# Project management > "No one can whistle a symphony; it takes a whole orchestra to play it" > > — Halford E. Luccock This document outlines our project management processes for REST framework. The aim is to ensure that the project has a high ["bus factor"][bus-factor], and can continue to remain well supported for the foreseeable future. Suggestions for improvements to our process are welcome. --- ## Maintenance team [Participating actively in the REST framework project](contributing.md) **does not require being part of the maintenance team**. Almost every important part of issue triage and project improvement can be actively worked on regardless of your collaborator status on the repository. #### Composition The composition of the maintenance team is handled by [@tomchristie](https://github.com/encode/). Team members will be added as collaborators to the repository. #### Responsibilities Team members have the following responsibilities. * Close invalid or resolved tickets. * Add triage labels and milestones to tickets. * Merge finalized pull requests. * Build and deploy the documentation, using `mkdocs gh-deploy`. * Build and update the included translation packs. Further notes for maintainers: * Code changes should come in the form of a pull request - do not push directly to master. * Maintainers should typically not merge their own pull requests. * Each issue/pull request should have exactly one label once triaged. * Search for un-triaged issues with [is:open no:label][un-triaged]. --- ## Release process * The release manager is selected by `@tomchristie`. * The release manager will then have the maintainer role added to PyPI package. * The previous manager will then have the maintainer role removed from the PyPI package. Our PyPI releases will be handled by either the current release manager, or by `@tomchristie`. Every release should have an open issue tagged with the `Release` label and marked against the appropriate milestone. The following template should be used for the description of the issue, and serves as a release checklist. Release manager is @***. Pull request is #***. Checklist: - [ ] Create pull request for [release notes](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/blob/master/docs/topics/release-notes.md) based on the [*.*.* milestone](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/milestones/***). - [ ] Update supported versions: - [ ] `setup.py` `python_requires` list - [ ] `setup.py` Python & Django version trove classifiers - [ ] `README` Python & Django versions - [ ] `docs` Python & Django versions - [ ] Ensure the pull request increments the version to `*.*.*` in [`restframework/__init__.py`](https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/blob/master/rest_framework/__init__.py). - [ ] Ensure documentation validates - Build and serve docs `mkdocs serve` - Validate links `pylinkvalidate.py -P` - [ ] Confirm with @tomchristie that release is finalized and ready to go. - [ ] Ensure that release date is included in pull request. - [ ] Merge the release pull request. - [ ] Push the package to PyPI with `./setup.py publish`. - [ ] Tag the release, with `git tag -a *.*.* -m 'version *.*.*'; git push --tags`. - [ ] Deploy the documentation with `mkdocs gh-deploy`. - [ ] Make a release announcement on the [discussion group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/django-rest-framework). - [ ] Make a release announcement on twitter. - [ ] Close the milestone on GitHub. To modify this process for future releases make a pull request to the [project management](https://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/project-management/) documentation. When pushing the release to PyPI ensure that your environment has been installed from our development `requirement.txt`, so that documentation and PyPI installs are consistently being built against a pinned set of packages. --- ## Project requirements All our test requirements are pinned to exact versions, in order to ensure that our test runs are reproducible. We maintain the requirements in the `requirements` directory. The requirements files are referenced from the `tox.ini` configuration file, ensuring we have a single source of truth for package versions used in testing. Package upgrades should generally be treated as isolated pull requests. You can check if there are any packages available at a newer version, by using the `pip list --outdated`. --- ## Project ownership The PyPI package is owned by `@tomchristie`. As a backup `@j4mie` also has ownership of the package. If `@tomchristie` ceases to participate in the project then `@j4mie` has responsibility for handing over ownership duties. #### Outstanding management & ownership issues The following issues still need to be addressed: * Ensure `@j4mie` has back-up access to the `django-rest-framework.org` domain setup and admin. * Document ownership of the [mailing list][mailing-list] and IRC channel. * Document ownership and management of the security mailing list. [bus-factor]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bus_factor [un-triaged]: https://github.com/encode/django-rest-framework/issues?q=is%3Aopen+no%3Alabel [mailing-list]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/django-rest-framework