# Browser enhancements > "There are two noncontroversial uses for overloaded POST. The first is to *simulate* HTTP's uniform interface for clients like web browsers that don't support PUT or DELETE" > > — [RESTful Web Services][cite], Leonard Richardson & Sam Ruby. In order to allow the browsable API to function, there are a couple of browser enhancements that REST framework needs to provide. As of version 3.3.0 onwards these are enabled with javascript, using the [ajax-form][ajax-form] library. ## Browser based PUT, DELETE, etc... The [AJAX form library][ajax-form] supports browser-based `PUT`, `DELETE` and other methods on HTML forms. After including the library, use the `data-method` attribute on the form, like so:
Note that prior to 3.3.0, this support was server-side rather than javascript based. The method overloading style (as used in [Ruby on Rails][rails]) is no longer supported due to subtle issues that it introduces in request parsing. ## Browser based submission of non-form content Browser-based submission of content types such as JSON are supported by the [AJAX form library][ajax-form], using form fields with `data-override='content-type'` and `data-override='content'` attributes. For example:
Note that prior to 3.3.0, this support was server-side rather than javascript based. ## URL based format suffixes REST framework can take `?format=json` style URL parameters, which can be a useful shortcut for determining which content type should be returned from the view. This behavior is controlled using the `URL_FORMAT_OVERRIDE` setting. ## HTTP header based method overriding Prior to version 3.3.0 the semi extension header `X-HTTP-Method-Override` was supported for overriding the request method. This behavior is no longer in core, but can be adding if needed using middleware. For example: METHOD_OVERRIDE_HEADER = 'HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE' class MethodOverrideMiddleware(object): def process_view(self, request, callback, callback_args, callback_kwargs): if request.method != 'POST': return if METHOD_OVERRIDE_HEADER not in request.META: return request.method = request.META[METHOD_OVERRIDE_HEADER] ## URL based accept headers Until version 3.3.0 REST framework included built-in support for `?accept=application/json` style URL parameters, which would allow the `Accept` header to be overridden. Since the introduction of the content negotiation API this behavior is no longer included in core, but may be added using a custom content negotiation class, if needed. For example: class AcceptQueryParamOverride() def get_accept_list(self, request): header = request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', '*/*') header = request.query_params.get('_accept', header) return [token.strip() for token in header.split(',')] ## Doesn't HTML5 support PUT and DELETE forms? Nope. It was at one point intended to support `PUT` and `DELETE` forms, but was later [dropped from the spec][html5]. There remains [ongoing discussion][put_delete] about adding support for `PUT` and `DELETE`, as well as how to support content types other than form-encoded data. [cite]: http://www.amazon.com/Restful-Web-Services-Leonard-Richardson/dp/0596529260 [ajax-form]: https://github.com/tomchristie/ajax-form [rails]: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/form_helpers.html#how-do-forms-with-put-or-delete-methods-work [html5]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5-diff/#changes-2010-06-24 [put_delete]: http://amundsen.com/examples/put-delete-forms/