# Settings Configuration for REST framework is all namespaced inside the `API_SETTINGS` setting. For example your project's `settings.py` file might look like this: API_SETTINGS = { 'DEFAULT_RENDERERS': ( 'djangorestframework.renderers.YAMLRenderer', ) 'DEFAULT_PARSERS': ( 'djangorestframework.parsers.YAMLParser', ) } ## DEFAULT_RENDERERS A list or tuple of renderer classes, that determines the default set of renderers that may be used when returning a `Response` object. Default: ( 'djangorestframework.renderers.JSONRenderer', 'djangorestframework.renderers.DocumentingHTMLRenderer' 'djangorestframework.renderers.TemplateHTMLRenderer' ) ## DEFAULT_PARSERS A list or tuple of parser classes, that determines the default set of parsers used when accessing the `request.DATA` property. Default: ( 'djangorestframework.parsers.JSONParser', 'djangorestframework.parsers.FormParser' ) ## DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION A list or tuple of authentication classes, that determines the default set of authenticators used when accessing the `request.user` or `request.auth` properties. Default if `DEBUG` is `True`: ( 'djangorestframework.authentication.SessionAuthentication', 'djangorestframework.authentication.UserBasicAuthentication' ) Default if `DEBUG` is `False`: ( 'djangorestframework.authentication.SessionAuthentication', ) ## DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS A list or tuple of permission classes, that determines the default set of permissions checked at the start of a view. Default: `()` ## DEFAULT_THROTTLES A list or tuple of throttle classes, that determines the default set of throttles checked at the start of a view. Default: `()` ## DEFAULT_MODEL_SERIALIZER Default: `djangorestframework.serializers.ModelSerializer` ## DEFAULT_PAGINATION_SERIALIZER Default: `djangorestframework.pagination.PaginationSerializer` ## FORMAT_SUFFIX_KWARG Default: `'format'` ## UNAUTHENTICATED_USER The class that should be used to initialize `request.user` for unauthenticated requests. Default: `django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser` ## UNAUTHENTICATED_TOKEN The class that should be used to initialize `request.auth` for unauthenticated requests. Default: `None` ## FORM_METHOD_OVERRIDE The name of a form field that may be used to override the HTTP method of the form. If the value of this setting is `None` then form method overloading will be disabled. Default: `'_method'` ## FORM_CONTENT_OVERRIDE The name of a form field that may be used to override the content of the form payload. Must be used together with `FORM_CONTENTTYPE_OVERRIDE`. If either setting is `None` then form content overloading will be disabled. Default: `'_content'` ## FORM_CONTENTTYPE_OVERRIDE The name of a form field that may be used to override the content type of the form payload. Must be used together with `FORM_CONTENT_OVERRIDE`. If either setting is `None` then form content overloading will be disabled. Default: `'_content_type'` ## URL_ACCEPT_OVERRIDE The name of a URL parameter that may be used to override the HTTP `Accept` header. If the value of this setting is `None` then URL accept overloading will be disabled. Default: `'_accept'`