diff --git a/docs/topics/contributing.md b/docs/topics/contributing.md index b3ab52bbf..77c60fb47 100644 --- a/docs/topics/contributing.md +++ b/docs/topics/contributing.md @@ -164,6 +164,16 @@ If you want to draw attention to a note or warning, use a pair of enclosing line --- +## Third party packages + +New features to REST framework are generally recommended to be implemented as third party libraries that are developed outside of the core framework. Ideally third party libraries should be properly documented and packaged, and made available on PyPI. + +If you have some functionality that you would like to implement as a third party package it's worth contacting the [discussion group][google-group] as others may be willing to get involved. We strongly encourage third party package development and will always try to prioritize time spent helping their development, documentation and packaging. + +Once your package is decently documented and available on PyPI open a pull request or issue, and we'll add a link to it from the main documentation. + +We recommend the [`django-reusable-app`][django-reusable-app] template as a good resource for getting up and running with implementing a third party Django package. + [cite]: http://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/FAQ.html [code-of-conduct]: https://www.djangoproject.com/conduct/ [google-group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/django-rest-framework @@ -176,3 +186,4 @@ If you want to draw attention to a note or warning, use a pair of enclosing line [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics [docs]: https://github.com/tomchristie/django-rest-framework/tree/master/docs [mou]: http://mouapp.com/ +[django-reusable-app]: https://github.com/dabapps/django-reusable-app