# """ # .. # >>> from djangorestframework.parsers import FormParser # >>> from djangorestframework.compat import RequestFactory # >>> from djangorestframework.views import View # >>> from StringIO import StringIO # >>> from urllib import urlencode # >>> req = RequestFactory().get('/') # >>> some_view = View() # >>> some_view.request = req # Make as if this request had been dispatched # # FormParser # ============ # # Data flatening # ---------------- # # Here is some example data, which would eventually be sent along with a post request : # # >>> inpt = urlencode([ # ... ('key1', 'bla1'), # ... ('key2', 'blo1'), ('key2', 'blo2'), # ... ]) # # Default behaviour for :class:`parsers.FormParser`, is to return a single value for each parameter : # # >>> (data, files) = FormParser(some_view).parse(StringIO(inpt)) # >>> data == {'key1': 'bla1', 'key2': 'blo1'} # True # # However, you can customize this behaviour by subclassing :class:`parsers.FormParser`, and overriding :meth:`parsers.FormParser.is_a_list` : # # >>> class MyFormParser(FormParser): # ... # ... def is_a_list(self, key, val_list): # ... return len(val_list) > 1 # # This new parser only flattens the lists of parameters that contain a single value. # # >>> (data, files) = MyFormParser(some_view).parse(StringIO(inpt)) # >>> data == {'key1': 'bla1', 'key2': ['blo1', 'blo2']} # True # # .. note:: The same functionality is available for :class:`parsers.MultiPartParser`. # # Submitting an empty list # -------------------------- # # When submitting an empty select multiple, like this one :: # # # # The browsers usually strip the parameter completely. A hack to avoid this, and therefore being able to submit an empty select multiple, is to submit a value that tells the server that the list is empty :: # # # # :class:`parsers.FormParser` provides the server-side implementation for this hack. Considering the following posted data : # # >>> inpt = urlencode([ # ... ('key1', 'blo1'), ('key1', '_empty'), # ... ('key2', '_empty'), # ... ]) # # :class:`parsers.FormParser` strips the values ``_empty`` from all the lists. # # >>> (data, files) = MyFormParser(some_view).parse(StringIO(inpt)) # >>> data == {'key1': 'blo1'} # True # # Oh ... but wait a second, the parameter ``key2`` isn't even supposed to be a list, so the parser just stripped it. # # >>> class MyFormParser(FormParser): # ... # ... def is_a_list(self, key, val_list): # ... return key == 'key2' # ... # >>> (data, files) = MyFormParser(some_view).parse(StringIO(inpt)) # >>> data == {'key1': 'blo1', 'key2': []} # True # # Better like that. Note that you can configure something else than ``_empty`` for the empty value by setting :attr:`parsers.FormParser.EMPTY_VALUE`. # """ # import httplib, mimetypes # from tempfile import TemporaryFile # from django.test import TestCase # from djangorestframework.compat import RequestFactory # from djangorestframework.parsers import MultiPartParser # from djangorestframework.views import View # from StringIO import StringIO # # def encode_multipart_formdata(fields, files): # """For testing multipart parser. # fields is a sequence of (name, value) elements for regular form fields. # files is a sequence of (name, filename, value) elements for data to be uploaded as files # Return (content_type, body).""" # BOUNDARY = '----------ThIs_Is_tHe_bouNdaRY_$' # CRLF = '\r\n' # L = [] # for (key, value) in fields: # L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) # L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"' % key) # L.append('') # L.append(value) # for (key, filename, value) in files: # L.append('--' + BOUNDARY) # L.append('Content-Disposition: form-data; name="%s"; filename="%s"' % (key, filename)) # L.append('Content-Type: %s' % get_content_type(filename)) # L.append('') # L.append(value) # L.append('--' + BOUNDARY + '--') # L.append('') # body = CRLF.join(L) # content_type = 'multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % BOUNDARY # return content_type, body # # def get_content_type(filename): # return mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or 'application/octet-stream' # #class TestMultiPartParser(TestCase): # def setUp(self): # self.req = RequestFactory() # self.content_type, self.body = encode_multipart_formdata([('key1', 'val1'), ('key1', 'val2')], # [('file1', 'pic.jpg', 'blablabla'), ('file1', 't.txt', 'blobloblo')]) # # def test_multipartparser(self): # """Ensure that MultiPartParser can parse multipart/form-data that contains a mix of several files and parameters.""" # post_req = RequestFactory().post('/', self.body, content_type=self.content_type) # view = View() # view.request = post_req # (data, files) = MultiPartParser(view).parse(StringIO(self.body)) # self.assertEqual(data['key1'], 'val1') # self.assertEqual(files['file1'].read(), 'blablabla')