Blog Posts API ============== * The models ---------- In this example we're working from two related models: ```` .. include:: ../../examples/blogpost/ :literal: Creating the resources ---------------------- We need to create two resources that we map to our two existing models, in order to describe how the models should be serialized. Our resource descriptions will typically go into a module called something like '' ```` .. include:: ../../examples/blogpost/ :literal: Creating views for our resources -------------------------------- Once we've created the resources there's very little we need to do to create the API. For each resource we'll create a base view, and an instance view. The generic views :class:`.ListOrCreateModelView` and :class:`.InstanceModelView` provide default operations for listing, creating and updating our models via the API, and also automatically provide input validation using default ModelForms for each model. ```` .. include:: ../../examples/blogpost/ :literal: