\n\n\n\n\nCustom fields\n\n\nIf you want to create a custom field, you'll need to subclass \nField\n and then override either one or both of the \n.to_representation()\n and \n.to_internal_value()\n methods.  These two methods are used to convert between the initial datatype, and a primitive, serializable datatype. Primitive datatypes will typically be any of a number, string, boolean, \ndate\n/\ntime\n/\ndatetime\n or \nNone\n. They may also be any list or dictionary like object that only contains other primitive objects. Other types might be supported, depending on the renderer that you are using.\n\n\nThe \n.to_representation()\n method is called to convert the initial datatype into a primitive, serializable datatype.\n\n\nThe \nto_internal_value()\n method is called to restore a primitive datatype into its internal python representation. This method should raise a \nserializers.ValidationError\n if the data is invalid.\n\n\nNote that the \nWritableField\n class that was present in version 2.x no longer exists. You should subclass \nField\n and override \nto_internal_value()\n if the field supports data input.\n\n\nExamples\n\n\nLet's look at an example of serializing a class that represents an RGB color value:\n\n\nclass Color(object):\n    \"\"\"\n    A color represented in the RGB colorspace.\n    \"\"\"\n    def __init__(self, red, green, blue):\n        assert(red >= 0 and green >= 0 and blue >= 0)\n        assert(red < 256 and green < 256 and blue < 256)\n,, = red, green, blue\n\nclass ColorField(serializers.Field):\n    \"\"\"\n    Color objects are serialized into 'rgb(#, #, #)' notation.\n    \"\"\"\n    def to_representation(self, obj):\n        return \"rgb(%d, %d, %d)\" % (,,\n\n    def to_internal_value(self, data):\n        data = data.strip('rgb(').rstrip(')')\n        red, green, blue = [int(col) for col in data.split(',')]\n        return Color(red, green, blue)\n\n\n\nBy default field values are treated as mapping to an attribute on the object.  If you need to customize how the field value is accessed and set you need to override \n.get_attribute()\n and/or \n.get_value()\n.\n\n\nAs an example, let's create a field that can be used to represent the class name of the object being serialized:\n\n\nclass ClassNameField(serializers.Field):\n    def get_attribute(self, obj):\n        # We pass the object instance onto `to_representation`,\n        # not just the field attribute.\n        return obj\n\n    def to_representation(self, obj):\n        \"\"\"\n        Serialize the object's class name.\n        \"\"\"\n        return obj.__class__.__name__\n\n\n\nRaising validation errors\n\n\nOur \nColorField\n class above currently does not perform any data validation.\nTo indicate invalid data, we should raise a \nserializers.ValidationError\n, like so:\n\n\ndef to_internal_value(self, data):\n    if not isinstance(data, six.text_type):\n        msg = 'Incorrect type. Expected a string, but got %s'\n        raise ValidationError(msg % type(data).__name__)\n\n    if not re.match(r'^rgb\\([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+\\)$', data):\n        raise ValidationError('Incorrect format. Expected `rgb(#,#,#)`.')\n\n    data = data.strip('rgb(').rstrip(')')\n    red, green, blue = [int(col) for col in data.split(',')]\n\n    if any([col > 255 or col < 0 for col in (red, green, blue)]):\n        raise ValidationError('Value out of range. Must be between 0 and 255.')\n\n    return Color(red, green, blue)\n\n\n\nThe \\n method is a shortcut for raising \nValidationError\n that takes a message string from the \nerror_messages\n dictionary. For example:\n\n\ndefault_error_messages = {\n    'incorrect_type': 'Incorrect type. Expected a string, but got {input_type}',\n    'incorrect_format': 'Incorrect format. Expected `rgb(#,#,#)`.',\n    'out_of_range': 'Value out of range. Must be between 0 and 255.'\n}\n\ndef to_internal_value(self, data):\n    if not isinstance(data, six.text_type):\n'incorrect_type', input_type=type(data).__name__)\n\n    if not re.match(r'^rgb\\([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+\\)$', data):\n'incorrect_format')\n\n    data = data.strip('rgb(').rstrip(')')\n    red, green, blue = [int(col) for col in data.split(',')]\n\n    if any([col > 255 or col < 0 for col in (red, green, blue)]):\n'out_of_range')\n\n    return Color(red, green, blue)\n\n\n\nThis style keeps your error messages cleaner and more separated from your code, and should be preferred.\n\n\nThird party packages\n\n\nThe following third party packages are also available.\n\n\nDRF Compound Fields\n\n\nThe \ndrf-compound-fields\n package provides \"compound\" serializer fields, such as lists of simple values, which can be described by other fields rather than serializers with the \nmany=True\n option. Also provided are fields for typed dictionaries and values that can be either a specific type or a list of items of that type.\n\n\nDRF Extra Fields\n\n\nThe \ndrf-extra-fields\n package provides extra serializer fields for REST framework, including \nBase64ImageField\n and \nPointField\n classes.\n\n\ndjangrestframework-recursive\n\n\nthe \ndjangorestframework-recursive\n package provides a \nRecursiveField\n for serializing and deserializing recursive structures\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-gis\n\n\nThe \ndjango-rest-framework-gis\n package provides geographic addons for django rest framework like a  \nGeometryField\n field and a GeoJSON serializer.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-hstore\n\n\nThe \ndjango-rest-framework-hstore\n package provides an \nHStoreField\n to support \ndjango-hstore\n \nDictionaryField\n model field.",
    +            "text": "Serializer fields\n\n\n\n\nEach field in a Form class is responsible not only for validating data, but also for \"cleaning\" it \u2014 normalizing it to a consistent format.\n\n\n\u2014 \nDjango documentation\n\n\n\n\nSerializer fields handle converting between primitive values and internal datatypes.  They also deal with validating input values, as well as retrieving and setting the values from their parent objects.\n\n\n\n\nNote:\n The serializer fields are declared in \\n, but by convention you should import them using \nfrom rest_framework import serializers\n and refer to fields as \nserializers.\n.\n\n\n\n\nCore arguments\n\n\nEach serializer field class constructor takes at least these arguments.  Some Field classes take additional, field-specific arguments, but the following should always be accepted:\n\n\nread_only\n\n\nRead-only fields are included in the API output, but should not be included in the input during create or update operations. Any 'read_only' fields that are incorrectly included in the serializer input will be ignored.\n\n\nSet this to \nTrue\n to ensure that the field is used when serializing a representation, but is not used when creating or updating an instance during deserialization.\n\n\nDefaults to \nFalse\n\n\nwrite_only\n\n\nSet this to \nTrue\n to ensure that the field may be used when updating or creating an instance, but is not included when serializing the representation.\n\n\nDefaults to \nFalse\n\n\nrequired\n\n\nNormally an error will be raised if a field is not supplied during deserialization.\nSet to false if this field is not required to be present during deserialization.\n\n\nSetting this to \nFalse\n also allows the object attribute or dictionary key to be omitted from output when serializing the instance. If the key is not present it will simply not be included in the output representation.\n\n\nDefaults to \nTrue\n.\n\n\nallow_null\n\n\nNormally an error will be raised if \nNone\n is passed to a serializer field. Set this keyword argument to \nTrue\n if \nNone\n should be considered a valid value.\n\n\nDefaults to \nFalse\n\n\ndefault\n\n\nIf set, this gives the default value that will be used for the field if no input value is supplied. If not set the default behaviour is to not populate the attribute at all.\n\n\nThe \ndefault\n is not applied during partial update operations. In the partial update case only fields that are provided in the incoming data will have a validated value returned.\n\n\nMay be set to a function or other callable, in which case the value will be evaluated each time it is used. When called, it will receive no arguments. If the callable has a \nset_context\n method, that will be called each time before getting the value with the field instance as only argument. This works the same way as for \nvalidators\n.\n\n\nWhen serializing the instance, default will be used if the the object attribute or dictionary key is not present in the instance.\n\n\nNote that setting a \ndefault\n value implies that the field is not required. Including both the \ndefault\n and \nrequired\n keyword arguments is invalid and will raise an error.\n\n\nsource\n\n\nThe name of the attribute that will be used to populate the field.  May be a method that only takes a \nself\n argument, such as \nURLField(source='get_absolute_url')\n, or may use dotted notation to traverse attributes, such as \nEmailField(source='')\n. When serializing fields with dotted notation, it may be necessary to provide a \ndefault\n value if any object is not present or is empty during attribute traversal.\n\n\nThe value \nsource='*'\n has a special meaning, and is used to indicate that the entire object should be passed through to the field.  This can be useful for creating nested representations, or for fields which require access to the complete object in order to determine the output representation.\n\n\nDefaults to the name of the field.\n\n\nvalidators\n\n\nA list of validator functions which should be applied to the incoming field input, and which either raise a validation error or simply return. Validator functions should typically raise \nserializers.ValidationError\n, but Django's built-in \nValidationError\n is also supported for compatibility with validators defined in the Django codebase or third party Django packages.\n\n\nerror_messages\n\n\nA dictionary of error codes to error messages.\n\n\nlabel\n\n\nA short text string that may be used as the name of the field in HTML form fields or other descriptive elements.\n\n\nhelp_text\n\n\nA text string that may be used as a description of the field in HTML form fields or other descriptive elements.\n\n\ninitial\n\n\nA value that should be used for pre-populating the value of HTML form fields. You may pass a callable to it, just as\nyou may do with any regular Django \nField\n:\n\n\nimport datetime\nfrom rest_framework import serializers\nclass ExampleSerializer(serializers.Serializer):\n    day = serializers.DateField(\n\n\n\nstyle\n\n\nA dictionary of key-value pairs that can be used to control how renderers should render the field.\n\n\nTwo examples here are \n'input_type'\n and \n'base_template'\n:\n\n\n# Use  for the input.\npassword = serializers.CharField(\n    style={'input_type': 'password'}\n)\n\n# Use a radio input instead of a select input.\ncolor_channel = serializers.ChoiceField(\n    choices=['red', 'green', 'blue'],\n    style={'base_template': 'radio.html'}\n)\n\n\n\nFor more details see the \nHTML & Forms\n documentation.\n\n\n\n\nBoolean fields\n\n\nBooleanField\n\n\nA boolean representation.\n\n\nWhen using HTML encoded form input be aware that omitting a value will always be treated as setting a field to \nFalse\n, even if it has a \ndefault=True\n option specified. This is because HTML checkbox inputs represent the unchecked state by omitting the value, so REST framework treats omission as if it is an empty checkbox input.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.BooleanField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nBooleanField()\n\n\nNullBooleanField\n\n\nA boolean representation that also accepts \nNone\n as a valid value.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.NullBooleanField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nNullBooleanField()\n\n\n\n\nString fields\n\n\nCharField\n\n\nA text representation. Optionally validates the text to be shorter than \nmax_length\n and longer than \nmin_length\n.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.CharField\n or \ndjango.db.models.fields.TextField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nCharField(max_length=None, min_length=None, allow_blank=False, trim_whitespace=True)\n\n\n\n\nmax_length\n - Validates that the input contains no more than this number of characters.\n\n\nmin_length\n - Validates that the input contains no fewer than this number of characters.\n\n\nallow_blank\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the empty string should be considered a valid value. If set to \nFalse\n then the empty string is considered invalid and will raise a validation error. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\ntrim_whitespace\n - If set to \nTrue\n then leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed. Defaults to \nTrue\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe \nallow_null\n option is also available for string fields, although its usage is discouraged in favor of \nallow_blank\n. It is valid to set both \nallow_blank=True\n and \nallow_null=True\n, but doing so means that there will be two differing types of empty value permissible for string representations, which can lead to data inconsistencies and subtle application bugs.\n\n\nEmailField\n\n\nA text representation, validates the text to be a valid e-mail address.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.EmailField\n\n\nSignature:\n \nEmailField(max_length=None, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nRegexField\n\n\nA text representation, that validates the given value matches against a certain regular expression.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.RegexField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nRegexField(regex, max_length=None, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nThe mandatory \nregex\n argument may either be a string, or a compiled python regular expression object.\n\n\nUses Django's \ndjango.core.validators.RegexValidator\n for validation.\n\n\nSlugField\n\n\nA \nRegexField\n that validates the input against the pattern \n[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\n.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.SlugField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nSlugField(max_length=50, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nURLField\n\n\nA \nRegexField\n that validates the input against a URL matching pattern. Expects fully qualified URLs of the form \nhttp:///\n.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.URLField\n.  Uses Django's \ndjango.core.validators.URLValidator\n for validation.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nURLField(max_length=200, min_length=None, allow_blank=False)\n\n\nUUIDField\n\n\nA field that ensures the input is a valid UUID string. The \nto_internal_value\n method will return a \nuuid.UUID\n instance. On output the field will return a string in the canonical hyphenated format, for example:\n\n\n\"de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013\"\n\n\n\nSignature:\n \nUUIDField(format='hex_verbose')\n\n\n\n\nformat\n: Determines the representation format of the uuid value\n\n\n'hex_verbose'\n - The cannoncical hex representation, including hyphens: \n\"5ce0e9a5-5ffa-654b-cee0-1238041fb31a\"\n\n\n'hex'\n - The compact hex representation of the UUID, not including hyphens: \n\"5ce0e9a55ffa654bcee01238041fb31a\"\n\n\n'int'\n - A 128 bit integer representation of the UUID: \n\"123456789012312313134124512351145145114\"\n\n\n'urn'\n - RFC 4122 URN representation of the UUID: \n\"urn:uuid:5ce0e9a5-5ffa-654b-cee0-1238041fb31a\"\n\n  Changing the \nformat\n parameters only affects representation values. All formats are accepted by \nto_internal_value\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nFilePathField\n\n\nA field whose choices are limited to the filenames in a certain directory on the filesystem\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.FilePathField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nFilePathField(path, match=None, recursive=False, allow_files=True, allow_folders=False, required=None, **kwargs)\n\n\n\n\npath\n - The absolute filesystem path to a directory from which this FilePathField should get its choice.\n\n\nmatch\n - A regular expression, as a string, that FilePathField will use to filter filenames.\n\n\nrecursive\n - Specifies whether all subdirectories of path should be included.  Default is \nFalse\n.\n\n\nallow_files\n - Specifies whether files in the specified location should be included. Default is \nTrue\n. Either this or \nallow_folders\n must be \nTrue\n.\n\n\nallow_folders\n - Specifies whether folders in the specified location should be included. Default is \nFalse\n. Either this or \nallow_files\n must be \nTrue\n.\n\n\n\n\nIPAddressField\n\n\nA field that ensures the input is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 string.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.IPAddressField\n and \ndjango.forms.fields.GenericIPAddressField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nIPAddressField(protocol='both', unpack_ipv4=False, **options)\n\n\n\n\nprotocol\n Limits valid inputs to the specified protocol. Accepted values are 'both' (default), 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'. Matching is case insensitive.\n\n\nunpack_ipv4\n Unpacks IPv4 mapped addresses like ::ffff: If this option is enabled that address would be unpacked to Default is disabled. Can only be used when protocol is set to 'both'.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNumeric fields\n\n\nIntegerField\n\n\nAn integer representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.IntegerField\n, \ndjango.db.models.fields.SmallIntegerField\n, \ndjango.db.models.fields.PositiveIntegerField\n and \ndjango.db.models.fields.PositiveSmallIntegerField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nIntegerField(max_value=None, min_value=None)\n\n\n\n\nmax_value\n Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.\n\n\nmin_value\n Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.\n\n\n\n\nFloatField\n\n\nA floating point representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.FloatField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nFloatField(max_value=None, min_value=None)\n\n\n\n\nmax_value\n Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.\n\n\nmin_value\n Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.\n\n\n\n\nDecimalField\n\n\nA decimal representation, represented in Python by a \nDecimal\n instance.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DecimalField\n.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nDecimalField(max_digits, decimal_places, coerce_to_string=None, max_value=None, min_value=None)\n\n\n\n\nmax_digits\n The maximum number of digits allowed in the number. It must be either \nNone\n or an integer greater than or equal to \ndecimal_places\n.\n\n\ndecimal_places\n The number of decimal places to store with the number.\n\n\ncoerce_to_string\n Set to \nTrue\n if string values should be returned for the representation, or \nFalse\n if \nDecimal\n objects should be returned. Defaults to the same value as the \nCOERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING\n settings key, which will be \nTrue\n unless overridden. If \nDecimal\n objects are returned by the serializer, then the final output format will be determined by the renderer. Note that setting \nlocalize\n will force the value to \nTrue\n.\n\n\nmax_value\n Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.\n\n\nmin_value\n Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.\n\n\nlocalize\n Set to \nTrue\n to enable localization of input and output based on the current locale. This will also force \ncoerce_to_string\n to \nTrue\n. Defaults to \nFalse\n. Note that data formatting is enabled if you have set \nUSE_L10N=True\n in your settings file.\n\n\nrounding\n Sets the rounding mode used when quantising to the configured precision. Valid values are \ndecimal\n module rounding modes\n. Defaults to \nNone\n.\n\n\n\n\nExample usage\n\n\nTo validate numbers up to 999 with a resolution of 2 decimal places, you would use:\n\n\nserializers.DecimalField(max_digits=5, decimal_places=2)\n\n\n\nAnd to validate numbers up to anything less than one billion with a resolution of 10 decimal places:\n\n\nserializers.DecimalField(max_digits=19, decimal_places=10)\n\n\n\nThis field also takes an optional argument, \ncoerce_to_string\n. If set to \nTrue\n the representation will be output as a string. If set to \nFalse\n the representation will be left as a \nDecimal\n instance and the final representation will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\nIf unset, this will default to the same value as the \nCOERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING\n setting, which is \nTrue\n unless set otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nDate and time fields\n\n\nDateTimeField\n\n\nA date and time representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DateTimeField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nDateTimeField(format=api_settings.DATETIME_FORMAT, input_formats=None)\n\n\n\n\nformat\n - A string representing the output format. If not specified, this defaults to the same value as the \nDATETIME_FORMAT\n settings key, which will be \n'iso-8601'\n unless set. Setting to a format string indicates that \nto_representation\n return values should be coerced to string output. Format strings are described below. Setting this value to \nNone\n indicates that Python \ndatetime\n objects should be returned by \nto_representation\n. In this case the datetime encoding will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\ninput_formats\n - A list of strings representing the input formats which may be used to parse the date.  If not specified, the \nDATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS\n setting will be used, which defaults to \n['iso-8601']\n.\n\n\n\n\nDateTimeField\n format strings.\n\n\nFormat strings may either be \nPython strftime formats\n which explicitly specify the format, or the special string \n'iso-8601'\n, which indicates that \nISO 8601\n style datetimes should be used. (eg \n'2013-01-29T12:34:56.000000Z'\n)\n\n\nWhen a value of \nNone\n is used for the format \ndatetime\n objects will be returned by \nto_representation\n and the final output representation will determined by the renderer class.\n\n\nauto_now_add\n model fields.\nauto_now\n and \n\n\nWhen using \nModelSerializer\n or \nHyperlinkedModelSerializer\n, note that any model fields with \nauto_now=True\n or \nauto_now_add=True\n will use serializer fields that are \nread_only=True\n by default.\n\n\nIf you want to override this behavior, you'll need to declare the \nDateTimeField\n explicitly on the serializer.  For example:\n\n\nclass CommentSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n    created = serializers.DateTimeField()\n\n    class Meta:\n        model = Comment\n\n\n\nDateField\n\n\nA date representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DateField\n\n\nSignature:\n \nDateField(format=api_settings.DATE_FORMAT, input_formats=None)\n\n\n\n\nformat\n - A string representing the output format.  If not specified, this defaults to the same value as the \nDATE_FORMAT\n settings key, which will be \n'iso-8601'\n unless set. Setting to a format string indicates that \nto_representation\n return values should be coerced to string output. Format strings are described below. Setting this value to \nNone\n indicates that Python \ndate\n objects should be returned by \nto_representation\n. In this case the date encoding will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\ninput_formats\n - A list of strings representing the input formats which may be used to parse the date.  If not specified, the \nDATE_INPUT_FORMATS\n setting will be used, which defaults to \n['iso-8601']\n.\n\n\n\n\nDateField\n format strings\n\n\nFormat strings may either be \nPython strftime formats\n which explicitly specify the format, or the special string \n'iso-8601'\n, which indicates that \nISO 8601\n style dates should be used. (eg \n'2013-01-29'\n)\n\n\nTimeField\n\n\nA time representation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.TimeField\n\n\nSignature:\n \nTimeField(format=api_settings.TIME_FORMAT, input_formats=None)\n\n\n\n\nformat\n - A string representing the output format.  If not specified, this defaults to the same value as the \nTIME_FORMAT\n settings key, which will be \n'iso-8601'\n unless set. Setting to a format string indicates that \nto_representation\n return values should be coerced to string output. Format strings are described below. Setting this value to \nNone\n indicates that Python \ntime\n objects should be returned by \nto_representation\n. In this case the time encoding will be determined by the renderer.\n\n\ninput_formats\n - A list of strings representing the input formats which may be used to parse the date.  If not specified, the \nTIME_INPUT_FORMATS\n setting will be used, which defaults to \n['iso-8601']\n.\n\n\n\n\nTimeField\n format strings\n\n\nFormat strings may either be \nPython strftime formats\n which explicitly specify the format, or the special string \n'iso-8601'\n, which indicates that \nISO 8601\n style times should be used. (eg \n'12:34:56.000000'\n)\n\n\nDurationField\n\n\nA Duration representation.\nCorresponds to \ndjango.db.models.fields.DurationField\n\n\nThe \nvalidated_data\n for these fields will contain a \ndatetime.timedelta\n instance.\nThe representation is a string following this format \n'[DD] [HH:[MM:]]ss[.uuuuuu]'\n.\n\n\nNote:\n This field is only available with Django versions >= 1.8.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nDurationField()\n\n\n\n\nChoice selection fields\n\n\nChoiceField\n\n\nA field that can accept a value out of a limited set of choices.\n\n\nUsed by \nModelSerializer\n to automatically generate fields if the corresponding model field includes a \nchoices=\u2026\n argument.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nChoiceField(choices)\n\n\n\n\nchoices\n - A list of valid values, or a list of \n(key, display_name)\n tuples.\n\n\nallow_blank\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the empty string should be considered a valid value. If set to \nFalse\n then the empty string is considered invalid and will raise a validation error. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff\n - If set this will be the maximum number of choices that will be displayed by a HTML select drop down. Can be used to ensure that automatically generated ChoiceFields with very large possible selections do not prevent a template from rendering. Defaults to \nNone\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff_text\n - If set this will display a textual indicator if the maximum number of items have been cutoff in an HTML select drop down. Defaults to \n\"More than {count} items\u2026\"\n\n\n\n\nBoth the \nallow_blank\n and \nallow_null\n are valid options on \nChoiceField\n, although it is highly recommended that you only use one and not both. \nallow_blank\n should be preferred for textual choices, and \nallow_null\n should be preferred for numeric or other non-textual choices.\n\n\nMultipleChoiceField\n\n\nA field that can accept a set of zero, one or many values, chosen from a limited set of choices. Takes a single mandatory argument. \nto_internal_value\n returns a \nset\n containing the selected values.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nMultipleChoiceField(choices)\n\n\n\n\nchoices\n - A list of valid values, or a list of \n(key, display_name)\n tuples.\n\n\nallow_blank\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the empty string should be considered a valid value. If set to \nFalse\n then the empty string is considered invalid and will raise a validation error. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff\n - If set this will be the maximum number of choices that will be displayed by a HTML select drop down. Can be used to ensure that automatically generated ChoiceFields with very large possible selections do not prevent a template from rendering. Defaults to \nNone\n.\n\n\nhtml_cutoff_text\n - If set this will display a textual indicator if the maximum number of items have been cutoff in an HTML select drop down. Defaults to \n\"More than {count} items\u2026\"\n\n\n\n\nAs with \nChoiceField\n, both the \nallow_blank\n and \nallow_null\n options are valid, although it is highly recommended that you only use one and not both. \nallow_blank\n should be preferred for textual choices, and \nallow_null\n should be preferred for numeric or other non-textual choices.\n\n\n\n\nFile upload fields\n\n\nParsers and file uploads.\n\n\nThe \nFileField\n and \nImageField\n classes are only suitable for use with \nMultiPartParser\n or \nFileUploadParser\n. Most parsers, such as e.g. JSON don't support file uploads.\nDjango's regular \nFILE_UPLOAD_HANDLERS\n are used for handling uploaded files.\n\n\nFileField\n\n\nA file representation.  Performs Django's standard FileField validation.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.FileField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nFileField(max_length=None, allow_empty_file=False, use_url=UPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL)\n\n\n\n\nmax_length\n - Designates the maximum length for the file name.\n\n\nallow_empty_file\n - Designates if empty files are allowed.\n\n\nuse_url\n - If set to \nTrue\n then URL string values will be used for the output representation. If set to \nFalse\n then filename string values will be used for the output representation. Defaults to the value of the \nUPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL\n settings key, which is \nTrue\n unless set otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nImageField\n\n\nAn image representation. Validates the uploaded file content as matching a known image format.\n\n\nCorresponds to \ndjango.forms.fields.ImageField\n.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nImageField(max_length=None, allow_empty_file=False, use_url=UPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL)\n\n\n\n\nmax_length\n - Designates the maximum length for the file name.\n\n\nallow_empty_file\n - Designates if empty files are allowed.\n\n\nuse_url\n - If set to \nTrue\n then URL string values will be used for the output representation. If set to \nFalse\n then filename string values will be used for the output representation. Defaults to the value of the \nUPLOADED_FILES_USE_URL\n settings key, which is \nTrue\n unless set otherwise.\n\n\n\n\nRequires either the \nPillow\n package or \nPIL\n package.  The \nPillow\n package is recommended, as \nPIL\n is no longer actively maintained.\n\n\n\n\nComposite fields\n\n\nListField\n\n\nA field class that validates a list of objects.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nListField(child=, min_length=None, max_length=None)\n\n\n\n\nchild\n - A field instance that should be used for validating the objects in the list. If this argument is not provided then objects in the list will not be validated.\n\n\nmin_length\n - Validates that the list contains no fewer than this number of elements.\n\n\nmax_length\n - Validates that the list contains no more than this number of elements.\n\n\n\n\nFor example, to validate a list of integers you might use something like the following:\n\n\nscores = serializers.ListField(\n   child=serializers.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=100)\n)\n\n\n\nThe \nListField\n class also supports a declarative style that allows you to write reusable list field classes.\n\n\nclass StringListField(serializers.ListField):\n    child = serializers.CharField()\n\n\n\nWe can now reuse our custom \nStringListField\n class throughout our application, without having to provide a \nchild\n argument to it.\n\n\nDictField\n\n\nA field class that validates a dictionary of objects. The keys in \nDictField\n are always assumed to be string values.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nDictField(child=)\n\n\n\n\nchild\n - A field instance that should be used for validating the values in the dictionary. If this argument is not provided then values in the mapping will not be validated.\n\n\n\n\nFor example, to create a field that validates a mapping of strings to strings, you would write something like this:\n\n\ndocument = DictField(child=CharField())\n\n\n\nYou can also use the declarative style, as with \nListField\n. For example:\n\n\nclass DocumentField(DictField):\n    child = CharField()\n\n\n\nJSONField\n\n\nA field class that validates that the incoming data structure consists of valid JSON primitives. In its alternate binary mode, it will represent and validate JSON-encoded binary strings.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nJSONField(binary)\n\n\n\n\nbinary\n - If set to \nTrue\n then the field will output and validate a JSON encoded string, rather than a primitive data structure. Defaults to \nFalse\n.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nMiscellaneous fields\n\n\nReadOnlyField\n\n\nA field class that simply returns the value of the field without modification.\n\n\nThis field is used by default with \nModelSerializer\n when including field names that relate to an attribute rather than a model field.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nReadOnlyField()\n\n\nFor example, if \nhas_expired\n was a property on the \nAccount\n model, then the following serializer would automatically generate it as a \nReadOnlyField\n:\n\n\nclass AccountSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n    class Meta:\n        model = Account\n        fields = ('id', 'account_name', 'has_expired')\n\n\n\nHiddenField\n\n\nA field class that does not take a value based on user input, but instead takes its value from a default value or callable.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nHiddenField()\n\n\nFor example, to include a field that always provides the current time as part of the serializer validated data, you would use the following:\n\n\nmodified = serializers.HiddenField(\n\n\n\nThe \nHiddenField\n class is usually only needed if you have some validation that needs to run based on some pre-provided field values, but you do not want to expose all of those fields to the end user.\n\n\nFor further examples on \nHiddenField\n see the \nvalidators\n documentation.\n\n\nModelField\n\n\nA generic field that can be tied to any arbitrary model field. The \nModelField\n class delegates the task of serialization/deserialization to its associated model field.  This field can be used to create serializer fields for custom model fields, without having to create a new custom serializer field.\n\n\nThis field is used by \nModelSerializer\n to correspond to custom model field classes.\n\n\nSignature:\n \nModelField(model_field=)\n\n\nThe \nModelField\n class is generally intended for internal use, but can be used by your API if needed.  In order to properly instantiate a \nModelField\n, it must be passed a field that is attached to an instantiated model.  For example: \nModelField(model_field=MyModel()._meta.get_field('custom_field'))\n\n\nSerializerMethodField\n\n\nThis is a read-only field. It gets its value by calling a method on the serializer class it is attached to. It can be used to add any sort of data to the serialized representation of your object.\n\n\nSignature\n: \nSerializerMethodField(method_name=None)\n\n\n\n\nmethod_name\n - The name of the method on the serializer to be called. If not included this defaults to \nget_\n.\n\n\n\n\nThe serializer method referred to by the \nmethod_name\n argument should accept a single argument (in addition to \nself\n), which is the object being serialized. It should return whatever you want to be included in the serialized representation of the object. For example:\n\n\nfrom django.contrib.auth.models import User\nfrom django.utils.timezone import now\nfrom rest_framework import serializers\n\nclass UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):\n    days_since_joined = serializers.SerializerMethodField()\n\n    class Meta:\n        model = User\n\n    def get_days_since_joined(self, obj):\n        return (now() - obj.date_joined).days\n\n\n\n\n\nCustom fields\n\n\nIf you want to create a custom field, you'll need to subclass \nField\n and then override either one or both of the \n.to_representation()\n and \n.to_internal_value()\n methods.  These two methods are used to convert between the initial datatype, and a primitive, serializable datatype. Primitive datatypes will typically be any of a number, string, boolean, \ndate\n/\ntime\n/\ndatetime\n or \nNone\n. They may also be any list or dictionary like object that only contains other primitive objects. Other types might be supported, depending on the renderer that you are using.\n\n\nThe \n.to_representation()\n method is called to convert the initial datatype into a primitive, serializable datatype.\n\n\nThe \nto_internal_value()\n method is called to restore a primitive datatype into its internal python representation. This method should raise a \nserializers.ValidationError\n if the data is invalid.\n\n\nNote that the \nWritableField\n class that was present in version 2.x no longer exists. You should subclass \nField\n and override \nto_internal_value()\n if the field supports data input.\n\n\nExamples\n\n\nLet's look at an example of serializing a class that represents an RGB color value:\n\n\nclass Color(object):\n    \"\"\"\n    A color represented in the RGB colorspace.\n    \"\"\"\n    def __init__(self, red, green, blue):\n        assert(red >= 0 and green >= 0 and blue >= 0)\n        assert(red < 256 and green < 256 and blue < 256)\n,, = red, green, blue\n\nclass ColorField(serializers.Field):\n    \"\"\"\n    Color objects are serialized into 'rgb(#, #, #)' notation.\n    \"\"\"\n    def to_representation(self, obj):\n        return \"rgb(%d, %d, %d)\" % (,,\n\n    def to_internal_value(self, data):\n        data = data.strip('rgb(').rstrip(')')\n        red, green, blue = [int(col) for col in data.split(',')]\n        return Color(red, green, blue)\n\n\n\nBy default field values are treated as mapping to an attribute on the object.  If you need to customize how the field value is accessed and set you need to override \n.get_attribute()\n and/or \n.get_value()\n.\n\n\nAs an example, let's create a field that can be used to represent the class name of the object being serialized:\n\n\nclass ClassNameField(serializers.Field):\n    def get_attribute(self, obj):\n        # We pass the object instance onto `to_representation`,\n        # not just the field attribute.\n        return obj\n\n    def to_representation(self, obj):\n        \"\"\"\n        Serialize the object's class name.\n        \"\"\"\n        return obj.__class__.__name__\n\n\n\nRaising validation errors\n\n\nOur \nColorField\n class above currently does not perform any data validation.\nTo indicate invalid data, we should raise a \nserializers.ValidationError\n, like so:\n\n\ndef to_internal_value(self, data):\n    if not isinstance(data, six.text_type):\n        msg = 'Incorrect type. Expected a string, but got %s'\n        raise ValidationError(msg % type(data).__name__)\n\n    if not re.match(r'^rgb\\([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+\\)$', data):\n        raise ValidationError('Incorrect format. Expected `rgb(#,#,#)`.')\n\n    data = data.strip('rgb(').rstrip(')')\n    red, green, blue = [int(col) for col in data.split(',')]\n\n    if any([col > 255 or col < 0 for col in (red, green, blue)]):\n        raise ValidationError('Value out of range. Must be between 0 and 255.')\n\n    return Color(red, green, blue)\n\n\n\nThe \\n method is a shortcut for raising \nValidationError\n that takes a message string from the \nerror_messages\n dictionary. For example:\n\n\ndefault_error_messages = {\n    'incorrect_type': 'Incorrect type. Expected a string, but got {input_type}',\n    'incorrect_format': 'Incorrect format. Expected `rgb(#,#,#)`.',\n    'out_of_range': 'Value out of range. Must be between 0 and 255.'\n}\n\ndef to_internal_value(self, data):\n    if not isinstance(data, six.text_type):\n'incorrect_type', input_type=type(data).__name__)\n\n    if not re.match(r'^rgb\\([0-9]+,[0-9]+,[0-9]+\\)$', data):\n'incorrect_format')\n\n    data = data.strip('rgb(').rstrip(')')\n    red, green, blue = [int(col) for col in data.split(',')]\n\n    if any([col > 255 or col < 0 for col in (red, green, blue)]):\n'out_of_range')\n\n    return Color(red, green, blue)\n\n\n\nThis style keeps your error messages cleaner and more separated from your code, and should be preferred.\n\n\nThird party packages\n\n\nThe following third party packages are also available.\n\n\nDRF Compound Fields\n\n\nThe \ndrf-compound-fields\n package provides \"compound\" serializer fields, such as lists of simple values, which can be described by other fields rather than serializers with the \nmany=True\n option. Also provided are fields for typed dictionaries and values that can be either a specific type or a list of items of that type.\n\n\nDRF Extra Fields\n\n\nThe \ndrf-extra-fields\n package provides extra serializer fields for REST framework, including \nBase64ImageField\n and \nPointField\n classes.\n\n\ndjangrestframework-recursive\n\n\nthe \ndjangorestframework-recursive\n package provides a \nRecursiveField\n for serializing and deserializing recursive structures\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-gis\n\n\nThe \ndjango-rest-framework-gis\n package provides geographic addons for django rest framework like a  \nGeometryField\n field and a GeoJSON serializer.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-hstore\n\n\nThe \ndjango-rest-framework-hstore\n package provides an \nHStoreField\n to support \ndjango-hstore\n \nDictionaryField\n model field.",
                 "title": "Serializer fields"
    @@ -1892,7 +1892,7 @@
                 "location": "/api-guide/fields/#decimalfield",
    -            "text": "A decimal representation, represented in Python by a  Decimal  instance.  Corresponds to  django.db.models.fields.DecimalField .  Signature :  DecimalField(max_digits, decimal_places, coerce_to_string=None, max_value=None, min_value=None)   max_digits  The maximum number of digits allowed in the number. It must be either  None  or an integer greater than or equal to  decimal_places .  decimal_places  The number of decimal places to store with the number.  coerce_to_string  Set to  True  if string values should be returned for the representation, or  False  if  Decimal  objects should be returned. Defaults to the same value as the  COERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING  settings key, which will be  True  unless overridden. If  Decimal  objects are returned by the serializer, then the final output format will be determined by the renderer. Note that setting  localize  will force the value to  True .  max_value  Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.  min_value  Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.  localize  Set to  True  to enable localization of input and output based on the current locale. This will also force  coerce_to_string  to  True . Defaults to  False . Note that data formatting is enabled if you have set  USE_L10N=True  in your settings file.",
    +            "text": "A decimal representation, represented in Python by a  Decimal  instance.  Corresponds to  django.db.models.fields.DecimalField .  Signature :  DecimalField(max_digits, decimal_places, coerce_to_string=None, max_value=None, min_value=None)   max_digits  The maximum number of digits allowed in the number. It must be either  None  or an integer greater than or equal to  decimal_places .  decimal_places  The number of decimal places to store with the number.  coerce_to_string  Set to  True  if string values should be returned for the representation, or  False  if  Decimal  objects should be returned. Defaults to the same value as the  COERCE_DECIMAL_TO_STRING  settings key, which will be  True  unless overridden. If  Decimal  objects are returned by the serializer, then the final output format will be determined by the renderer. Note that setting  localize  will force the value to  True .  max_value  Validate that the number provided is no greater than this value.  min_value  Validate that the number provided is no less than this value.  localize  Set to  True  to enable localization of input and output based on the current locale. This will also force  coerce_to_string  to  True . Defaults to  False . Note that data formatting is enabled if you have set  USE_L10N=True  in your settings file.  rounding  Sets the rounding mode used when quantising to the configured precision. Valid values are  decimal  module rounding modes . Defaults to  None .",
                 "title": "DecimalField"
    @@ -4487,7 +4487,7 @@
                 "location": "/topics/third-party-packages/",
    -            "text": "Third Party Packages\n\n\n\n\nSoftware ecosystems [\u2026] establish a community that further accelerates the sharing of knowledge, content, issues, expertise and skills.\n\n\n\u2014 \nJan Bosch\n.\n\n\n\n\nAbout Third Party Packages\n\n\nThird Party Packages allow developers to share code that extends the functionality of Django REST framework, in order to support additional use-cases.\n\n\nWe \nsupport\n, \nencourage\n and \nstrongly favor\n the creation of Third Party Packages to encapsulate new behavior rather than adding additional functionality directly to Django REST Framework.\n\n\nWe aim to make creating third party packages as easy as possible, whilst keeping a \nsimple\n and \nwell maintained\n core API. By promoting third party packages we ensure that the responsibility for a package remains with its author. If a package proves suitably popular it can always be considered for inclusion into the core REST framework.\n\n\nIf you have an idea for a new feature please consider how it may be packaged as a Third Party Package. We're always happy to discuss ideas on the \nMailing List\n.\n\n\nHow to create a Third Party Package\n\n\nCreating your package\n\n\nYou can use \nthis cookiecutter template\n for creating reusable Django REST Framework packages quickly. Cookiecutter creates projects from project templates. While optional, this cookiecutter template includes best practices from Django REST framework and other packages, as well as a Travis CI configuration, Tox configuration, and a sane for easy PyPI registration/distribution.\n\n\nNote: Let us know if you have an alternate cookiecuter package so we can also link to it.\n\n\nRunning the initial cookiecutter command\n\n\nTo run the initial cookiecutter command, you'll first need to install the Python \ncookiecutter\n package.\n\n\n$ pip install cookiecutter\n\n\n\nOnce \ncookiecutter\n is installed just run the following to create a new project.\n\n\n$ cookiecutter gh:jpadilla/cookiecutter-django-rest-framework\n\n\n\nYou'll be prompted for some questions, answer them, then it'll create your Python package in the current working directory based on those values.\n\n\nfull_name (default is \"Your full name here\")? Johnny Appleseed\nemail (default is \"\")?\ngithub_username (default is \"yourname\")? jappleseed\npypi_project_name (default is \"dj-package\")? djangorestframework-custom-auth\nrepo_name (default is \"dj-package\")? django-rest-framework-custom-auth\napp_name (default is \"djpackage\")? custom_auth\nproject_short_description (default is \"Your project description goes here\")?\nyear (default is \"2014\")?\nversion (default is \"0.1.0\")?\n\n\n\nGetting it onto GitHub\n\n\nTo put your project up on GitHub, you'll need a repository for it to live in. You can create a new repository \nhere\n. If you need help, check out the \nCreate A Repo\n article on GitHub.\n\n\nAdding to Travis CI\n\n\nWe recommend using \nTravis CI\n, a hosted continuous integration service which integrates well with GitHub and is free for public repositories.\n\n\nTo get started with Travis CI, \nsign in\n with your GitHub account. Once you're signed in, go to your \nprofile page\n and enable the service hook for the repository you want.\n\n\nIf you use the cookiecutter template, your project will already contain a \n.travis.yml\n file which Travis CI will use to build your project and run tests.  By default, builds are triggered everytime you push to your repository or create Pull Request.\n\n\nUploading to PyPI\n\n\nOnce you've got at least a prototype working and tests running, you should publish it on PyPI to allow others to install it via \npip\n.\n\n\nYou must \nregister\n an account before publishing to PyPI.\n\n\nTo register your package on PyPI run the following command.\n\n\n$ python register\n\n\n\nIf this is the first time publishing to PyPI, you'll be prompted to login.\n\n\nNote: Before publishing you'll need to make sure you have the latest pip that supports \nwheel\n as well as install the \nwheel\n package.\n\n\n$ pip install --upgrade pip\n$ pip install wheel\n\n\n\nAfter this, every time you want to release a new version on PyPI just run the following command.\n\n\n$ python publish\nYou probably want to also tag the version now:\n    git tag -a {0} -m 'version 0.1.0'\n    git push --tags\n\n\n\nAfter releasing a new version to PyPI, it's always a good idea to tag the version and make available as a GitHub Release.\n\n\nWe recommend to follow \nSemantic Versioning\n for your package's versions.\n\n\nDevelopment\n\n\nVersion requirements\n\n\nThe cookiecutter template assumes a set of supported versions will be provided for Python and Django. Make sure you correctly update your requirements, docs, \ntox.ini\n, \n.travis.yml\n, and \\n to match the set of versions you wish to support.\n\n\nTests\n\n\nThe cookiecutter template includes a \\n which uses the \npytest\n package as a test runner.\n\n\nBefore running, you'll need to install a couple test requirements.\n\n\n$ pip install -r requirements.txt\n\n\n\nOnce requirements installed, you can run \\n.\n\n\n$ ./\n\n\n\nRun using a more concise output style.\n\n\n$ ./ -q\n\n\n\nRun the tests using a more concise output style, no coverage, no flake8.\n\n\n$ ./ --fast\n\n\n\nDon't run the flake8 code linting.\n\n\n$ ./ --nolint\n\n\n\nOnly run the flake8 code linting, don't run the tests.\n\n\n$ ./ --lintonly\n\n\n\nRun the tests for a given test case.\n\n\n$ ./ MyTestCase\n\n\n\nRun the tests for a given test method.\n\n\n$ ./ MyTestCase.test_this_method\n\n\n\nShorter form to run the tests for a given test method.\n\n\n$ ./ test_this_method\n\n\n\nTo run your tests against multiple versions of Python as different versions of requirements such as Django we recommend using \ntox\n. \nTox\n is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool.\n\n\nFirst, install \ntox\n globally.\n\n\n$ pip install tox\n\n\n\nTo run \ntox\n, just simply run:\n\n\n$ tox\n\n\n\nTo run a particular \ntox\n environment:\n\n\n$ tox -e envlist\n\n\n\nenvlist\n is a comma-separated value to that specifies the environments to run tests against. To view a list of all possible test environments, run:\n\n\n$ tox -l\n\n\n\nVersion compatibility\n\n\nSometimes, in order to ensure your code works on various different versions of Django, Python or third party libraries, you'll need to run slightly different code depending on the environment. Any code that branches in this way should be isolated into a \\n module, and should provide a single common interface that the rest of the codebase can use.\n\n\nCheck out Django REST framework's \\n for an example.\n\n\nOnce your package is available\n\n\nOnce your package is decently documented and available on PyPI, you might want share it with others that might find it useful.\n\n\nAdding to the Django REST framework grid\n\n\nWe suggest adding your package to the \nREST Framework\n grid on Django Packages.\n\n\nAdding to the Django REST framework docs\n\n\nCreate a \nPull Request\n or \nIssue\n on GitHub, and we'll add a link to it from the main REST framework documentation. You can add your package under \nThird party packages\n of the API Guide section that best applies, like \nAuthentication\n or \nPermissions\n. You can also link your package under the \nThird Party Packages\n section.\n\n\nAnnounce on the discussion group.\n\n\nYou can also let others know about your package through the \ndiscussion group\n.\n\n\nExisting Third Party Packages\n\n\nDjango REST Framework has a growing community of developers, packages, and resources.\n\n\nCheck out a grid detailing all the packages and ecosystem around Django REST Framework at \nDjango Packages\n.\n\n\nTo submit new content, \nopen an issue\n or \ncreate a pull request\n.\n\n\nAuthentication\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-digestauth\n - Provides Digest Access Authentication support.\n\n\ndjango-oauth-toolkit\n - Provides OAuth 2.0 support.\n\n\ndoac\n - Provides OAuth 2.0 support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jwt\n - Provides JSON Web Token Authentication support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-simplejwt\n - An alternative package that provides JSON Web Token Authentication support.\n\n\nhawkrest\n - Provides Hawk HTTP Authorization.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-httpsignature\n - Provides an easy to use HTTP Signature Authentication mechanism.\n\n\ndjoser\n - Provides a set of views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation.\n\n\ndjango-rest-auth\n - Provides a set of REST API endpoints for registration, authentication (including social media authentication), password reset, retrieve and update user details, etc.\n\n\ndrf-oidc-auth\n - Implements OpenID Connect token authentication for DRF.\n\n\ndrfpasswordless\n - Adds (Medium, Square Cash inspired) passwordless logins and signups via email and mobile numbers.\n\n\n\n\nPermissions\n\n\n\n\ndrf-any-permissions\n - Provides alternative permission handling.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-composed-permissions\n - Provides a simple way to define complex permissions.\n\n\nrest_condition\n - Another extension for building complex permissions in a simple and convenient way.\n\n\ndry-rest-permissions\n - Provides a simple way to define permissions for individual api actions.\n\n\n\n\nSerializers\n\n\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-mongoengine\n - Serializer class that supports using MongoDB as the storage layer for Django REST framework.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-gis\n - Geographic add-ons\n\n\ndjangorestframework-hstore\n - Serializer class to support django-hstore DictionaryField model field and its schema-mode feature.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jsonapi\n - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.\n\n\nhtml-json-forms\n - Provides an algorithm and serializer to process HTML JSON Form submissions per the (inactive) spec.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-serializer-extensions\n -\n  Enables black/whitelisting fields, and conditionally expanding child serializers on a per-view/request basis.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-queryfields\n - Serializer mixin allowing clients to control which fields will be sent in the API response.\n\n\n\n\nSerializer fields\n\n\n\n\ndrf-compound-fields\n - Provides \"compound\" serializer fields, such as lists of simple values.\n\n\ndjango-extra-fields\n - Provides extra serializer fields.\n\n\ndjango-versatileimagefield\n - Provides a drop-in replacement for Django's stock \nImageField\n that makes it easy to serve images in multiple sizes/renditions from a single field. For DRF-specific implementation docs, \nclick here\n.\n\n\n\n\nViews\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-bulk\n - Implements generic view mixins as well as some common concrete generic views to allow to apply bulk operations via API requests.\n\n\ndjango-rest-multiple-models\n - Provides a generic view (and mixin) for sending multiple serialized models and/or querysets via a single API request.\n\n\n\n\nRouters\n\n\n\n\ndrf-nested-routers\n - Provides routers and relationship fields for working with nested resources.\n\n\\n - Provides an admin-style model registration API with reasonable default URLs and viewsets.\n\n\n\n\nParsers\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-msgpack\n - Provides MessagePack renderer and parser support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jsonapi\n - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-camel-case\n - Provides camel case JSON renderers and parsers.\n\n\n\n\nRenderers\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-csv\n - Provides CSV renderer support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jsonapi\n - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.\n\n\ndrf_ujson\n - Implements JSON rendering using the UJSON package.\n\n\nrest-pandas\n - Pandas DataFrame-powered renderers including Excel, CSV, and SVG formats.\n\n\n\n\nFiltering\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-chain\n - Allows arbitrary chaining of both relations and lookup filters.\n\n\ndjango-url-filter\n - Allows a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs. It is a generic library which is not tied to DRF but it provides easy integration with DRF.\n\n\ndrf-url-filter\n is a simple Django app to apply filters on drf \nModelViewSet\n's \nQueryset\n in a clean, simple and configurable way. It also supports validations on incoming query params and their values.\n\n\n\n\nMisc\n\n\n\n\ncookiecutter-django-rest\n - A cookiecutter template that takes care of the setup and configuration so you can focus on making your REST apis awesome.\n\n\ndjangorestrelationalhyperlink\n - A hyperlinked serialiser that can can be used to alter relationships via hyperlinks, but otherwise like a hyperlink model serializer.\n\n\ndjango-rest-swagger\n - An API documentation generator for Swagger UI.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-proxy\n - Proxy to redirect incoming request to another API server.\n\n\ngaiarestframework\n - Utils for django-rest-framework\n\n\ndrf-extensions\n - A collection of custom extensions\n\n\nember-django-adapter\n - An adapter for working with Ember.js\n\n\ndjango-versatileimagefield\n - Provides a drop-in replacement for Django's stock \nImageField\n that makes it easy to serve images in multiple sizes/renditions from a single field. For DRF-specific implementation docs, \nclick here\n.\n\n\ndrf-tracking\n - Utilities to track requests to DRF API views.\n\n\ndrf_tweaks\n - Serializers with one-step validation (and more), pagination without counts and other tweaks.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-braces\n - Collection of utilities for working with Django Rest Framework. The most notable ones are \nFormSerializer\n and \nSerializerForm\n, which are adapters between DRF serializers and Django forms.\n\n\ndrf-haystack\n - Haystack search for Django Rest Framework\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-version-transforms\n - Enables the use of delta transformations for versioning of DRF resource representations.\n\n\ndjango-rest-messaging\n, \ndjango-rest-messaging-centrifugo\n and \ndjango-rest-messaging-js\n - A real-time pluggable messaging service using DRM.\n\n\ndjangorest-alchemy\n - SQLAlchemy support for REST framework.",
    +            "text": "Third Party Packages\n\n\n\n\nSoftware ecosystems [\u2026] establish a community that further accelerates the sharing of knowledge, content, issues, expertise and skills.\n\n\n\u2014 \nJan Bosch\n.\n\n\n\n\nAbout Third Party Packages\n\n\nThird Party Packages allow developers to share code that extends the functionality of Django REST framework, in order to support additional use-cases.\n\n\nWe \nsupport\n, \nencourage\n and \nstrongly favor\n the creation of Third Party Packages to encapsulate new behavior rather than adding additional functionality directly to Django REST Framework.\n\n\nWe aim to make creating third party packages as easy as possible, whilst keeping a \nsimple\n and \nwell maintained\n core API. By promoting third party packages we ensure that the responsibility for a package remains with its author. If a package proves suitably popular it can always be considered for inclusion into the core REST framework.\n\n\nIf you have an idea for a new feature please consider how it may be packaged as a Third Party Package. We're always happy to discuss ideas on the \nMailing List\n.\n\n\nHow to create a Third Party Package\n\n\nCreating your package\n\n\nYou can use \nthis cookiecutter template\n for creating reusable Django REST Framework packages quickly. Cookiecutter creates projects from project templates. While optional, this cookiecutter template includes best practices from Django REST framework and other packages, as well as a Travis CI configuration, Tox configuration, and a sane for easy PyPI registration/distribution.\n\n\nNote: Let us know if you have an alternate cookiecuter package so we can also link to it.\n\n\nRunning the initial cookiecutter command\n\n\nTo run the initial cookiecutter command, you'll first need to install the Python \ncookiecutter\n package.\n\n\n$ pip install cookiecutter\n\n\n\nOnce \ncookiecutter\n is installed just run the following to create a new project.\n\n\n$ cookiecutter gh:jpadilla/cookiecutter-django-rest-framework\n\n\n\nYou'll be prompted for some questions, answer them, then it'll create your Python package in the current working directory based on those values.\n\n\nfull_name (default is \"Your full name here\")? Johnny Appleseed\nemail (default is \"\")?\ngithub_username (default is \"yourname\")? jappleseed\npypi_project_name (default is \"dj-package\")? djangorestframework-custom-auth\nrepo_name (default is \"dj-package\")? django-rest-framework-custom-auth\napp_name (default is \"djpackage\")? custom_auth\nproject_short_description (default is \"Your project description goes here\")?\nyear (default is \"2014\")?\nversion (default is \"0.1.0\")?\n\n\n\nGetting it onto GitHub\n\n\nTo put your project up on GitHub, you'll need a repository for it to live in. You can create a new repository \nhere\n. If you need help, check out the \nCreate A Repo\n article on GitHub.\n\n\nAdding to Travis CI\n\n\nWe recommend using \nTravis CI\n, a hosted continuous integration service which integrates well with GitHub and is free for public repositories.\n\n\nTo get started with Travis CI, \nsign in\n with your GitHub account. Once you're signed in, go to your \nprofile page\n and enable the service hook for the repository you want.\n\n\nIf you use the cookiecutter template, your project will already contain a \n.travis.yml\n file which Travis CI will use to build your project and run tests.  By default, builds are triggered everytime you push to your repository or create Pull Request.\n\n\nUploading to PyPI\n\n\nOnce you've got at least a prototype working and tests running, you should publish it on PyPI to allow others to install it via \npip\n.\n\n\nYou must \nregister\n an account before publishing to PyPI.\n\n\nTo register your package on PyPI run the following command.\n\n\n$ python register\n\n\n\nIf this is the first time publishing to PyPI, you'll be prompted to login.\n\n\nNote: Before publishing you'll need to make sure you have the latest pip that supports \nwheel\n as well as install the \nwheel\n package.\n\n\n$ pip install --upgrade pip\n$ pip install wheel\n\n\n\nAfter this, every time you want to release a new version on PyPI just run the following command.\n\n\n$ python publish\nYou probably want to also tag the version now:\n    git tag -a {0} -m 'version 0.1.0'\n    git push --tags\n\n\n\nAfter releasing a new version to PyPI, it's always a good idea to tag the version and make available as a GitHub Release.\n\n\nWe recommend to follow \nSemantic Versioning\n for your package's versions.\n\n\nDevelopment\n\n\nVersion requirements\n\n\nThe cookiecutter template assumes a set of supported versions will be provided for Python and Django. Make sure you correctly update your requirements, docs, \ntox.ini\n, \n.travis.yml\n, and \\n to match the set of versions you wish to support.\n\n\nTests\n\n\nThe cookiecutter template includes a \\n which uses the \npytest\n package as a test runner.\n\n\nBefore running, you'll need to install a couple test requirements.\n\n\n$ pip install -r requirements.txt\n\n\n\nOnce requirements installed, you can run \\n.\n\n\n$ ./\n\n\n\nRun using a more concise output style.\n\n\n$ ./ -q\n\n\n\nRun the tests using a more concise output style, no coverage, no flake8.\n\n\n$ ./ --fast\n\n\n\nDon't run the flake8 code linting.\n\n\n$ ./ --nolint\n\n\n\nOnly run the flake8 code linting, don't run the tests.\n\n\n$ ./ --lintonly\n\n\n\nRun the tests for a given test case.\n\n\n$ ./ MyTestCase\n\n\n\nRun the tests for a given test method.\n\n\n$ ./ MyTestCase.test_this_method\n\n\n\nShorter form to run the tests for a given test method.\n\n\n$ ./ test_this_method\n\n\n\nTo run your tests against multiple versions of Python as different versions of requirements such as Django we recommend using \ntox\n. \nTox\n is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool.\n\n\nFirst, install \ntox\n globally.\n\n\n$ pip install tox\n\n\n\nTo run \ntox\n, just simply run:\n\n\n$ tox\n\n\n\nTo run a particular \ntox\n environment:\n\n\n$ tox -e envlist\n\n\n\nenvlist\n is a comma-separated value to that specifies the environments to run tests against. To view a list of all possible test environments, run:\n\n\n$ tox -l\n\n\n\nVersion compatibility\n\n\nSometimes, in order to ensure your code works on various different versions of Django, Python or third party libraries, you'll need to run slightly different code depending on the environment. Any code that branches in this way should be isolated into a \\n module, and should provide a single common interface that the rest of the codebase can use.\n\n\nCheck out Django REST framework's \\n for an example.\n\n\nOnce your package is available\n\n\nOnce your package is decently documented and available on PyPI, you might want share it with others that might find it useful.\n\n\nAdding to the Django REST framework grid\n\n\nWe suggest adding your package to the \nREST Framework\n grid on Django Packages.\n\n\nAdding to the Django REST framework docs\n\n\nCreate a \nPull Request\n or \nIssue\n on GitHub, and we'll add a link to it from the main REST framework documentation. You can add your package under \nThird party packages\n of the API Guide section that best applies, like \nAuthentication\n or \nPermissions\n. You can also link your package under the \nThird Party Packages\n section.\n\n\nAnnounce on the discussion group.\n\n\nYou can also let others know about your package through the \ndiscussion group\n.\n\n\nExisting Third Party Packages\n\n\nDjango REST Framework has a growing community of developers, packages, and resources.\n\n\nCheck out a grid detailing all the packages and ecosystem around Django REST Framework at \nDjango Packages\n.\n\n\nTo submit new content, \nopen an issue\n or \ncreate a pull request\n.\n\n\nAuthentication\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-digestauth\n - Provides Digest Access Authentication support.\n\n\ndjango-oauth-toolkit\n - Provides OAuth 2.0 support.\n\n\ndoac\n - Provides OAuth 2.0 support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jwt\n - Provides JSON Web Token Authentication support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-simplejwt\n - An alternative package that provides JSON Web Token Authentication support.\n\n\nhawkrest\n - Provides Hawk HTTP Authorization.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-httpsignature\n - Provides an easy to use HTTP Signature Authentication mechanism.\n\n\ndjoser\n - Provides a set of views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation.\n\n\ndjango-rest-auth\n - Provides a set of REST API endpoints for registration, authentication (including social media authentication), password reset, retrieve and update user details, etc.\n\n\ndrf-oidc-auth\n - Implements OpenID Connect token authentication for DRF.\n\n\ndrfpasswordless\n - Adds (Medium, Square Cash inspired) passwordless logins and signups via email and mobile numbers.\n\n\n\n\nPermissions\n\n\n\n\ndrf-any-permissions\n - Provides alternative permission handling.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-composed-permissions\n - Provides a simple way to define complex permissions.\n\n\nrest_condition\n - Another extension for building complex permissions in a simple and convenient way.\n\n\ndry-rest-permissions\n - Provides a simple way to define permissions for individual api actions.\n\n\n\n\nSerializers\n\n\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-mongoengine\n - Serializer class that supports using MongoDB as the storage layer for Django REST framework.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-gis\n - Geographic add-ons\n\n\ndjangorestframework-hstore\n - Serializer class to support django-hstore DictionaryField model field and its schema-mode feature.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jsonapi\n - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.\n\n\nhtml-json-forms\n - Provides an algorithm and serializer to process HTML JSON Form submissions per the (inactive) spec.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-serializer-extensions\n -\n  Enables black/whitelisting fields, and conditionally expanding child serializers on a per-view/request basis.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-queryfields\n - Serializer mixin allowing clients to control which fields will be sent in the API response.\n\n\n\n\nSerializer fields\n\n\n\n\ndrf-compound-fields\n - Provides \"compound\" serializer fields, such as lists of simple values.\n\n\ndjango-extra-fields\n - Provides extra serializer fields.\n\n\ndjango-versatileimagefield\n - Provides a drop-in replacement for Django's stock \nImageField\n that makes it easy to serve images in multiple sizes/renditions from a single field. For DRF-specific implementation docs, \nclick here\n.\n\n\n\n\nViews\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-bulk\n - Implements generic view mixins as well as some common concrete generic views to allow to apply bulk operations via API requests.\n\n\ndjango-rest-multiple-models\n - Provides a generic view (and mixin) for sending multiple serialized models and/or querysets via a single API request.\n\n\n\n\nRouters\n\n\n\n\ndrf-nested-routers\n - Provides routers and relationship fields for working with nested resources.\n\n\\n - Provides an admin-style model registration API with reasonable default URLs and viewsets.\n\n\n\n\nParsers\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-msgpack\n - Provides MessagePack renderer and parser support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jsonapi\n - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-camel-case\n - Provides camel case JSON renderers and parsers.\n\n\n\n\nRenderers\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-csv\n - Provides CSV renderer support.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-jsonapi\n - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.\n\n\ndrf_ujson\n - Implements JSON rendering using the UJSON package.\n\n\nrest-pandas\n - Pandas DataFrame-powered renderers including Excel, CSV, and SVG formats.\n\n\ndjangorestframework-rapidjson\n - Provides rapidjson support with parser and renderer.\n\n\n\n\nFiltering\n\n\n\n\ndjangorestframework-chain\n - Allows arbitrary chaining of both relations and lookup filters.\n\n\ndjango-url-filter\n - Allows a safe way to filter data via human-friendly URLs. It is a generic library which is not tied to DRF but it provides easy integration with DRF.\n\n\ndrf-url-filter\n is a simple Django app to apply filters on drf \nModelViewSet\n's \nQueryset\n in a clean, simple and configurable way. It also supports validations on incoming query params and their values.\n\n\n\n\nMisc\n\n\n\n\ncookiecutter-django-rest\n - A cookiecutter template that takes care of the setup and configuration so you can focus on making your REST apis awesome.\n\n\ndjangorestrelationalhyperlink\n - A hyperlinked serialiser that can can be used to alter relationships via hyperlinks, but otherwise like a hyperlink model serializer.\n\n\ndjango-rest-swagger\n - An API documentation generator for Swagger UI.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-proxy\n - Proxy to redirect incoming request to another API server.\n\n\ngaiarestframework\n - Utils for django-rest-framework\n\n\ndrf-extensions\n - A collection of custom extensions\n\n\nember-django-adapter\n - An adapter for working with Ember.js\n\n\ndjango-versatileimagefield\n - Provides a drop-in replacement for Django's stock \nImageField\n that makes it easy to serve images in multiple sizes/renditions from a single field. For DRF-specific implementation docs, \nclick here\n.\n\n\ndrf-tracking\n - Utilities to track requests to DRF API views.\n\n\ndrf_tweaks\n - Serializers with one-step validation (and more), pagination without counts and other tweaks.\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-braces\n - Collection of utilities for working with Django Rest Framework. The most notable ones are \nFormSerializer\n and \nSerializerForm\n, which are adapters between DRF serializers and Django forms.\n\n\ndrf-haystack\n - Haystack search for Django Rest Framework\n\n\ndjango-rest-framework-version-transforms\n - Enables the use of delta transformations for versioning of DRF resource representations.\n\n\ndjango-rest-messaging\n, \ndjango-rest-messaging-centrifugo\n and \ndjango-rest-messaging-js\n - A real-time pluggable messaging service using DRM.\n\n\ndjangorest-alchemy\n - SQLAlchemy support for REST framework.",
                 "title": "Third Party Packages"
    @@ -4612,7 +4612,7 @@
                 "location": "/topics/third-party-packages/#renderers",
    -            "text": "djangorestframework-csv  - Provides CSV renderer support.  djangorestframework-jsonapi  - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.  drf_ujson  - Implements JSON rendering using the UJSON package.  rest-pandas  - Pandas DataFrame-powered renderers including Excel, CSV, and SVG formats.",
    +            "text": "djangorestframework-csv  - Provides CSV renderer support.  djangorestframework-jsonapi  - Provides a parser, renderer, serializers, and other tools to help build an API that is compliant with the spec.  drf_ujson  - Implements JSON rendering using the UJSON package.  rest-pandas  - Pandas DataFrame-powered renderers including Excel, CSV, and SVG formats.  djangorestframework-rapidjson  - Provides rapidjson support with parser and renderer.",
                 "title": "Renderers"
    @@ -5632,7 +5632,7 @@
                 "location": "/topics/release-notes/",
    -            "text": "Release Notes\n\n\n\n\nRelease Early, Release Often\n\n\n\u2014 Eric S. Raymond, \nThe Cathedral and the Bazaar\n.\n\n\n\n\nVersioning\n\n\nMinor version numbers (0.0.x) are used for changes that are API compatible.  You should be able to upgrade between minor point releases without any other code changes.\n\n\nMedium version numbers (0.x.0) may include API changes, in line with the \ndeprecation policy\n.  You should read the release notes carefully before upgrading between medium point releases.\n\n\nMajor version numbers (x.0.0) are reserved for substantial project milestones.\n\n\nDeprecation policy\n\n\nREST framework releases follow a formal deprecation policy, which is in line with \nDjango's deprecation policy\n.\n\n\nThe timeline for deprecation of a feature present in version 1.0 would work as follows:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.1 would remain \nfully backwards compatible\n with 1.0, but would raise \nPendingDeprecationWarning\n warnings if you use the feature that are due to be deprecated.  These warnings are \nsilent by default\n, but can be explicitly enabled when you're ready to start migrating any required changes.  For example if you start running your tests using \npython -Wd test\n, you'll be warned of any API changes you need to make.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.2 would escalate these warnings to \nDeprecationWarning\n, which is loud by default.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.3 would remove the deprecated bits of API entirely.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote that in line with Django's policy, any parts of the framework not mentioned in the documentation should generally be considered private API, and may be subject to change.\n\n\nUpgrading\n\n\nTo upgrade Django REST framework to the latest version, use pip:\n\n\npip install -U djangorestframework\n\n\n\nYou can determine your currently installed version using \npip freeze\n:\n\n\npip freeze | grep djangorestframework\n\n\n\n\n\n3.7.x series\n\n\n3.7.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n16th October 2017\n\n\n\n\nFix Interactive documentation always uses false for boolean fields in requests \n#5492\n\n\nImprove compatibility with Django 2.0 alpha. \n#5500\n \n#5503\n\n\nImproved handling of schema naming collisions \n#5486\n\n\nAdded additional docs and tests around providing a default value for dotted \nsource\n fields \n#5489\n\n\n\n\n3.7.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n6th October 2017\n\n\n\n\nFix \nDjangoModelPermissions\n to ensure user authentication before calling the view's \nget_queryset()\n method. As a side effect, this changes the order of the HTTP method permissions and authentication checks, and 405 responses will only be returned when authenticated. If you want to replicate the old behavior, see the PR for details. \n#5376\n\n\nDeprecated \nexclude_from_schema\n on \nAPIView\n and \napi_view\n decorator. Set \nschema = None\n or \n@schema(None)\n as appropriate. \n#5422\n\n\n\n\nTimezone-aware \nDateTimeField\ns now respect active or default \ntimezone\n during serialization, instead of always using UTC. \n#5435\n\n\nResolves inconsistency whereby instances were serialised with supplied datetime for \ncreate\n but UTC for \nretrieve\n. \n#3732\n\n\nPossible backwards compatibility break\n if you were relying on datetime strings being UTC. Have client interpret datetimes or \nset default or active timezone (docs)\n to UTC if needed.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemoved DjangoFilterBackend inline with deprecation policy. Use \ndjango_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet\n and/or \ndjango_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend\n instead. \n#5273\n\n\n\n\nDon't strip microseconds from \ntime\n when encoding. Makes consistent with \ndatetime\n.\n    \nBC Change\n: Previously only milliseconds were encoded. \n#5440\n\n\nAdded \nSTRICT_JSON\n setting (default \nTrue\n) to raise exception for the extended float values (\nnan\n, \ninf\n, \n-inf\n) accepted by Python's \njson\n module.\n    \nBC Change\n: Previously these values would converted to corresponding strings. Set \nSTRICT_JSON\n to \nFalse\n to restore the previous behaviour. \n#5265\n\n\nAdd support for \npage_size\n parameter in CursorPaginator class \n#5250\n\n\nMake \nDEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS\n \nNone\n by default.\n    \nBC Change\n: If your were \njust\n setting \nPAGE_SIZE\n to enable pagination you will need to add \nDEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS\n.\n    The previous default was \nrest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination\n. There is a system check warning to catch this case. You may silence that if you are setting pagination class on a per-view basis. \n#5170\n\n\nCatch \nAPIException\n from \nget_serializer_fields\n in schema generation. \n#5443\n\n\nAllow custom authentication and permission classes when using \ninclude_docs_urls\n \n#5448\n\n\nDefer translated string evaluation on validators. \n#5452\n\n\nAdded default value for 'detail' param into 'ValidationError' exception \n#5342\n\n\nAdjust schema get_filter_fields rules to match framework \n#5454\n\n\nUpdated test matrix to add Django 2.0 and drop Django 1.8 & 1.9\n    \nBC Change\n: This removes Django 1.8 and Django 1.9 from Django REST Framework supported versions. \n#5457\n\n\nFixed a deprecation warning in serializers.ModelField \n#5058\n\n\nAdded a more explicit error message when \nget_queryset\n returned \nNone\n \n#5348\n\n\nFix docs for Response \ndata\n description \n#5361\n\n\nFix \npycache\n/.pyc excludes when packaging \n#5373\n\n\nFix default value handling for dotted sources \n#5375\n\n\nEnsure content_type is set when passing empty body to RequestFactory \n#5351\n\n\nFix ErrorDetail Documentation \n#5380\n\n\nAllow optional content in the generic content form \n#5372\n\n\nUpdated supported values for the NullBooleanField \n#5387\n\n\nFix ModelSerializer custom named fields with source on model \n#5388\n\n\nFixed the MultipleFieldLookupMixin documentation example to properly check for object level permission \n#5398\n\n\nUpdate get_object() example in \n#5401\n\n\nFix authtoken management command \n#5415\n\n\nFix schema generation markdown \n#5421\n\n\nAllow \nChoiceField.choices\n to be set dynamically \n#5426\n\n\nAdd the project layout to the quickstart \n#5434\n\n\nReuse 'apply_markdown' function in 'render_markdown' templatetag \n#5469\n\n\nAdded links to \ndrf-openapi\n package in docs \n#5470\n\n\nAdded docstrings code highlighting with pygments \n#5462\n\n\nFixed documentation rendering for views named \ndata\n \n#5472\n\n\nDocs: Clarified 'to_internal_value()' validation behavior \n#5466\n\n\nFix missing six.text_type() call on APIException.\nstr\n \n#5476\n\n\nDocument \n#5478\n\n\nFix naming collisions in Schema Generation \n#5464\n\n\nCall Django's authenticate function with the request object \n#5295\n\n\nUpdate coreapi JS to 0.1.1 \n#5479\n\n\nHave \nis_list_view\n recognise RetrieveModel\u2026 views \n#5480\n\n\nRemove Django 1.8 & 1.9 compatibility code \n#5481\n\n\nRemove deprecated schema code from DefaultRouter \n#5482\n\n\nRefactor schema generation to allow per-view customisation.\n    \nBC Change\n: \nSchemaGenerator.get_serializer_fields\n has been refactored as \nAutoSchema.get_serializer_fields\n and drops the \nview\n argument [#5354][gh5354]\n\n\n\n\n3.6.x series\n\n\n3.6.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n21st August 2017\n\n\n\n\nIgnore any invalidly formed query parameters for OrderingFilter. \n#5131\n\n\nImprove memory footprint when reading large JSON requests. \n#5147\n\n\nFix schema generation for pagination. \n#5161\n\n\nFix exception when \nHTML_CUTOFF\n is set to \nNone\n. \n#5174\n\n\nFix browsable API not supporting \nmultipart/form-data\n correctly. \n#5176\n\n\nFixed \ntest_hyperlinked_related_lookup_url_encoded_exists\n. \n#5179\n\n\nMake sure max_length is in FileField kwargs. \n#5186\n\n\nFix \nlist_route\n & \ndetail_route\n with kwargs contains curly bracket in \nurl_path\n \n#5187\n\n\nAdd Django manage command to create a DRF user Token. \n#5188\n\n\nEnsure API documentation templates do not check for user authentication \n#5162\n\n\nFix special case where OneToOneField is also primary key. \n#5192\n\n\nAdded aria-label and a new region for accessibility purposes in base.html \n#5196\n\n\nQuote nested API parameters in api.js. \n#5214\n\n\nSet ViewSet args/kwargs/request before dispatch. \n#5229\n\n\nAdded unicode support to SlugField. \n#5231\n\n\nFix HiddenField appears in Raw Data form initial content. \n#5259\n\n\nRaise validation error on invalid timezone parsing. \n#5261\n\n\nFix SearchFilter to-many behavior/performance. \n#5264\n\n\nSimplified chained comparisons and minor code fixes. \n#5276\n\n\nRemoteUserAuthentication, docs, and tests. \n#5306\n\n\nRevert \"Cached the field's root and context property\" \n#5313\n\n\nFix introspection of list field in schema. \n#5326\n\n\nFix interactive docs for multiple nested and extra methods. \n#5334\n\n\nFix/remove undefined template var \"schema\" \n#5346\n\n\n\n\n3.6.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n12th May 2017\n\n\n\n\nRaise 404 if a URL lookup results in ValidationError. (\n#5126\n)\n\n\nHonor http_method_names on class based view, when generating API schemas. (\n#5085\n)\n\n\nAllow overridden \nget_limit\n in LimitOffsetPagination to return all records. (\n#4437\n)\n\n\nFix partial update for the ListSerializer. (\n#4222\n)\n\n\nRender JSONField control correctly in browsable API. (\n#4999\n, \n#5042\n)\n\n\nRaise validation errors for invalid datetime in given timezone. (\n#4987\n)\n\n\nSupport restricting doc & schema shortcuts to a subset of urls. (\n#4979\n)\n\n\nResolve SchemaGenerator error with paginators that have no \npage_size\n attribute. (\n#5086\n, \n#3692\n)\n\n\nResolve HyperlinkedRelatedField exception on string with %20 instead of space. (\n#4748\n, \n#5078\n)\n\n\nCustomizable schema generator classes. (\n#5082\n)\n\n\nUpdate existing vary headers in response instead of overwriting them. (\n#5047\n)\n\n\nSupport passing \n.as_view()\n to view instance. (\n#5053\n)\n\n\nUse correct exception handler when settings overridden on a view. (\n#5055\n, \n#5054\n)\n\n\nUpdate Boolean field to support 'yes' and 'no' values. (\n#5038\n)\n\n\nFix unique validator for ChoiceField. (\n#5004\n, \n#5026\n, \n#5028\n)\n\n\nJavaScript cleanups in API Docs. (\n#5001\n)\n\n\nInclude URL path regexs in API schemas where valid. (\n#5014\n)\n\n\nCorrectly set scheme in coreapi TokenAuthentication. (\n#5000\n, \n#4994\n)\n\n\nHEAD requests on ViewSets should not return 405. (\n#4705\n, \n#4973\n, \n#4864\n)\n\n\nSupport usage of 'source' in \nextra_kwargs\n. (\n#4688\n)\n\n\nFix invalid content type for schema.js (\n#4968\n)\n\n\nFix DjangoFilterBackend inheritance issues. (\n#5089\n, \n#5117\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.6.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n10th March 2017\n\n\n\n\nSupport for Safari & IE in API docs. (\n#4959\n, \n#4961\n)\n\n\nAdd missing \nmark_safe\n in API docs template tags. (\n#4952\n, \n#4953\n)\n\n\nAdd missing glyphicon fonts. (\n#4950\n, \n#4951\n)\n\n\nFix One-to-one fields in API docs. (\n#4955\n, \n#4956\n)\n\n\nTest clean ups. (\n#4949\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.6.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n9th March 2017\n\n\n\n\nEnsure \nmarkdown\n dependency is optional. (\n#4947\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.6.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n9th March 2017\n\n\nSee the \nrelease announcement\n.\n\n\n\n\n3.5.x series\n\n\n3.5.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n10th February 2017\n\n\n\n\nAdd max_length and min_length arguments for ListField. (\n#4877\n)\n\n\nAdd per-view custom exception handler support. (\n#4753\n)\n\n\nSupport disabling of declared fields on serializer subclasses. (\n#4764\n)\n\n\nSupport custom view names on \n@list_route\n and \n@detail_route\n endpoints. (\n#4821\n)\n\n\nCorrect labels for fields in login template when custom user model is used. (\n#4841\n)\n\n\nWhitespace fixes for descriptions generated from docstrings. (\n#4759\n, \n#4869\n, \n#4870\n)\n\n\nBetter error reporting when schemas are returned by views without a schema renderer. (\n#4790\n)\n\n\nFix for returned response of \nPUT\n requests when \nprefetch_related\n is used. (\n#4661\n, \n#4668\n)\n\n\nFix for breadcrumb view names. (\n#4750\n)\n\n\nFix for RequestsClient ensuring fully qualified URLs. (\n#4678\n)\n\n\nFix for incorrect behavior of writable-nested fields check in some cases. (\n#4634\n, \n#4669\n)\n\n\nResolve Django deprecation warnings. (\n#4712\n)\n\n\nVarious cleanup of test cases.\n\n\n\n\n3.5.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n7th November 2016\n\n\n\n\nDon't raise incorrect FilterSet deprecation warnings. (\n#4660\n, \n#4643\n, \n#4644\n)\n\n\nSchema generation should not raise 404 when a view permission class does. (\n#4645\n, \n#4646\n)\n\n\nAdd \nautofocus\n support for input controls. (\n#4650\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.5.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n1st November 2016\n\n\n\n\nRestore exception tracebacks in Python 2.7. (\n#4631\n, \n#4638\n)\n\n\nProperly display dicts in the admin console. (\n#4532\n, \n#4636\n)\n\n\nFix is_simple_callable with variable args, kwargs. (\n#4622\n, \n#4602\n)\n\n\nSupport 'on'/'off' literals with BooleanField. (\n#4640\n, \n#4624\n)\n\n\nEnable cursor pagination of value querysets. (\n#4569\n)\n\n\nFix support of get_full_details() for Throttled exceptions. (\n#4627\n)\n\n\nFix FilterSet proxy. (\n#4620\n)\n\n\nMake serializer fields import explicit. (\n#4628\n)\n\n\nDrop redundant requests adapter. (\n#4639\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.5.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n21st October 2016\n\n\n\n\nMake \nrest_framework/\n imports. (\n#4612\n, \n#4608\n, \n#4601\n)\n\n\nFix bug in schema base path generation. (\n#4611\n, \n#4605\n)\n\n\nFix broken case of ListSerializer with single item. (\n#4609\n, \n#4606\n)\n\n\nRemove bare \nraise\n for Python 3.5 compat. (\n#4600\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.5.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n20th October 2016\n\n\n\n\n3.4.x series\n\n\n3.4.7\n\n\nDate\n: \n21st September 2016\n\n\n\n\nFallback behavior for request parsing when request.POST already accessed. (\n#3951\n, \n#4500\n)\n\n\nFix regression of \nRegexField\n. (\n#4489\n, \n#4490\n, \n#2617\n)\n\n\nMissing comma in \nadmin.html\n causing CSRF error. (\n#4472\n, \n#4473\n)\n\n\nFix response rendering with empty context. (\n#4495\n)\n\n\nFix indentation regression in API listing. (\n#4493\n)\n\n\nFixed an issue where the incorrect value is set to \nResolverMatch.func_name\n of api_view decorated view. (\n#4465\n, \n#4462\n)\n\n\nFix \nAPIClient.get()\n when path contains unicode arguments (\n#4458\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.6\n\n\nDate\n: \n23rd August 2016\n\n\n\n\nFix malformed Javascript in browsable API. (\n#4435\n)\n\n\nSkip HiddenField from Schema fields. (\n#4425\n, \n#4429\n)\n\n\nImprove Create to show the original exception traceback. (\n#3508\n)\n\n\nFix \nAdminRenderer\n display of PK only related fields. (\n#4419\n, \n#4423\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.5\n\n\nDate\n: \n19th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nImprove debug error handling. (\n#4416\n, \n#4409\n)\n\n\nAllow custom CSRF_HEADER_NAME setting. (\n#4415\n, \n#4410\n)\n\n\nInclude .action attribute on viewsets when generating schemas. (\n#4408\n, \n#4398\n)\n\n\nDo not include request.FILES items in request.POST. (\n#4407\n)\n\n\nFix rendering of checkbox multiple. (\n#4403\n)\n\n\nFix docstring of Field.get_default. (\n#4404\n)\n\n\nReplace utf8 character with its ascii counterpart in README. (\n#4412\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n12th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nEnsure views are fully initialized when generating schemas. (\n#4373\n, \n#4382\n, \n#4383\n, \n#4279\n, \n#4278\n)\n\n\nAdd form field descriptions to schemas. (\n#4387\n)\n\n\nFix category generation for schema endpoints. (\n#4391\n, \n#4394\n, \n#4390\n, \n#4386\n, \n#4376\n, \n#4329\n)\n\n\nDon't strip empty query params when paginating. (\n#4392\n, \n#4393\n, \n#4260\n)\n\n\nDo not re-run query for empty results with LimitOffsetPagination. (\n#4201\n, \n#4388\n)\n\n\nStricter type validation for CharField. (\n#4380\n, \n#3394\n)\n\n\nRelatedField.choices should preserve non-string values. (\n#4111\n, \n#4379\n, \n#3365\n)\n\n\nTest case for rendering checkboxes in vertical form style. (\n#4378\n, \n#3868\n, \n#3868\n)\n\n\nShow error traceback HTML in browsable API (\n#4042\n, \n#4172\n)\n\n\nFix handling of ALLOWED_VERSIONS and no DEFAULT_VERSION. \n#4370\n\n\nAllow \nmax_digits=None\n on DecimalField. (\n#4377\n, \n#4372\n)\n\n\nLimit queryset when rendering relational choices. (\n#4375\n, \n#4122\n, \n#3329\n, \n#3330\n, \n#3877\n)\n\n\nResolve form display with ChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField and non-string choices. (\n#4374\n, \n#4119\n, \n#4121\n, \n#4137\n, \n#4120\n)\n\n\nFix call to TemplateHTMLRenderer.resolve_context() fallback method. (\n#4371\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n5th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nInclude fallback for users of older TemplateHTMLRenderer internal API. (\n#4361\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n5th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nInclude kwargs passed to 'as_view' when generating schemas. (\n#4359\n, \n#4330\n, \n#4331\n)\n\n\nAccess \nrequest.user.is_authenticated\n as property not method, under Django 1.10+ (\n#4358\n, \n#4354\n)\n\n\nFilter HEAD out from schemas. (\n#4357\n)\n\n\nextra_kwargs takes precedence over uniqueness kwargs. (\n#4198\n, \n#4199\n, \n#4349\n)\n\n\nCorrect descriptions when tabs are used in code indentation. (\n#4345\n, \n#4347\n)*\n\n\nChange template context generation in TemplateHTMLRenderer. (\n#4236\n)\n\n\nSerializer defaults should not be included in partial updates. (\n#4346\n, \n#3565\n)\n\n\nConsistent behavior & descriptive error from FileUploadParser when filename not included. (\n#4340\n, \n#3610\n, \n#4292\n, \n#4296\n)\n\n\nDecimalField quantizes incoming digitals. (\n#4339\n, \n#4318\n)\n\n\nHandle non-string input for IP fields. (\n#4335\n, \n#4336\n, \n#4338\n)\n\n\nFix leading slash handling when Schema generation includes a root URL. (\n#4332\n)\n\n\nTest cases for DictField with allow_null options. (\n#4348\n)\n\n\nUpdate tests from Django 1.10 beta to Django 1.10. (\n#4344\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n28th July 2016\n\n\n\n\nAdded \nroot_renderers\n argument to \nDefaultRouter\n. (\n#4323\n, \n#4268\n)\n\n\nAdded \nurl\n and \nschema_url\n arguments. (\n#4321\n, \n#4308\n, \n#4305\n)\n\n\nUnique together checks should apply to read-only fields which have a default. (\n#4316\n, \n#4294\n)\n\n\nSet view.format_kwarg in schema generator. (\n#4293\n, \n#4315\n)\n\n\nFix schema generator for views with \npagination_class = None\n. (\n#4314\n, \n#4289\n)\n\n\nFix schema generator for views with no \nget_serializer_class\n. (\n#4265\n, \n#4285\n)\n\n\nFixes for media type parameters in \nAccept\n and \nContent-Type\n headers. (\n#4287\n, \n#4313\n, \n#4281\n)\n\n\nUse verbose_name instead of object_name in error messages. (\n#4299\n)\n\n\nMinor version update to Twitter Bootstrap. (\n#4307\n)\n\n\nSearchFilter raises error when using with related field. (\n#4302\n, \n#4303\n, \n#4298\n)\n\n\nAdding support for RFC 4918 status codes. (\n#4291\n)\n\n\nAdd to the built wheel. (\n#4270\n)\n\n\nSerializing \"complex\" field returns None instead of the value since 3.4 (\n#4272\n, \n#4273\n, \n#4288\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n14th July 2016\n\n\n\n\nDon't strip microseconds in JSON output. (\n#4256\n)\n\n\nTwo slightly different iso 8601 datetime serialization. (\n#4255\n)\n\n\nResolve incorrect inclusion of media type parameters. (\n#4254\n)\n\n\nResponse Content-Type potentially malformed. (\n#4253\n)\n\n\nFix error on some platforms. (\n#4246\n)\n\n\nMove alternate formats in coreapi into separate packages. (\n#4244\n)\n\n\nAdd localize keyword argument to \nDecimalField\n. (\n#4233\n)\n\n\nFix issues with routers for custom list-route and detail-routes. (\n#4229\n)\n\n\nNamespace versioning with nested namespaces. (\n#4219\n)\n\n\nRobust uniqueness checks. (\n#4217\n)\n\n\nMinor refactoring of \nmust_call_distinct\n. (\n#4215\n)\n\n\nOverridable offset cutoff in CursorPagination. (\n#4212\n)\n\n\nPass through strings as-in with date/time fields. (\n#4196\n)\n\n\nAdd test confirming that required=False is valid on a relational field. (\n#4195\n)\n\n\nIn LimitOffsetPagination \nlimit=0\n should revert to default limit. (\n#4194\n)\n\n\nExclude read_only=True fields from unique_together validation & add docs. (\n#4192\n)\n\n\nHandle bytestrings in JSON. (\n#4191\n)\n\n\nJSONField(binary=True) represents using binary strings, which JSONRenderer does not support. (\n#4187\n)\n\n\nJSONField(binary=True) represents using binary strings, which JSONRenderer does not support. (\n#4185\n)\n\n\nMore robust form rendering in the browsable API. (\n#4181\n)\n\n\nEmpty cases of \n.validated_data\n and \n.errors\n as lists not dicts for ListSerializer. (\n#4180\n)\n\n\nSchemas & client libraries. (\n#4179\n)\n\n\nRemoved \nAUTH_USER_MODEL\n compat property. (\n#4176\n)\n\n\nClean up existing deprecation warnings. (\n#4166\n)\n\n\nDjango 1.10 support. (\n#4158\n)\n\n\nUpdated jQuery version to 1.12.4. (\n#4157\n)\n\n\nMore robust default behavior on OrderingFilter. (\n#4156\n)\n\n\ codes and tests removal. (\n#4153\n)\n\n\nWrap guardian.VERSION in tuple. (\n#4149\n)\n\n\nRefine validator for fields with \n kwargs. (\n#4146\n)\n\n\nFix None values representation in childs of ListField, DictField. (\n#4118\n)\n\n\nResolve TimeField representation for midnight value. (\n#4107\n)\n\n\nSet proper status code in AdminRenderer for the redirection after POST/DELETE requests. (\n#4106\n)\n\n\nTimeField render returns None instead of 00:00:00. (\n#4105\n)\n\n\nFix incorrectly named zh-hans and zh-hant locale path. (\n#4103\n)\n\n\nPrevent raising exception when limit is 0. (\n#4098\n)\n\n\nTokenAuthentication: Allow custom keyword in the header. (\n#4097\n)\n\n\nHandle incorrectly padded HTTP basic auth header. (\n#4090\n)\n\n\nLimitOffset pagination crashes Browseable API when limit=0. (\n#4079\n)\n\n\nFixed DecimalField arbitrary precision support. (\n#4075\n)\n\n\nAdded support for custom CSRF cookie names. (\n#4049\n)\n\n\nFix regression introduced by #4035. (\n#4041\n)\n\n\nNo auth view failing permission should raise 403. (\n#4040\n)\n\n\nFix string_types / text_types confusion. (\n#4025\n)\n\n\nDo not list related field choices in OPTIONS requests. (\n#4021\n)\n\n\nFix typo. (\n#4008\n)\n\n\nReorder initializing the view. (\n#4006\n)\n\n\nType error in DjangoObjectPermissionsFilter on Python 3.4. (\n#4005\n)\n\n\nFixed use of deprecated Query.aggregates. (\n#4003\n)\n\n\nFix blank lines around docstrings. (\n#4002\n)\n\n\nFixed admin pagination when limit is 0. (\n#3990\n)\n\n\nOrderingFilter adjustments. (\n#3983\n)\n\n\nNon-required serializer related fields. (\n#3976\n)\n\n\nUsing safer calling way of \"@api_view\" in tutorial. (\n#3971\n)\n\n\nListSerializer doesn't handle unique_together constraints. (\n#3970\n)\n\n\nAdd missing migration file. (\n#3968\n)\n\n\nOrderingFilter\n should call \nget_serializer_class()\n to determine default fields. (\n#3964\n)\n\n\nRemove old Django checks from tests and compat. (\n#3953\n)\n\n\nSupport callable as the value of \ninitial\n for any \nserializer.Field\n. (\n#3943\n)\n\n\nPrevented unnecessary distinct() call in SearchFilter. (\n#3938\n)\n\n\nFix None UUID ForeignKey serialization. (\n#3936\n)\n\n\nDrop EOL Django 1.7. (\n#3933\n)\n\n\nAdd missing space in serializer error message. (\n#3926\n)\n\n\nFixed _force_text_recursive typo. (\n#3908\n)\n\n\nAttempt to address Django 2.0 deprecate warnings related to \nfield.rel\n. (\n#3906\n)\n\n\nFix parsing multipart data using a nested serializer with list. (\n#3820\n)\n\n\nResolving APIs URL to different namespaces. (\n#3816\n)\n\n\nDo not HTML-escape \nhelp_text\n in Browsable API forms. (\n#3812\n)\n\n\nOPTIONS fetches and shows all possible foreign keys in choices field. (\n#3751\n)\n\n\nDjango 1.9 deprecation warnings (\n#3729\n)\n\n\nTest case for #3598 (\n#3710\n)\n\n\nAdding support for multiple values for search filter. (\n#3541\n)\n\n\nUse get_serializer_class in ordering filter. (\n#3487\n)\n\n\nSerializers with many=True should return empty list rather than empty dict. (\n#3476\n)\n\n\nLimitOffsetPagination limit=0 fix. (\n#3444\n)\n\n\nEnable Validators to defer string evaluation and handle new string format. (\n#3438\n)\n\n\nUnique validator is executed and breaks if field is invalid. (\n#3381\n)\n\n\nDo not ignore overridden View.get_view_name() in breadcrumbs. (\n#3273\n)\n\n\nRetry form rendering when rendering with serializer fails. (\n#3164\n)\n\n\nUnique constraint prevents nested serializers from updating. (\n#2996\n)\n\n\nUniqueness validators should not be run for excluded (read_only) fields. (\n#2848\n)\n\n\nUniqueValidator raises exception for nested objects. (\n#2403\n)\n\n\nlookup_type\n is deprecated in favor of \nlookup_expr\n. (\n#4259\n)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.3.x series\n\n\n3.3.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n14th March 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\nRemove version string from templates. Thanks to @blag for the report and fixes. (\n#3878\n, \n#3913\n, \n#3912\n)\n\n\nFixes vertical html layout for \nBooleanField\n. Thanks to Mikalai Radchuk for the fix. (\n#3910\n)\n\n\nSilenced deprecation warnings on Django 1.8. Thanks to Simon Charette for the fix. (\n#3903\n)\n\n\nInternationalization for authtoken. Thanks to Michael Nacharov for the fix. (\n#3887\n, \n#3968\n)\n\n\nFix \nToken\n model as \nabstract\n when the authtoken application isn't declared. Thanks to Adam Thomas for the report. (\n#3860\n, \n#3858\n)\n\n\nImprove Markdown version compatibility. Thanks to Michael J. Schultz for the fix. (\n#3604\n, \n#3842\n)\n\n\nQueryParameterVersioning\n does not use \nDEFAULT_VERSION\n setting. Thanks to Brad Montgomery for the fix. (\n#3833\n)\n\n\nAdd an explicit \non_delete\n on the models. Thanks to Mads Jensen for the fix. (\n#3832\n)\n\n\nFix \nDateField.to_representation\n to work with Python 2 unicode. Thanks to Mikalai Radchuk for the fix. (\n#3819\n)\n\n\nFixed \nTimeField\n not handling string times. Thanks to Areski Belaid for the fix. (\n#3809\n)\n\n\nAvoid updates of \nMeta.extra_kwargs\n. Thanks to Kevin Massey for the report and fix. (\n#3805\n, \n#3804\n)\n\n\nFix nested validation error being rendered incorrectly. Thanks to Craig de Stigter for the fix. (\n#3801\n)\n\n\nDocument how to avoid CSRF and missing button issues with \ndjango-crispy-forms\n. Thanks to Emmanuelle Delescolle, Jos\u00e9 Padilla and Luis San Pablo for the report, analysis and fix. (\n#3787\n, \n#3636\n, \n#3637\n)\n\n\nImprove Rest Framework Settings file setup time. Thanks to Miles Hutson for the report and Mads Jensen for the fix. (\n#3786\n, \n#3815\n)\n\n\nImprove authtoken compatibility with Django 1.9. Thanks to S. Andrew Sheppard for the fix. (\n#3785\n)\n\n\nFix \nMin/MaxValueValidator\n transfer from a model's \nDecimalField\n. Thanks to Kevin Brown for the fix. (\n#3774\n)\n\n\nImprove HTML title in the Browsable API. Thanks to Mike Lissner for the report and fix. (\n#3769\n)\n\n\nFix \nAutoFilterSet\n to inherit from \ndefault_filter_set\n. Thanks to Tom Linford for the fix. (\n#3753\n)\n\n\nFix transifex config to handle the new Chinese language codes. Thanks to @nypisces for the report and fix. (\n#3739\n)\n\n\nDateTimeField\n does not handle empty values correctly. Thanks to Mick Parker for the report and fix. (\n#3731\n, \n#3726\n)\n\n\nRaise error when setting a removed rest_framework setting. Thanks to Luis San Pablo for the fix. (\n#3715\n)\n\n\nAdd missing csrf_token in AdminRenderer post form. Thanks to Piotr \u015aniegowski for the fix. (\n#3703\n)\n\n\nRefactored \n_get_reverse_relationships()\n to use correct \nto_field\n. Thanks to Benjamin Phillips for the fix. (\n#3696\n)\n\n\nDocument the use of \nget_queryset\n for \nRelatedField\n. Thanks to Ryan Hiebert for the fix. (\n#3605\n)\n\n\nFix empty pk detection in HyperlinkRelatedField.get_url. Thanks to @jslang for the fix (\n#3962\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.3.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n14th December 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nListField\n enforces input is a list. (\n#3513\n)\n\n\nFix regression hiding raw data form. (\n#3600\n, \n#3578\n)\n\n\nFix Python 3.5 compatibility. (\n#3534\n, \n#3626\n)\n\n\nAllow setting a custom Django Paginator in \npagination.PageNumberPagination\n. (\n#3631\n, \n#3684\n)\n\n\nFix relational fields without \nto_fields\n attribute. (\n#3635\n, \n#3634\n)\n\n\nFix \ntemplate.render\n deprecation warnings for Django 1.9. (\n#3654\n)\n\n\nSort response headers in browsable API renderer. (\n#3655\n)\n\n\nUse related_objects api for Django 1.9+. (\n#3656\n, \n#3252\n)\n\n\nAdd confirm modal when deleting. (\n#3228\n, \n#3662\n)\n\n\nReveal previously hidden AttributeErrors and TypeErrors while calling has_[object_]permissions. (\n#3668\n)\n\n\nMake DRF compatible with multi template engine in Django 1.8. (\n#3672\n)\n\n\nUpdate \nNestedBoundField\n to also handle empty string when rendering its form. (\n#3677\n)\n\n\nFix UUID validation to properly catch invalid input types. (\n#3687\n, \n#3679\n)\n\n\nFix caching issues. (\n#3628\n, \n#3701\n)\n\n\nFix Admin and API browser for views without a filter_class. (\n#3705\n, \n#3596\n, \n#3597\n)\n\n\nAdd app_name to rest_framework.urls. (\n#3714\n)\n\n\nImprove authtoken's views to support url versioning. (\n#3718\n, \n#3723\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.3.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n4th November 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nResolve parsing bug when accessing \nrequest.POST\n (\n#3592\n)\n\n\nCorrectly deal with \nto_field\n referring to primary key. (\n#3593\n)\n\n\nAllow filter HTML to render when no \nfilter_class\n is defined. (\n#3560\n)\n\n\nFix admin rendering issues. (\n#3564\n, \n#3556\n)\n\n\nFix issue with DecimalValidator. (\n#3568\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.3.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n28th October 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nHTML controls for filters. (\n#3315\n)\n\n\nForms API. (\n#3475\n)\n\n\nAJAX browsable API. (\n#3410\n)\n\n\nAdded JSONField. (\n#3454\n)\n\n\nCorrectly map \nto_field\n when creating \nModelSerializer\n relational fields. (\n#3526\n)\n\n\nInclude keyword arguments when mapping \nFilePathField\n to a serializer field. (\n#3536\n)\n\n\nMap appropriate model \nerror_messages\n on \nModelSerializer\n uniqueness constraints. (\n#3435\n)\n\n\nInclude \nmax_length\n constraint for \nModelSerializer\n fields mapped from TextField. (\n#3509\n)\n\n\nAdded support for Django 1.9. (\n#3450\n, \n#3525\n)\n\n\nRemoved support for Django 1.5 & 1.6. (\n#3421\n, \n#3429\n)\n\n\nRemoved 'south' migrations. (\n#3495\n)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.2.x series\n\n\n3.2.5\n\n\nDate\n: \n27th October 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nEscape \nusername\n in optional logout tag. (\n#3550\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n21th September 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nDon't error on missing \nViewSet.search_fields\n attribute. (\n#3324\n, \n#3323\n)\n\n\nFix \nallow_empty\n not working on serializers with \nmany=True\n. (\n#3361\n, \n#3364\n)\n\n\nLet \nDurationField\n accepts integers. (\n#3359\n)\n\n\nMulti-level dictionaries not supported in multipart requests. (\n#3314\n)\n\n\nFix \nListField\n truncation on HTTP PATCH (\n#3415\n, \n#2761\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n24th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdded \nhtml_cutoff\n and \nhtml_cutoff_text\n for limiting select dropdowns. (\n#3313\n)\n\n\nAdded regex style to \nSearchFilter\n. (\n#3316\n)\n\n\nResolve issues with setting blank HTML fields. (\n#3318\n) (\n#3321\n)\n\n\nCorrectly display existing 'select multiple' values in browsable API forms. (\n#3290\n)\n\n\nResolve duplicated validation message for \nIPAddressField\n. ([#3249[gh3249]) (\n#3250\n)\n\n\nFix to ensure admin renderer continues to work when pagination is disabled. (\n#3275\n)\n\n\nResolve error with \nLimitOffsetPagination\n when count=0, offset=0. (\n#3303\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n13th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdd \ndisplay_value()\n method for use when displaying relational field select inputs. (\n#3254\n)\n\n\nFix issue with \nBooleanField\n checkboxes incorrectly displaying as checked. (\n#3258\n)\n\n\nEnsure empty checkboxes properly set \nBooleanField\n to \nFalse\n in all cases. (\n#2776\n)\n\n\nAllow \nWSGIRequest.FILES\n property without raising incorrect deprecated error. (\n#3261\n)\n\n\nResolve issue with rendering nested serializers in forms. (\n#3260\n)\n\n\nRaise an error if user accidentally pass a serializer instance to a response, rather than data. (\n#3241\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n7th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nFix for relational select widgets rendering without any choices. (\n#3237\n)\n\n\nFix for \n1\n, \n0\n rendering as \ntrue\n, \nfalse\n in the admin interface. \n#3227\n)\n\n\nFix for ListFields with single value in HTML form input. (\n#3238\n)\n\n\nAllow \nrequest.FILES\n for compat with Django's \nHTTPRequest\n class. (\n#3239\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n6th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdd \nAdminRenderer\n. (\n#2926\n)\n\n\nAdd \nFilePathField\n. (\n#1854\n)\n\n\nAdd \nallow_empty\n to \nListField\n. (\n#2250\n)\n\n\nSupport django-guardian 1.3. (\n#3165\n)\n\n\nSupport grouped choices. (\n#3225\n)\n\n\nSupport error forms in browsable API. (\n#3024\n)\n\n\nAllow permission classes to customize the error message. (\n#2539\n)\n\n\nSupport \nsource=\n on hyperlinked fields. (\n#2690\n)\n\n\nListField(allow_null=True)\n now allows null as the list value, not null items in the list. (\n#2766\n)\n\n\nManyToMany()\n maps to \nallow_empty=False\n, \nManyToMany(blank=True)\n maps to \nallow_empty=True\n. (\n#2804\n)\n\n\nSupport custom serialization styles for primary key fields. (\n#2789\n)\n\n\nOPTIONS\n requests support nested representations. (\n#2915\n)\n\n\nSet \nview.action == \"metadata\"\n for viewsets with \nOPTIONS\n requests. (\n#3115\n)\n\n\nSupport \nallow_blank\n on \nUUIDField\n. ([#3130][gh#3130])\n\n\nDo not display view docstrings with 401 or 403 response codes. (\n#3216\n)\n\n\nResolve Django 1.8 deprecation warnings. (\n#2886\n)\n\n\nFix for \nDecimalField\n validation. (\n#3139\n)\n\n\nFix behavior of \nallow_blank=False\n when used with \ntrim_whitespace=True\n. (\n#2712\n)\n\n\nFix issue with some field combinations incorrectly mapping to an invalid \nallow_blank\n argument. (\n#3011\n)\n\n\nFix for output representations with prefetches and modified querysets. (\n#2704\n, \n#2727\n)\n\n\nFix assertion error when CursorPagination is provided with certain invalid query parameters. (#2920)\ngh2920\n.\n\n\nFix \nUnicodeDecodeError\n when invalid characters included in header with \nTokenAuthentication\n. (\n#2928\n)\n\n\nFix transaction rollbacks with \n@non_atomic_requests\n decorator. (\n#3016\n)\n\n\nFix duplicate results issue with Oracle databases using \nSearchFilter\n. (\n#2935\n)\n\n\nFix checkbox alignment and rendering in browsable API forms. (\n#2783\n)\n\n\nFix for unsaved file objects which should use \n\"url\": null\n in the representation. (\n#2759\n)\n\n\nFix field value rendering in browsable API. (\n#2416\n)\n\n\nFix \nHStoreField\n to include \nallow_blank=True\n in \nDictField\n mapping. (\n#2659\n)\n\n\nNumerous other cleanups, improvements to error messaging, private API & minor fixes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.1.x series\n\n\n3.1.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n4th June 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdd \nDurationField\n. (\n#2481\n, \n#2989\n)\n\n\nAdd \nformat\n argument to \nUUIDField\n. (\n#2788\n, \n#3000\n)\n\n\nMultipleChoiceField\n empties incorrectly on a partial update using multipart/form-data (\n#2993\n, \n#2894\n)\n\n\nFix a bug in options related to read-only \nRelatedField\n. (\n#2981\n, \n#2811\n)\n\n\nFix nested serializers with \nunique_together\n relations. (\n#2975\n)\n\n\nAllow unexpected values for \nChoiceField\n/\nMultipleChoiceField\n representations. (\n#2839\n, \n#2940\n)\n\n\nRollback the transaction on error if \nATOMIC_REQUESTS\n is set. (\n#2887\n, \n#2034\n)\n\n\nSet the action on a view when override_method regardless of its None-ness. (\n#2933\n)\n\n\nDecimalField\n accepts \n2E+2\n as 200 and validates decimal place correctly. (\n#2948\n, \n#2947\n)\n\n\nSupport basic authentication with custom \nUserModel\n that change \nusername\n. (\n#2952\n)\n\n\nIPAddressField\n improvements. (\n#2747\n, \n#2618\n, \n#3008\n)\n\n\nImprove \nDecimalField\n for easier subclassing. (\n#2695\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.1.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n13rd May 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nDateField.to_representation\n can handle str and empty values. (\n#2656\n, \n#2687\n, \n#2869\n)\n\n\nUse default reason phrases from HTTP standard. (\n#2764\n, \n#2763\n)\n\n\nRaise error when \nModelSerializer\n used with abstract model. (\n#2757\n, \n#2630\n)\n\n\nHandle reversal of non-API view_name in \nHyperLinkedRelatedField\n (\n#2724\n, \n#2711\n)\n\n\nDon't require pk strictly for related fields. (\n#2745\n, \n#2754\n)\n\n\nMetadata detects null boolean field type. (\n#2762\n)\n\n\nProper handling of depth in nested serializers. (\n#2798\n)\n\n\nDisplay viewset without paginator. (\n#2807\n)\n\n\nDon't check for deprecated \n.model\n attribute in permissions (\n#2818\n)\n\n\nRestrict integer field to integers and strings. (\n#2835\n, \n#2836\n)\n\n\nImprove \nIntegerField\n to use compiled decimal regex. (\n#2853\n)\n\n\nPrevent empty \nqueryset\n to raise AssertionError. (\n#2862\n)\n\n\nDjangoModelPermissions\n rely on \nget_queryset\n. (\n#2863\n)\n\n\nCheck \nAcceptHeaderVersioning\n with content negotiation in place. (\n#2868\n)\n\n\nAllow \nDjangoObjectPermissions\n to use views that define \nget_queryset\n. (\n#2905\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.1.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n23rd March 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nSecurity fix\n: Escape tab switching cookie name in browsable API.\n\n\nDisplay input forms in browsable API if \nserializer_class\n is used, even when \nget_serializer\n method does not exist on the view. (\n#2743\n)\n\n\nUse a password input for the AuthTokenSerializer. (\n#2741\n)\n\n\nFix missing anchor closing tag after next button. (\n#2691\n)\n\n\nFix \nlookup_url_kwarg\n handling in viewsets. (\n#2685\n, \n#2591\n)\n\n\nFix problem with importing \nrest_framework.views\n in \\n (\n#2678\n)\n\n\nLimitOffsetPagination raises \nTypeError\n if PAGE_SIZE not set (\n#2667\n, \n#2700\n)\n\n\nGerman translation for \nmin_value\n field error message references \nmax_value\n. (\n#2645\n)\n\n\nRemove \nMergeDict\n. (\n#2640\n)\n\n\nSupport serializing unsaved models with related fields. (\n#2637\n, \n#2641\n)\n\n\nAllow blank/null on radio.html choices. (\n#2631\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.1.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n5th March 2015\n.\n\n\nFor full details see the \n3.1 release announcement\n.\n\n\n\n\n3.0.x series\n\n\n3.0.5\n\n\nDate\n: \n10th February 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nFix a bug where \n_closable_objects\n breaks pickling. (\n#1850\n, \n#2492\n)\n\n\nAllow non-standard \nUser\n models with \nThrottling\n. (\n#2524\n)\n\n\nSupport custom \nUser.db_table\n in TokenAuthentication migration. (\n#2479\n)\n\n\nFix misleading \nAttributeError\n tracebacks on \nRequest\n objects. (\n#2530\n, \n#2108\n)\n\n\nManyRelatedField.get_value\n clearing field on partial update. (\n#2475\n)\n\n\nRemoved '.model' shortcut from code. (\n#2486\n)\n\n\nFix \ndetail_route\n and \nlist_route\n mutable argument. (\n#2518\n)\n\n\nPrefetching the user object when getting the token in \nTokenAuthentication\n. (\n#2519\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n28th January 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nDjango 1.8a1 support. (\n#2425\n, \n#2446\n, \n#2441\n)\n\n\nAdd \nDictField\n and support Django 1.8 \nHStoreField\n. (\n#2451\n, \n#2106\n)\n\n\nAdd \nUUIDField\n and support Django 1.8 \nUUIDField\n. (\n#2448\n, \n#2433\n, \n#2432\n)\n\n\nBaseRenderer.render\n now raises \nNotImplementedError\n. (\n#2434\n)\n\n\nFix timedelta JSON serialization on Python 2.6. (\n#2430\n)\n\n\nResultDict\n and \nResultList\n now appear as standard dict/list. (\n#2421\n)\n\n\nFix visible \nHiddenField\n in the HTML form of the web browsable API page. (\n#2410\n)\n\n\nUse \nOrderedDict\n for \nRelatedField.choices\n. (\n#2408\n)\n\n\nFix ident format when using \nHTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR\n. (\n#2401\n)\n\n\nFix invalid key with memcached while using throttling. (\n#2400\n)\n\n\nFix \nFileUploadParser\n with version 3.x. (\n#2399\n)\n\n\nFix the serializer inheritance. (\n#2388\n)\n\n\nFix caching issues with \nReturnDict\n. (\n#2360\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n8th January 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nFix \nMinValueValidator\n on \nmodels.DateField\n. (\n#2369\n)\n\n\nFix serializer missing context when pagination is used. (\n#2355\n)\n\n\nNamespaced router URLs are now supported by the \nDefaultRouter\n. (\n#2351\n)\n\n\nrequired=False\n allows omission of value for output. (\n#2342\n)\n\n\nUse textarea input for \nmodels.TextField\n. (\n#2340\n)\n\n\nUse custom \nListSerializer\n for pagination if required. (\n#2331\n, \n#2327\n)\n\n\nBetter behavior with null and '' for blank HTML fields. (\n#2330\n)\n\n\nEnsure fields in \nexclude\n are model fields. (\n#2319\n)\n\n\nFix \nIntegerField\n and \nmax_length\n argument incompatibility. (\n#2317\n)\n\n\nFix the YAML encoder for 3.0 serializers. (\n#2315\n, \n#2283\n)\n\n\nFix the behavior of empty HTML fields. (\n#2311\n, \n#1101\n)\n\n\nFix Metaclass attribute depth ignoring fields attribute. (\n#2287\n)\n\n\nFix \nformat_suffix_patterns\n to work with Django's \ni18n_patterns\n. (\n#2278\n)\n\n\nAbility to customize router URLs for custom actions, using \nurl_path\n. (\n#2010\n)\n\n\nDon't install Django REST Framework as egg. (\n#2386\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n17th December 2014\n.\n\n\n\n\nEnsure \nrequest.user\n is made available to response middleware. (\n#2155\n)\n\n\nClient.logout()\n also cancels any existing \nforce_authenticate\n. (\n#2218\n, \n#2259\n)\n\n\nExtra assertions and better checks to preventing incorrect serializer API use. (\n#2228\n, \n#2234\n, \n#2262\n, \n#2263\n, \n#2266\n, \n#2267\n, \n#2289\n, \n#2291\n)\n\n\nFixed \nmin_length\n message for \nCharField\n. (\n#2255\n)\n\n\nFix \nUnicodeDecodeError\n, which can occur on serializer \nrepr\n.  (\n#2270\n, \n#2279\n)\n\n\nFix empty HTML values when a default is provided. (\n#2280\n, \n#2294\n)\n\n\nFix \nSlugRelatedField\n raising \nUnicodeEncodeError\n when used as a multiple choice input. (\n#2290\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n11th December 2014\n.\n\n\n\n\nMore helpful error message when the default Serializer \ncreate()\n fails. (\n#2013\n)\n\n\nRaise error when attempting to save serializer if data is not valid. (\n#2098\n)\n\n\nFix \nFileUploadParser\n breaks with empty file names and multiple upload handlers. (\n#2109\n)\n\n\nImprove \nBindingDict\n to support standard dict-functions. (\n#2135\n, \n#2163\n)\n\n\nAdd \nvalidate()\n to \nListSerializer\n. (\n#2168\n, \n#2225\n, \n#2232\n)\n\n\nFix JSONP renderer failing to escape some characters. (\n#2169\n, \n#2195\n)\n\n\nAdd missing default style for \nFileField\n. (\n#2172\n)\n\n\nActions are required when calling \nViewSet.as_view()\n. (\n#2175\n)\n\n\nAdd \nallow_blank\n to \nChoiceField\n. (\n#2184\n, \n#2239\n)\n\n\nCosmetic fixes in the HTML renderer. (\n#2187\n)\n\n\nRaise error if \nfields\n on serializer is not a list of strings. (\n#2193\n, \n#2213\n)\n\n\nImprove checks for nested creates and updates. (\n#2194\n, \n#2196\n)\n\n\nvalidated_attrs\n argument renamed to \nvalidated_data\n in \nSerializer\n \ncreate()\n/\nupdate()\n. (\n#2197\n)\n\n\nRemove deprecated code to reflect the dropped Django versions. (\n#2200\n)\n\n\nBetter serializer errors for nested writes. (\n#2202\n, \n#2215\n)\n\n\nFix pagination and custom permissions incompatibility. (\n#2205\n)\n\n\nRaise error if \nfields\n on serializer is not a list of strings. (\n#2213\n)\n\n\nAdd missing translation markers for relational fields. (\n#2231\n)\n\n\nImprove field lookup behavior for dicts/mappings. (\n#2244\n, \n#2243\n)\n\n\nOptimized hyperlinked PK. (\n#2242\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.0\n\n\nDate\n: 1st December 2014\n\n\nFor full details see the \n3.0 release announcement\n.\n\n\n\n\nFor older release notes, \nplease see the version 2.x documentation\n.",
    +            "text": "Release Notes\n\n\n\n\nRelease Early, Release Often\n\n\n\u2014 Eric S. Raymond, \nThe Cathedral and the Bazaar\n.\n\n\n\n\nVersioning\n\n\nMinor version numbers (0.0.x) are used for changes that are API compatible.  You should be able to upgrade between minor point releases without any other code changes.\n\n\nMedium version numbers (0.x.0) may include API changes, in line with the \ndeprecation policy\n.  You should read the release notes carefully before upgrading between medium point releases.\n\n\nMajor version numbers (x.0.0) are reserved for substantial project milestones.\n\n\nDeprecation policy\n\n\nREST framework releases follow a formal deprecation policy, which is in line with \nDjango's deprecation policy\n.\n\n\nThe timeline for deprecation of a feature present in version 1.0 would work as follows:\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.1 would remain \nfully backwards compatible\n with 1.0, but would raise \nPendingDeprecationWarning\n warnings if you use the feature that are due to be deprecated.  These warnings are \nsilent by default\n, but can be explicitly enabled when you're ready to start migrating any required changes.  For example if you start running your tests using \npython -Wd test\n, you'll be warned of any API changes you need to make.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.2 would escalate these warnings to \nDeprecationWarning\n, which is loud by default.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVersion 1.3 would remove the deprecated bits of API entirely.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote that in line with Django's policy, any parts of the framework not mentioned in the documentation should generally be considered private API, and may be subject to change.\n\n\nUpgrading\n\n\nTo upgrade Django REST framework to the latest version, use pip:\n\n\npip install -U djangorestframework\n\n\n\nYou can determine your currently installed version using \npip freeze\n:\n\n\npip freeze | grep djangorestframework\n\n\n\n\n\n3.7.x series\n\n\n3.7.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n6th Novemember 2017\n\n\n\n\nFixed Django 2.1 compatibility due to removal of django.contrib.auth.login()/logout() views. \n#5510\n\n\nAdd missing import for TextLexer. \n#5512\n\n\nAdding examples and documentation for caching \n#5514\n\n\nInclude date and date-time format for schema generation \n#5511\n\n\nUse triple backticks for markdown code blocks \n#5513\n\n\nInteractive docs - make bottom sidebar items sticky \n#5516\n\n\nClarify pagination system check \n#5524\n\n\nStop JSONBoundField mangling invalid JSON \n#5527\n\n\nHave JSONField render as textarea in Browsable API \n#5530\n\n\nSchema: Exclude OPTIONS/HEAD for ViewSet actions \n#5532\n\n\nFix ordering for dotted sources \n#5533\n\n\nFix: Fields with \nallow_null=True\n should imply a default serialization value \n#5518\n\n\nEnsure Location header is strictly a 'str', not subclass. \n#5544\n\n\nAdd import to example in api-guide/parsers \n#5547\n\n\nCatch OverflowError for \"out of range\" datetimes \n#5546\n\n\nAdd djangorestframework-rapidjson to third party packages \n#5549\n\n\nIncrease test coverage for \ndrf_create_token\n command \n#5550\n\n\nAdd trove classifier for Python 3.6 support. \n#5555\n\n\nAdd pip cache support to the Travis CI configuration \n#5556\n\n\nRename [\nwheel\n] section to [\nbdist_wheel\n] as the former is legacy \n#5557\n\n\nFix invalid escape sequence deprecation warnings \n#5560\n\n\nAdd interactive docs error template \n#5548\n\n\nAdd rounding parameter to DecimalField \n#5562\n\n\nFix all BytesWarning caught during tests \n#5561\n\n\nUse dict and set literals instead of calls to dict() and set() \n#5559\n\n\nChange ImageField validation pattern, use validators from DjangoImageField \n#5539\n\n\nFix processing unicode symbols in query_string by Python 2 \n#5552\n\n\n\n\n3.7.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n16th October 2017\n\n\n\n\nFix Interactive documentation always uses false for boolean fields in requests \n#5492\n\n\nImprove compatibility with Django 2.0 alpha. \n#5500\n \n#5503\n\n\nImproved handling of schema naming collisions \n#5486\n\n\nAdded additional docs and tests around providing a default value for dotted \nsource\n fields \n#5489\n\n\n\n\n3.7.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n6th October 2017\n\n\n\n\nFix \nDjangoModelPermissions\n to ensure user authentication before calling the view's \nget_queryset()\n method. As a side effect, this changes the order of the HTTP method permissions and authentication checks, and 405 responses will only be returned when authenticated. If you want to replicate the old behavior, see the PR for details. \n#5376\n\n\nDeprecated \nexclude_from_schema\n on \nAPIView\n and \napi_view\n decorator. Set \nschema = None\n or \n@schema(None)\n as appropriate. \n#5422\n\n\n\n\nTimezone-aware \nDateTimeField\ns now respect active or default \ntimezone\n during serialization, instead of always using UTC. \n#5435\n\n\nResolves inconsistency whereby instances were serialised with supplied datetime for \ncreate\n but UTC for \nretrieve\n. \n#3732\n\n\nPossible backwards compatibility break\n if you were relying on datetime strings being UTC. Have client interpret datetimes or \nset default or active timezone (docs)\n to UTC if needed.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nRemoved DjangoFilterBackend inline with deprecation policy. Use \ndjango_filters.rest_framework.FilterSet\n and/or \ndjango_filters.rest_framework.DjangoFilterBackend\n instead. \n#5273\n\n\n\n\nDon't strip microseconds from \ntime\n when encoding. Makes consistent with \ndatetime\n.\n    \nBC Change\n: Previously only milliseconds were encoded. \n#5440\n\n\nAdded \nSTRICT_JSON\n setting (default \nTrue\n) to raise exception for the extended float values (\nnan\n, \ninf\n, \n-inf\n) accepted by Python's \njson\n module.\n    \nBC Change\n: Previously these values would converted to corresponding strings. Set \nSTRICT_JSON\n to \nFalse\n to restore the previous behaviour. \n#5265\n\n\nAdd support for \npage_size\n parameter in CursorPaginator class \n#5250\n\n\nMake \nDEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS\n \nNone\n by default.\n    \nBC Change\n: If your were \njust\n setting \nPAGE_SIZE\n to enable pagination you will need to add \nDEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS\n.\n    The previous default was \nrest_framework.pagination.PageNumberPagination\n. There is a system check warning to catch this case. You may silence that if you are setting pagination class on a per-view basis. \n#5170\n\n\nCatch \nAPIException\n from \nget_serializer_fields\n in schema generation. \n#5443\n\n\nAllow custom authentication and permission classes when using \ninclude_docs_urls\n \n#5448\n\n\nDefer translated string evaluation on validators. \n#5452\n\n\nAdded default value for 'detail' param into 'ValidationError' exception \n#5342\n\n\nAdjust schema get_filter_fields rules to match framework \n#5454\n\n\nUpdated test matrix to add Django 2.0 and drop Django 1.8 & 1.9\n    \nBC Change\n: This removes Django 1.8 and Django 1.9 from Django REST Framework supported versions. \n#5457\n\n\nFixed a deprecation warning in serializers.ModelField \n#5058\n\n\nAdded a more explicit error message when \nget_queryset\n returned \nNone\n \n#5348\n\n\nFix docs for Response \ndata\n description \n#5361\n\n\nFix \npycache\n/.pyc excludes when packaging \n#5373\n\n\nFix default value handling for dotted sources \n#5375\n\n\nEnsure content_type is set when passing empty body to RequestFactory \n#5351\n\n\nFix ErrorDetail Documentation \n#5380\n\n\nAllow optional content in the generic content form \n#5372\n\n\nUpdated supported values for the NullBooleanField \n#5387\n\n\nFix ModelSerializer custom named fields with source on model \n#5388\n\n\nFixed the MultipleFieldLookupMixin documentation example to properly check for object level permission \n#5398\n\n\nUpdate get_object() example in \n#5401\n\n\nFix authtoken management command \n#5415\n\n\nFix schema generation markdown \n#5421\n\n\nAllow \nChoiceField.choices\n to be set dynamically \n#5426\n\n\nAdd the project layout to the quickstart \n#5434\n\n\nReuse 'apply_markdown' function in 'render_markdown' templatetag \n#5469\n\n\nAdded links to \ndrf-openapi\n package in docs \n#5470\n\n\nAdded docstrings code highlighting with pygments \n#5462\n\n\nFixed documentation rendering for views named \ndata\n \n#5472\n\n\nDocs: Clarified 'to_internal_value()' validation behavior \n#5466\n\n\nFix missing six.text_type() call on APIException.\nstr\n \n#5476\n\n\nDocument \n#5478\n\n\nFix naming collisions in Schema Generation \n#5464\n\n\nCall Django's authenticate function with the request object \n#5295\n\n\nUpdate coreapi JS to 0.1.1 \n#5479\n\n\nHave \nis_list_view\n recognise RetrieveModel\u2026 views \n#5480\n\n\nRemove Django 1.8 & 1.9 compatibility code \n#5481\n\n\nRemove deprecated schema code from DefaultRouter \n#5482\n\n\nRefactor schema generation to allow per-view customisation.\n    \nBC Change\n: \nSchemaGenerator.get_serializer_fields\n has been refactored as \nAutoSchema.get_serializer_fields\n and drops the \nview\n argument [#5354][gh5354]\n\n\n\n\n3.6.x series\n\n\n3.6.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n21st August 2017\n\n\n\n\nIgnore any invalidly formed query parameters for OrderingFilter. \n#5131\n\n\nImprove memory footprint when reading large JSON requests. \n#5147\n\n\nFix schema generation for pagination. \n#5161\n\n\nFix exception when \nHTML_CUTOFF\n is set to \nNone\n. \n#5174\n\n\nFix browsable API not supporting \nmultipart/form-data\n correctly. \n#5176\n\n\nFixed \ntest_hyperlinked_related_lookup_url_encoded_exists\n. \n#5179\n\n\nMake sure max_length is in FileField kwargs. \n#5186\n\n\nFix \nlist_route\n & \ndetail_route\n with kwargs contains curly bracket in \nurl_path\n \n#5187\n\n\nAdd Django manage command to create a DRF user Token. \n#5188\n\n\nEnsure API documentation templates do not check for user authentication \n#5162\n\n\nFix special case where OneToOneField is also primary key. \n#5192\n\n\nAdded aria-label and a new region for accessibility purposes in base.html \n#5196\n\n\nQuote nested API parameters in api.js. \n#5214\n\n\nSet ViewSet args/kwargs/request before dispatch. \n#5229\n\n\nAdded unicode support to SlugField. \n#5231\n\n\nFix HiddenField appears in Raw Data form initial content. \n#5259\n\n\nRaise validation error on invalid timezone parsing. \n#5261\n\n\nFix SearchFilter to-many behavior/performance. \n#5264\n\n\nSimplified chained comparisons and minor code fixes. \n#5276\n\n\nRemoteUserAuthentication, docs, and tests. \n#5306\n\n\nRevert \"Cached the field's root and context property\" \n#5313\n\n\nFix introspection of list field in schema. \n#5326\n\n\nFix interactive docs for multiple nested and extra methods. \n#5334\n\n\nFix/remove undefined template var \"schema\" \n#5346\n\n\n\n\n3.6.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n12th May 2017\n\n\n\n\nRaise 404 if a URL lookup results in ValidationError. (\n#5126\n)\n\n\nHonor http_method_names on class based view, when generating API schemas. (\n#5085\n)\n\n\nAllow overridden \nget_limit\n in LimitOffsetPagination to return all records. (\n#4437\n)\n\n\nFix partial update for the ListSerializer. (\n#4222\n)\n\n\nRender JSONField control correctly in browsable API. (\n#4999\n, \n#5042\n)\n\n\nRaise validation errors for invalid datetime in given timezone. (\n#4987\n)\n\n\nSupport restricting doc & schema shortcuts to a subset of urls. (\n#4979\n)\n\n\nResolve SchemaGenerator error with paginators that have no \npage_size\n attribute. (\n#5086\n, \n#3692\n)\n\n\nResolve HyperlinkedRelatedField exception on string with %20 instead of space. (\n#4748\n, \n#5078\n)\n\n\nCustomizable schema generator classes. (\n#5082\n)\n\n\nUpdate existing vary headers in response instead of overwriting them. (\n#5047\n)\n\n\nSupport passing \n.as_view()\n to view instance. (\n#5053\n)\n\n\nUse correct exception handler when settings overridden on a view. (\n#5055\n, \n#5054\n)\n\n\nUpdate Boolean field to support 'yes' and 'no' values. (\n#5038\n)\n\n\nFix unique validator for ChoiceField. (\n#5004\n, \n#5026\n, \n#5028\n)\n\n\nJavaScript cleanups in API Docs. (\n#5001\n)\n\n\nInclude URL path regexs in API schemas where valid. (\n#5014\n)\n\n\nCorrectly set scheme in coreapi TokenAuthentication. (\n#5000\n, \n#4994\n)\n\n\nHEAD requests on ViewSets should not return 405. (\n#4705\n, \n#4973\n, \n#4864\n)\n\n\nSupport usage of 'source' in \nextra_kwargs\n. (\n#4688\n)\n\n\nFix invalid content type for schema.js (\n#4968\n)\n\n\nFix DjangoFilterBackend inheritance issues. (\n#5089\n, \n#5117\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.6.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n10th March 2017\n\n\n\n\nSupport for Safari & IE in API docs. (\n#4959\n, \n#4961\n)\n\n\nAdd missing \nmark_safe\n in API docs template tags. (\n#4952\n, \n#4953\n)\n\n\nAdd missing glyphicon fonts. (\n#4950\n, \n#4951\n)\n\n\nFix One-to-one fields in API docs. (\n#4955\n, \n#4956\n)\n\n\nTest clean ups. (\n#4949\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.6.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n9th March 2017\n\n\n\n\nEnsure \nmarkdown\n dependency is optional. (\n#4947\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.6.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n9th March 2017\n\n\nSee the \nrelease announcement\n.\n\n\n\n\n3.5.x series\n\n\n3.5.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n10th February 2017\n\n\n\n\nAdd max_length and min_length arguments for ListField. (\n#4877\n)\n\n\nAdd per-view custom exception handler support. (\n#4753\n)\n\n\nSupport disabling of declared fields on serializer subclasses. (\n#4764\n)\n\n\nSupport custom view names on \n@list_route\n and \n@detail_route\n endpoints. (\n#4821\n)\n\n\nCorrect labels for fields in login template when custom user model is used. (\n#4841\n)\n\n\nWhitespace fixes for descriptions generated from docstrings. (\n#4759\n, \n#4869\n, \n#4870\n)\n\n\nBetter error reporting when schemas are returned by views without a schema renderer. (\n#4790\n)\n\n\nFix for returned response of \nPUT\n requests when \nprefetch_related\n is used. (\n#4661\n, \n#4668\n)\n\n\nFix for breadcrumb view names. (\n#4750\n)\n\n\nFix for RequestsClient ensuring fully qualified URLs. (\n#4678\n)\n\n\nFix for incorrect behavior of writable-nested fields check in some cases. (\n#4634\n, \n#4669\n)\n\n\nResolve Django deprecation warnings. (\n#4712\n)\n\n\nVarious cleanup of test cases.\n\n\n\n\n3.5.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n7th November 2016\n\n\n\n\nDon't raise incorrect FilterSet deprecation warnings. (\n#4660\n, \n#4643\n, \n#4644\n)\n\n\nSchema generation should not raise 404 when a view permission class does. (\n#4645\n, \n#4646\n)\n\n\nAdd \nautofocus\n support for input controls. (\n#4650\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.5.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n1st November 2016\n\n\n\n\nRestore exception tracebacks in Python 2.7. (\n#4631\n, \n#4638\n)\n\n\nProperly display dicts in the admin console. (\n#4532\n, \n#4636\n)\n\n\nFix is_simple_callable with variable args, kwargs. (\n#4622\n, \n#4602\n)\n\n\nSupport 'on'/'off' literals with BooleanField. (\n#4640\n, \n#4624\n)\n\n\nEnable cursor pagination of value querysets. (\n#4569\n)\n\n\nFix support of get_full_details() for Throttled exceptions. (\n#4627\n)\n\n\nFix FilterSet proxy. (\n#4620\n)\n\n\nMake serializer fields import explicit. (\n#4628\n)\n\n\nDrop redundant requests adapter. (\n#4639\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.5.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n21st October 2016\n\n\n\n\nMake \nrest_framework/\n imports. (\n#4612\n, \n#4608\n, \n#4601\n)\n\n\nFix bug in schema base path generation. (\n#4611\n, \n#4605\n)\n\n\nFix broken case of ListSerializer with single item. (\n#4609\n, \n#4606\n)\n\n\nRemove bare \nraise\n for Python 3.5 compat. (\n#4600\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.5.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n20th October 2016\n\n\n\n\n3.4.x series\n\n\n3.4.7\n\n\nDate\n: \n21st September 2016\n\n\n\n\nFallback behavior for request parsing when request.POST already accessed. (\n#3951\n, \n#4500\n)\n\n\nFix regression of \nRegexField\n. (\n#4489\n, \n#4490\n, \n#2617\n)\n\n\nMissing comma in \nadmin.html\n causing CSRF error. (\n#4472\n, \n#4473\n)\n\n\nFix response rendering with empty context. (\n#4495\n)\n\n\nFix indentation regression in API listing. (\n#4493\n)\n\n\nFixed an issue where the incorrect value is set to \nResolverMatch.func_name\n of api_view decorated view. (\n#4465\n, \n#4462\n)\n\n\nFix \nAPIClient.get()\n when path contains unicode arguments (\n#4458\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.6\n\n\nDate\n: \n23rd August 2016\n\n\n\n\nFix malformed Javascript in browsable API. (\n#4435\n)\n\n\nSkip HiddenField from Schema fields. (\n#4425\n, \n#4429\n)\n\n\nImprove Create to show the original exception traceback. (\n#3508\n)\n\n\nFix \nAdminRenderer\n display of PK only related fields. (\n#4419\n, \n#4423\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.5\n\n\nDate\n: \n19th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nImprove debug error handling. (\n#4416\n, \n#4409\n)\n\n\nAllow custom CSRF_HEADER_NAME setting. (\n#4415\n, \n#4410\n)\n\n\nInclude .action attribute on viewsets when generating schemas. (\n#4408\n, \n#4398\n)\n\n\nDo not include request.FILES items in request.POST. (\n#4407\n)\n\n\nFix rendering of checkbox multiple. (\n#4403\n)\n\n\nFix docstring of Field.get_default. (\n#4404\n)\n\n\nReplace utf8 character with its ascii counterpart in README. (\n#4412\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n12th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nEnsure views are fully initialized when generating schemas. (\n#4373\n, \n#4382\n, \n#4383\n, \n#4279\n, \n#4278\n)\n\n\nAdd form field descriptions to schemas. (\n#4387\n)\n\n\nFix category generation for schema endpoints. (\n#4391\n, \n#4394\n, \n#4390\n, \n#4386\n, \n#4376\n, \n#4329\n)\n\n\nDon't strip empty query params when paginating. (\n#4392\n, \n#4393\n, \n#4260\n)\n\n\nDo not re-run query for empty results with LimitOffsetPagination. (\n#4201\n, \n#4388\n)\n\n\nStricter type validation for CharField. (\n#4380\n, \n#3394\n)\n\n\nRelatedField.choices should preserve non-string values. (\n#4111\n, \n#4379\n, \n#3365\n)\n\n\nTest case for rendering checkboxes in vertical form style. (\n#4378\n, \n#3868\n, \n#3868\n)\n\n\nShow error traceback HTML in browsable API (\n#4042\n, \n#4172\n)\n\n\nFix handling of ALLOWED_VERSIONS and no DEFAULT_VERSION. \n#4370\n\n\nAllow \nmax_digits=None\n on DecimalField. (\n#4377\n, \n#4372\n)\n\n\nLimit queryset when rendering relational choices. (\n#4375\n, \n#4122\n, \n#3329\n, \n#3330\n, \n#3877\n)\n\n\nResolve form display with ChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField and non-string choices. (\n#4374\n, \n#4119\n, \n#4121\n, \n#4137\n, \n#4120\n)\n\n\nFix call to TemplateHTMLRenderer.resolve_context() fallback method. (\n#4371\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n5th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nInclude fallback for users of older TemplateHTMLRenderer internal API. (\n#4361\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n5th August 2016\n\n\n\n\nInclude kwargs passed to 'as_view' when generating schemas. (\n#4359\n, \n#4330\n, \n#4331\n)\n\n\nAccess \nrequest.user.is_authenticated\n as property not method, under Django 1.10+ (\n#4358\n, \n#4354\n)\n\n\nFilter HEAD out from schemas. (\n#4357\n)\n\n\nextra_kwargs takes precedence over uniqueness kwargs. (\n#4198\n, \n#4199\n, \n#4349\n)\n\n\nCorrect descriptions when tabs are used in code indentation. (\n#4345\n, \n#4347\n)*\n\n\nChange template context generation in TemplateHTMLRenderer. (\n#4236\n)\n\n\nSerializer defaults should not be included in partial updates. (\n#4346\n, \n#3565\n)\n\n\nConsistent behavior & descriptive error from FileUploadParser when filename not included. (\n#4340\n, \n#3610\n, \n#4292\n, \n#4296\n)\n\n\nDecimalField quantizes incoming digitals. (\n#4339\n, \n#4318\n)\n\n\nHandle non-string input for IP fields. (\n#4335\n, \n#4336\n, \n#4338\n)\n\n\nFix leading slash handling when Schema generation includes a root URL. (\n#4332\n)\n\n\nTest cases for DictField with allow_null options. (\n#4348\n)\n\n\nUpdate tests from Django 1.10 beta to Django 1.10. (\n#4344\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n28th July 2016\n\n\n\n\nAdded \nroot_renderers\n argument to \nDefaultRouter\n. (\n#4323\n, \n#4268\n)\n\n\nAdded \nurl\n and \nschema_url\n arguments. (\n#4321\n, \n#4308\n, \n#4305\n)\n\n\nUnique together checks should apply to read-only fields which have a default. (\n#4316\n, \n#4294\n)\n\n\nSet view.format_kwarg in schema generator. (\n#4293\n, \n#4315\n)\n\n\nFix schema generator for views with \npagination_class = None\n. (\n#4314\n, \n#4289\n)\n\n\nFix schema generator for views with no \nget_serializer_class\n. (\n#4265\n, \n#4285\n)\n\n\nFixes for media type parameters in \nAccept\n and \nContent-Type\n headers. (\n#4287\n, \n#4313\n, \n#4281\n)\n\n\nUse verbose_name instead of object_name in error messages. (\n#4299\n)\n\n\nMinor version update to Twitter Bootstrap. (\n#4307\n)\n\n\nSearchFilter raises error when using with related field. (\n#4302\n, \n#4303\n, \n#4298\n)\n\n\nAdding support for RFC 4918 status codes. (\n#4291\n)\n\n\nAdd to the built wheel. (\n#4270\n)\n\n\nSerializing \"complex\" field returns None instead of the value since 3.4 (\n#4272\n, \n#4273\n, \n#4288\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.4.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n14th July 2016\n\n\n\n\nDon't strip microseconds in JSON output. (\n#4256\n)\n\n\nTwo slightly different iso 8601 datetime serialization. (\n#4255\n)\n\n\nResolve incorrect inclusion of media type parameters. (\n#4254\n)\n\n\nResponse Content-Type potentially malformed. (\n#4253\n)\n\n\nFix error on some platforms. (\n#4246\n)\n\n\nMove alternate formats in coreapi into separate packages. (\n#4244\n)\n\n\nAdd localize keyword argument to \nDecimalField\n. (\n#4233\n)\n\n\nFix issues with routers for custom list-route and detail-routes. (\n#4229\n)\n\n\nNamespace versioning with nested namespaces. (\n#4219\n)\n\n\nRobust uniqueness checks. (\n#4217\n)\n\n\nMinor refactoring of \nmust_call_distinct\n. (\n#4215\n)\n\n\nOverridable offset cutoff in CursorPagination. (\n#4212\n)\n\n\nPass through strings as-in with date/time fields. (\n#4196\n)\n\n\nAdd test confirming that required=False is valid on a relational field. (\n#4195\n)\n\n\nIn LimitOffsetPagination \nlimit=0\n should revert to default limit. (\n#4194\n)\n\n\nExclude read_only=True fields from unique_together validation & add docs. (\n#4192\n)\n\n\nHandle bytestrings in JSON. (\n#4191\n)\n\n\nJSONField(binary=True) represents using binary strings, which JSONRenderer does not support. (\n#4187\n)\n\n\nJSONField(binary=True) represents using binary strings, which JSONRenderer does not support. (\n#4185\n)\n\n\nMore robust form rendering in the browsable API. (\n#4181\n)\n\n\nEmpty cases of \n.validated_data\n and \n.errors\n as lists not dicts for ListSerializer. (\n#4180\n)\n\n\nSchemas & client libraries. (\n#4179\n)\n\n\nRemoved \nAUTH_USER_MODEL\n compat property. (\n#4176\n)\n\n\nClean up existing deprecation warnings. (\n#4166\n)\n\n\nDjango 1.10 support. (\n#4158\n)\n\n\nUpdated jQuery version to 1.12.4. (\n#4157\n)\n\n\nMore robust default behavior on OrderingFilter. (\n#4156\n)\n\n\ codes and tests removal. (\n#4153\n)\n\n\nWrap guardian.VERSION in tuple. (\n#4149\n)\n\n\nRefine validator for fields with \n kwargs. (\n#4146\n)\n\n\nFix None values representation in childs of ListField, DictField. (\n#4118\n)\n\n\nResolve TimeField representation for midnight value. (\n#4107\n)\n\n\nSet proper status code in AdminRenderer for the redirection after POST/DELETE requests. (\n#4106\n)\n\n\nTimeField render returns None instead of 00:00:00. (\n#4105\n)\n\n\nFix incorrectly named zh-hans and zh-hant locale path. (\n#4103\n)\n\n\nPrevent raising exception when limit is 0. (\n#4098\n)\n\n\nTokenAuthentication: Allow custom keyword in the header. (\n#4097\n)\n\n\nHandle incorrectly padded HTTP basic auth header. (\n#4090\n)\n\n\nLimitOffset pagination crashes Browseable API when limit=0. (\n#4079\n)\n\n\nFixed DecimalField arbitrary precision support. (\n#4075\n)\n\n\nAdded support for custom CSRF cookie names. (\n#4049\n)\n\n\nFix regression introduced by #4035. (\n#4041\n)\n\n\nNo auth view failing permission should raise 403. (\n#4040\n)\n\n\nFix string_types / text_types confusion. (\n#4025\n)\n\n\nDo not list related field choices in OPTIONS requests. (\n#4021\n)\n\n\nFix typo. (\n#4008\n)\n\n\nReorder initializing the view. (\n#4006\n)\n\n\nType error in DjangoObjectPermissionsFilter on Python 3.4. (\n#4005\n)\n\n\nFixed use of deprecated Query.aggregates. (\n#4003\n)\n\n\nFix blank lines around docstrings. (\n#4002\n)\n\n\nFixed admin pagination when limit is 0. (\n#3990\n)\n\n\nOrderingFilter adjustments. (\n#3983\n)\n\n\nNon-required serializer related fields. (\n#3976\n)\n\n\nUsing safer calling way of \"@api_view\" in tutorial. (\n#3971\n)\n\n\nListSerializer doesn't handle unique_together constraints. (\n#3970\n)\n\n\nAdd missing migration file. (\n#3968\n)\n\n\nOrderingFilter\n should call \nget_serializer_class()\n to determine default fields. (\n#3964\n)\n\n\nRemove old Django checks from tests and compat. (\n#3953\n)\n\n\nSupport callable as the value of \ninitial\n for any \nserializer.Field\n. (\n#3943\n)\n\n\nPrevented unnecessary distinct() call in SearchFilter. (\n#3938\n)\n\n\nFix None UUID ForeignKey serialization. (\n#3936\n)\n\n\nDrop EOL Django 1.7. (\n#3933\n)\n\n\nAdd missing space in serializer error message. (\n#3926\n)\n\n\nFixed _force_text_recursive typo. (\n#3908\n)\n\n\nAttempt to address Django 2.0 deprecate warnings related to \nfield.rel\n. (\n#3906\n)\n\n\nFix parsing multipart data using a nested serializer with list. (\n#3820\n)\n\n\nResolving APIs URL to different namespaces. (\n#3816\n)\n\n\nDo not HTML-escape \nhelp_text\n in Browsable API forms. (\n#3812\n)\n\n\nOPTIONS fetches and shows all possible foreign keys in choices field. (\n#3751\n)\n\n\nDjango 1.9 deprecation warnings (\n#3729\n)\n\n\nTest case for #3598 (\n#3710\n)\n\n\nAdding support for multiple values for search filter. (\n#3541\n)\n\n\nUse get_serializer_class in ordering filter. (\n#3487\n)\n\n\nSerializers with many=True should return empty list rather than empty dict. (\n#3476\n)\n\n\nLimitOffsetPagination limit=0 fix. (\n#3444\n)\n\n\nEnable Validators to defer string evaluation and handle new string format. (\n#3438\n)\n\n\nUnique validator is executed and breaks if field is invalid. (\n#3381\n)\n\n\nDo not ignore overridden View.get_view_name() in breadcrumbs. (\n#3273\n)\n\n\nRetry form rendering when rendering with serializer fails. (\n#3164\n)\n\n\nUnique constraint prevents nested serializers from updating. (\n#2996\n)\n\n\nUniqueness validators should not be run for excluded (read_only) fields. (\n#2848\n)\n\n\nUniqueValidator raises exception for nested objects. (\n#2403\n)\n\n\nlookup_type\n is deprecated in favor of \nlookup_expr\n. (\n#4259\n)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.3.x series\n\n\n3.3.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n14th March 2016\n.\n\n\n\n\nRemove version string from templates. Thanks to @blag for the report and fixes. (\n#3878\n, \n#3913\n, \n#3912\n)\n\n\nFixes vertical html layout for \nBooleanField\n. Thanks to Mikalai Radchuk for the fix. (\n#3910\n)\n\n\nSilenced deprecation warnings on Django 1.8. Thanks to Simon Charette for the fix. (\n#3903\n)\n\n\nInternationalization for authtoken. Thanks to Michael Nacharov for the fix. (\n#3887\n, \n#3968\n)\n\n\nFix \nToken\n model as \nabstract\n when the authtoken application isn't declared. Thanks to Adam Thomas for the report. (\n#3860\n, \n#3858\n)\n\n\nImprove Markdown version compatibility. Thanks to Michael J. Schultz for the fix. (\n#3604\n, \n#3842\n)\n\n\nQueryParameterVersioning\n does not use \nDEFAULT_VERSION\n setting. Thanks to Brad Montgomery for the fix. (\n#3833\n)\n\n\nAdd an explicit \non_delete\n on the models. Thanks to Mads Jensen for the fix. (\n#3832\n)\n\n\nFix \nDateField.to_representation\n to work with Python 2 unicode. Thanks to Mikalai Radchuk for the fix. (\n#3819\n)\n\n\nFixed \nTimeField\n not handling string times. Thanks to Areski Belaid for the fix. (\n#3809\n)\n\n\nAvoid updates of \nMeta.extra_kwargs\n. Thanks to Kevin Massey for the report and fix. (\n#3805\n, \n#3804\n)\n\n\nFix nested validation error being rendered incorrectly. Thanks to Craig de Stigter for the fix. (\n#3801\n)\n\n\nDocument how to avoid CSRF and missing button issues with \ndjango-crispy-forms\n. Thanks to Emmanuelle Delescolle, Jos\u00e9 Padilla and Luis San Pablo for the report, analysis and fix. (\n#3787\n, \n#3636\n, \n#3637\n)\n\n\nImprove Rest Framework Settings file setup time. Thanks to Miles Hutson for the report and Mads Jensen for the fix. (\n#3786\n, \n#3815\n)\n\n\nImprove authtoken compatibility with Django 1.9. Thanks to S. Andrew Sheppard for the fix. (\n#3785\n)\n\n\nFix \nMin/MaxValueValidator\n transfer from a model's \nDecimalField\n. Thanks to Kevin Brown for the fix. (\n#3774\n)\n\n\nImprove HTML title in the Browsable API. Thanks to Mike Lissner for the report and fix. (\n#3769\n)\n\n\nFix \nAutoFilterSet\n to inherit from \ndefault_filter_set\n. Thanks to Tom Linford for the fix. (\n#3753\n)\n\n\nFix transifex config to handle the new Chinese language codes. Thanks to @nypisces for the report and fix. (\n#3739\n)\n\n\nDateTimeField\n does not handle empty values correctly. Thanks to Mick Parker for the report and fix. (\n#3731\n, \n#3726\n)\n\n\nRaise error when setting a removed rest_framework setting. Thanks to Luis San Pablo for the fix. (\n#3715\n)\n\n\nAdd missing csrf_token in AdminRenderer post form. Thanks to Piotr \u015aniegowski for the fix. (\n#3703\n)\n\n\nRefactored \n_get_reverse_relationships()\n to use correct \nto_field\n. Thanks to Benjamin Phillips for the fix. (\n#3696\n)\n\n\nDocument the use of \nget_queryset\n for \nRelatedField\n. Thanks to Ryan Hiebert for the fix. (\n#3605\n)\n\n\nFix empty pk detection in HyperlinkRelatedField.get_url. Thanks to @jslang for the fix (\n#3962\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.3.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n14th December 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nListField\n enforces input is a list. (\n#3513\n)\n\n\nFix regression hiding raw data form. (\n#3600\n, \n#3578\n)\n\n\nFix Python 3.5 compatibility. (\n#3534\n, \n#3626\n)\n\n\nAllow setting a custom Django Paginator in \npagination.PageNumberPagination\n. (\n#3631\n, \n#3684\n)\n\n\nFix relational fields without \nto_fields\n attribute. (\n#3635\n, \n#3634\n)\n\n\nFix \ntemplate.render\n deprecation warnings for Django 1.9. (\n#3654\n)\n\n\nSort response headers in browsable API renderer. (\n#3655\n)\n\n\nUse related_objects api for Django 1.9+. (\n#3656\n, \n#3252\n)\n\n\nAdd confirm modal when deleting. (\n#3228\n, \n#3662\n)\n\n\nReveal previously hidden AttributeErrors and TypeErrors while calling has_[object_]permissions. (\n#3668\n)\n\n\nMake DRF compatible with multi template engine in Django 1.8. (\n#3672\n)\n\n\nUpdate \nNestedBoundField\n to also handle empty string when rendering its form. (\n#3677\n)\n\n\nFix UUID validation to properly catch invalid input types. (\n#3687\n, \n#3679\n)\n\n\nFix caching issues. (\n#3628\n, \n#3701\n)\n\n\nFix Admin and API browser for views without a filter_class. (\n#3705\n, \n#3596\n, \n#3597\n)\n\n\nAdd app_name to rest_framework.urls. (\n#3714\n)\n\n\nImprove authtoken's views to support url versioning. (\n#3718\n, \n#3723\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.3.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n4th November 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nResolve parsing bug when accessing \nrequest.POST\n (\n#3592\n)\n\n\nCorrectly deal with \nto_field\n referring to primary key. (\n#3593\n)\n\n\nAllow filter HTML to render when no \nfilter_class\n is defined. (\n#3560\n)\n\n\nFix admin rendering issues. (\n#3564\n, \n#3556\n)\n\n\nFix issue with DecimalValidator. (\n#3568\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.3.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n28th October 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nHTML controls for filters. (\n#3315\n)\n\n\nForms API. (\n#3475\n)\n\n\nAJAX browsable API. (\n#3410\n)\n\n\nAdded JSONField. (\n#3454\n)\n\n\nCorrectly map \nto_field\n when creating \nModelSerializer\n relational fields. (\n#3526\n)\n\n\nInclude keyword arguments when mapping \nFilePathField\n to a serializer field. (\n#3536\n)\n\n\nMap appropriate model \nerror_messages\n on \nModelSerializer\n uniqueness constraints. (\n#3435\n)\n\n\nInclude \nmax_length\n constraint for \nModelSerializer\n fields mapped from TextField. (\n#3509\n)\n\n\nAdded support for Django 1.9. (\n#3450\n, \n#3525\n)\n\n\nRemoved support for Django 1.5 & 1.6. (\n#3421\n, \n#3429\n)\n\n\nRemoved 'south' migrations. (\n#3495\n)\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.2.x series\n\n\n3.2.5\n\n\nDate\n: \n27th October 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nEscape \nusername\n in optional logout tag. (\n#3550\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n21th September 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nDon't error on missing \nViewSet.search_fields\n attribute. (\n#3324\n, \n#3323\n)\n\n\nFix \nallow_empty\n not working on serializers with \nmany=True\n. (\n#3361\n, \n#3364\n)\n\n\nLet \nDurationField\n accepts integers. (\n#3359\n)\n\n\nMulti-level dictionaries not supported in multipart requests. (\n#3314\n)\n\n\nFix \nListField\n truncation on HTTP PATCH (\n#3415\n, \n#2761\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n24th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdded \nhtml_cutoff\n and \nhtml_cutoff_text\n for limiting select dropdowns. (\n#3313\n)\n\n\nAdded regex style to \nSearchFilter\n. (\n#3316\n)\n\n\nResolve issues with setting blank HTML fields. (\n#3318\n) (\n#3321\n)\n\n\nCorrectly display existing 'select multiple' values in browsable API forms. (\n#3290\n)\n\n\nResolve duplicated validation message for \nIPAddressField\n. ([#3249[gh3249]) (\n#3250\n)\n\n\nFix to ensure admin renderer continues to work when pagination is disabled. (\n#3275\n)\n\n\nResolve error with \nLimitOffsetPagination\n when count=0, offset=0. (\n#3303\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n13th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdd \ndisplay_value()\n method for use when displaying relational field select inputs. (\n#3254\n)\n\n\nFix issue with \nBooleanField\n checkboxes incorrectly displaying as checked. (\n#3258\n)\n\n\nEnsure empty checkboxes properly set \nBooleanField\n to \nFalse\n in all cases. (\n#2776\n)\n\n\nAllow \nWSGIRequest.FILES\n property without raising incorrect deprecated error. (\n#3261\n)\n\n\nResolve issue with rendering nested serializers in forms. (\n#3260\n)\n\n\nRaise an error if user accidentally pass a serializer instance to a response, rather than data. (\n#3241\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n7th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nFix for relational select widgets rendering without any choices. (\n#3237\n)\n\n\nFix for \n1\n, \n0\n rendering as \ntrue\n, \nfalse\n in the admin interface. \n#3227\n)\n\n\nFix for ListFields with single value in HTML form input. (\n#3238\n)\n\n\nAllow \nrequest.FILES\n for compat with Django's \nHTTPRequest\n class. (\n#3239\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.2.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n6th August 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdd \nAdminRenderer\n. (\n#2926\n)\n\n\nAdd \nFilePathField\n. (\n#1854\n)\n\n\nAdd \nallow_empty\n to \nListField\n. (\n#2250\n)\n\n\nSupport django-guardian 1.3. (\n#3165\n)\n\n\nSupport grouped choices. (\n#3225\n)\n\n\nSupport error forms in browsable API. (\n#3024\n)\n\n\nAllow permission classes to customize the error message. (\n#2539\n)\n\n\nSupport \nsource=\n on hyperlinked fields. (\n#2690\n)\n\n\nListField(allow_null=True)\n now allows null as the list value, not null items in the list. (\n#2766\n)\n\n\nManyToMany()\n maps to \nallow_empty=False\n, \nManyToMany(blank=True)\n maps to \nallow_empty=True\n. (\n#2804\n)\n\n\nSupport custom serialization styles for primary key fields. (\n#2789\n)\n\n\nOPTIONS\n requests support nested representations. (\n#2915\n)\n\n\nSet \nview.action == \"metadata\"\n for viewsets with \nOPTIONS\n requests. (\n#3115\n)\n\n\nSupport \nallow_blank\n on \nUUIDField\n. ([#3130][gh#3130])\n\n\nDo not display view docstrings with 401 or 403 response codes. (\n#3216\n)\n\n\nResolve Django 1.8 deprecation warnings. (\n#2886\n)\n\n\nFix for \nDecimalField\n validation. (\n#3139\n)\n\n\nFix behavior of \nallow_blank=False\n when used with \ntrim_whitespace=True\n. (\n#2712\n)\n\n\nFix issue with some field combinations incorrectly mapping to an invalid \nallow_blank\n argument. (\n#3011\n)\n\n\nFix for output representations with prefetches and modified querysets. (\n#2704\n, \n#2727\n)\n\n\nFix assertion error when CursorPagination is provided with certain invalid query parameters. (#2920)\ngh2920\n.\n\n\nFix \nUnicodeDecodeError\n when invalid characters included in header with \nTokenAuthentication\n. (\n#2928\n)\n\n\nFix transaction rollbacks with \n@non_atomic_requests\n decorator. (\n#3016\n)\n\n\nFix duplicate results issue with Oracle databases using \nSearchFilter\n. (\n#2935\n)\n\n\nFix checkbox alignment and rendering in browsable API forms. (\n#2783\n)\n\n\nFix for unsaved file objects which should use \n\"url\": null\n in the representation. (\n#2759\n)\n\n\nFix field value rendering in browsable API. (\n#2416\n)\n\n\nFix \nHStoreField\n to include \nallow_blank=True\n in \nDictField\n mapping. (\n#2659\n)\n\n\nNumerous other cleanups, improvements to error messaging, private API & minor fixes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n3.1.x series\n\n\n3.1.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n4th June 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nAdd \nDurationField\n. (\n#2481\n, \n#2989\n)\n\n\nAdd \nformat\n argument to \nUUIDField\n. (\n#2788\n, \n#3000\n)\n\n\nMultipleChoiceField\n empties incorrectly on a partial update using multipart/form-data (\n#2993\n, \n#2894\n)\n\n\nFix a bug in options related to read-only \nRelatedField\n. (\n#2981\n, \n#2811\n)\n\n\nFix nested serializers with \nunique_together\n relations. (\n#2975\n)\n\n\nAllow unexpected values for \nChoiceField\n/\nMultipleChoiceField\n representations. (\n#2839\n, \n#2940\n)\n\n\nRollback the transaction on error if \nATOMIC_REQUESTS\n is set. (\n#2887\n, \n#2034\n)\n\n\nSet the action on a view when override_method regardless of its None-ness. (\n#2933\n)\n\n\nDecimalField\n accepts \n2E+2\n as 200 and validates decimal place correctly. (\n#2948\n, \n#2947\n)\n\n\nSupport basic authentication with custom \nUserModel\n that change \nusername\n. (\n#2952\n)\n\n\nIPAddressField\n improvements. (\n#2747\n, \n#2618\n, \n#3008\n)\n\n\nImprove \nDecimalField\n for easier subclassing. (\n#2695\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.1.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n13rd May 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nDateField.to_representation\n can handle str and empty values. (\n#2656\n, \n#2687\n, \n#2869\n)\n\n\nUse default reason phrases from HTTP standard. (\n#2764\n, \n#2763\n)\n\n\nRaise error when \nModelSerializer\n used with abstract model. (\n#2757\n, \n#2630\n)\n\n\nHandle reversal of non-API view_name in \nHyperLinkedRelatedField\n (\n#2724\n, \n#2711\n)\n\n\nDon't require pk strictly for related fields. (\n#2745\n, \n#2754\n)\n\n\nMetadata detects null boolean field type. (\n#2762\n)\n\n\nProper handling of depth in nested serializers. (\n#2798\n)\n\n\nDisplay viewset without paginator. (\n#2807\n)\n\n\nDon't check for deprecated \n.model\n attribute in permissions (\n#2818\n)\n\n\nRestrict integer field to integers and strings. (\n#2835\n, \n#2836\n)\n\n\nImprove \nIntegerField\n to use compiled decimal regex. (\n#2853\n)\n\n\nPrevent empty \nqueryset\n to raise AssertionError. (\n#2862\n)\n\n\nDjangoModelPermissions\n rely on \nget_queryset\n. (\n#2863\n)\n\n\nCheck \nAcceptHeaderVersioning\n with content negotiation in place. (\n#2868\n)\n\n\nAllow \nDjangoObjectPermissions\n to use views that define \nget_queryset\n. (\n#2905\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.1.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n23rd March 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nSecurity fix\n: Escape tab switching cookie name in browsable API.\n\n\nDisplay input forms in browsable API if \nserializer_class\n is used, even when \nget_serializer\n method does not exist on the view. (\n#2743\n)\n\n\nUse a password input for the AuthTokenSerializer. (\n#2741\n)\n\n\nFix missing anchor closing tag after next button. (\n#2691\n)\n\n\nFix \nlookup_url_kwarg\n handling in viewsets. (\n#2685\n, \n#2591\n)\n\n\nFix problem with importing \nrest_framework.views\n in \\n (\n#2678\n)\n\n\nLimitOffsetPagination raises \nTypeError\n if PAGE_SIZE not set (\n#2667\n, \n#2700\n)\n\n\nGerman translation for \nmin_value\n field error message references \nmax_value\n. (\n#2645\n)\n\n\nRemove \nMergeDict\n. (\n#2640\n)\n\n\nSupport serializing unsaved models with related fields. (\n#2637\n, \n#2641\n)\n\n\nAllow blank/null on radio.html choices. (\n#2631\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.1.0\n\n\nDate\n: \n5th March 2015\n.\n\n\nFor full details see the \n3.1 release announcement\n.\n\n\n\n\n3.0.x series\n\n\n3.0.5\n\n\nDate\n: \n10th February 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nFix a bug where \n_closable_objects\n breaks pickling. (\n#1850\n, \n#2492\n)\n\n\nAllow non-standard \nUser\n models with \nThrottling\n. (\n#2524\n)\n\n\nSupport custom \nUser.db_table\n in TokenAuthentication migration. (\n#2479\n)\n\n\nFix misleading \nAttributeError\n tracebacks on \nRequest\n objects. (\n#2530\n, \n#2108\n)\n\n\nManyRelatedField.get_value\n clearing field on partial update. (\n#2475\n)\n\n\nRemoved '.model' shortcut from code. (\n#2486\n)\n\n\nFix \ndetail_route\n and \nlist_route\n mutable argument. (\n#2518\n)\n\n\nPrefetching the user object when getting the token in \nTokenAuthentication\n. (\n#2519\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.4\n\n\nDate\n: \n28th January 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nDjango 1.8a1 support. (\n#2425\n, \n#2446\n, \n#2441\n)\n\n\nAdd \nDictField\n and support Django 1.8 \nHStoreField\n. (\n#2451\n, \n#2106\n)\n\n\nAdd \nUUIDField\n and support Django 1.8 \nUUIDField\n. (\n#2448\n, \n#2433\n, \n#2432\n)\n\n\nBaseRenderer.render\n now raises \nNotImplementedError\n. (\n#2434\n)\n\n\nFix timedelta JSON serialization on Python 2.6. (\n#2430\n)\n\n\nResultDict\n and \nResultList\n now appear as standard dict/list. (\n#2421\n)\n\n\nFix visible \nHiddenField\n in the HTML form of the web browsable API page. (\n#2410\n)\n\n\nUse \nOrderedDict\n for \nRelatedField.choices\n. (\n#2408\n)\n\n\nFix ident format when using \nHTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR\n. (\n#2401\n)\n\n\nFix invalid key with memcached while using throttling. (\n#2400\n)\n\n\nFix \nFileUploadParser\n with version 3.x. (\n#2399\n)\n\n\nFix the serializer inheritance. (\n#2388\n)\n\n\nFix caching issues with \nReturnDict\n. (\n#2360\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.3\n\n\nDate\n: \n8th January 2015\n.\n\n\n\n\nFix \nMinValueValidator\n on \nmodels.DateField\n. (\n#2369\n)\n\n\nFix serializer missing context when pagination is used. (\n#2355\n)\n\n\nNamespaced router URLs are now supported by the \nDefaultRouter\n. (\n#2351\n)\n\n\nrequired=False\n allows omission of value for output. (\n#2342\n)\n\n\nUse textarea input for \nmodels.TextField\n. (\n#2340\n)\n\n\nUse custom \nListSerializer\n for pagination if required. (\n#2331\n, \n#2327\n)\n\n\nBetter behavior with null and '' for blank HTML fields. (\n#2330\n)\n\n\nEnsure fields in \nexclude\n are model fields. (\n#2319\n)\n\n\nFix \nIntegerField\n and \nmax_length\n argument incompatibility. (\n#2317\n)\n\n\nFix the YAML encoder for 3.0 serializers. (\n#2315\n, \n#2283\n)\n\n\nFix the behavior of empty HTML fields. (\n#2311\n, \n#1101\n)\n\n\nFix Metaclass attribute depth ignoring fields attribute. (\n#2287\n)\n\n\nFix \nformat_suffix_patterns\n to work with Django's \ni18n_patterns\n. (\n#2278\n)\n\n\nAbility to customize router URLs for custom actions, using \nurl_path\n. (\n#2010\n)\n\n\nDon't install Django REST Framework as egg. (\n#2386\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.2\n\n\nDate\n: \n17th December 2014\n.\n\n\n\n\nEnsure \nrequest.user\n is made available to response middleware. (\n#2155\n)\n\n\nClient.logout()\n also cancels any existing \nforce_authenticate\n. (\n#2218\n, \n#2259\n)\n\n\nExtra assertions and better checks to preventing incorrect serializer API use. (\n#2228\n, \n#2234\n, \n#2262\n, \n#2263\n, \n#2266\n, \n#2267\n, \n#2289\n, \n#2291\n)\n\n\nFixed \nmin_length\n message for \nCharField\n. (\n#2255\n)\n\n\nFix \nUnicodeDecodeError\n, which can occur on serializer \nrepr\n.  (\n#2270\n, \n#2279\n)\n\n\nFix empty HTML values when a default is provided. (\n#2280\n, \n#2294\n)\n\n\nFix \nSlugRelatedField\n raising \nUnicodeEncodeError\n when used as a multiple choice input. (\n#2290\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.1\n\n\nDate\n: \n11th December 2014\n.\n\n\n\n\nMore helpful error message when the default Serializer \ncreate()\n fails. (\n#2013\n)\n\n\nRaise error when attempting to save serializer if data is not valid. (\n#2098\n)\n\n\nFix \nFileUploadParser\n breaks with empty file names and multiple upload handlers. (\n#2109\n)\n\n\nImprove \nBindingDict\n to support standard dict-functions. (\n#2135\n, \n#2163\n)\n\n\nAdd \nvalidate()\n to \nListSerializer\n. (\n#2168\n, \n#2225\n, \n#2232\n)\n\n\nFix JSONP renderer failing to escape some characters. (\n#2169\n, \n#2195\n)\n\n\nAdd missing default style for \nFileField\n. (\n#2172\n)\n\n\nActions are required when calling \nViewSet.as_view()\n. (\n#2175\n)\n\n\nAdd \nallow_blank\n to \nChoiceField\n. (\n#2184\n, \n#2239\n)\n\n\nCosmetic fixes in the HTML renderer. (\n#2187\n)\n\n\nRaise error if \nfields\n on serializer is not a list of strings. (\n#2193\n, \n#2213\n)\n\n\nImprove checks for nested creates and updates. (\n#2194\n, \n#2196\n)\n\n\nvalidated_attrs\n argument renamed to \nvalidated_data\n in \nSerializer\n \ncreate()\n/\nupdate()\n. (\n#2197\n)\n\n\nRemove deprecated code to reflect the dropped Django versions. (\n#2200\n)\n\n\nBetter serializer errors for nested writes. (\n#2202\n, \n#2215\n)\n\n\nFix pagination and custom permissions incompatibility. (\n#2205\n)\n\n\nRaise error if \nfields\n on serializer is not a list of strings. (\n#2213\n)\n\n\nAdd missing translation markers for relational fields. (\n#2231\n)\n\n\nImprove field lookup behavior for dicts/mappings. (\n#2244\n, \n#2243\n)\n\n\nOptimized hyperlinked PK. (\n#2242\n)\n\n\n\n\n3.0.0\n\n\nDate\n: 1st December 2014\n\n\nFor full details see the \n3.0 release announcement\n.\n\n\n\n\nFor older release notes, \nplease see the version 2.x documentation\n.",
                 "title": "Release Notes"
    @@ -5660,6 +5660,11 @@
                 "text": "",
                 "title": "3.7.x series"
    +        {
    +            "location": "/topics/release-notes/#372",
    +            "text": "Date :  6th Novemember 2017   Fixed Django 2.1 compatibility due to removal of django.contrib.auth.login()/logout() views.  #5510  Add missing import for TextLexer.  #5512  Adding examples and documentation for caching  #5514  Include date and date-time format for schema generation  #5511  Use triple backticks for markdown code blocks  #5513  Interactive docs - make bottom sidebar items sticky  #5516  Clarify pagination system check  #5524  Stop JSONBoundField mangling invalid JSON  #5527  Have JSONField render as textarea in Browsable API  #5530  Schema: Exclude OPTIONS/HEAD for ViewSet actions  #5532  Fix ordering for dotted sources  #5533  Fix: Fields with  allow_null=True  should imply a default serialization value  #5518  Ensure Location header is strictly a 'str', not subclass.  #5544  Add import to example in api-guide/parsers  #5547  Catch OverflowError for \"out of range\" datetimes  #5546  Add djangorestframework-rapidjson to third party packages  #5549  Increase test coverage for  drf_create_token  command  #5550  Add trove classifier for Python 3.6 support.  #5555  Add pip cache support to the Travis CI configuration  #5556  Rename [ wheel ] section to [ bdist_wheel ] as the former is legacy  #5557  Fix invalid escape sequence deprecation warnings  #5560  Add interactive docs error template  #5548  Add rounding parameter to DecimalField  #5562  Fix all BytesWarning caught during tests  #5561  Use dict and set literals instead of calls to dict() and set()  #5559  Change ImageField validation pattern, use validators from DjangoImageField  #5539  Fix processing unicode symbols in query_string by Python 2  #5552",
    +            "title": "3.7.2"
    +        },
                 "location": "/topics/release-notes/#371",
                 "text": "Date :  16th October 2017   Fix Interactive documentation always uses false for boolean fields in requests  #5492  Improve compatibility with Django 2.0 alpha.  #5500   #5503  Improved handling of schema naming collisions  #5486  Added additional docs and tests around providing a default value for dotted  source  fields  #5489",
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    3.7.x series




    Date: 6th Novemember 2017



    Date: 16th October 2017
