import pytest from django.conf.urls import url from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase, override_settings from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _ from rest_framework import filters, generics, pagination, routers, serializers from rest_framework.compat import uritemplate from rest_framework.parsers import JSONParser, MultiPartParser from rest_framework.renderers import JSONRenderer from rest_framework.request import Request from rest_framework.schemas.openapi import AutoSchema, SchemaGenerator from . import views def create_request(path): factory = RequestFactory() request = Request(factory.get(path)) return request def create_view(view_cls, method, request): generator = SchemaGenerator() view = generator.create_view(view_cls.as_view(), method, request) return view class TestBasics(TestCase): def dummy_view(request): pass def test_filters(self): classes = [filters.SearchFilter, filters.OrderingFilter] for c in classes: f = c() assert f.get_schema_operation_parameters(self.dummy_view) def test_pagination(self): classes = [pagination.PageNumberPagination, pagination.LimitOffsetPagination, pagination.CursorPagination] for c in classes: f = c() assert f.get_schema_operation_parameters(self.dummy_view) class TestFieldMapping(TestCase): def test_list_field_mapping(self): inspector = AutoSchema() cases = [ (serializers.ListField(), {'items': {}, 'type': 'array'}), (serializers.ListField(child=serializers.BooleanField()), {'items': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'type': 'array'}), (serializers.ListField(child=serializers.FloatField()), {'items': {'type': 'number'}, 'type': 'array'}), (serializers.ListField(child=serializers.CharField()), {'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'type': 'array'}), (serializers.ListField(child=serializers.IntegerField(max_value=4294967295)), {'items': {'type': 'integer', 'maximum': 4294967295, 'format': 'int64'}, 'type': 'array'}), (serializers.ListField(child=serializers.ChoiceField(choices=[('a', 'Choice A'), ('b', 'Choice B')])), {'items': {'enum': ['a', 'b']}, 'type': 'array'}), (serializers.IntegerField(min_value=2147483648), {'type': 'integer', 'minimum': 2147483648, 'format': 'int64'}), ] for field, mapping in cases: with self.subTest(field=field): assert inspector._map_field(field) == mapping def test_lazy_string_field(self): class Serializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField(help_text=_('lazy string')) inspector = AutoSchema() data = inspector._map_serializer(Serializer()) assert isinstance(data['properties']['text']['description'], str), "description must be str" @pytest.mark.skipif(uritemplate is None, reason='uritemplate not installed.') class TestOperationIntrospection(TestCase): def test_path_without_parameters(self): path = '/example/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.DocStringExampleListView, method, create_request(path) ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view operation = inspector.get_operation(path, method) assert operation == { 'operationId': 'listDocStringExamples', 'description': 'A description of my GET operation.', 'parameters': [], 'responses': { '200': { 'description': '', 'content': { 'application/json': { 'schema': { 'type': 'array', 'items': {}, }, }, }, }, }, } def test_path_with_id_parameter(self): path = '/example/{id}/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.DocStringExampleDetailView, method, create_request(path) ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view operation = inspector.get_operation(path, method) assert operation == { 'operationId': 'RetrieveDocStringExampleDetail', 'description': 'A description of my GET operation.', 'parameters': [{ 'description': '', 'in': 'path', 'name': 'id', 'required': True, 'schema': { 'type': 'string', }, }], 'responses': { '200': { 'description': '', 'content': { 'application/json': { 'schema': { }, }, }, }, }, } def test_request_body(self): path = '/' method = 'POST' class Serializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField() read_only = serializers.CharField(read_only=True) class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = Serializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path) ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view request_body = inspector._get_request_body(path, method) assert request_body['content']['application/json']['schema']['required'] == ['text'] assert list(request_body['content']['application/json']['schema']['properties'].keys()) == ['text'] def test_empty_required(self): path = '/' method = 'POST' class Serializer(serializers.Serializer): read_only = serializers.CharField(read_only=True) write_only = serializers.CharField(write_only=True, required=False) class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = Serializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path) ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view request_body = inspector._get_request_body(path, method) # there should be no empty 'required' property, see #6834 assert 'required' not in request_body['content']['application/json']['schema'] for response in inspector._get_responses(path, method).values(): assert 'required' not in response['content']['application/json']['schema'] def test_empty_required_with_patch_method(self): path = '/' method = 'PATCH' class Serializer(serializers.Serializer): read_only = serializers.CharField(read_only=True) write_only = serializers.CharField(write_only=True, required=False) class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = Serializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path) ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view request_body = inspector._get_request_body(path, method) # there should be no empty 'required' property, see #6834 assert 'required' not in request_body['content']['application/json']['schema'] for response in inspector._get_responses(path, method).values(): assert 'required' not in response['content']['application/json']['schema'] def test_response_body_generation(self): path = '/' method = 'POST' class Serializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField() write_only = serializers.CharField(write_only=True) class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = Serializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path) ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) assert responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema']['required'] == ['text'] assert list(responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema']['properties'].keys()) == ['text'] assert 'description' in responses['200'] def test_response_body_nested_serializer(self): path = '/' method = 'POST' class NestedSerializer(serializers.Serializer): number = serializers.IntegerField() class Serializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField() nested = NestedSerializer() class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = Serializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) schema = responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema'] assert sorted(schema['required']) == ['nested', 'text'] assert sorted(list(schema['properties'].keys())) == ['nested', 'text'] assert schema['properties']['nested']['type'] == 'object' assert list(schema['properties']['nested']['properties'].keys()) == ['number'] assert schema['properties']['nested']['required'] == ['number'] def test_list_response_body_generation(self): """Test that an array schema is returned for list views.""" path = '/' method = 'GET' class ItemSerializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField() class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = ItemSerializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) assert responses == { '200': { 'description': '', 'content': { 'application/json': { 'schema': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'properties': { 'text': { 'type': 'string', }, }, 'required': ['text'], }, }, }, }, }, } def test_paginated_list_response_body_generation(self): """Test that pagination properties are added for a paginated list view.""" path = '/' method = 'GET' class Pagination(pagination.BasePagination): def get_paginated_response_schema(self, schema): return { 'type': 'object', 'item': schema, } class ItemSerializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField() class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = ItemSerializer pagination_class = Pagination view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) assert responses == { '200': { 'description': '', 'content': { 'application/json': { 'schema': { 'type': 'object', 'item': { 'type': 'array', 'items': { 'properties': { 'text': { 'type': 'string', }, }, 'required': ['text'], }, }, }, }, }, }, } def test_delete_response_body_generation(self): """Test that a view's delete method generates a proper response body schema.""" path = '/{id}/' method = 'DELETE' class View(generics.DestroyAPIView): serializer_class = views.ExampleSerializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) assert responses == { '204': { 'description': '', }, } def test_parser_mapping(self): """Test that view's parsers are mapped to OA media types""" path = '/{id}/' method = 'POST' class View(generics.CreateAPIView): serializer_class = views.ExampleSerializer parser_classes = [JSONParser, MultiPartParser] view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view request_body = inspector._get_request_body(path, method) assert len(request_body['content'].keys()) == 2 assert 'multipart/form-data' in request_body['content'] assert 'application/json' in request_body['content'] def test_renderer_mapping(self): """Test that view's renderers are mapped to OA media types""" path = '/{id}/' method = 'GET' class View(generics.CreateAPIView): serializer_class = views.ExampleSerializer renderer_classes = [JSONRenderer] view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) # TODO this should be changed once the multiple response # schema support is there success_response = responses['200'] assert len(success_response['content'].keys()) == 1 assert 'application/json' in success_response['content'] def test_serializer_filefield(self): path = '/{id}/' method = 'POST' class ItemSerializer(serializers.Serializer): attachment = serializers.FileField() class View(generics.CreateAPIView): serializer_class = ItemSerializer view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view request_body = inspector._get_request_body(path, method) mp_media = request_body['content']['multipart/form-data'] attachment = mp_media['schema']['properties']['attachment'] assert attachment['format'] == 'binary' def test_retrieve_response_body_generation(self): """ Test that a list of properties is returned for retrieve item views. Pagination properties should not be added as the view represents a single item. """ path = '/{id}/' method = 'GET' class Pagination(pagination.BasePagination): def get_paginated_response_schema(self, schema): return { 'type': 'object', 'item': schema, } class ItemSerializer(serializers.Serializer): text = serializers.CharField() class View(generics.GenericAPIView): serializer_class = ItemSerializer pagination_class = Pagination view = create_view( View, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) assert responses == { '200': { 'description': '', 'content': { 'application/json': { 'schema': { 'properties': { 'text': { 'type': 'string', }, }, 'required': ['text'], }, }, }, }, } def test_operation_id_generation(self): path = '/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.ExampleGenericAPIView, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view operationId = inspector._get_operation_id(path, method) assert operationId == 'listExamples' def test_repeat_operation_ids(self): router = routers.SimpleRouter() router.register('account', views.ExampleGenericViewSet, basename="account") urlpatterns = router.urls generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=urlpatterns) request = create_request('/') schema = generator.get_schema(request=request) schema_str = str(schema) print(schema_str) assert schema_str.count("operationId") == 2 assert schema_str.count("newExample") == 1 assert schema_str.count("oldExample") == 1 def test_serializer_datefield(self): path = '/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.ExampleGenericAPIView, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) response_schema = responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema'] properties = response_schema['items']['properties'] assert properties['date']['type'] == properties['datetime']['type'] == 'string' assert properties['date']['format'] == 'date' assert properties['datetime']['format'] == 'date-time' def test_serializer_hstorefield(self): path = '/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.ExampleGenericAPIView, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) response_schema = responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema'] properties = response_schema['items']['properties'] assert properties['hstore']['type'] == 'object' def test_serializer_callable_default(self): path = '/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.ExampleGenericAPIView, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) response_schema = responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema'] properties = response_schema['items']['properties'] assert 'default' not in properties['uuid_field'] def test_serializer_validators(self): path = '/' method = 'GET' view = create_view( views.ExampleValidatedAPIView, method, create_request(path), ) inspector = AutoSchema() inspector.view = view responses = inspector._get_responses(path, method) response_schema = responses['200']['content']['application/json']['schema'] properties = response_schema['items']['properties'] assert properties['integer']['type'] == 'integer' assert properties['integer']['maximum'] == 99 assert properties['integer']['minimum'] == -11 assert properties['string']['minLength'] == 2 assert properties['string']['maxLength'] == 10 assert properties['lst']['minItems'] == 2 assert properties['lst']['maxItems'] == 10 assert properties['regex']['pattern'] == r'[ABC]12{3}' assert properties['regex']['description'] == 'must have an A, B, or C followed by 1222' assert properties['decimal1']['type'] == 'number' assert properties['decimal1']['multipleOf'] == .01 assert properties['decimal1']['maximum'] == 10000 assert properties['decimal1']['minimum'] == -10000 assert properties['decimal2']['type'] == 'number' assert properties['decimal2']['multipleOf'] == .0001 assert properties['email']['type'] == 'string' assert properties['email']['format'] == 'email' assert properties['email']['default'] == '' assert properties['url']['type'] == 'string' assert properties['url']['nullable'] is True assert properties['url']['default'] == '' assert properties['uuid']['type'] == 'string' assert properties['uuid']['format'] == 'uuid' assert properties['ip4']['type'] == 'string' assert properties['ip4']['format'] == 'ipv4' assert properties['ip6']['type'] == 'string' assert properties['ip6']['format'] == 'ipv6' assert properties['ip']['type'] == 'string' assert 'format' not in properties['ip'] @pytest.mark.skipif(uritemplate is None, reason='uritemplate not installed.') @override_settings(REST_FRAMEWORK={'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework.schemas.openapi.AutoSchema'}) class TestGenerator(TestCase): def test_override_settings(self): assert isinstance(views.ExampleListView.schema, AutoSchema) def test_paths_construction(self): """Construction of the `paths` key.""" patterns = [ url(r'^example/?$', views.ExampleListView.as_view()), ] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns) generator._initialise_endpoints() paths = generator.get_schema()["paths"] assert '/example/' in paths example_operations = paths['/example/'] assert len(example_operations) == 2 assert 'get' in example_operations assert 'post' in example_operations def test_prefixed_paths_construction(self): """Construction of the `paths` key maintains a common prefix.""" patterns = [ url(r'^v1/example/?$', views.ExampleListView.as_view()), url(r'^v1/example/{pk}/?$', views.ExampleDetailView.as_view()), ] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns) generator._initialise_endpoints() paths = generator.get_schema()["paths"] assert '/v1/example/' in paths assert '/v1/example/{id}/' in paths def test_mount_url_prefixed_to_paths(self): patterns = [ url(r'^example/?$', views.ExampleListView.as_view()), url(r'^example/{pk}/?$', views.ExampleDetailView.as_view()), ] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns, url='/api') generator._initialise_endpoints() paths = generator.get_schema()["paths"] assert '/api/example/' in paths assert '/api/example/{id}/' in paths def test_schema_construction(self): """Construction of the top level dictionary.""" patterns = [ url(r'^example/?$', views.ExampleListView.as_view()), ] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns) request = create_request('/') schema = generator.get_schema(request=request) assert 'openapi' in schema assert 'paths' in schema def test_schema_with_no_paths(self): patterns = [] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns) request = create_request('/') schema = generator.get_schema(request=request) assert schema['paths'] == {} def test_schema_information(self): """Construction of the top level dictionary.""" patterns = [ url(r'^example/?$', views.ExampleListView.as_view()), ] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns, title='My title', version='1.2.3', description='My description') request = create_request('/') schema = generator.get_schema(request=request) assert schema['info']['title'] == 'My title' assert schema['info']['version'] == '1.2.3' assert schema['info']['description'] == 'My description' def test_schema_information_empty(self): """Construction of the top level dictionary.""" patterns = [ url(r'^example/?$', views.ExampleListView.as_view()), ] generator = SchemaGenerator(patterns=patterns) request = create_request('/') schema = generator.get_schema(request=request) assert schema['info']['title'] == '' assert schema['info']['version'] == ''