.. meta:: :description: A lightweight REST framework for Django. :keywords: django, python, REST, RESTful, API, interface, framework Django REST framework ===================== Introduction ------------ Django REST framework is a lightweight REST framework for Django, that aims to make it easy to build well-connected, self-describing RESTful Web APIs. **Browse example APIs created with Django REST framework:** `The Sandbox `_ Features: * Automatically provides an awesome Django admin style `browse-able self-documenting API `_. * Clean, simple, views for Resources, using Django's new `class based views `_. * Support for ModelResources with out-of-the-box default implementations and input validation. * Pluggable :mod:`.emitters`, :mod:`parsers`, :mod:`validators` and :mod:`authenticators` - Easy to customise. * Content type negotiation using HTTP Accept headers. * Optional support for forms as input validation. * Modular architecture - MixIn classes can be used without requiring the :class:`.Resource` or :class:`.ModelResource` classes. Resources --------- **Project hosting:** `Bitbucket `_ and `GitHub `_. * The ``djangorestframework`` package is `available on PyPI `_. * We have an active `discussion group `_ and a `project blog `_. * Bug reports are handled on the `issue tracker `_. * There is a `Jenkins CI server `_ which tracks test status and coverage reporting. (Thanks Marko!) * Get with in touch with `@thisneonsoul `_ on twitter. Any and all questions, thoughts, bug reports and contributions are *hugely appreciated*. We'd like for this to be a real community driven effort, so come say hi, get involved, and get forking! (See: `Bitbucket `_, `GitHub `_) Requirements ------------ * Python (2.5, 2.6, 2.7 supported) * Django (1.2, 1.3 supported) Installation & Setup -------------------- You can install Django REST framework using ``pip`` or ``easy_install``:: pip install djangorestframework Or get the latest development version using mercurial or git:: hg clone https://bitbucket.org/tomchristie/django-rest-framework git clone git@github.com:tomchristie/django-rest-framework.git Or you can download the current release: * `django-rest-framework-0.1.tar.gz `_ * `django-rest-framework-0.1.zip `_ and then install Django REST framework to your ``site-packages`` directory, by running the ``setup.py`` script:: python setup.py install **To add django-rest-framework to a Django project:** * Ensure that the ``djangorestframework`` directory is on your ``PYTHONPATH``. * Add ``djangorestframework`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. For more information take a look at the :ref:`setup` section. Getting Started --------------- Using Django REST framework can be as simple as adding a few lines to your urlconf and adding a `permalink `_ to your model. `urls.py`:: from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns, url from djangorestframework import ModelResource, RootModelResource from models import MyModel urlpatterns = patterns('', url(r'^$', RootModelResource.as_view(model=MyModel)), url(r'^(?P[^/]+)/$', ModelResource.as_view(model=MyModel), name='my-model'), ) `models.py`:: class MyModel(models.Model): # (Rest of model definition...) @models.permalink def get_absolute_url(self): return ('my-model', (self.pk,)) Django REST framework comes with two "getting started" examples. #. :ref:`resources` #. :ref:`modelresources` Examples -------- There are a few real world web API examples included with Django REST framework. #. :ref:`objectstore` - Using :class:`.Resource` for resources that do not map to models. #. :ref:`codehighlighting` - Using :class:`.Resource` with forms for input validation. #. :ref:`blogposts` - Using :class:`.ModelResource` for resources that map directly to models. All the examples are freely available for testing in the sandbox: http://api.django-rest-framework.org (The :ref:`sandbox` resource is also documented.) How Tos, FAQs & Notes --------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 howto/setup howto/usingcurl howto/alternativeframeworks howto/mixin Library Reference ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 library/resource library/modelresource library/emitters library/parsers library/authenticators library/validators library/response library/status Examples Reference ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 examples/resources examples/modelresources examples/objectstore examples/pygments examples/blogpost examples/sandbox howto/mixin Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`