.. _blogposts: Blog Posts API ============== * http://api.django-rest-framework.org/blog-post/ The models ---------- In this example we're working from two related models: ``models.py`` .. include:: ../../examples/blogpost/models.py :literal: Creating the resources ---------------------- Once we have some existing models there's very little we need to do to create the API. Firstly create a resource for each model that defines which fields we want to expose on the model. Secondly we map a base view and an instance view for each resource. The generic views :class:`.ListOrCreateModelView` and :class:`.InstanceModelView` provide default operations for listing, creating and updating our models via the API, and also automatically provide input validation using default ModelForms for each model. ``urls.py`` .. include:: ../../examples/blogpost/urls.py :literal: