Using urllib2 with Django REST Framework ======================================== Python's standard library comes with some nice modules you can use to test your api or even write a full client. Using the 'GET' method ---------------------- Here's an example which does a 'GET' on the `model-resource` example in the sandbox.:: >>> import urllib2 >>> r = urllib2.urlopen('htpp://') >>> r.getcode() # Check if the response was ok 200 >>> print # Examin the response itself [{"url": "", "baz": "sdf", "foo": true, "bar": 123}] Using the 'POST' method ----------------------- And here's an example which does a 'POST' to create a new instance. First let's encode the data we want to POST. We'll use `urllib` for encoding and the `time` module to send the current time as as a string value for our POST.:: >>> import urllib, time >>> d = urllib.urlencode((('bar', 123), ('baz', time.asctime()))) Now use the `Request` class and specify the 'Content-type':: >>> req = urllib2.Request('', data=d, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) >>> resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) >>> resp.getcode() 201 >>> '{"url": "", "baz": "Fri Dec 30 18:22:52 2011", "foo": false, "bar": 123}' That should get you started to write a client for your own api.