# Credits The following people have helped make REST framework great. * Tom Christie - [tomchristie] * Marko Tibold - [markotibold] * Paul Bagwell - [pbgwl] * Sébastien Piquemal - [sebpiq] * Carmen Wick - [cwick] * Alex Ehlke - [aehlke] * Alen Mujezinovic - [flashingpumpkin] * Carles Barrobés - [txels] * Michael Fötsch - [mfoetsch] * David Larlet - [david] * Andrew Straw - [astraw] * Zeth - [zeth] * Fernando Zunino - [fzunino] * Jens Alm - [ulmus] * Craig Blaszczyk - [jakul] * Garcia Solero - [garciasolero] * Tom Drummond - [devioustree] * Danilo Bargen - [gwrtheyrn] * Andrew McCloud - [amccloud] * Thomas Steinacher - [thomasst] * Meurig Freeman - [meurig] * Anthony Nemitz - [anemitz] * Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden - [ekohl] * Michael Ding - [yandy] * Mjumbe Poe - [mjumbewu] * Natim - [natim] * Sebastian Żurek - [sebzur] * Benoit C - [dzen] * Chris Pickett - [bunchesofdonald] * Ben Timby - [btimby] * Michele Lazzeri - [michelelazzeri-nextage] * Camille Harang - [mammique] * Paul Oswald - [poswald] * Sean C. Farley - [scfarley] * Daniel Izquierdo - [izquierdo] * Can Yavuz - [tschan] * Shawn Lewis - [shawnlewis] * Alec Perkins - [alecperkins] * Michael Barrett - [phobologic] * Mathieu Dhondt - [laundromat] * Johan Charpentier - [cyberj] * Jamie Matthews - [j4mie] * Mattbo - [mattbo] * Max Hurl - [maximilianhurl] * Tomi Pajunen - [eofs] * Rob Dobson - [rdobson] * Daniel Vaca Araujo - [diviei] * Madis Väin - [madisvain] * Stephan Groß - [minddust] * Pavel Savchenko - [asfaltboy] * Otto Yiu - [ottoyiu] * Jacob Magnusson - [jmagnusson] * Osiloke Harold Emoekpere - [osiloke] * Michael Shepanski - [mjs7231] * Toni Michel - [tonimichel] * Ben Konrath - [benkonrath] * Marc Aymerich - [glic3rinu] * Ludwig Kraatz - [ludwigkraatz] * Rob Romano - [robromano] * Eugene Mechanism - [mechanism] * Jonas Liljestrand - [jonlil] * Justin Davis - [irrelative] * Dustin Bachrach - [dbachrach] * Mark Shirley - [maspwr] * Olivier Aubert - [oaubert] * Yuri Prezument - [yprez] * Fabian Buechler - [fabianbuechler] * Mark Hughes - [mhsparks] * Michael van de Waeter - [mvdwaeter] * Reinout van Rees - [reinout] * Michael Richards - [justanotherbody] * Ben Roberts - [roberts81] * Venkata Subramanian Mahalingam - [annacoder] * George Kappel - [gkappel] * Colin Murtaugh - [cmurtaugh] * Simon Pantzare - [pilt] * Szymon Teżewski - [sunscrapers] * Joel Marcotte - [joual] * Trey Hunner - [treyhunner] * Roman Akinfold - [akinfold] * Toran Billups - [toranb] * Sébastien Béal - [sebastibe] * Andrew Hankinson - [ahankinson] * Juan Riaza - [juanriaza] Many thanks to everyone who's contributed to the project. ## Additional thanks The documentation is built with [Bootstrap] and [Markdown]. Project hosting is with [GitHub]. Continuous integration testing is managed with [Travis CI][travis-ci]. The [live sandbox][sandbox] is hosted on [Heroku]. Various inspiration taken from the [Piston], [Tastypie] and [Dagny] projects. Development of REST framework 2.0 was sponsored by [DabApps]. ## Contact For usage questions please see the [REST framework discussion group][group]. You can also contact [@_tomchristie][twitter] directly on twitter. [email]: mailto:tom@tomchristie.com [twitter]: http://twitter.com/_tomchristie [bootstrap]: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [github]: https://github.com/tomchristie/django-rest-framework [travis-ci]: https://secure.travis-ci.org/tomchristie/django-rest-framework [piston]: https://bitbucket.org/jespern/django-piston [tastypie]: https://github.com/toastdriven/django-tastypie [dagny]: https://github.com/zacharyvoase/dagny [dabapps]: http://lab.dabapps.com [sandbox]: http://restframework.herokuapp.com/ [heroku]: http://www.heroku.com/ [group]: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/django-rest-framework [tomchristie]: https://github.com/tomchristie [markotibold]: https://github.com/markotibold [pbgwl]: https://github.com/pbgwl [sebpiq]: https://github.com/sebpiq [cwick]: https://github.com/cwick [aehlke]: https://github.com/aehlke [flashingpumpkin]: https://github.com/flashingpumpkin [txels]: https://github.com/txels [mfoetsch]: https://github.com/mfoetsch [david]: https://github.com/david [astraw]: https://github.com/astraw [zeth]: https://github.com/zeth [fzunino]: https://github.com/fzunino [ulmus]: https://github.com/ulmus [jakul]: https://github.com/jakul [garciasolero]: https://github.com/garciasolero [devioustree]: https://github.com/devioustree [gwrtheyrn]: https://github.com/gwrtheyrn [amccloud]: https://github.com/amccloud [thomasst]: https://github.com/thomasst [meurig]: https://github.com/meurig [anemitz]: https://github.com/anemitz [ekohl]: https://github.com/ekohl [yandy]: https://github.com/yandy [mjumbewu]: https://github.com/mjumbewu [natim]: https://github.com/natim [sebzur]: https://github.com/sebzur [dzen]: https://github.com/dzen [bunchesofdonald]: https://github.com/bunchesofdonald [btimby]: https://github.com/btimby [michelelazzeri-nextage]: https://github.com/michelelazzeri-nextage [mammique]: https://github.com/mammique [poswald]: https://github.com/poswald [scfarley]: https://github.com/scfarley [izquierdo]: https://github.com/izquierdo [tschan]: https://github.com/tschan [shawnlewis]: https://github.com/shawnlewis [alecperkins]: https://github.com/alecperkins [phobologic]: https://github.com/phobologic [laundromat]: https://github.com/laundromat [cyberj]: https://github.com/cyberj [j4mie]: https://github.com/j4mie [mattbo]: https://github.com/mattbo [maximilianhurl]: https://github.com/maximilianhurl [eofs]: https://github.com/eofs [rdobson]: https://github.com/rdobson [diviei]: https://github.com/diviei [madisvain]: https://github.com/madisvain [minddust]: https://github.com/minddust [asfaltboy]: https://github.com/asfaltboy [ottoyiu]: https://github.com/OttoYiu [jmagnusson]: https://github.com/jmagnusson [osiloke]: https://github.com/osiloke [mjs7231]: https://github.com/mjs7231 [tonimichel]: https://github.com/tonimichel [benkonrath]: https://github.com/benkonrath [glic3rinu]: https://github.com/glic3rinu [ludwigkraatz]: https://github.com/ludwigkraatz [robromano]: https://github.com/robromano [mechanism]: https://github.com/mechanism [jonlil]: https://github.com/jonlil [irrelative]: https://github.com/irrelative [dbachrach]: https://github.com/dbachrach [maspwr]: https://github.com/maspwr [oaubert]: https://github.com/oaubert [yprez]: https://github.com/yprez [fabianbuechler]: https://github.com/fabianbuechler [mhsparks]: https://github.com/mhsparks [mvdwaeter]: https://github.com/mvdwaeter [reinout]: https://github.com/reinout [justanotherbody]: https://github.com/justanotherbody [roberts81]: https://github.com/roberts81 [annacoder]: https://github.com/annacoder [gkappel]: https://github.com/gkappel [cmurtaugh]: https://github.com/cmurtaugh [pilt]: https://github.com/pilt [sunscrapers]: https://github.com/sunscrapers [joual]: https://github.com/joual [treyhunner]: https://github.com/treyhunner [akinfold]: https://github.com/akinfold [toranb]: https://github.com/toranb [sebastibe]: https://github.com/sebastibe [ahankinson]: https://github.com/ahankinson [juanriaza]: https://github.com/juanriaza