.. meta::
:description: A lightweight REST framework for Django.
:keywords: django, python, REST, RESTful, API, interface, framework
Django REST framework
Django REST framework is a lightweight REST framework for Django, that aims to make it easy to build well-connected, self-describing RESTful Web APIs.
**Browse example APIs created with Django REST framework:** `The Sandbox `_
* Automatically provides an awesome Django admin style `browse-able self-documenting API `_.
* Clean, simple, views for Resources, using Django's new `class based views `_.
* Support for ModelResources with out-of-the-box default implementations and input validation.
* Pluggable :mod:`.parsers`, :mod:`renderers`, :mod:`authentication` and :mod:`permissions` - Easy to customise.
* Content type negotiation using HTTP Accept headers.
* Optional support for forms as input validation.
* Modular architecture - MixIn classes can be used without requiring the :class:`.Resource` or :class:`.ModelResource` classes.
**Project hosting:** `GitHub `_.
* The ``djangorestframework`` package is `available on PyPI `_.
* We have an active `discussion group `_.
* Bug reports are handled on the `issue tracker `_.
* There's a comprehensive tutorial to using REST framework and Backbone JS on `10kblogger.wordpress.com `_.
Any and all questions, thoughts, bug reports and contributions are *hugely appreciated*.
* Python (2.6+)
* Django (1.3+)
* `django.contrib.staticfiles`_ (or `django-staticfiles`_ for Django 1.2)
* `URLObject`_ >= 2.0.0
* `Markdown`_ >= 2.1.0 (Optional)
* `PyYAML`_ >= 3.10 (Optional)
You can install Django REST framework using ``pip`` or ``easy_install``::
pip install djangorestframework
Or get the latest development version using git::
git clone git@github.com:tomchristie/django-rest-framework.git
To add Django REST framework to a Django project:
* Ensure that the ``djangorestframework`` directory is on your ``PYTHONPATH``.
* Add ``djangorestframework`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``.
* Add the following to your URLconf. (To include the REST framework Login/Logout views.)::
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^api-auth/', include('djangorestframework.urls', namespace='djangorestframework'))
For more information on settings take a look at the :ref:`setup` section.
Getting Started
Using Django REST framework can be as simple as adding a few lines to your urlconf.
The following example exposes your `MyModel` model through an api. It will provide two views:
* A view which lists your model instances and simultaniously allows creation of instances
from that view.
* Another view which lets you view, update or delete your model instances individually.
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url
from djangorestframework.resources import ModelResource
from djangorestframework.views import ListOrCreateModelView, InstanceModelView
from myapp.models import MyModel
class MyResource(ModelResource):
model = MyModel
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^$', ListOrCreateModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
url(r'^(?P[^/]+)/$', InstanceModelView.as_view(resource=MyResource)),
.. include:: howto.rst
.. include:: library.rst
.. include:: examples.rst
.. toctree::
.. include:: ../CHANGELOG.rst
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
.. _django.contrib.staticfiles: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/staticfiles/
.. _django-staticfiles: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-staticfiles/
.. _URLObject: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/URLObject/
.. _Markdown: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Markdown/
.. _PyYAML: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyYAML