URL Style | HTTP Method | Action | URL Name |
[.format] | GET | automatically generated root view | api-root |
{prefix}/[.format] | GET | list | {basename}-list |
POST | create |
{prefix}/{lookup}/[.format] | GET | retrieve | {basename}-detail |
PUT | update |
PATCH | partial_update |
DELETE | destroy |
{prefix}/{lookup}/{methodname}/[.format] | GET | @link decorated method | {basename}-{methodname} |
POST | @action decorated method |
As with `SimpleRouter` the trailing slashs on the URL routes can be removed by setting the `trailing_slash` argument to `False` when instantiating the router.
router = DefaultRouter(trailing_slash=False)
# Custom Routers
Implementing a custom router isn't something you'd need to do very often, but it can be useful if you have specific requirements about how the your URLs for your API are strutured. Doing so allows you to encapsulate the URL structure in a reusable way that ensures you don't have to write your URL patterns explicitly for each new view.
The simplest way to implement a custom router is to subclass one of the existing router classes. The `.routes` attribute is used to template the URL patterns that will be mapped to each viewset.
## Example
The following example will only route to the `list` and `retrieve` actions, and does not use the trailing slash convention.
class ReadOnlyRouter(SimpleRouter):
A router for read-only APIs, which doesn't use trailing suffixes.
routes = [
(r'^{prefix}$', {'get': 'list'}, '{basename}-list'),
(r'^{prefix}/{lookup}$', {'get': 'retrieve'}, '{basename}-detail')
## Advanced custom routers
If you want to provide totally custom behavior, you can override `BaseRouter` and override the `get_urls(self)` method. The method should insect the registered viewsets and return a list of URL patterns. The registered prefix, viewset and basename tuples may be inspected by accessing the `self.registry` attribute.
You may also want to override the `get_default_base_name(self, viewset)` method, or else always explicitly set the `base_name` argument when registering your viewsets with the router.
[cite]: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html