Django REST framework ===================== A lightweight REST framework for Django. Features: * Clean, simple, class-based views for Resources. * Support for ModelResources with nice default implementations and input validation. * Automatically provides a browse-able self-documenting API. * Pluggable Emitters, Parsers and Authenticators - Easy to customise. * Content type negotiation using Accept headers. * Optional support for forms as input validation. * Modular architecture - Easy to extend and modify. Requirements ------------ * Python 2.6 * Django 1.2 .. note:: Support for a wider range of Python & Django versions is planned, but right now django-rest-framework is only tested against these versions. Installation & Setup -------------------- The django-rest-framework project is hosted as a `mercurial repository on bitbucket `_. To get a local copy of the repository use mercurial:: hg clone To add django-rest-framework to a django project: * Copy or symlink the ``djangorestframework`` directory into python's ``site-packages`` directory, or otherwise ensure that the ``djangorestframework`` directory is on your ``PYTHONPATH``. * Add ``djangorestframework`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. * Ensure the ``TEMPLATE_LOADERS`` setting contains the item ``'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader'``. (It will do by default, so you shouldn't normally need to do anything here.) Getting Started --------------- Often you'll want parts of your API to directly map to existing Models. At it's simplest this looks something like this... ````:: from djangorestframework.modelresource import ModelResource, ModelRootResource from models import MyModel class MyModelRootResource(ModelRootResource): """A create/list resource for MyModel.""" allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST') model = MyModel class MyModelResource(ModelResource): """A read/update/delete resource for MyModel.""" allowed_methods = ('GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE') model = MyModel ````:: urlpatterns += patterns('myapp.views', url(r'^mymodel/$', 'MyModelRootResource'), url(r'^mymodel/([^/]+)/$', 'MyModelResource'), ) Examples -------- There's a few real world examples included with django-rest-framework. These demonstrate the following use cases: #. Using :class:`.Resource` for resources that do not map to models. #. Using :class:`.Resource` with forms for input validation. #. Using :class:`.ModelResource` for resources that map directly to models. All the examples are freely available for testing in the sandbox here: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 examples/objectstore examples/pygments examples/blogpost How Tos ------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 howto/usingcurl .. note:: TODO Library Reference ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 library/resource library/modelresource library/emitters library/parsers library/authenticators library/response Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`