The following people have helped make REST framework great.
- Tom Christie \<tomchristie>
- Marko Tibold \<markotibold>
- Paul Bagwell \<pbgwl>
- Sébastien Piquemal \<sebpiq>
- Carmen Wick \<cwick>
- Alex Ehlke \<aehlke>
- Alen Mujezinovic \<flashingpumpkin>
- Carles Barrobés \<txels>
- Michael Fötsch \<mfoetsch>
- David Larlet \<david>
- Andrew Straw \<astraw>
- Zeth \<zeth>
- Fernando Zunino \<fzunino>
- Jens Alm \<ulmus>
- Craig Blaszczyk \<jakul>
- Garcia Solero \<garciasolero>
- Tom Drummond \<devioustree>
- Danilo Bargen \<gwrtheyrn>
- Andrew McCloud \<amccloud>
- Thomas Steinacher \<thomasst>
- Meurig Freeman \<meurig>
- Anthony Nemitz \<anemitz>
- Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden \<ekohl>
- Michael Ding \<yandy>
- Mjumbe Poe \<mjumbewu>
- Natim \<natim>
- Sebastian Żurek \<sebzur>
- Benoit C \<dzen>
- Chris Pickett \<bunchesofdonald>
- Ben Timby \<btimby>
- Michele Lazzeri \<michelelazzeri-nextage>
- Camille Harang \<mammique>
- Paul Oswald \<poswald>
- Sean C. Farley \<scfarley>
- Daniel Izquierdo \<izquierdo>
- Can Yavuz \<tschan>
- Shawn Lewis \<shawnlewis>
Many thanks to everyone who's contributed to the project.
To contact the author directly: