# Authentication Authentication is the mechanism of associating an incoming request with a set of identifying credentials, such as the user the request came from, or the token that it was signed with. The [permission] and [throttling] policies can then use those credentials to determine if the request should be permitted. REST framework provides a number of authentication policies out of the box, and also allows you to implement custom policies. Authentication will run the first time either the `request.user` or `request.auth` properties are accessed, and determines how those properties are initialized. ## Setting the authentication policy The default authentication policy may be set globally, using the `DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES` setting. For example. API_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': ( 'djangorestframework.authentication.SessionAuthentication', ) } You can also set the authentication policy on a per-view basis, using the `APIView` class based views. class ExampleView(APIView): authentication_classes = (SessionAuthentication,) def get(self, request, format=None): content = { 'user': unicode(request.user), # `django.contrib.auth.User` instance. 'auth': unicode(request.auth), # None } return Response(content) Or, if you're using the `@api_view` decorator with function based views. @api_view(allowed=('GET',), authentication_classes=(SessionAuthentication,)) def example_view(request, format=None): content = { 'user': unicode(request.user), # `django.contrib.auth.User` instance. 'auth': unicode(request.auth), # None } return Response(content) ## UserBasicAuthentication This policy uses [HTTP Basic Authentication][basicauth], signed against a user's username and password. User basic authentication is generally only appropriate for testing. **Note:** If you run `UserBasicAuthentication` in production your API must be `https` only, or it will be completely insecure. You should also ensure that your API clients will always re-request the username and password at login, and will never store those details to persistent storage. If successfully authenticated, `UserBasicAuthentication` provides the following credentials. * `request.user` will be a `django.contrib.auth.models.User` instance. * `request.auth` will be `None`. ## TokenBasicAuthentication This policy uses [HTTP Basic Authentication][basicauth], signed against a token key and secret. Token basic authentication is appropriate for client-server setups, such as native desktop and mobile clients. **Note:** If you run `TokenBasicAuthentication` in production your API must be `https` only, or it will be completely insecure. If successfully authenticated, `TokenBasicAuthentication` provides the following credentials. * `request.user` will be a `django.contrib.auth.models.User` instance. * `request.auth` will be a `djangorestframework.models.BasicToken` instance. ## OAuthAuthentication This policy uses the [OAuth 2.0][oauth] protocol to authenticate requests. OAuth is appropriate for server-server setups, such as when you want to allow a third-party service to access your API on a user's behalf. If successfully authenticated, `OAuthAuthentication` provides the following credentials. * `request.user` will be a `django.contrib.auth.models.User` instance. * `request.auth` will be a `djangorestframework.models.OAuthToken` instance. ## SessionAuthentication This policy uses Django's default session backend for authentication. Session authentication is appropriate for AJAX clients that are running in the same session context as your website. If successfully authenticated, `SessionAuthentication` provides the following credentials. * `request.user` will be a `django.contrib.auth.models.User` instance. * `request.auth` will be `None`. ## Custom authentication policies To implement a custom authentication policy, subclass `BaseAuthentication` and override the `authenticate(self, request)` method. The method should return a two-tuple of `(user, auth)` if authentication succeeds, or `None` otherwise. [basicauth]: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617 [oauth]: http://oauth.net/2/ [permission]: permissions.md [throttling]: throttling.md